in the Guardianship of Ruby Peterson

FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:29:57 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk TAB 5 2 72 DA42 7208 PROBATECOURT COURT,‘I 4-7" N 0 INTHE IN GUARDIANSHIPOF THE GUARDIANSHIP RUBYS.PETERSON, RUBY S. PETERSON, ANINCAPACITATED OF NO. NO § § § INTHE IN NUMBER NUMBER PROBATE COURT THE PROBATE COURT OF OF AN INCAPACITATED PERSON PERSON § HARRISCOUNTY, HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS TEXAS ORIGINAL ORIGINAL PETITION PETITION FORAPPOINTMENT FOR APPOINTMENT OFTEMPORARY OF TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT AND PERMANENT GUARDIAN (S)OFTHEPERSON GUARDIAN(S) OF THE PERSON ANDESTATEOFRUBYS.PETERSON, AND ESTATE OF RUBY S. PETERSON, F OR FOR DECLARATORY DECLARATORY JUDGMENT,AND JUDGMENT, FOR ALTERNATIVE RELIEF, ANDFORALTERNATIVE RELIEF, TEMPORAR TEMPORAR RESTRAINING RESTRAINING ORDER,TEMPORARY ORDER, TEMPORARY INJUNCTION INJUNCTION 0 AND PERMANENT AND PERMANENT INJUNCTION tD TOTHE TO THEHONORABLE HONORABLE JUDGE JUDGE OFSAID OF SAIDC OURT: COURT: . COMENOW, COME NOW,D onny("Don") Donny ("Don")LLeslie esliePeterson and Peterson ("Mack") and Mackey GlenPe ("Mack") Glenerson, P‘ -sort /)(P 7trd2 requestingooff the requesting Courtthe the Court of aaTemporary the appointment of Temporary Guardian Guardian and,subsequently, and, subsequenly, aa fit Permanent Permanent Guardian ooffthePerson Guardian the Person andEstate and Estate ofRubyS.Peterson ("Proposed of Ruby S. Peterson ("Proposed andfor Ward")and Ward") for Declaratory Declaratory Relief Relief a stated,andin ass hereinafter stated, support whereof and in support would respectfully whereof would respectfully show untothe show unto the Courttthe Court hefollowing:DISCOVERY following: CONTROL DISCOVERY CONTROL P LAN PLAN l. 1. Discovery Discovery incormection in connection with with thisaction isintended this action is to beconducted intended to underlevel be conducted under level33 ofRulel90.l, of TexasRulesofCivilProcedure.PARTIES Rule 190.1, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. PARTIES 2. 2. Petitioner, Petitioner, Donny ("Don”) Donny ("Don") L esliePeterson Leslie Peterson is individual anindividual is an residentof resident of Harris Harris County, County, Texas andattorney Texas and attorney iinnfactunder fact under F inancial Financial Power ofAttorney Power of Attorney ofRuby S.Peterson of Ruby S. dated Peterson dated November November l5, 15, 2013. theevent Inthe 2013. In thatsuchPower eventthat ofAttorney such Power of Attomey bedeclared be declarednullandvoid, null and void, Petitioners then seek the appointment of Petitioners thenseektheappointment of a Guardian o dulyqualified Guardian a duly offthePerson andEstate the Person and Estate to to Proposed Ward,Ruby RubyS. S.Peterson. (bee,. kctz,‘ Proposed Ward, 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0064 No. 1-15-586-CV 14 3. 3. Petitioner, Petitioner, Mackey ("Mack") ("Mack") G lenPeterson Glen Peterson iis s an an individual resident of Hays of Hays County, Texas andattorney Texasand attomeyiinnfactunder fact under F inancial Financial ofAttorney Powerof Power Attorney ofRuby S.Peterson of Ruby S. dated Peterson dated N CL November 15,2013.Intheevent thatsuch ofAttorney Power bedeclared nullandvoid, November 15, 2013. In the event that such Power of Attorney be declared null and void, ila Petitioner Petitioner thenseeks then seeks theappointment the appointment of duly qualified Guardian of a duly Guardian ofthe of the Person andEstate Person and to Estate to Proposed Ward, Proposed Ward, RubyS. Ruby S.Peterson. Peterson. 4. 4. Respondent, Respondent, Manley Carotlet;son Manley individual isisananindividual resident resident ofHarris of HarrisCounty, County, tJ N Texas, who beserved may with notice ofthisPetition atherresidence 7915 Texas, who may be served with notice of this Petition at her residence 7915 Ver amonte Ct., Ct., CO SugarL Sugar and,TX Land, TX77479-7003, or at 77479-7003, or any other at any other a ddresssshe address hecan can belocated. be located. D| 5. 5. Respondent, Respondent, David Troy Peterson Peterson is individual an individual is an residentof resident of Harris HarrisCounty, Texas,w Texas, homay who may be servedwith be served withnoticeof thisPetition notice of this hisresidence athis Petition at residence402Fintona Way, 402 Way, Houston, Houston, TX77015, TX 77015, or any other atany orat other a ddress address he canbelocated. he can be located. CLAIMAMOUNT, VENUE CLAIM VENUE and JURISDICTION JURISDICTION 6. 6. Theamount The amountiinn controversy controversy at thistimeis at anundetermined amount. this time is an Upon amount. Upon information informationaand nd belief,the of the assetsof belief, the assets theProposed ProposedWardexceed Ward Milliondollars TwoMillion exceed Two dollars ($2,000,000.00) ($2,000,000.00) inliquidity. in liquidity. 7. 7. ThisCourt This Courthas hasvenue andjurisdiction venueand underTexas jurisdiction under TexasProbate ProbateCode §§607A Code§§607A and610 and 610 Ainresult A andconsequence in result and consequenceofthefacts of alleged,showing the facts hereinafter alleged, showingtthat hattheclaims andcauses the claims and causes of action of actionare thoseappertaining to arethose to the Guardianship the Guardianship of of the the EstateandPerson Estate and Person of RubyS. of Ruby S. Peterson, Peterson, whose whose p ermanent permanent residence residence anddomicile and domicile andwhere and where herprincipal her principal estate located, in are located, estate are in HarrisCounty, Harris County,Texas.FACTUAL Texas. