Daniels, Raymond

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`l\low comes Raymond Daniels, Defendant, and files this Motion to Suppress_and
shows the following: n
b 1. Defendant has been charged with the offense of F‘elon Possession of Firearm.

2.` T he actions of the San Antonio Police Department viola ted the constitutional
and statutory rights of the Defendant under the Fourth, vPifth,v Sixth and liourteenth
Am'endments to the Uni`te_d States Cons`titution, Article I, Section 9 of the Texas
Const§itutionz and under Article 38.23l of the Texas .Code.of C.riminal Procedure.

,3. 4 Raymond Daniels was arrested without lawful warrant, probable eause or
other lawful authority in violation of the rights of Raymond `Daniels pursuant to the
Fourth, `Fiffth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the 'Uni ted St`ates Constitution, Article
I, Sections 9, 10 and 19 of the Constitution of the State'of Texas.

4. An_y statements obtained from Rayrnond Danielswere'obtained in violation
of`A.rtic-le 38'.»22 of the Texas Code~of'Criminal Procedure and in violation of the rights of
Raymon_d Dan.iels pursuant to the Fourth, Fifth, Si>