_ zch (ASgL A(¢?§"M_, o 1 AB»'¢S'€@W“§ _ -7»0 Ds£/W§ ' ‘MM, \‘ @B:EC:Z;ON DA?MMS §ll,u£€/V ' :;)AE:M ~z§w‘i » - 5b zq'-/> \‘~)£-&”/ wi M-~’ W¢.L< im 5.¢>)ud . 3§'03' fe which _ AL‘-j’_ Q-JJAAH`O¢~S/* M/£ 50 Nr£"z§ ?`Lf AM "“¢””“ _ a , § 15 ix¢‘~"@%~£ MD/D»LU yzZ/o ;2> g \6-¥1/ 6 jp/W{j£§ ix 31 °‘““" / §.»~ 69 my W ,/§N }sz>f`f i+. ' £Q(LS/. @4/ 99wa \QJLQJLF' , - ' P»@WWOWMU , REcElvEDlN 7“%”::;;?% couRT oF cRcMmAL APPEALS - 7 ` Nov 042015 Abe!Acosfa,Clerk `/@5 .` , ' g '€»2111'5’72: Correctional Managed Care RAD|OLOGY REP_ORT Date Transcribed: 03/28/2013 08: 45 Patient Name: JONES TONY R TDCJ#:1312115 Date: 03/28/2013 08 45 Age: 49 year Race: W Sex: male . Patient's Faci|ity: M|CHAEL (M|) l Department of Radiology The University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals - _Galveston, TX 77555 _ _ “ Phone:(409)747-7000 Fax:(409)747-2850 PATIENT: Jones, Tony DATE OF BIRTH: DATE OF EXAM`: 3/25/2013 9:46:00 AM PATIENT#:1312115 _ EXAM ID #: 6429482 - ' ’€5// REFERRING PHYSICIAN: `F>€ GARY D. WRIGHT 6§0¢_0) MICHAEL UNIT TENNESSEE COLONY, TX 75886' OFFKIALCOPY ' l WRIST, MINIMUM OF 3 VIEWS- RIGHT SIDE g HISTORY: ORIF 01/24/2011, LOOSE HARDWARE PAST 3 MOS COMPARISON: NOne. t FINDINGS: ` An old fifth metacarpal fracture is noted. A cortical plate and multiple anchoring screws affix the distal radius in satisfactory alignment without evidence of hardware complications. No acute fracture or dislocation is identified. Mild soft tissue swelling of the wrist is noted. . PAVIT BAINS, MD Personally interpreted by: FERNANDO CESANI, MD /Signed by/ FERNANDO CESANI, MD Department of Radiology The University of Texas Medical Branch Last edited on: 3/27/2013 3:45:00 PM Finalized on: 3/27/2013 3:45:00 PM '151ecuonica'11y Signed by GAST[AN, SUZANNE 011'03/28/2013. Electronically Signed by W RIGHT, GARY G. D. O. 011 04.' '/()8 2013. ##A11d Nc) L)111t18## ‘ 1 OM JoNEs, ToNY 380 EicH-ié’b,“_&;: - - 1 -wHEREFORE;_ APP:Llef'-'§ANT PRAYS. THA'I`THE COURT ~GRANSP;API{LICANT 5 RELIEF -TO WHI'C_H"~`HE?MAY!BE EN."!`.ITLEDLLN THI"Sl.jPRQQE'EDING; vr;RIEfICAT’ION 'I`hi`s' application must be verified or it will bc dismissed f9r _ii__on- compliance F'or " verification pulposés,. ali applicant is a person fling the application on his or her own behalf A petitioner is a poison filing the application on behalf of art applicant for example ah apphcant sml attorney An initiate is a person who is in custody " f either the “_Qatli _Befo`re a Not"ary Putilic” before a . _ _ ~ ‘ without a notary public If_ the initiate is represented by a licensed attorney, the attorney may sign the ‘-‘Oath' Bcfore a Notary Piibli_c” as petitioner and then complete ‘Petitiolier s information ” A lion-inmate applicant iii_ust sign the “€)a`th Before a Notary P'i"iblic” before a notary public unless he is represented by a licensed attorney, in_ \yliich case the attorney may sign the verification as petitioner. , > A non~il`imate non-attorney petitioner must sign the “€)ath Beforc a Notary Public” before a notary public ai_id must also complete Petitioner s Infomi_atio`n ” An_ inmate petitioner thrust sign either the “Oatli Before a Notdry Pub_lic” before a notary public or the “lnma`te s 1 Declaration” without a notary public and must also complete the appropriate “Pctitioner `s` Inforrnation 11111‘1<111~11><1$ ` ` comm 015 l ,being` duly sworn,- under oath says; “I ai`i"'i \tl:i_e applicant '/ petitioner (circle one) in this action and know the contents of the above ' application for a Wr~it' of habeas corpus and, according t9 my belief the facts stated in the application are true ” j , v m y |_ _.sUBsCRiBED AND swoRN Tjo BEFORE 1115 _ri_iis DAY 9153 _/' 512.9 16 Rev»._ 0‘11141_1'4 c c- ‘/"’ ._ v _ - gyr\,arr_;, of l PETITLONER?’$_"I'NFORMarror" Addres_s;, . _` T_ele _one:: , , »., ~ ,'.} ' '. _1...-1NMATE’s DECLARATIGN _1_ 7//4//6+!§3#5_5 am merappn¢anr/ petitioner (¢11¢1¢1 an¢) aaa being presently incarcerated in M K/< bd /MK///‘r£ 14M7 declare under penalty of pcijnry that according to my belief the facts stated in the above applicauon are true and correct . __ _`j_signa mcfath ocwwrzo*zw/S/ _1 13 41 131111§/ f Peti`tioner (_circle one) no 1-,»\_ f § n ; 1 ',d_r `1_ 1 ""_ j-i;'/_`~ ; - »-\_- \ . ` \ *' w l rt l ' l 1 ;'_',. 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