Noble, Reginald Arliegh

WR-55,341-30 'wfewfrfebap-i vitdmtwlys&kmsuA i^M ,.^feferyjfa'? yf 2# ^wAY^sd7//,d^fi^-^mM^s^Sk. i (e?m&€mr//^d^^^ leM/mdiB^&h^m ^^mAjL^Lym. WiWJfe/fM^*''^ vk7tt7l»/7/£ C/7MOZ *mfimx »//^Im«w' •" S 1*.*1. TEXAS CRIMINAL. LAWS .13^ rW PENAL CODE PC §12.42. (b) In addition to confinement, an individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000. • (c) An individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony shall be punished ^™£££fi2£:' ' """• - —*" * -. b. for a third degree felony if it is shown on the trial ofthe offense that: (1) a deadly weapon as defined by Section 1,07 was used orexhibited during the commission of the offense or during immediate flight following the commission ofthe offense, and that the indivicual used or exhibited the deadly weapon or was a party to the offense and knew that a deadly weapon would be used or exhibited; or (2) the individual has previously been finally convicted ofany felony: (A) listed in Section 3g(a)(1), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Proce dure; or (B) for which the judgment contains an affirmative finding under Section 3g(a)(2), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, • (Sections 12.3610 12.40reservedforexpansion) lone provision thai will be replaced by another] Subch. D. EXCEPTIONAL SENTENCES PC §12.41, CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES OUTSIDE THIS CODE. For purposes of this subchapter, any conviction not obtained from a prose cution under this code shall be classified as follows: sequent to the first pS,ZS, hav™ b™ h"! °CCU"e<»» °«>™ 3SThe E nl?rZiS?bSTey}° Sony ihe f,rst COnVICt'0n the defendan< shallprevious conviction be punished having become for asecond-degree under Section 21.110,2V2 01',^ Pe„a?Cod^W*^ (" ™(ii) °r ""*ny (3) If it is shown on the trial of a state jail felonv Dunishahls nnrw Section 12.35(c) or on the trial of aW«^££$^f^% . («!) under Sectioni 20 oSi ' Pe , 'o',25'02' Penal Code; committed the offonse vmXT^?™^