Mcvember %Q9 2015 RECEIVED IN COURTOF CRIMINAL APPEALS Court of CrimiAal Appeals A-Wtv. Co«Jr+ Cierk, DEC 0 t 2015 TO Eox 12405 Abel Acosta, Clerk Ausiin9Te>cas 78711 "Re: WO, PD14>08-14 SWe cf T«>tAi Vs. A^tEtuAiRTi^i !Pestir Cou^ir Cltft-k; i Wope -VVi""!* Utter -Tirxis y>a in cjocd VieaM and spm4. -H^yfhanfea- / The reason far r*y UHer *s -fc> redoes* if tny af-fo^y, TJbevx F. Morales "7*8 Myr-rle Ave. &> ^*o> Teyas l^jqoi /fepeetyill^ Anel MA^me2#l7f@T3« A\)red Onrf 2-i '^a^ck,Tc^sT(b3b7