Thomas Dale Arbogast v. Rainbow of Love

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SHERRY RAoAcK CH|EF JUST|CE CHRrsToPHER A. PRINE CLERK 0F THE CouRT TERR\' JENNlNcs JANF.T WlLLrAMs EvELYN KEYEs \ r/ CHlEF STAFF ATToRNF.Y LAURA CARTER HrcLEY _'/ JANE BLAND PHONE: 713-274- MchAEL MAssr-:NGALE Court Of Appeals FAx: 713-755-€2!-1/§(1) §EARVE¥§R°W~ Flrst Dlstrlct BECA \JDDLE . stcoa.aspx RussELL LLo\/D 301 Falllllll Stl‘eet Jus'rlCEs Houston, Texas 77002-2066 November 6, 2015 Lauren Rainer Official Reporter, 387th District Court 301 Jackson Street Richmond, TX 77469 * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * RE: Court of Appeals Number: 01-15-00942-CV Trial Court Case Number: lS-DCV- 221171 Style: Thomas Dale Arbogst v. Rainbow of Love Dear Reporter: The reporter’s record was due to be filed 10/12/2015, but it has not been received for filing. See TEX. R. APP. P. 35.1. Please file the reporter’s record within 30 days of the date of this notice. See TEX. R. APP. P. 37.3(a)(1). Or, you may use the information sheet on the Forms page of the Court’s Website,, to notify my office that: (l) proceedings were not recorded; (2) no party has requested a reporter’s record; (3) the party responsible for paying for preparation of the reporter’s record has not paid the reporter’s fee or has not made satisfactory arrangements to pay the fee and, is not entitled to appeal without paying the fee, i.e., the party is not indigent See TEX. R. APP§ P. 353 (b). If either the reporter’s record or a request i`or an extension of time is not filed by the due date, this matter will be referred to the Court so it can make whatever order is appropriate to avoid further delay and to preserve the parties’ rights. See TEX. R. APP. P. 37.3(a)(l). Sincerely, C£~»u»t§w;. Christopher A. Prine, Clerk of the Court By Noemi E. Hernandez, Deputy Clerk .i . . ..., . 1 ,. t . . .. . / ., .., , , _ , , . . . f t c . . .\ .~. , ,.. CCI Thomas Dale Arbogst Hon. Ronald Rope The Honorable Fort Bend District Clerk's Office (DELIVERED VlA E-MAIL) Melody Brooks Royall (DELIVERED VLA E-MAIL) Court of Appea|s, First District 301 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77002-2066 go ? Ha&&m:a:m-.n oFF'l`§'|%Yl-}S?£JESS . f U.S.POSTAGE>>P|TNEvBowEs ST&LEQEJEH\S ¢, ;_, _ PENM'{;_YLFOR PRlvATE use CASE NO. 01-15-00942-CV THOMAS DALE ARBOGST FEoERAL coRREchoNAL lNSTlTuTIoN P. o Bo)' mm OAKDA| HIXIE 711 SE 1339 5611'.¢'"12,/`15 R.E TURH TO SENDER P_EF LSED UP¢’A ABLE "'{} r'-(}R‘NAPD BCZ 7?`|33¢_'2{5569'3 2533~11842~36~44 i|‘l*'\i‘|'|"l':"llll'l“'i5'liii|'*‘|'z‘"|ss|"i'*z'|r=nixli "_` 551th $E&JAS$ ' 0001372104NOV 06 2015 _...._..- ,~»_......-_-_._._.. L,/ ». ..v§.,r &...»u.~>v ..…R."....x€.c_m~.a» idea »Fq.\¥\i@