October 30th,2015 Abel Acosta,Clerk of Court of Criminal Appeals P.O.Box 12308,Capitol Station Austin,Texas 78711 RE: Original Application Writ of Mandamus to be file: Dear Mr.Acosta: Please find enclose the Plaintiff's Original Appl:ication Writ of MaNDAMUS to file with the Honorable Court of Criminal Appeals,Please file at the courts convienient time,thank you in this matter. Again thank you for your time in this matter. ~rECfE~VED ~~ COURT OF CRIMINAl APPEALS NOV 03 2015 This document contains so~e pages that ar~ of P?or quality 1 of 1 at the time of amagmg. No. --------------~ WiLLIAM C.WINGATE, § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF RELATOR, Vs. § 232ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT THE STATE OF TEXAS RESPONDENT. § OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL APPLICATION WRIT OF MANDAMUS 10 THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: COMES NOW WILLIA~ C.WINGATE,TDCJi777922,Relator,pro-se in the above-styled and numbered cause of action and files this Origir~l Application For Writ Of Mandamus,pursuant to Veron's Texas Civil Statutes arts.2052,2066;Rule 127 of the Texas Rule of Practice in District and County Courts,art.40.01 et.seq. of Tex.Code Crim.Proc.;The Privacy Act 5,U.S.C.A.§522(b),and the Texas Open Acts art.6262-17(a),V.T.C.S.:Rule 34.5.,34.6,and 53(1),(2} of the Texas Rules App. Proc.,and cases cited infra: I. RELA'lUR WILLIAM C.WINGATE,TDCJ#777922,is an offender incarcerated in the Texas Depar- tment of Criminal Justice-CID,and ·appearing pro-se,who can be located at Eastham Unit,2665 Prison Rd.#l,lovelady,Texas 75851. Relator has exhausted his remedies and has no other adequate remedy at law. The act sought to be compelled is ministerial,not discretionary in nature. Tex.Civ.Stat.art.2052,2066:Rule 127 Tex.R.Prac. in District and County Courts art.40.0l,et.seq.of the Tex. COde cttm.Proc. requires. Respondent to provide to Relator with all documents and trial records pertaining to the above-mentioned cause. Relator is entitled to said copies,and as basis for GRANTING said motion,Relator will respectfully show this Honorable Judges of the Court of Criminal Appeals as follows: II. RespondentsKathy Tickle,Court Clerk and Chris ~el,District Clerk of Harris County,Texas have a ministerial duties to recieve and file all legal papers in a criminal proceedings and perform all other duties imposed on the CLerks by law pursuant to Tex.Code Crim.Proc.art.2.2l,and is responsible under this artcle to COMPLY with and file all legal papers in a criminalas in the instant case at bar. 1 Relator was DENIED his motion "To Obtain Documents and Trial Records In Forcra Pauperis" filed with the District Clerk's Office of Harris County,Texas.On June 22,2015,and after filling a Notice of Appeal in the Fourteenth Court of Appeals on July 10,2015.That appeal was DISMISSED by its own motion to dismissed the appeal front the order signed by the court in which I never recieved a COPY of that ordered signed June 30,2015.Appels Court(l4thDist.)did erroneously DISMISSED the appeal as interluctory orders,wheninfact the trial court did not . provide Relator with a signed JUDGEMENT/ORDER by the Trial Judge that was I LEGALLY DENIED by the trial court clerk Kathy 'fickle signed by her was IMPROPERLY DENIED because said motion had an attached ORDER FORM for the JUDGE to sign off GRANTED/DENIED. The District Court of 232ND of Harris County,Texas is also in violation of ministerial". duties in DENYING Relator's motion "To Obtain Document and trial Records",as per the literal reading of the United States Supreme Court cases cited in the motion,and jurisdiction of:tbe,'l'elr.Civ.Stat.,and'!'ex.Code Crim.proc.,and appellate rules as well are invoked. III. Relator has gone well beyond any requirements or obligations imposed upon him by the Tex.Civ.Stat.,and T.C.C.P •• Incontrast to Relator's efforts respond- ent has wholly failed to comply with these Stateutes invoked hereby above along with the cases cited in the motion from the united States Supreme Court rulings. Relator is requesting these documents and trial records in order to assist him to prepare an adequate appeal of his conviction imposed