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Red River County Sheritt’s Oftice onense: 062175
5i6 Deputy Hamric and l were dispatched to #65 FMl 95 Krissi Green’ s
ON l l/l
residence Green 5/ca|led and said Robert McCarver had assaulted his wife daughtcr, shot
up a carin her driveway and was armed with a pistol attempting to break into her home.
l arrived and we checked the area for the suspect He was unable to be found l
posted Deputy Hiimric outside on a perimeter The family was scared to stay there and
asked us to escort them out of the area There were several small children throughout the
house The were ||also teenagers and two young women inside the trailer The female on
the couch was Chasity McCarver. She was crying and looked to be in a lot ofpain. Her
mother, Leona McCarver was l~`rantic and wanted to know where the ambulance was for
her injured daughter. l told her the ambulance was refusing to come up until we had
secured the scene Using our overhead lights and spotlights, we lit up the yard area and
escorted the victims away, Some in personai cars others by ambulance . l spoke with
witness and they all said the suspect would kill them I determined that due tothe
suspects behavior and having a gun (and using it), I asked everyone to leave to a safer
area. His wife held minor injuries from his assault and did not need treatmentl His
daughter was bleeding from her mouth and vagina from his assault She could not even
walk on her own', she had to be carried to the ambulance due to her 1njuries She was
transported by ambulance
There appeared to be several holes in the windshield that looked like bullet holes
T,\P_ PMNL+M,M£ME|U (Due to the lack'ofofficers, darkness children in the area; no pictures were taken of the
4 A E_M_ Hm+ car that will be done at RRSO by the investigator handling the case). The kids lett and the
named l.N h HAL victims came to :RRSO to fill out complaints and give statements (s§e yideo from RRSO).
gilman md l first interviewed Green and one of the suspects other daughters Lacey
' McCarver Lacey was at work at the time but felt like she needed to tel ll me how violent
peake£p -11\1 cast he has been andfhow he had refused to get ajob and that they had no electricity at their
e/~ rita i~iM,; home Lacey was at work during both assaults Green and I spoke freely for a few
minutes while she detailed the night’ s events. (Seei nterview fagg and written statement)
Green stated heihad assaulted his wife and daughter and shot up a car that was parked in
°> front ofher house She said that the bullets could have easilv_gone thru her trailer and
‘ n injured/killed her or her kids. l agreed especially on glass that rs thick and angled like car
ii rt ronald i'm\/F_ glass, ricochets are very likely with smaller”" calibers She said the suspect was wearing ar
, `_ camo jacket, jea'ns and possibly a red hat or red shirt. He had a small dark colored oh ect
/LlLBL.i/\£ll`_§ j
in his hands that looked to be a pistol (this_1s also, what she reported to 91]) Lacey stated
that the suspect had a pistol that she knew of, it was a dark colored 22 that had wood
grips Lacey stated he carries it everywhere on him Lacey also stated that she wanted
him to remain ir`1 jail for her morn’ s safety. Green stated that during his crime at her
house he attempted to break into her back door and she thought he may have hurt her if
he could have g'otten inside She also said she heard the shots that he shot into Leona’ s
Next I ipoke with the mother and the other daughter after they returned from the
Clarksville ER. They stated that Chasity was kneed hard enough (five times) by the
suspect that she had vaginal bleeding and blood was in her underwear l asked ifit was
not too much tr;ouble could we save the the undergarments as evidence and they were
placed in a paper bag and tagged They both wrote statements and spoke with me about
7 .`saao/
both assaults (see interview tape and written stmts). The mother was adamant about us
catching the suspe|ct. Both agreed with the other witness as to the camojacket and jeans
being the clothing'worn by the suspect The daughter was visibly shaken and upset
Leone-said that Rbbert and she had been arguing and at`Krissi house, it became physical
He choked her ardund the neck. Seeing what was happening, K.rissi asked him to go
outside and do a c'hore for her (hoping that the separation would calm things down). The
daughter advised ihat earlier at her house is where she was kicked, kneed, punched and
choked to the poi|ht of almost passing out. Chasity said that Robert was mad at her mom
and tn`ed to take it out on her. During the assault, she was trying to get loose to run away
but he choked herl to the ground and she almost passed out. They then went to Krissi’s
and that when thel RRSO was called. Both women were sure that when the suspect gets
released that he would assault them even worse. Irepeatedly urged them to let us give
them a ride to Fa|mily¢ Haven and get them some help_
The suspect was unable to be located despite officers looking for him hours alter
the offenses occtirred. Victirns were given family haven/family violence packets and
strongly urged ndt to go back home until daylight Case is open awaiting warrants The
panties (with blohd) and photos ofvictim were kept at RRSO. The suspect also has a
valid protectiveiorder against him which prohibits him from possessing t`irenrms.
11112"d nut Cr.) lRoden 604. »
,‘-_,~` -i:-r_/_ ' ,. `
' ll mattress sTA:rnMENT ,
NAME'L_(.- … is§Ct -§--‘ SS#l//¢/ i/@ slatifl
CASE NUM;BER 0¢2/7,/ ~'~7 /$}/T§i
l realize that it is a violation of the-Texas Penal Code,
section 37.08 for me to make a false report to a peace
officer, That means to report an offense knowing that the
offense did not occur or knowing that I have no knowledge
about the Offense.
/ zl_ /\11_)5¢.'<£//@'§»_5['/1(:§(_{§¢;. L}/C(lit(/
’“'/»»~ //~t» ///st’l le bia ~;U)t ilwu-it
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(\/i .jC/ik,it.»l\ik_‘ijTj iii`i lafj[}j{?rl`§ [f/'ii /./J€'?`C/ {G/(<
t .~ ll tel cia H)J `i;,»lt cr iii list lt .'i\i \L"l ati'<;" ` 175/wis dale .i /zitCt¢ ii
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l'.l\ii j 'l»\C . L 7~':>-'"(£(t\< j)\it` i."'/ri {li(`LctliU/ti» l_i'/itit)tfiml
Lhr)n lie dini?ii\< titrt§lili iecsll/° l\f&»i:/ 4nA/
- \i: /'_re-.~-i' lite '~-/i)s[r-. j /a l flrilf)\// flue //l, /-inj
't' 'C. /- .‘i.` __)/1(1 L,;l/'i\)/ }/\E j\"('{‘i[ /`p 5//-'/// C, L'_:"'/L &[//'jr"
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/t‘ "'i/'i / l t../{ i'/Lc l€'¢rl ilt¢l"( /"`)C
The above statement is true and correct and to the best of
my knowledge accurately describes the events as I remember
)them. \ .. ll \'£ i _
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