ACCEPTED 14-15-00252-CR FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 6/25/2015 10:47:54 AM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK The Law Office of Niles Illich, Ph.D, J.D. Niles Illich 701 Commerce, Suite 400 FILED IN 14th COURT OF APPEALS Dallas, Texas 75202 HOUSTON, TEXAS Direct: (972) 802-1788 6/25/2015 10:47:54 AM Email: CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk June 24, 2015 District Clerk 351st Judicial District Court Harris County Harris County Criminal Justice Center 1201 Franklin, 14th Floor Houston, Texas 77002 Re: State of Texas v. Juan Quintero: 139066601010 Dear Sir or Madam: I received the Clerk’s Record yesterday and I am writing to request that the Clerk’s Record be supplemented. The items listed below were mailed to the clerk in the same envelope. All of these items, except the last one (identified by the Clerk as WEBMAIL), were included in the Clerk’s Record filed with the Court of Appeals. I am asking that the WEBMAIL document identified as document number 65251847 be supplemented. Because it will be confusing on appeal to file just the WEBMAIL document in a supplemental record, I am asking that the Supplemental Clerk’s Record contain the following five documents. If, however, you are inclined to include only the neglected document, then please make sure that it is the WEBMAIL document identified as document number 65251847. doc 65251845 FILING OF BUSINESS RECORDS 04/15/2015 1 doc 65251846 BUSINESS RECORDS AFFIDAVIT 04/15/2015 1 doc 65251849 ENVELOPE 04/15/2015 1 doc 65251848 FILING LETTER 04/15/2015 1 doc 65251847 WEBMAIL 04/15/2015 1 I have attached a certified copy of the WEBMAIL document that I am asking to be supplemented. Sincerely, /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich, Ph.D., J.D. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Request for Preparation of Clerk’s Record was served on this the 24th day of June, 2015 on all parties/attorneys of record listed below by: ELECTRONIC SERVICE Appellate Division Harris County District Attorney’s Office 1201 Franklin Street Suite 600 Houston, Texas 77002-1923 /s/ Niles Illich Niles Illich Workspa~ Webmail Print https://emai 105 .php?uidArray=785 ... #_,,,'' fd!!! I Close Window : ''. Subject: RE: Cause No. 1Jsb~~~01010; State of. Texas v. JUan Jo5e Quintdro From: "Randall, Tramesha (0CA)" ~Tra~esha~Randall@Juste·;.~e·t;~:::~._' f Dato: Tue, Mar 24.. 201512:24 pm To: "" Good afternoon, the available date:; are· 4/9/15 & 5/14 Th.anb, -r:~om1::.~·h<:i P. Ro::, ·;; 1 ( 351 s_t District Court coo;CHria~~j, · Honorable, Mark Kent.Eilis Presidi_ng 1-201 Franklin St. 14th" Floor·/ Houston, TX .77002 c ''. · . r; . ..... l 713· 755-5620· Phone 713·368·9201· Fax From:· [ Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 2:17 PM To: Randall, Tramesha.(DCA) Subject: Cause No. 13906_6601010; State of Texas v. Juan Jose Quintero, Dear Ms. Randall: _I filed a Motion filr Nev/Trial in this case on March 17, 2015 .. I r\eed to get that Motion set for a hearing. If possible, I would like to have that hearing on a Thursday morning. i" am in "ciallas·and i" will travel to Houston'for the hear;"ng. i· Thank you. Niles Illich Copyright@ 2003-2015. All rights reserved. ,·. CertifiedDocumentNumber:65251847-Page1of1 I of I 4/10/2015 10:26 AM I, Chris Daniel, District Clerk of Harris County, Texas certify that this is a true and correct copy of the original record filed and or recorded in my office, electronically or hard copy, as it appears on this date. Witness my official hand and seal of office this June 24, 2015 Certified Document Number: 65251847 Total Pages: 1 Chris Daniel, DISTRICT CLERK HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS In accordance with Texas Government Code 406.013 electronically transmitted authenticated documents are valid. If there is a question regarding the validity of this document and or seal please e-mail
Juan Jose Quintero v. State
Combined Opinion