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS ALLEGATIONS 8. 8. TheProposed The Wardis Proposed Ward predeceased is predeceased byherhusband TroyElliot by her husband Troy Peterson Elliot Peterson June onJune on 24,1994, 24, hasno 1994, has siblings, no siblings, butissurvived byherchildren, but is survived by follows: asfollows: her children, as 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0065 No. 1-15-586-CV 15 A. A. Carol Peterson CarolPeterson Manley, 7915 7915 Veramonte Ct,Sugar Veramonte Ct, Land,TX Sugar Land, TX77479-7003. 77479-7003. B. B. DavidTroy David Peterson, Troy Peterson, 402Fintona Houston, Way,Houston, 402 Fintona Way, TX77015. TX 77015. C. C. Lormy Lonny Peterson, 307Holly, Peterson, 307 Baytown, TX Holly, Baytown, 77520. TX 77520. D. D. Donny ("Don")Leslie Donny("Don") LesliePeterson, Peterson,13707Greenwood 13707 GreenwoodLaneSouth, Lane Houston, South, Houston, TX TX 77044. 77044. 73 t" E. E. Mackey (("Mack") Mackey "Mack") GlenPeterson, Glen Peterson, Windmill 2151Windmill 2151 Run,Wimberly, Run, Wimberly,TX78676. TX 78676. 01 9. 9. Thisproceeding This proceeding iiss initiated initiatedby by Donny Donny("Don”) LesliePeterson ("Don") Leslie andMackey Peterson and Mackey GlenPeterson, ("Mack") Glen Peterson,("Petitioners") each adult ("Petitioners") each onoftheProposed adult sson Ward,seeking of the Proposed Ward, seekingfirst first aa r- Temporary Temporary Guardianship Guardianship to befollowed to be followed by by a Permanent Guardianship Permanent Guardianship oftheProposed Wardand of the Proposed Ward and Estate.In Estate. addition, In addition, andin and thealternative, in the whilefullyinsisting alternative, while theforegoing, onthe fully insisting on Petitioners foregoing, Petitioners wouldshow would showunto untotheCourt theneedforDeclaratory the Court the Reliefpursuant need for Declaratory Relief pursuantto CPRC§37.04 to CPRC §37.04et et seq., seq., declaring declaring D urablePPower Durable owerooffAttorney Attorney d atedJune24, dated heretofore 1993heretofore June 24, 1993 signedbytheProposed signed by the Proposed Ward, to benullandvoidandhaving Ward, to noo further effect be null and void and having n effect aand ndunenforceable assuch.Copy unenforceableas ofJune such. Copy of June 24,1993 24, PowerooffAttorney 1993 Power Attorney iiss attached attached aass Exhibit Exhibit "A". partofofsaid Asaapart "A". As saidDeclaratory Relief, Declaratory Relief, Petitioners Petitioners would would askfortheenforcement ofsubsequently ask for the enforcement of subsequentlyexecuted executed P of Attorney, owerof Power Attorney, dated dated November 2013, a 15,2013, November 15, ppointing appointing Petitioners Petitioners each each to serve inthecapacity to serve in the capacity a attorneyiinnfactfor ass attorney fact for theProposed the Proposed Ward. Acopy Ward. A ofthatPower copyof ofAttomey that Power of isattached Attorney is heretoand attached hereto andincorporated herein incorporated herein Exhibit"B". asExhibit as "B”.And, And,inintheunlikely thatthe eventthat the unlikely event shoulddeclare the Court should declarePetitioners' Petitioners’ Powerooff Power Attomey Attorney not enforceable not enforceable as such,thenPetitioners as such, then Petitioners seek appointment of seekappointment first,aaTemporary of first, Temporary Guardianppending Guardian endingwhatthey what they expect o be expecttto ofthis contestof be aa contest thisPetition, Petition, andsubsequently, and subsequently,aa Permanent Permanent Guardian vertheProposed Guardian oover the ProposedWard’s Ward's P ersonandEstate.Further, Person inconnection and Estate. Further, in connectionwith with theforegoing, the foregoing, Petitioners Petitioners seekofthis Orderfor anOrder seek of this Court an foran audit/accounting anaudit/accounting pursuant pursuant to Rule to Rule 172oftheTexas 172 Rulesof of the Texas Rules CivilProcedure, ofCivil Procedure,providing providing statement aa statement of behalfooffthe accountsoonnbehalf of accounts the Proposed Proposed Ward, and for the best interest oftheProposed Ward, andforthebestinterest Ward, identifying of the Proposed Ward, identifying andstating and stating tthe heextent, extent, 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0066 No. 1-15-586-CV 16 oftheProposed havebeensubjected Wardhave been subjected to wrongful use andexcess excess if any,ttoowhich the if any, assetsof the assets the Proposed Ward to wrongful use and ofdistribution of distributionwhile while being inthe beingin the control ofthe controlof heretofore personsheretofore the persons exercising exercising Power ofAttorney Power of Attorney in of the Proposed Ward, behalf oftheProposed inbehalf viz.Carol Ward, viz. Peterson Manley CarolPeterson Manley and TroyPeterson. David and David Troy Peterson. 