Court of Appeals Third District of Texas P.O. BOX 12547. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-25-17 (512) -163-1733 JEFFL ROSE. CHIEF JUSTICE JEFFREY I"). KYLE. CLERK DAVID PUR YEAR, JUSTICE BOB PEMBERTON, JUSTICE MELISSA GOODWIN, JUSTICE SCOTT K. FIELD. JUSTICE CINDY OLSON BOURLAND,JUSTICE August 13,2015 The I lonorablc Joanna Stalon District Clerk Bell Count\>Courthouse ^RECEIVED \ P. O. 80*909 AUG 2 6 2015 BcltoirfTX 76513 r^LIVERED VIA E-MAIL * \ THIRD COURT OF APPEALS JEFFREYS KYLE / RE: Court of Appeals Number: 03-14-00274-CV Trial Court Case Number: 267.438-C Style: Archie Scaife v. The State of Texas Dear Honorable Joanna Staton: Enclosed, with reference to the above cause, is the mandate ofthis Court. Please file and execute in the usual manner. Your cooperation in this regard is appreciated. In addition, as required by Texas Government Code, Sec. 51.204(d), the trial court clerk is notified that wc will destroy all records filed in respect to this case with the exception of indexes, original opinions, minutes and general court dockets no earlier than six (6) years from the date final mandate is issued. Very truly yours, By: Amy Strother. Deputy Clerk cc; Mr. Bob D. Odom J Mr. Archie Scaife MANDATE THE STATE OF TEXAS TO THE 169TH DISTRICT COURT OF BELL COUNTY, GREETINGS: Trial Court Cause No. 267,438-C Before our Court of Appeals fortheThird District of Texas on June 3, 2015, thecause on appeal to revise or reverse your judgment between Archie Scaife No. 03-14-00274-CV v. The State of Texas Was determined, and therein our Courtof Appeals made its order in these words This isan appeal from the judgment signed by the trial court on March 27,2014. Having reviewed the record and the parties' arguments, the Court holds that there was no reversible error in the judgment. Therefore, the Court affirms the trial court's judgment. Because appellant is indigent and unable to pay costs, no adjudication of costs is made. Wherefore, we command you to observe the order ofour Court of Appeals in this behalf and in all things have the order duly recognized, obeyed, and executed. %**J*0f"2'?% Witness the Honorable Jeff L. Rose, Chief Justice of /iV*T"NN&\ the Court of Appeals for the Third District of Texas, ifo/ iS x-*&% witn me seal oftne Court affixed in the City ofAustin •^ • ~ on Thursday, August 13,2015. ""/.•III.MIU^ JEFFREY D. JeYLE, CLERK By: Amy Strother, Deputy Clerk BILL OF COSTS TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN No. 03-14-00274-CV Archie Scaife v. The State of Texas (No. 267.438-C IN 169TII DISTRICT COURT OF BELL COUNTY) Type of Fee Charges Paid By REPORTER'S RECORD SI 25.00 UNKNOWN REPORTER'S RECORD SI 28.90 UNKNOWN CHAPTER 51 SUPREME COURT FEE S50.00 INDIGENT FILING SI 00.00 INDIGENT INDIGENT S25.00 INDIGENT STATEWIDE EFII.ING FEE S20.00 INDIGENT Balance of costs owing to the Third Court of Appeals, Austin, Texas: 0.00 Court costs in this cause shall he paid asper the Judgment issued by this Court. I, JEFFREY I). KYLE, CLERK OF THE THIRD COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, do hercbv certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy ol the cost bill of THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS, showing the charges and payments, in the above numbered and styled cause, as the same appears of record in this office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and the Seal of the COURT OF APPEALS for the Third District of Texas on August 13, 2015. Ytn% /; JEFFREY D./KYLE, CLERK •"l,i.,v„,y:' By: Amy Strothcr, Deputy Clerk v~. - Court of Appeals OFFICIAL BUSINESS STATE OF TEXAS g« Jtt-VSSWS; U.S.POSTAGE»PITNEYBOWES PENALTY FOR Third District PRIVATE USE P.O. BOX 12547. AUSTIN. TEXAS 78711-2547 •i^:-|t?r^^ ZIP 78701 $000.41° 0001401603AUG 13 2015 RECEIVED MR. ARCHIE SCAIFE AUG 2 6 2015 TDCJ ##1582863 THIRDCOURTOFAPPEALS S U""IT _' nix:; 772 DC 1 BBB3 / 2 3 RETURN TO SENDER NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED UN ABLE TO F ORWARS 5C: 7871X254747 * 1793 -09447-23-15 .liIiili]ll.|^|l|iilJJJlJ|IJHjh»jijjj.,.IHJIilll|k«j«},l||l
Archie Scaife v. State
Combined Opinion