0/- /é`- &075’5_ C/Q TRL».L coum‘ cAuss No. NOB l q 7 Tm: SrArr: or Taxas ltv Tm~: Drs'rnxcr`CouRr OF vs. - H.uuus CoUN'rY, TEXAs Ib/-\N J';[MENEZ |B_’)"‘Jumcw.D!smcr @@¢“G“¢m@@ ORor:n - Omcnw. Exnmrrs The Rules of Appellate Procedure indicate that “[i]f the trial court determines that original exhibits should be inspected by the appellate court or sent to that court in lieu of copies, the trial court must make an order for the safekeeping, transportation and return of those exhiliits.” Se¢ TEx. R. APF. P. 34.6(3)(2). The Court has determined that the Official Court Reporter of the 338th does not have the technical resources or expertise to safely copy audio or audio video recordings for inclusion in appellate records as exhibits To ensure the integrity of the appellate record and the preservation of the original audio or audio video exhibits in the trial court’s record, the Court Onozss the Ochial Court Reporter, to the extent practicable, “arrange all the exhibits in their listed order and bind them Ermly together." See 'l`nx. R. AFP. P. 34.6(3)(2). t 'l`he Court Onom the Harris County District Clerk to transport the following exhibits to the Fourteenth Court of Appeals for their inspection and safekeeping in the above case: # 1) No. ` No. Once the Appellate Clerk issues mandate in this matter, the Court would ask the Appellate Clerk contact the Harris County District Clerlr to ed'ectuate the safe return of the original exhibit(s) listed above. BLW\/./ M/\ ' l ¥ Date signed BE&SQ_;) § far K rudg¢, l@$nisrri¢¢courc § § EJ y D Chris Daniel District C!er‘t AUG 2 0 2015 w \M Depu’ry 09/ 29/ 2015 |, C|erk of the 15t COURT OF APPEALS, do hereby acknowledge receipt of the Appe|late Records listed below from the District C|erk of Harris County, Texas. CAUSE NO. 1408197 1448336 Received on this the Descri|:_)tion DEFENDANT'S NAME SX-6 - DVD Ca||s to Seal Security Juan Jimenez SX-7 - DVD 911 Cal|s SX~79 & 80 - DVD's |Vlichael Al|en Seaton day of 2015. . Depu.tv RECEn/i """ FmsTCouFtr "` 1~.~ won tSTONO§,~ , ,,’ Q~A'-S £' \Q:"-° 5 9 2015 ' PH|NE SHERRY RAoAcK CHlEF JUsTlCE CHRlsToPHER A. PRINE CLERK oF THE COURT TERRY Jr-:NNlNcs EVF.LYN Kr.vr~:s LAuRA CARTER l-llGLEv JANE BLAND PHONE: 713-274-2700 MchAEL MAssENGALt-: Court Of Appeals Fsz 713-755-8131 HARvaBRow~ First District of TeXaS REBECA HuDDLE _ RussELL LLan 301 Falllllll Stl‘eet JUST'CES Houston, Texas 77002-2066 JANET WlLLlAMs CHlEF STAFF A'rroRNEY r\\~__,-/' www.txcourts.gov/l stcoa.aspx October 2, 2015 Harris County District Clerk's Offlce - Criminal Harris County District Clerk - Criminal 1201 Franklin, Ste 3180 Houston, TX 77002 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL and HARRIS COUNTY MESSENGER* RE: Court of Appeals Number: 01-15-00783-CR Trial Court Case Number: 1408197 Style: Juan Jimenez v. The State of Texas Attn: Exhibit Clerk- Barbara Anderson Pursuant to (the trial court’s/this Court’s) August 20, 2015 order, State Exhibits 6 and 7 were ordered filed for our review. Pursuant to 1997 Supreme Court Order B.4, State Exhibits 6 and 7 are being returned to the District Clerk’s Offlce. Sincerely, Ci»»t,l at s\, f JMJ~‘ Christopher A. Prine, Clerk of the Court By Ora Patterson, Deputy Clerk ** PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN TO THE FIRST COURT OF APPEALS, ** Received by: Date: cc: Judge 183rd District Court (DEL|VERED VlA E-|V|AlL) A|an Curry (DEL|VERED VlA E-|V|AlL) Court Reporter 183rd District Court (DEL|VERED VlA E-N|A|L) Juan IVlanue| Contreras Jr. (DEL|VERED VIA E-|V|A|L)