Jenkins, Douglas Wayne

OFFICIAL NOTICE FROMOOURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS OlpJo'CS^lS'dSgSiEKESL STATION.jAUSTIN^EJ^S 7^ lpOSTAGE» PITNEY BOWES STATE OF TEXAS n " •-J*****™** PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE ^-.^^j*™™ Z|p78701 02 W 00014016030CT 08 2015 10/7/2015 JENKINS, ^w~ U1_,,I%11,W DOUGLAS. —WAY|E *•— -= rr^jStl NjU.-rr 12-CR WR-25,269-11 The Court has dismissed yoffr^pjicajtio.n for writ of habeas corpus without written order for non-complianle^gRextfs Rules of Appellate Procedure 73.1. Specifically, the facts are not set out on the prescribed form. Also, applicant must use the most current form, old forms are not acceptable. KK Abel Acosta, Clerk [JENKINS JRNTO TDC# 578191 [NDER SUCH N