10. Carol 10. Carol Peterson Peterson Manley Manley and David andDavid Troy Troy Peterson Peterson have have exercised exercised self-serving self-serving and and and control o ominionandcontrol wrongfulddominion wrongful offthe the assets of the Proposed WardandherEstatepursuant assets oftheProposed o the Ward and her Estate pursuant tto the Attorney d PowerooffAttorney Power atedJune24, dated 1993 (Exhibit June 24, 1993 (Exhibit"A").For thisreason "A"). For this thiscause uponthis reasonupon andfor causeand for thebest andprotection interestand the best interest oftheProposed protection of the Proposed Ward, Petitioners Ward,Petitioners seekthe seek appointment the appointment of an of an to represent the auditortorepresent auditor accounting the accounting of assetsand of assets disposition anddisposition of forthe samefor of same preceding the preceding oneyear one year period.11. period. In connection In connection with the with i.e.theProposed person,i.e. the person, Ward,thesiblings the Proposed Ward, ofPetitioners, the siblings of Petitioners, 11. CarolPeterson Carol Peterson M anleyaand Manley ndDavid Troy Peterson h David TroyPeterson have, addition ave,iinn addition to exercising toexercising dominion and dominion and over the controlover control the assets ofthe assetsof Proposed the Proposed Ward, isolated haveisolated Ward,have hher from remaining erfrom familym remaining family embers, members, having lacedherin havingpplaced nursinghome, her in aa nursing of the choosing ofRuby not ofthechoosing home,not S.Peterson, of Ruby S. andin Peterson, and over in effect over her objection. her objection. RubyS.S.Peterson Ruby isinthe Peterson is company in the company offreeroaming of domestic free roaming domestic animalswithinher animals within her presentliving present facility, having living facility, agitating effect having aannagitating ponthe effect uupon Proposed Ward. the Proposed Forthe Ward. For purpose the purpose ofthe of the protection protection aand ndbest best interest theProposed interestooff the Proposed Ward pending resolution Wardpending of thisPetitionforthe resolution of this Petition for the Appointment Appointment of Permanent of a Permanent Guardian aand Guardian ndthe determination the determination of thenecessity of of the same, the necessity of the same, Petitioners Petitioners would would seekthe appointment of seek the appointment Temporary of aa Temporary Guardian ooffthePerson Guardian andEstateof the Person and Estate of S.Peterson, RubyS. Ruby Peterson, at the discretion ofthe atthediscretion of the Court, again, pending tthe again,pending hedetermination oftheneedfor determination of the need for Permanent aa Permanent Guardianship Guardianship ofthePerson and Estate ofthe of the Person andEstate Proposed of the Proposed Wardandthe Ward and the qualification, ifappointed, if ofsame. appointed, of same. 12. Furthermore, Furthermore, andin connection and in connection withtheAppointment with the Appointment of Guardian, ofaa Temporary Guardian, 12. Petitioners Petitioners would would seek Temporary seekaa Temporary Restraining Restraining Order, Temporary Order,Temporary andPermanent Injunction, Injunction, and Permanent 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0067 No. 1-15-586-CV 17 Injunction Injunction ppreventing reventing tthe he further and self-serving further unwarranted and self-servingintervention interventionof two of oftwo the of the N children, children, Carol Carol P eterson Peterson M anleyaand Manley ndDavid Troy Peterson intoherbusiness David Troy andpersonal into her business and affairs. personal affairs. G C. is,Petitioners Thatis, That Petitioners would would s howtheneed show forCourt totorestrain the need for restrain saidpersons said persons from from exercising exercising unlawful unlawful dominion dominion ofcontrol of control o off assets andperson assets and oftheProposed person of the Proposed Ward, withher Ward,interfering with her dayto day daypersonal today affairs a personal affairs ndtheselection and the selection o off a living livingand andcare facilityssuited carefacility uitedto to herneeds and her needs and liking,as liking, opposed asopposed herpresent ttoo her placement presentplacement inSilverado in Silverado Sugar LandMemory SugarLand Memory CareCommunity Care Community notat not at her selection a herselection ndagainst and against herwill. Intheabsence her will. hi ofan the absence of Order anOrder restraining restraining suchactivity, such activity, Ca appointing appointing Temporary a Temporary Guardian Guardian iin n herbehalf RubyS. her behalf Ruby S.Peterson willlikely Peterson will sufferirreparable likely suffer irreparable NJ harm, a harm, ndas and herassets toher asto forwhich assetsfor judgment moneyjudgment which aamoney alonewould alone wouldnot necessarily notnecessarily suffice for sufficefor herprotection her protection andforwhich and for which there would be there would be no otheradequate no other adequateremedy remedy a lawindamages att law alone, in damages alone, particularly ifdenied if denied theimmediate care and the immediate care contact ofherloved and contact of her loved ones andtheprotection ones and ofher the protection of her estate fromdissipation estate from dissipation aand nd the unknownability the unknown ability to recoverfundsthat to recover havebeen mayhave funds that may been mismanaged, misappropriated,converted, mismanaged, misappropriated, or committed converted,or beyondtheWard’s committedbeyond reachby the Ward's reach bydeceitful deceitful andfraudulent and fraudulentacts. Moreover, acts. Moreover, Proposed theProposed the Wardhas Ward beenprovided has been insufficient provided insufficient and and detrimental detrimental medical by the wrongful administration care bythewrongful medical care administrationof of drugs.Moreover, forthosefunds drugs. Moreover, for those funds foundinthepossession found in the possession of anythird of any party thatbelong third party that belong to RubyS. to Ruby S.Peterson, andforwhich Peterson, and said for which said funds,aassets funds, ssetsor otherproperty or other propertyw acquired ereacquired were tthrough hroughuse use offraudanddeceit oftheProposed of fraud and deceit of the Proposed Ward, Ward, P etitioners Petitioners would would askthattheCourt imposeaa Constructive Trust ask that the Court impose fortheprotection Trust for and the protection and ofsame. conservation of same. 13. 