.$\ §§ l 1003 10a IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS oct. 23, 2015 RE; 3719-J a 15,9:=.9-B y l HE©EHVE@ HN . _ @OURT OF CPINI|NA[ APPEALS JC: §bel ACOS‘£G_, l Nov 03 201\;' olerk A@eH/§l@@§??@.@led¢ Dear Mr. Aoosta, Please pardon thi'S inquiry, you directed me to inquire with the c]erk of convicting court w§th any further questions, and i have. i do not mean to bother or be a nui§ance to the Court, i simply do not know who el§e to contact or what to do!` On OCt, 22, 2015,§ reo§eved notice from the Taylor Couoty Clerk that my Habeae Corpus wa§~mailed off to this Court on Oct. 15, 2015. As of today i'have not rec§eved notice from the CCA that my documents were fact reoieved and file d Further inquiry with the county clerk had not been answered. Thyi§ra firmly founded fact that Taylor County offic§elsw§ll go to great lengths to keen things Undndernthemzug¥ so Edvsay. As in the instant matter, the extent to!whieh theyohavquonetto Suppre§s the facts and contravene the law i§ cr§minal! And i cannot bring myself to Wave faith that they've suddenly had a change of 'heart or pol§o v `i worry about all of my document§ being presented l to the Conrt in Austin. ‘h> I my concern is uu.oudoeu, and everything made It to tHi_s office aS filed in the district court please excuse me for taking up unnecessa time with these worrie§. Please notify me whenethis Court recieves the applicatio., memorandum, and appendix, along with motions that were filed for the di§t riot sour 's determination 0 pursuant to CCP Art.11107. in the above indicated ca$e~ Thank yOU_ and God Bless Resrectfeity submitted, Juan Manuel Albarado, pro se #01452106 coNNALLY UNIT 889 FM 632 _ KENEDY, TEXAS ?3119