Crump, Clyde Henry

                              Clyde Henry Crump #1643987
                                    Eastham Unit
                                 2665 Prison Road 1.
                                Lovelady, Texas 75851
                                                                      IO /is» advice that I
had "one step left, to request a stay of mandate to file a w^it of certiorari
in the United States Supreme Court, then I would have done exactly that in a
timely manner. Just as I am now requesting to do so.

Affiant says further not.

                                                         Clyde HenTy~Crurop-#l'64l987 ~
                                                         Affiant Px-o-Se

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          Movant, declares that service has been completed by placing the above and
foregoing AFFIDAVIT in the United States institutional mailbox, located in the
North hallway of the Eastham Unit addressed to the Clerk of the Court of
Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 Austin, Texas 78711 and to the Harris County
District.     Clerk P.O. Pox 4651 Houston, Texas 77210-4651 on fhis jC?Jrc/ day of
October 2015.

                                                         Clyde Henxy Crump #1643987
                                                         Affiant Pxo-Se

                                 UNSWORN DECLARATION

          I, CLYDE HENRY CRUMP, TDCJ No. 1643987, Movant, Pro-Se, being presentl.y
incarcerated at. the TDCj Eastham Unit, Loveldey, Texas declares under the
penalty of perjury that, according to my belief and knowledge the foregoing
facts set out above in my AFFIDAVIT are true and correct. Terras Civil Pratices
and Remedies Code Chapter 132.001-003. Executed on this           ^3rJ     day of
October 2015.