IM'IO - \5~-OJ "filed in " 14th COURT OFAPPEALS October 15/2015 OCT 20 201j TO: Chhristopher A. Pine CHRlbiOHHEri A. PHir Fourteenth Court of Appeals CLERK 301 Fannin St., Room 245 Houston, Texas-77002-2062 TO: Civil Rule a r t . 4.2 and 4.5: Mr.C.A.Pine: ^Bdn My rule book was printed in 2003 and I need to know if this rule still applies today in Civil cases where a court's order order that was issued to a plaintiff on July 28,2014, but the plaintiff did not receive any notice until October 8, 2014but the plaintiff October 8, 2015 and received by the dated of the post marke on the envelope October 5, 2015. That was on the envelope and was given to Risley on the October 8,2015 by the T.E.C.J.-ID mail room clerk on the 9th , 2015. This rule states that the time limit begin's on the date he receives actuall knowledge of that court's order of dismissal. Tex. R. C iv. Proc. art. 4.2 and 4.5. I need to know if these two rules art still true. thankyou for your help in this matter. 2400 Wallace Pack Road Navasota,Texas-77868-4567 CC/