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Compton, who had lived with Calhoun on and off for a few years and considered her to be his common law wife; showed up at Ramsinghani' s a.partment shortly thereafter looking for Calhoun and intending that she leave with him. After Ramsinghani answered Compton's knock on the front door, Calhol.1n, who was sitting on a bedroom floor, heard Compton · yelling and saw him "swinging with his fists" and "hitting" Ramsinghani. Ramsinghani did not swing back at Compton; he put his hands up in an attempt to defend himselffrom Compton's blows. As the altercation progressed, Compton and Ramsinghani moved towards the bedroom and a bathroom just before Compton - -piisnedRainsmgliaru, causmg h1m fo ra!TDackwards mto 111e6athroom ancfstnKeThe _______ · back of his head on an unknown object. Calhoun did not see Ramsinghani hit the floor or the object that his head contacted while falling io the floor, but she heard a noise that sounded like Ramsinghani hit the wall "or some other object. After Ramsinghani fell to the floor, Compton bent over and struck Ramsinghani's face multiple times with his fists as Calhoun screamed at him to stop. Compton stopped hitting Ramsinghani, noticed that there was blood coming out of Ramsinghani' s ears, and left the apartment before police arrived. The incident left Ramsinghani in- a coma with contusions and bruises on his face and a fracture to the rear base of his skull that caused a subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhage. He died ten days later in a Fort Worth hospital. The medical examiner listed Ramsinghani' s cause of death as craniocerebral trauma due to blunt force injury of the head- an injury consistent with Ramsinghani' s head moving at n rapict pace before contacting a hard surface. The State subsequently indicted Compton for murder, alleging that Compton either intentionally or knowingly caused Ramsinghani 's death or that, with intent to cause serious bodily injury, be committed an act clearly dangerous to human life that caused Ramsinghani's death. At trial, an investigator testif1ed thathis office was unable to detem1ine the object that Ramsinghani 's head struck as he fell to the floor. A police officer testified that he responded to a call at Ramsinghani 's address about one· month before the June 7, 2000 incident because Compton had been knocking on Ramsinghani's door, had broken one of the apartment's windows, and was intoxicated. The officer arrest~d Compton. Compton testified that he entered the apartment and pushed Ramsinghan,i off of him when Ramsinghani "grabbed" him. Compton agreed that he pushed Ramsinghani, ·that Ramsinghani hit his head on an object, and that Ramsinghani died. The jury ultimately convicted Compton of murder, and this appeal followed. C~lUC.KULJ/~oU~ULJ TU~ Ul'J.L'l' ~LAoo1t1~AT1Ul'J Kt;Vl_.t.;W CUKK.t;N'l' iJA'l'.t;: lU/1 IhlMT£It$/GC00020 CURRENT OFFENSES OF CONVICTION SUMMARY AND TIME: 04:1 Eri;.; 6 ;uc:o 4 AS OF: 10/14/ ~INMATE TDCNOINAME: 01394318 COMPTON,EDWARD FLAT TIME: 0007 0 GOOD TIME: 0006 0' MAX SENTENCE: 0025 00 00 PRJ REL DATE: 06/14/2030 WORK TIME: 0003 o· SENT BEG DATE: 06/14/05 MAX EXP DATE: 06/14/2030 BONUS TIME: 0000 0' TOTAL TIME: 0016 1 *************************************************************************** I VIOLENT I AGAINST I INJURIES I I I SEX I DRUG I ALCOHOL I I INON-VIO !PERSON IINVOLVEDIESCAPEIPROBATEDIRELATEDIRELATEDIRELATEDIOTHERI I VI/NV I Y/N I Y/N I Y/N I Y/N I Y/N I Y/N I Y/N I Y/N I *************************************************************************** VI Y Y N N N N N N COMMENTS: CALC FLAT;SUB STRK SOY INDIAN/M W/UNK OBJECT CAUSING DEATH OFFENSES ON FILE: FORGERY FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT MURDER ENTER THE NEXT TRANS CODE 04 AND/OR TDCNO PF1-HELP AND/OR SIDNO 2006 HAY I I AM ll; 56 ~!