PD-1216-15 DECEIVED IN Case NO.07-13-00292-CR COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Daniel Medrano SEP1^ ^1?^^urt of v Criminal Appeals State of Texas Austin, TX AbelAcosta, Clerk MOTION FOR EXTENTION OF TIME TO FILE PETITION FOR DESCRETIONARY REVIEW TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: Comes now DANIEL MEDRANO, Appellant Pro Se, and files his motion for an extension of time and in support shows the following: I. On August 20, 2015, Appellants conviction was affirmed by the Seventh Court of Appeals, petitioners attorney on direct appeal notified him that her duties were completed as to her representation on direct appeal. She informed petitioner that he may proceed Pro Se or obtain counsel. Petitioner does not have the means to obtain counsel and will now proceed Pro Se, Appellants deadline to file is September 21, 2015. II. Appellant asserts he needs more time to file his P.D.R. At this moment he is trying to get an extra copy of his opinion and his file from his trial attorney. The Units Law Library does not have up to date case law and he would like outside sources in securing use in Lexis Nexus for his research. Due to federal holidays his law library will be closed multiple days in the forgoing month Appellant is asking for a 60 day extension. HI. Wherefore premises considered, appellant prays that he be allowed an extension of time to file his P.D.R. Executed this l& " day oiQJj3TOrik-~ 9- /r Daniel Medrano # 1884378 McConnell Unit 3001 S.Emily Dr. Beeville, TX 78102 APPELLANT PRO SE Motionfor Extension of Time to File Petitionfor Discretionary Review -P 2 of2 Daniel Medrano TDCJNo. 1884378
Medrano, Daniel
Combined Opinion