Rice, Alfred Lee

PD-1505-15 NO, ALFRED LEE RICE, $ IN THE COURT OF APPELLANT, V. $ CRIMINAL THE STATE OF TEXAS, APPEALS COURTOF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS APPELLEE, MOTION FOR EXTENTION TO FILE PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW (PDR) TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS^6' AC08ta, C/erk NOW COMES, Alfred Lee Rice, appellant in this action and he respectfully present's this Motion For Extention to file his,™,, _._. 11V, "HLEDIN Petition For Discretionary Review, (PDR), and moves thXsjRJo5itCRIMINALAPPFA'.S to grant the requested extention, and in support he presents^/ £0 2C^J the following thereof; Abel Acosta, Clerk 1). Appellant appealed to the 11th Court Of Appeal, Eastland Texas, Cause Number #ll-13-00302-Cr. 2). Appellant is seeking relief from a conviction in the 142nd District Court, Midland County, Cause Number #CR41089. 3). On October 30, 2015, the 11th Court of appeals Affrimed the conviction. 4). Appellant is requesting a (60)-day extention inwhich to properly prepare his petition for discretionary review. 5). Because of the lack of knowledge in law, and the limited time allowed in. the law library the additional time is needed, and appellant respectfully ask that the court ..:.; grant this foregoing motion and extend the due date until Janurary 28, 2016. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, ffim RlCE\ll888258 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that a true and correct copy of this.motion was sent by first class mail to the court of cr^m^nal ^ppe^ads. ALFRED LEE RICE # 1888258 (1) ALFRED LEE RICE #1888258 ALLEN B. POLUNSKY UNIT 3872 F.M. 350 SOUTH LIVINGSTON, TEXAS 77351 (1)