13. TheProposed The Proposed Ward presently lives Wardpresently Silverado at Silverado lives at SugarLandMemory Sugar Care Land Memory Care Community Community inSugarland. Theadministrator in Sugarland. The operator oroperator administrator or ofthatfacility of isTana that facility is who Tana McMillon, who may be may servedwith be served this with notic of this proceeding proceeding t Silverado ataSilverado SugarLandMemory Sugar Care Land Memory Care Community, Community, 1221Seve✓ 1221 Seventh nthhSStreet, Sugar L treet,Sugar and,T Land, TXX77478 pursuant to 77478 pursuant TPC§633(d)(3) to TPC and(4).i §633(d)(3) and (4). 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0068 No. 1-15-586-CV 18 DuringthePetitioners During the Petitioners visitwiththeProposed Wardon visit with the Proposed Ward November onNovember 15,2013, 15, Proposed 2013, Proposed Ward Ward appeared appeared to beunaware to be unawareandunable and comprehend unable ttoo comprehend thefulldetails orany the full details or ofcontroversy extentof any extent controversy between and herchildren among astohercare andcondition. Italso toPetitioners appears that between and among her children as to her care and condition. It also appears to Petitioners that becauseooff the because theProposed Ward’smental Proposed Ward's mentalcondition, condition, sheis unableto she is unable to protect herselfor protectherself make or make decisions thatareinthebestinterest ofherpersonal andfinancial affairs. believing Still, inthe decisions that are in the best interest of her personal and financial affairs. Still, believing in the foregoing, foregoing, Petitioners Petitioners accepted accepted tthe Proposed W heProposed ard’ssigned Ward's signedPower ofAttomey Powerof andRevocation Attorney and Revocation ofprior of PowerooffAttorney prior Power Attorney on on 11-15-13, otcontradictory ll-15-13,nnot contradictory to their belief iin to theirbelief ntheirmother’s mental their mother's mental limitations, limitations, butperhaps in a lucid but perhaps in moment. thatsheunderstood lucid moment. that she understood what what sshe hewas signing. was signing. 14. 14. Section875(k) Section 875(k) o off the theTexas TexasProbate Codeprovides Probate Code thatwhen provides that Permanent when aaPermanent Guardianship Guardianshipisiscontested, contested,the theCourt onthe Courton the Court’s wnMotion Court's oown Motionor on the or on Motionof the Motion an of an interested interested party, party, m ayappoint may Temporary appoint aa Temporary Guardian Guardian pending contestwithout pending contest issuingnotice without issuing noticeand and citation citation iifftheCourt findsthattheappointment the Court finds that the appointment is necessary is necessary to Proposed protectaa Proposed to protect Wardor Ward the or the ProposedW Proposed ard’sEEstate. Ward's state. In thiscase, Inthis thePetitioners case,the Petitionersbelievethereis believe necessityfor there is aa necessity the forthe immediate immediate appointment appointment of disinterested of a disinterested third Temporary partyTemporary third party Guardian Guardian oover theProposed verthe Proposed Ward’sPerson Ward's andEstate Personand Estate pending theactual pendingthe appointment actualappointment andqualification of and of aaPermanent Permanent Guardian Guardian assuch, as such, u determination ponaa determination upon oftheneed of the need for samebytheCourt, for same andshould by the Court, and should tthe hePower Power ofAttorney of of Petitioners bedeclared Attorney ofPetitioners be declared u nenforceable unenforceable as well. as well. 15. 15. Based theforegoing uponthe Based upon foregoingfactsand facts allegations, and allegations, thePetitioners the Petitionersbelievethe believe the appointment appointment of Guardian, of aa Temporary Guardian, andsubsequently and subsequently a Permanent a Permanent Guardian Guardian oftheProposed of the Proposed Ward’s Ward's Person andEstate Personand isnecessary Estate is necessarytoprotect to theProposed protect the Ward,and Proposed Ward, andherEstate, andthatthe her Estate, and that the givento powersgiven powers theTemporary to the Guardian Temporary Guardian pending uchaa termination pending ssuch termination should should include att least include a the least the following: following: 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0069 No. 1-15-586-CV 19 A. Totakepossession A. To take possession ofallfunds belonging of all funds belonging to Proposed to Proposed Ward,wherever Ward, wherever located; B. B. Tomakedemands To make demands of ofCarol CarolPeterson Peterson Manleyand Manley andDavid TroyPeterson