ACCEPTED 01-15-00537-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 10/8/2015 5:05:25 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK CALJSE NO. 0l- l5-00537-t3\i IN RT] $ II.'i l-llt'. FIRS-f CIOLJR'I FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS $ HOUSTON, TEXAS JAMES WESI,EY GROVF,S N 10/8/2015 5:05:25 PM AND \ Ofr APPFTALS CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE KIIITH GITOSS S\ Clerk N Rtrl-ATORS r\ IlAt{l'{lS COIJNTY. l'hxns RELATOR, KEITH GROSS' VEITIF'IE,D EIVIEITCENCY MOTION 'TO STAY E,NFORCE,MENT OF TRIAL, C]OURl'ORDER l'O'l'lIlr I{ONOI{AIlLtr .f l.JS'l'lC'F.S OIr SAID CCTLJI{'l': COMFS NOW Ktil'l'H ClltOSS ancl lrles tfris his lJrnergency Motion to Stay Lnlbrccmcr-rt ol"l'rial Court's Orclcr ancl rcsp,:rctlirllv shorvs: I. Facts and llasis for Emergency l. On April 28,2015 the trial courrt cntercd on older on thc recorcl that (1) disclLralilled attornev, Kcith (iross: (2) ordercd hirn to tatlce 8 hours o1- cor.rtinuing legal education course(s), arrd (3) pay the surr ol'$2500.00 into the court's ro-gistry rvithin six nronths o1-the datc of tlic ordet'. l-hc six nronth dcadline is Octobcr 29,2015. Attorney (irc,ss has nottakcn the course or placed the lt-ttlt-tcir into the Court's registn'. 2. On June 16,2015, attorncy, Keith Gross and James W'esley Grovcs 'l'hercafter, this Court ordered the Real Party in frlecl a Writ ol-Mandarnus. 'l-he Court has not ruled' Interest to flle a response. 3. At the tirnc of filing the Writ of Manclallus, tr"ial w'as set lbr October' '['his case rvill rrot be 5,2015. Sr-rbseqr-rently, thc court has reset the case. se't fbr trial until at least liebrLrary 2016. 4' Iltrlcrgctrc,v relicf is t-tcccssary' I1- itttort-rc'Y ('iross does t-tot take the lcgal eclr-rcation courscs in accorclance \\,ith thc trial c
in Re James Wesley Groves and Keith Gross
Combined Opinion