James, Lawrence Jr.

PD-1418-15 No, IN THE RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS ^OURTOF CRWAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS NOV 03 2015 Lawrence james,jr AbelAcosta,Clerk VS' FILED IIM THE STATE OF TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS FROM: Appeal No.13-14-00380-CR NOV 0o 2Q15 TRIAL: Cause No. 12-14114, Jefferson County Abel Acosta, Clerk FIRST MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE. PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW TO THE HONORABLE JUDEGES OF THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: Comes now,Lawrence James,Jr, Petitioner, and files an files this Motion for Extension of Time of (60) Sixty days in which ato file a Petition for Discretionary Review. In support of this, motion, the appellant shows the Court the following: The Petitioner was convicted in the 252nd District Court of Jefferson County, Texas of the offense of 1st degree Murder in the Cause No. 12-14114, Styled State of Texas VS. Lawarence James,Jr. The Petitioner appealed to the.Court of Appeals, The Thirteenth Supreme Judicial District. The case was affirmed on the 15th Day of October 2015. II. The present deadline for filing the Petition for Discretionary Review is November 14, 2015. The Petitioner has not requested any extension prior to this request. Ill PETITIONERS REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME: This request is based upon facts. Petitioner was not informed of the decision of the Court of Appeals in affirming his case and hav ing the right to file a Petition for Discretionary Review until October 23, 2015. Since that time Petitioner has been attempting to acquire private legal counsel to represent him in this matter. His attorney on appeal, Kevin Paula Seklay has informed Petitioner that she will not be representing him on the Petition for Discret ionary Review. WHEREFORE, Petitioner Prays that this Court will grant this motion and extend the deadline for filing the Petition for Discretionary Review in Cause No. 13-14-00380-CR to December 24,2015. Respectfully Submitted £ fij/Wuun LAWRENCE JAME£,JR Petitioner P-ro-Se TDCJ-ID#1940637 EastfTam Unit 2665 Prison Rd#l Lovelady,Texas 75851 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true and correct copy of the above and fore going First Motion for Extension of Time to File a Petition for Discretionary Review has been forwarded by U.S. Mail, Postage Pre paid, first class, to the State Prosecuting Attorney, P.O Box 12405 Austin, Texas 78711, and to the Clerk of the Texas Court of Crimi- nal Appeals, P.O. Box 12308, Austin ,T:exas78711, on this the go Day of OcJ-t>h ejr 2015 ^jwti^ e-4 Petitioner Pro DECLARATION I Lawrence James,Jr, TDCJ-ID# 1940637, bein presently incarce rated in the Eastham Unit of the Texas Department Of Criminal Justice in Houston County, Texas, verify and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct. Executed on this the 3o Day of Qc/*>4^ ,2015. fjJU*hj-t 'AWRENCE JA APPELLANT P TDCJ-ID#1940637