~~~ No. 00-341 .. r:r~;,::;-r~.- THE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE 235TH JUDICIAL § vs DISTRJCT COURT OF § EDWARD COMPTON COOKE COUNTY, TEXAS A.K.A EDWARD JACKSON JUDGMENT ON JURY VERDICT OF GUILTY PUNJSHMENT ASSESSED BY THE J1JRY NO COMMUNITY SUPERVISION JUDGE PRESIDING: Jerry W. Woodlock DATE OF JUDGMENT: May 11,2006 DISTRICT ASSISTANT Martin Peterson ATTORNEY: Cindy Stormer DISTRJCT ATTORNEYS: Mike Day DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jim Hatcher OFFENSE PENAL CODE COMMITTED: Murder CODE-CITATION: §19.02 DATE OF DEGREE OFFENSE: June 7, 2000 OF OFFENSE: First CHARGING JNSTRUMENT: Indictment PLEA: Not Guilty JURY VERDICT: Guilty FOREPERSON: Nina Coody PLEA TO FINDINGS ON ENHANCEMENT: n/a ENHANCEMENT: n/a FJNDJNGS ON USE OF DEADLY WEAPON: n/a DATESENTENCE. FINE: $nla IMPOSED: May 11, 2006 COSTS: $232:00 upon __._ parole ______ P®1SHMENT ASSESSED: Twenty-Five (25) years coniinement. PLACE OF CONFINEMENT: lnstitutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Tllvffi CREDITED: 331 days On the 8th of May, 2006, this cause was called for trial and the State appeared by her District . ' . . JUDGMENT ON JURY VERDICT OF GUU..TY PUNISHMENT ASSESSED BY TEE J1JRY- page 1. Curren! Trial Compton --~ _ .... , ,ro ·" .11 ,. n n- S'i-f, THE STATE OF TEXAS D'1 THE 0 3 - _ DISTRICT COURT, COUNTY OF (c oof-e_ . } :iu 1'\tJ CH 'f TERM, A.D.10 LJ (o INRE: TIIE STATE OF TEXAS VS. To the Director of Corrections of the Texas Department of Corrections, or any other officer legally authorized to receive convicts, greeting: /', +-"- Whereas, by the juqgernent of the Honorable · CJ J 5' District . · ~ourt of Coo li'-Q... · Cou.llry, Texas, in the above styled numbered cause, made and and entered on the· day of · A. D. 20 ·, in Book _ _ , Page_·_, the above named defendant was adjudged to be guilty of the offense of ['{l. -;;;:Gl C r- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :j:a.fleadly ~l'eapon was used or eE!ibite.d in co,mmissioooftbe of:fu~ or ciuF.illg immeDiate flight the~.G~, a felony, on his plea of _ _ guilty; and \Yhereas_by proper sentence of said . Court, dated Il 1&7: ·• .· A. D. 20~ and recorded m Vol.~, page /i1!::fl.1· the above named defendant was sentenced tQ .be confined and imprisoned in the Institutional Division of Texas · ,·. Deparonent of Cr:imincl Justice for a tenn of · .• c9 S -£A t· ~ . . . 'f years. I *And it appearing to the Court that the defendant bere1fl bas incar.qnued in the County) ail in this eause sincethe · dayof 331 eft\. r-<..c;U+- A.D.zo&,witbouttrial and prior to the passage of semence herein upon .bini and that ·d time should be credited on this sen:tence. It is so ordered. ~)~J! gave notice of ap said Court and the · d Wherefore, you are hereby commanded that you take into your custody the above named defendant and con- vey him to said InstiUJtional Division of Texas Department ofCrirrrinal Justice and that_jou execu~ the sentence herein as required of you by law by confining the ~aid defendant in the ~ 0 TpC~ for the term stated above, subject to the rul~ and regulations of the TO C. :S . authorities. Herein fail not, but duly execute t1rls order. Oerk. , Texas By_~~~~~~~~~~~---- of Capias served by placing the defendant under arrest on the._________________ day ·AD.20 _ _,at _ _ _ _ o'clock _____ M. ~--~-----------------------Sheriff. - ·u""' codilcd wi>hjail ,;m, del: Jbaa1l....X tbioo J""'
Compton, Edward AKA Jackson, Edward
Combined Opinion