David Troy for Peterson for 0 accountins ofall accountings of all Pro osedWard’s Proposed funds; Ward's funds; C. C. Todemand To demand accountings of all accountings of of any actsof all acts forProposed agentsfor anyagents Wardunder Proposed Ward under powers of powers of attorney; attorney; D. Topay D. To allreasonable payall andnecessary reasonable and necessary expenses expenses of Proposed of Proposed Ward,subject Ward, subjectto to approval approval andratification ofthis and of this Court; 0 E. E. Toarrange To arrangeffor ormedical ofProposed careof medical care Ward; Proposed Ward; F. F. To sellany To sell realproperty anyreal propertybelonging belonging Proposed to Proposed to Ward,subject Ward, subjectto further tofurther ordersofthisCourt; orders and of this Court; and G. To G. Toapply apply to thisCourt to this foradditional Court for additional powers powers o modifythe tomodify orrto thepowers ordered powersordered herein herein that that are to protect Proposed necessary toprotect arenecessary Proposed Ward andher Wardand estate. her estate. forTemporary Application for Temporary R estraining Restraining Order, Order, andPermanent Temporary Injunction, and Permanent Injunction 16. 16. Petitioners Petitioners asktheCourt ask the Court ttoo grant grantaa temporary temporary restraining restraining orderand order and to their settheir to set application application for for temporary injunction injunctionffor or aa hearing, hearing, andafterthehearing, issueaatemporary and after the hearing, issue temporary injunction injunction which: which: •· Prohibits Prohibits C arolPeterson Carol Peterson Manleyand/orDavidTroyPeterson, Manley and/or David Troy Peterson, or any anyperson person purporting o be purporting tto actingas be acting theirfamily, astheir agent,servant, family, officer, agent, employees servant, employees and/or and/or actingin acting concertor in concert participation with or participation with them, them, o thertthan other hanPetitioners from: Petitioners from: (i) (i) attempting attempting to withdraw, to withdraw, pledge, encurnber, pledge, encumber, transfer, otherwise orotherwise transfer, gift, or remove remove any funds or other assetsheldin any depository a ccount any funds or other assets held in any depository account held heldin Carol in Carol Peterson M Peterson anleyand/or Manley and/or D avidTroyPeterson’s David Troy Peterson's nameor name or on whichRuby on which RubyS. S. Peterson was or is Peterson wasor is a signatory; signatory; (ii) (ii) attempting attempting to conceal, to conceal, spend,transfer, spend, pledge, deposit, transfer, pledge, deposit, gift,sell gift, sell or otherwise orotherwise disposeof dispose anyfunds, assets of any CarolPeterson assetsCarol Manleyand/or Peterson Manley and/orDavidTroy David Troy Peterson, theirfamily, Peterson, employees agentsoorr employees their family, agents havereceived have and/ortaken received and/or takenfrom from RubyS. Ruby S.Peterson Peterson o orr from from any account inwhich any account in which Ruby Ruby S.Peterson S. Peterson w or is asor was is a a signatory, signatory, or CarolPeterson assetsCarol or assets Peterson Manleyaand/or Manley DavidTroy nd/orDavid TroyPeterson have Peterson have purchased withfunds purchased with fundsrreceived eceived from Ruby S.Peterson Ruby S. onnher Peterson o her accounts; accounts; 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0070 No. 1-15-586-CV 20 N (iii)attempting (iii) attempting toto contact oror communicate communicate withRubyS. with Peterson, Ruby S. Peterson, herfamily, her Cpl and/orhherercaregivers in and/or inany any form ormethod, form or method, without supervision. without supervision. Orders • Orders • Carol Peterson Manley Carol Peterson and/or David Manley and/or David Troy Troy P eterson Peterson toreturn to return to counsel to counsel for for Petitioners Petitioners within within 24hours ofits 24 hours of Temporary its Temporary Restraining Restraining Order allpersonal Order all property personal property whichwas which eitherppurchased was either urchasedusing using money any ofRuby money from any of Ruby S.Peterson’s accounts S. Peterson's accounts or or fraudulently fraudulently obtainedffrom obtained romRuby Ruby S.S. Peterson or which Peterson or was takenfromRubyS. which was taken from Ruby S. Peterson Peterson oorr give CarolPeterson to Carol give to Peterson Manleyand/or Manley and/orDavid DavidTroyPeterson Troy Peterson b byyRubyS. Ruby S. Peterson. Peterson. Prohibits • Prohibits Carol Peterson Carol Peterson M anleyaand/or Manley nd/orD avidTroy David Troy Peterson Peterson o orranyperson any person or entity orentity purporting purporting tto o be actingas be acting CarolPeterson asCarol Manleyand/or Peterson Manley and/orDavid DavidTroyPeterson’s Troy Peterson's officer,agent, officer, servant, agent,servant, employees employees and/or and/or a ctingin acting concertor in concert participation orparticipation withthem with them fromattempting from attempting to to conceal, spend,ttransfer, conceal,spend, ransfer,pledge, pledge, d eposit,gift,sell deposit, gift, sell or otherwise orotherwise disposeof dispose ofany funds,assets anyfunds, CarolPeterson assetsCarol Peterson Manleyand/or Manley and/orDavid DavidTroy TroyPeterson Peterson have have purchased withfunds purchased with fundsreceived received ffrom romRuby RubyS.S.Peterson. Peterson. l7. 