Ellason, Thomas Dewayne

ABEL AcosTA,cLERK COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS l ' P.O'.BOX 12308,CAPITOL STATION v CO[§?]R§G©;§UVED 11 AUSTIN,TEXAS,73711 QUMNALAPPEALS Dear Sir, NDV 02 205 This request is made under the Freedom Of lnformations Act (FQ. Section 552 [and the Privacy Act U.S.C. Sect.ion 5523]. .;@én AS©@S€@C CE@FB( Please Send me copies of the following documents: [APPEAT_i N0,0295331D and ELLASON vs.STATE 815 SW 2d.(Tex._Crim.App.1991)/WR- 79,456-02/WR- 79,456-01,and ANY AND ANY l TRANSCRIPTS,DISCOVERY,EXHIBITS YOUR HONORABLE COURT RECORDS MAY PERTAIN IN THE ESPECIALLY THE APPFAL GF THE DEATH SENTENCE, BECAUSE ELLASON NEVER RECEIVED ANY " SUCH DOCUMEN’].`S OR TRANSCRIPF TO BE A_BLE TO ASSIST HIS ATIORNEYS FR_OM TI-E DEATH SENTENCE HE RECEIVED FROM DATES NEEDED ARE 1986 to 2015]._ As you know,the Freedom Of Information Act privides that all portions of a document are exempt from release,the remainder must be segregated and disclosed; Iherefore, l will expect you to send me all noniexempt_portions of my records which I have requested and ask that you justify any deletions with reference to specific exemption of FOIA. The information requested is not to be used for commercial benefit;i so l do not expect to be charged fees for your review of the material to see if it falls within one of FOIAls exemptions. The clerk needs to know that me being a prisoner l cannot receive nothing but paper‘form material.THANK YOU. RESPECI'E`ULl.Y SUB§T'I`EI% jaw @~» IHOMAS DEWAYNE ELLASON #600129 ALLRED uNIT 2101 FM369 N lowA PARK,TEXAS,76367 cERTIFIcATE 0F-SERV1CE,, l ,T!-IOMAS DEWAYNE ELLASON, TDCJ-ID #600129 ,hereinabove, do hereby declare that on the _2___€th day of October, 2015, l certify that a true and correct copy of the FOlA ,w_a_s __'served by_ U _S_MAlL SERVICE ,postage prepaid lst class, addressed to the follow1ng: ABEL ACOSTA,CLERK, COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS_ OF TEXAS, P. O. BOX 12308, CAPI'IUL STATION, AUQ'I` TEXAS78711 ;/_-_1~ ________-ws-