John Reed, Jr. v. Farmers Insurance Group

September 10, 2015 COURT OF APPEALS THIRD DISTRICT OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN COURT OF APPEALS NUMBER 03-14-00485 TRIAL COURT CASE NUMBER 259,941-C STYLED: JOHN REED JR. V. FARMERS INS. GROUP ET AL. APPELLANT MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE EN BANC RECONSIDERATION Appellant states the deadline to file this particular motion was Sept. 5,2015 but since that day was on a Saturday and Monday was a holiday, appellant is entering his motion into the U S Mail on Tuesday Sept. 8,2015. The length of extension requested is one week from the date this motion may carry a ruling in favor of the appellantand the reconsideration wilLbe filed within days thereafter _. __.. Appellant regret he missed the 15 day requirement to file the motion but he have been having a lot of trouble with his shoulder which needed medical attention; whereas, now appellant is able to focus. Appellant has not filed any motions to extend time regarding this issue. APPELLANT CONTACTED DEFENDANTS1 COUNSEL AND THEY DO NOT OPPOSE THIS MOTION. Appellant request this court to embrace the body of this motion and grant all things. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED 'RECEIVED JOHN REED JR SEP 1 0 2015 715 SO. 32nd STREET TEMPLE, TEXAS 76504 ^^SKl/ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing motion was sent return requested receipt mail to the clerk of the court and fax to the counsel on the 8th day of Sept. 2015 John Reed Jr. #»MWfc. S&J2 Vj^ ?01S Db4D ODDl 400