17. Petitioners further Petitioners further a sktheCourt ask the Court ttoogrant temporary grant aa temporary restraining restraining order order and and to set to set theirapplication their application for temporary injunction for temporary injunction for for a hearing, hearing, andafter and after thehearing, the hearing, issue temporary issue aa temporary injunction injunction mandating mandating thatCarol that Carol P eterson Peterson M anleyaand/or Manley nd/orD avidTroy David Troy Peterson Peterson c cease allcontact easeall contact andcommunication and communication withRuby S.Peterson, with Ruby S. her family, andhercaregivers, Peterson, herfamily, and her caregivers, and and return return any andall anyand all cash,aassets cash, ssetsbelonging to RubyS. belonging to Peterson, Ruby S. Peterson, and and any otheritemsthattheyhavetakenand/or any other items that they have taken and/or received received ffrom romRubyS.Peterson immediately Ruby S. Peterson immediately upon serviceof upon service oftheTemporary Restraining the Temporary Restraining Order Order and/orT and/or emporary Temporary Injunction. Injunction. Probable Rightof Probable Right ofRecovery Recovery 18. 18. A restraining A temporary restraining orderand/or order and/or temporary injunction injunction will will protect RubyS. protect Ruby S. Peterson Peterson ffrom romfurther further eexploitation xploitation andabuse.Courts sittingin and abuse. Courts sitting inprobate possess probate possess clearauthority clear authority andjurisdiction and jurisdiction toprotect boththenamed to protect both the named assets ofan assets of andtheprobable estate,and an estate, assets o the probable assets offan an estate. estate. TheTexas The TexasSupreme Supreme Courteevaluated Court valuated thecharge the charge g ivento given to probate probate c ourtsiinnTexas courts andfound Texas and found thati that 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0071 No. 1-15-586-CV 21 the possessed the courts possessed the the authority anddirection and direction tto issue injunctions o issue injunctions to heassets of preserve tthe to preserve an of an estate and and toprevent potential dissipation to prevent potential dissipation ofthose of those assets. InLucik assets. In Taylor, v.Taylor, Lucik v. theTexas the Supreme Texas Supreme N 0 Court held: Court held: iA Here, Here, a in English ass in Cobb,theprotection v.Cobb, English v. fromdissipation the protection from or transfer dissipation or transfer o offthe the potential potential assets o assets offthe ofLucik estateof the estate directlybears Lucik directly bearson theultimate onthe collection ultimate collection and and 07 distributionof of suchproperties pursuanttotohis such propertiespursuant hiseffective effectivewwill. ill. As such,the As such, the injunctive injunctive relief rrelated relief elatedttoo a matter "incident to to an estate" an estate" andwas and within waswithin the the vy injunctive injunctive powers o powers offtheProbate Courtof the Probate Court ofDallas Dallas County. Lucik, 596S.W.2d 516,Seealso at 516, 596 S.W.2d at Smithv. See also Smith 998S.W.2d324,336(Tex. v.Lanier, 998 S.W.2d 324, 336 (Tex. App.—Austin App.—Austin 1999, et.Denied) 1999, ppet. Denied) ("A court h ("A court astheinherent has power tto the inherent power orderthe o order the surrender surrender of property h of property eldby held anypartyto by any thesuit.Thisinherent party to the enables powerenables suit. This inherent power the courtttoo preserve the court itsown preserve its abilityto ownability to render effective rendereffective relief relief a ndgiveeffect and its give effect ttoo its judgment." (internal judgment." (internal citations citations omitted)). ProbableR Probable ight0fSuccess Right of Success on Merits on Merits 19. 19. Thefactual The allegations factual allegations contained contained inthispleading provideample in this pleading provide ampleevidence evidence sustainthe to sustain to the causes actionalleged causesooff action allegedherein.These herein. These factual allegations factualallegations andcauses and of causesof actionare action fullyincorporated arefully incorporated herein, herein, a and Plaintiff rrelies ndPlaintiff eliesupon upon theseparagraphs these paragraphs in his in his application application fortemporary for temporary restraining orderand restraining order andtemporary injunction. injunction. ProbableInjury Probable Injury 20. 20. If aa restraining If restraining order and/ortemporary injunction orderand/or are not injunction are issued,RubyS. not issued, Ruby S. worse. Peterson w Peterson worse. illremain will subjectto remain subject exploitation to exploitation andmanipulation and andpossible manipulation and indigence possible indigence or or 692687.1E 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0072 No. 1-15-586-CV 22 Irreparable Injury: lf Carol If CarolPeterson Peterson and/orDavid Troy Manleyand/or Manley TroyPeterson and Peterson and Cpl necessaryparties are not partiesare enjoined fromthe not enjoined from the actions actions above, above, n ot only not RubyS. mayRuby only may S. 0 Peterson’s Peterson's assets assets belost be thatare lost that arenecessary necessary forher for hersupport, support, but shewill butshe willalso alsoremain atatrisk risk emotional and/or ofphysical harm. of physical and/or emotional