by the 232ND District Ourt of Harris County,Texas to a Higher Court.because Relator is entitle to redress by WA~of habeas corpus review. In support to his claim,relato; cites the following cases: Cruder-V-State, 933 SW2d2,7.B,275(1996);Snoke-V-State,780SW2d 210,211(1889);Abdonor-V-State,712 SW2d 136,li0(1989):Evite-V-Lucy,l05 S.Ct.830,834(1985);Mayer-V-Chicago,92 S.Ct. 410(1970);Lane-V-Brown,83 S.Ct.768(1963);Smith-V-Bennett,81 S.Ct.895(190l),and Griffin-V-Illinois, 76 s.ct. 585( 1956). relator contends that his need of the requested records entitles him to the same.Said documents and records are essential as required in order to present,support,and prove his allegations of constitutional trial ERRORS to a higher court. \ Relator also avers that he is a pauper,without funds,properties,or securities with' which to pay for the requsted documents and trial records.Therefore, said documents and trial records should be afforded at no cost to Relator in order to construct an adequate brief. 2 United State Supreme Court went on to express that "But that is not to say that States that does GRANT REVIEW CAN DO SO IN A WAY THAT DISCRIMINATES AGAINST SOME CONVICrED DEFENDANTS ON ACCOUNT OF 'rHEIR POVERTY." Relator has recieved a LIFE SENTENCE that requires him to do 30 years flat to become elgible for parole unless tb&::constitutional+rlt/ errors are corrected. Furthermore,Relator contends that if he is DENIED the requested photostatic copies· of the records and docuroonts,such a DENIAL would result in a further violation of the 14th Aroondment to the u.s.constitution and cited State Right's To impose a financial condition upon an indigent prisoner ward of the State for exercise of a state right to sue for his liberty is to DENY th ct. prisoner's federal constitutional right to equal protection undec the laws in the u.s. Supreme Clause of the Constitution set forth in Acticles 5th,6th,and 14th explicitly states that the constitution and federal laws are the the Supreme Laws of the land.it dictates state laws and policy is void if it directly conflicts with federal laws. tv. PRAYER WHEREFQRE,PREM[SES OONSIDEREO,relator prays that this Honorable Court will review the above cited laws,statutes,and cases,then apply sound,fair judicial reasoning to the facts and issues at bar and,in all things,GRANT the above and foregoing PRQ-SE motion To Obtain Documents and Trial Records In Forma Pauperis,ordering the Trial Court and District Clerk to make and send Relatoc the same. Certificate of Service This is to certify that I WILLIAM c.WINGATE,Relator Pro-se,have forwarded the original and correct copy of the above and foregoing motion "TO OBTAIN DOCUMENT AND TRIAL RECORDS IN FORMA PAUPERIS" by way of U.S.Mail,postage prepaid,toAbel Acosta,Clerk of Court of Cciminal Appeals,P.O.Box 12308,Austin, Texas 787ll.Executed on this the~~day of0ctober,2015. 3 SWORN DECLARATION AND AFFIDAVIT IN FORMA PAUPERIS !,WILLIAM C.WINGATE,Relator Pro-se in the foregoing motion tOriginal Applica- tion Writ of Mandamus,states upon my oath that I am indigent and unable to pay the cost or give security for the requested documents and trial cecords,and that the facts and allegations stated herein are true and corcecct to the best of my knowldge and belief, verification pursuant to V. T. c. A. CIVIL PRACTICE and Remedies Code Sections 132.001,132.002,132.003. 4 • EXHIBITS " .... .....-. , CHRIS DANIEL HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK Direct Dial Line: WILLIAM WINGATE #777922. EASTHAM UNIT 2665 PRISON RD #1 LOVELADY TX 75851 Memorandum response to correspondence received: 06/22/2015 Re: Cause No(s) 718143. Dear MR. WINGATE, cgj Your motion/request TO OBTAIN DOCUMENTS AND TRIAL RECORDS IN FORMA PAUPERIS was filed with the District Clerk and on . the Court: ' 0 Took no action ISJ Denied your Motion/Request 0 Granted your motion/request 0 Took action 0 Advised attorney of record 0 Other 0 Other: P.O. Box 4651 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77210-4651 • (713) 755-5749 Cause No.7181~3 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DIS'rRICT COURT OF vs. § 232ND JUDICIAL DISTRICT WILLIAM C.WINGATE, § oe HARRIS COUNTY'· 'l'EXAS ·'·.