F\@.o$sQ-oz ` NO. lO,886-B EX PARTE )( IN THE 21 ST DISTRICT COURT )( - OF- VICTOR GLENN HAMILTON. 4 )( l BURLESON COUNTY, TEXAS. MEMORANDUM This Court finds that there is no necessity for a fact-finding hearing because there is ample evidence in the record to rule on the relief sought. This Court also finds that the assertions contained in the State’s answer are correct and recommends that the relief requested be denied. Q_U l. The Court directs the Clerk of this Court to file these findings `and transmit them along with the Writ Transcript to the Clerk of the Co`urt of Criminal Appeals as required by laW. 2. The Clerk of the Court is ordered to send a copy of this order to the Applicant, and to send a copy of this order to the Burleson County District Attomey’s Office. 71\ SIGNED AND ENTERED this l 2 day of November, 2015. _ ¢%DMW nw F-ILED _ DATE ' h HECElv Fritsc € ` ED |N §t§dnc§* wl n am l cover oF CR|M|NAL APPEALS DEC. 1'7 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk ________¢5€\“.\'.$\1_‘.\§.\3`.\£,__ B.C£,BBTAW]_,-Q.‘L¢_?! \S__W _ 39~\ / f “/ //'5\ ,. QD__W_\-,N.D§L,RO\E'>`,.feclv’ed "le.~tter- _z>r§' . fec_"te_(>_¥__“tbot-X.\(ovtf-N_\Lr_§<`.\-Ql`= '\\qt\o€I_pas~ytas_b.@,m_¢_e¢.-;_e_v_ed_ot»s¢t_a¢.\;.v_w@¢l 'tp_#u\e_bv-t;t¢:o_g_c°mtstwma95 ,_ __A_“B_t>r_r;e_\{_,_-QD.-§\.%__NOi\l. ;Q 0_\ S____re_c,i_eu'_ ed N\E M,o.QBN.UJtM_‘\ ..,\_'..€,,\,`,\Q,i_. ,r'eq_ue&_%;€ci\ den“t_.@_&-,_ +\;Qt_n,sm`.+ -$"mck_“t_m%s_ along .\A)`\:\:\r\w.r`t~=r,".¥mm<':i¥:».t;_to._.m §§o_~¢tf%~__€i(-`, __ _(.:_if:\m`“h\._\__». Qe»_:l_\€ve&__,_§$i_\i£oms, _--®e\§;/"€r~»l. QF Q_,,CC>¢_\*\‘_CQ\,\_€~C; Sv.b$>tq_r\a¢, XD\ . pfo§ec»t¥o~r (DA\ _ S¥`\\\`, w`\it\\,\.\_e)é _Q\i_`tde_r\¢‘€, a§' -Wict\] -O\`\"\d ,Co,v\‘*\»if\\te§ “'tc> S\Ap \7”(`€35 G\ii€§@ff\__<`~.€/ do_s_<:le§€f.m`.\_n.€,,-DSQ)Y€,@OH€. _WQ)\QS\A.%:_,__`\\<\.Q\\¢Q`H\% adtA\\%§fantS,./,_o_\c_i33,,\tx\am;t§___.;’t$;\_-,._S_\t.-_P{.e.o_.f‘§:_ ,_ _ -, __§i_o_\r_\:v'_`t_o_i:tof\ ., -LV\ i\: \f`@t‘_\Ct C't_§ \l S;ir<>é<€. 305 ‘D 5@_\5)» 'R_C\___Q§.__S__`i_.§__. §‘;ex_._&p_.(>~_;gamct dit§_‘t¢,\'_°;tii §____ET§ _,'.§\l__§_’t_\er\ §i,e\\\/€. r\g is io__v __a_c~_»t.ttn\___ _ _o_~r_*C.ms?vruc:t`\\fe,__,~i'\/,,€d .:*ro, \>e, _Qt:_,__{_ocess is sic \o~\ 2d w`ir\e_z\~_*_\n& . _Q_@se_<.;w€tt_tar,\__ , \&xito\t£t,v;%_\'\/t_.p_m §e;r_\§~_m,o\§v_e;_r_‘tq\_\_' . ___;@>t_\s.e.~_e v;i~d_ea\£e i~°~vO __O,\O~.)rs ___§)ersess\'or\ .§>;ri_-_co~n§§~.\:o__\ _;wher_\ i`,- RDE\Q O‘?` RES’Y\*Y\/t't\ou_i was or 612er ,iro' pots $LBQO. ito ~'»\'\¢\2, _®ep¢d- o&’-_ Pu't\_<_ /LiQ°_t>:Tw ,_BMS‘¥T\.¢§;'Y`>’.`Z 7 536 ;D¢SC(\@>A on ' Ar\ot\\l s€s '\Io\ vv\» 35 edge 33%,\ A\$s W@tg denied wma;€z»_ugt§_s{i$t`s_,_ox\ ., 335 59 nfl 9le __§v;\mwb;@or. __.Se,»:,v_\’c¢:+ W,\.cO_\,O L\\ ct\-\ede&ed sup{)vesst`oo o§ ¢v€dencz such OtS ck<> \l`\__"Q\_Otj-<’~__“-\'\f\,.f\"§h\i _§»_Q_Q__Qg\r f\Yio.\_ _'\,\“"i\ \`\_-\\';ytkd` __"_\:_O&).\’ 'X;\\Ot>v d iSc¢>\/Q‘r Gt"\otASe_ \liCs\ ot‘\€._'¢`. C€>r\<'\~°t-¥w\'\` ov\at\ Sqwqm-\<’_zg Gm(t mts more Se/r\~~’r ot~'\rt*\;)v\ carer $ct’\~ir»\ § \r\a‘r \'Svt$‘¥\’t',¢ ix O\U-\\-eva’ 31 ‘Pnr“;rvrzu;\o_\c::.-:¢2~1_`1¢‘»\_24¢_\¢¢,l mlto:\:.._m€/I_QL’\{_`.@M\_f>.aé\to_r_v\_/_@_\r;\"`fdtsel;€e£t. l§.__m%ui;r£zi _~\'9_._`@_€,_<§./1:§~ G§;Q§_€d_whder witt __` s _tt:_wwttsi s twa w\@t»\., \'t,_,'§§_\:e_ime¢vws§:¢it_rg@y Nwit _§<_>ttet_e.t_e.d.mf~na;\_¥ap<)_m\s f'@»c*\€?¢‘r 435 lQB%i°_;‘_P> ~~ `\ii€)?ioc.\'\i¢tmi~\:\'o.n\. €> ____ ‘§§,1“5'2;,1_:__,
Hamilton, Victor Glenn
Combined Opinion