harm. N0 No adequate Remedy at Law Remedy at UnlessCarol Law for Damages: Unless CarolPeterson Peterson Manley and/or Manley and/or DavidTroy David TroyPeterson enjoined areenjoined Peterson are bythisCourt by concealing, this Court from concealing, spending, spending, disbursing, disbursing, 0 selling,diminishing, gifting, selling, pledging, transferring, diminishing, pledging, transferring,alteringor disposing alteringor disposing ooff anyor all any or all 0 fromany funds and and assets they have received a assetstheyhavereceived nd/orttaken and/or akenfromRubyS.Peterson, from Ruby S. Peterson, or or from any accountinwhich account sheis in which she signatory, is aa signatory, andenjoined and fromattempting enjoined from attemptingto change, to change, remove or removeor otherwise otherwise aalter any beneficiary designation lterany or signor designation or signor on depository anydepository on any accountor account or accounthheld financial account eldin in RubyS. Peterson’s Ruby S. Peterson's nameor name forher or for herbenefit, and/orfrom benefit,and/or from attempting attempting to contactoorr communicate withRubyS. to contact Peterson,herfamily, with Ruby S. Peterson, and/orher her family, and/or her caregivers caregivers in any form in any or method form or method w without supervision, Ruby ithoutsupervision, Ruby S. assetsmay S. Peterson's assets be maybe stolenand stolen andherphysical andunrecoverable, and her physical person person m aybefurther may harmed. be further harmed. Bond Bond 21. 21. Petitioners Petitioners arewilling are willing ttoopost bond. post bond. Damages 22. 22. Petitioners Petitioners seekaa temporary seek temporary restraining restraining order and/ortemporary orderand/or temporary injunction to prevent to CarolPeterson preventCarol Peterson Manley and/orDavidTroyPeterson Manleyand/or and/orany David Troy Peterson and/or person anyperson claiming claiming tto o be actingas beacting theirofficers, astheir agents,servants, officers, agents, servants,employees employees and/or actingin and/oracting in concert participation with or participation concert or with them, them, ffrom furtherdamaging romfurther damaging Ruby Ruby S.Peterson orher S. Peterson or her estate. estate. FORDISCLOSURE REQUESTS FOR DISCLOSURE 23. 23. UnderTexas Under TexasRule RuleofCivil Procedure of Civil Procedure §l94Petitioners §194 requests Petitioners requests thatRespondents that Respondents 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0073 No. 1-15-586-CV 23 CarolPeterson Carol PetersonManley andDavid and David Troy Troy Peterson of the service o fifty (50) days oftheservice within fifty(50)days Peterson disclose, within off 0 01 thisrequest, this request,theinformation and/orm the information and/or aterial material described described inRule194.2. in Rule 194.2. 0 0 WHEREFORE, PREMISES WHEREFORE, CONSIDERED, Petitioners PREMISES CONSIDERED, pray thattheCourt Petitioners pray that the Court ((1) 1)appoint appoint a disinterested disinterested third third party to perform party to an audit perform an audit o offthe oftheProposed assetsof the assets Wardand the Proposed Ward andreport such reportsuch to theCourt; to the (2)thatthePower Court; (2) ofAttomey that the Power of datedJune Attorney dated June24,1993 underwhich 24, 1993 under CarolPeterson whichCarol Peterson ManleyandDavid Manley Troy Peterson hheretofore and David TroyPeterson eretoforeacted Attorneyiin as Attorney actedas Fact in behalf n Factin behalf of RubyS. of Ruby S. sw 0 Peterson Peterson be declared n bedeclared ullandvoidandof null and void and of no furtherforce no further forceor effectand or effect andnot enforceable; notenforceable; (3)that (3) that thesimilar the ofAttomeys Powerof similar Power datedNovember Attorneys dated November15,2013 15, appointing 2013 appointing Mackey Mackey GlenPeterson Glen Petersonand and CJ Donny Peterson b LesliePeterson Donny Leslie declared e beedeclared nforceable enforceable as such, such, o altematively; orr alternatively; (4)that Permanent (4) that aa Permanent Guardian Guardian beappointed for the Proposed Ward’s be appointed fortheProposed Personand Ward's Person and that pending ssuch, Estate, andthatpending andEstate, uch,((5) 5)aa Temporary Guardian Temporary for the protectionofthe be appointed fortheprotection Guardian beappointed assetsooffthe of the assets andperson estateand the estate ofthe person of the Proposed Ward; Proposed Ward; ((6) for the appointment of 6)fortheappointment Permanent Guardian of a Permanent Guardian inthe event tthat in the event the Power o hatthePower off Attorneys Attorneys datedNovember dated November 15,2013appointing MackeyGlenPeterson 15, 2013 appointing Mackey andDormy Glen Peterson and Leslie Donny Leslie Peterson Peterson iissnot given full effect not given effect a credit a ndcredit and ndenforceability and enforceability as such, a as such, and; (7) that the Court tthus nd;(7)thattheCourt hus appointqualified person appoint or persons tto person orpersons o act such,the assuch, act as thePermanent Guardian Permanent Guardian ooffthePerson and the Person and Estate ofRuby Estate S.Peterson, of Ruby S. (8)andforsuchother Peterson, (8) and;further and for such other and; reliefto further relief to which Petitioners whichPetitioners would would themselves justly showthemselves show entitled justly entitled and in the best interest