·· .. NOTICE OF APPEAL . ': ·,::::·---·~: TO THE· HOOORABLE JUOOE OF SAID COURT:. COMES NOW, WILLIAM c;. WINGATE, TDCJ#777922, Defendant in the above reference cause files his t-O'l'ICE :OF) APPEAL from the Memorandum Response denying pet.itio- er his '1l'10TION TO OB'rAIN OOCUMENTS AND. TRIAL RECORDS IN FORMA ,P.AUPERIS 11 from the 232nd .Judicial District COUR'l' OF Harcis County, Texas ca~~ trial court. number . 718143. . The date of DENIAL jiJr\~ 22, 2015, William c. Wingate desires to appeal. The Court to.:which J;:.. the appeal is taken, the Fourteenth Court of Appeals ·. William c.Wingate is the party fil.ing the notice. The appellant · is a party affected by the trial court 1 s clerkKathy Tickle of the 232nd District Court,but did not participate either in person or thrQ~h counsel~in hearing that resulted in the DENIAL complained of; .. 1 The ".DENIAL" of dismissal was based on appellant s "MCYriON TO C>BTAIN DOCUMEN'l' AND TRIAL RECORDS IN FORf1A PAUPERIS" • .· · ~· EXECUTED on this day /0 of July, 2015. w~ltlrY~ Is/William c.wingate TDCJI777922. Eastham Unit 2665 Prison Rd. U ·.,;'!-·· Lovelady; Texas 75851 . :~~- . .. . . :.~·= 1 of 1 \ ·Justices Chief Justice WILLIAMJ. BOYCE KEM THOMPSON FROST TRACY CHRISTOPHER MARTHA HILL JAMISON A Clerk SHARON MCCALL Y J. BRETT BUSBY ~// CHRISTOPHER A PRINE PHONE 713-274-2800 JOHN DONOVAN MARC W. BROWN 111nurfttutq arnurt nf i\pptula KEN WISE 30 I Fannin, Suite 245 Houston, Texas 77002 Thursday, July 30, 2015 Harris County, District Clerk, Criminal Division · District Clerk, Criminal Division Post Judgment P.O. Box 4651 Houston, TX 77002 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * RE: Court of Appeals Number: 14-15-0064 7-CR Trial Court Case Number: 7188143 Style: William Charles Wingate v. The State of Texas This Court is in receipt of the notice of appeal filed in this case on July 20, 2015. No post-judgment motion was filed. Accordingly, you must file the clerk's record in the Court within 60 days after the sentence is imposed, or by Monday, August 31, 2015. If the defendant is the appellant, the record must include the trial court's certification of the defendant's right of appeal. TEX.R.APP.P. 25.2(d). The reporter's record must also be filed in this Court within this period. All court reporters are required to complete and e-file with the Court an information sheet which is located at http://www.txcourts.gov/media/662557/court-reporter-info-sheet.pdf. Unless a pauper's oath is on file, the court reporter should contact appellant and make arrangements for receiving payment for the record. TEX.R.APP.P. 35.3(b)(3). Pursuant to the Court's Local Rules, 1 as of November 1, 2010 all reporter's record must be filed via the court's electronic filing portal. More information can be found on the court's website. Pursuant to this Court's Local Rule 6, all attorneys are required to provide the Court with a valid e-mail address when submitting any document to the Court. Notices or other communications about this case will be delivered via email in lieu of mailing paper documents. Paper copies of notices or other communications about this case can be obtained by a party upon written request. Please note that effective January 1, 2014, all documents submitted by a.il attorney for filing with the court must be electronically filed. Please consult the courts website located at http://www.txcourts.gov/14thcoa for more information. A list of the available e-filing providers can be found at http://www.texfile.com/filers-get-started.htm. 1 See 14th Court of Appeals Website at www.l4thcoa.courts.state.tx.us for complete text of Local Rules. October 15,2015 JUDGMENT Wfp.~ lJinurteentij C!tnurt nf AppeaLs WILLIAM CHARLES WINGATE, Appellant NO. 14-15-00647-CR v. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee Today the Court heard its own motion to dismiss the appeal from the order signed by the,-court below on June 30, 2015. Having considered the motion and found it meritorious, we order the appeal DISMISSED. We further order that all costs incurred by reason of this appeal be paid by appellant, William Charles Wingate. We further order this decision certified below for observance. )