in Re Steven Edward Boyd

PD-1227-15 NO. ar-/S'Qoao9'CV RECEIVED SW COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS SEP 21 2015 IN THE (Ol'RT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS sreuaa EA*,/t*A Aarb Appellant/Petitioner VS. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee/Respondent APPELLANTS PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW MAAlMMt/S In Appeal No. nr-/s-aajt09^w from the Court of Appeals for the BSk Judicial District Texas Appellant's Name and Address sre»*A> Soya **s9*w6,J STATEMENT OF PROCEDURAL IUSTORY grounds for review " V#3 ' GKOl IND FOR RhvlkW NO. OW.TWVTWeK (.ROUND FOR REVIEW NO. B|^r(/|f ARGUMENT NUMBER ONE r*/o txxfp *,* ARGUMENT NUMBER '@g@ /*<,* /^ruc ~, *„* . * ''KAYIRIORRi;, „.K „ ^-^**'Am«s..£*/toeA^ clrtiiicateofsi:r\ice APPENDIX (Opinionj s&s,;™^ . (A copy of,h. Coun Opinion"^^^^^T^" ii INDEX OF AUTHORITIES BtiMPetV. MOAr/tC/iroijyu/1,39/ u.s. sv2,svse &'*ss./na,jod.&/.jilf wr/zruj PtcA/Atrsor* i/". acssAi, A //>/* N(>- oT'/S'/*?eto?.ev IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS Appellant/Petitioner VS. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee/Respondent APPELLANTS PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW #*M6*A1U* *4*-S*-**jp9-fV TO THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS: Appellant/I'clilioner respectfully submits this Petition for Discretionary Review and moves that this Ilonorable Court grant review of this cause and offers the following in support thereof: STATEMENT REGARDING ORAL ARGUMENT The Appellant/Petitioner requests oral argument in this case because such argument may assist the Court in uppK ing the facts to the issues raised. It is suggested that oral argument ma\ help simplify the facts and clarify the issues