oftheProposed andinthebestinterest Ward;Furthermore, of the Proposed Ward; Furthermore, that that (a)Notice (a) andcitation Notice and citation b beeissued asrequired issued as required b byylaw; law; (b)Upon (b) Upon final trialandhearing finaltrial hereof,theProposed and hearing hereof, Ward(by the Proposed Ward (byandthrough her and through her guardianship) guardianship) have judgment against havejudgment against C arolPeterson Carol Peterson Manley and/orDavid Manleyand/or David Peterson ffor TroyPeterson Troy orany anysums thatmay sums that maybebeadjudged againstthem adjudged against themininaccordance accordance withthelawandthefacts with determined asdetermined the law and the facts as bythisHonorable by Courtffor this Honorable Court ordamages damages asaa result as ofdamage result of damage ororlossoftheabove accounts and, loss of the above accounts and, tthat she have her hatshehave her costs costs her behalf incurred, thatshebeawarded inherbehalf in punitive that she be awarded punitive damages damages forsuch conduct for such conduct is determined as is as determinedto be made by malice, ffraud to bemadebymalice, raudanddeceit; and deceit; TheCourt setthe The Court set the temporary injunction temporary injunction forhearing for hearing a ndissue and a temporary issue a injunction which: temporary injunction which: 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0074 No. 1-15-586-CV 24 • Prohibits Prohibits C Peterson Manley arolPeterson Carol Manley and/orDavidTroyPeterson and/or David Troy Peterson or anyany person purporting person o be purportingtto actingas be acting theirfamily, astheir family,officer, agent,servant, officer, agent, servant, employees employees and/oractingin and/or acting in concert or participation or participation withhim,otherthan with him, other than Petitioners from: Petitioners from: (i) (i) Attemptingtto Attempting o withdraw, pledge, encumber, transfer, withdraw,pledge, transfer, g ift or gift or otherwise otherwise remove remove a nyfunds any or other funds or assetshheld other assets eldin in any depository anydepository accounthheld account eldin depository anydepository in any account heldin accountheld CarolPeterson in Carol Peterson Manleyaand/or Manley nd/orD avidTroyPeterson’s David name oron Troy Peterson's name whichRuby or on which RubyS. S. Petersonwas or is Peterson is a signatory; (ii) (ii) Attempting Attempting to to conceal, spend,transfer, conceal, spend, pledge, deposit, transfer, pledge, deposit, gift,sell or gift, sell or otherwise isposeof otherwiseddispose funds,assets anyfunds, of any CarolPeterson assetsCarol Manley Peterson Manley and/or and/or David David TroyPeterson Troy Peterson has received hasreceived and/or taken and/or taken fromRuby from Ruby S.Peterson S. orfrom Peterson or accountinwhich anyaccount from any RubyS. in which Ruby S.Peterson Peterson wwasasor or is signatory, is aa signatory, CarolPeterson assetsCarol orassets or Peterson Manleyand/or Manley DavidTroy and/orDavid Troy have purchased w Petersonhavepurchased Peterson with funds received fromRubyS. ith fundsreceived from Ruby S. Peterson Peterson ororher her accounts; accounts; (iii) (iii) Attempting Attempting tocontact communicate orcommunicate to contact or withRuby S.Peterson, with Ruby S. her Peterson, her family,aand/or family, nd/orher caregivers her caregivers in formor anyform in any method, ormethod, without without supervision. supervision. OrdersCarol •• Orders CarolP etersonM Peterson anleyand/or Manley and/or D avidTroyPeterson David Troy Peterson tto to returnto o return Petitioners within forPetitioners counsel for within 24hours ofitsTemporary 24 hours of Restraining its Temporary Restraining Orderall Order all personal property w personal property hichwas which either p was either urchased purchased using money from using money anyofRuby from any of Ruby S. Peterson’s S. Peterson's fraudulently orfraudulently accounts or obtainedffrom obtained romRubyS. Petersonor Ruby S. Peterson or which which was takenfromRubyS.Peterson was taken from Ruby S. Peterson or givento orgiven CarolPeterson toCarol Peterson Manley Manley and/or DavidTroy and/orDavid Troy Peterson byRuby Peterson by Ruby S.S.Peterson. Peterson. ProhibitsC • Prohibits arolPeterson Carol Peterson Manley Manley and/orDavidTroyPeterson and/or David Troy Peterson or any any person person or entitypurporting or entity purporting tto beacting o be actingas CarolPeterson asCarol Peterson Manley and/or Manleyand/or DavidTroy David TroyPeterson's officer, agent, employees servant,employees agent,servant, and/oractingin and/or acting in orparticipation concertor concert withthem participation with them from attempting fromattempting to conceal, to conceal, spend,transfer, spend, transfer, pledge, d eposit, g ift,sell pledge, deposit, gift, sell or dispose of any funds, a ssetsCarol or otherwise dispose of any funds, assets Carol Peterson Manley Peterson Manley and/orDavidTroyPeterson and/or David Troy Peterson havehavepurchased withfunds purchased with received received ffrom romRuby Ruby S.S.Peterson or her Peterson or accounts. her accounts. (c)Forsuch (c) andfurther otherand For such other relieftotowhich further relief which Petitioners Petitioners showthemselves mayshow may themselves andtheProposed and the Proposed Ward justly entitled a Wardjustlyentitled ndinthebestinterest and oftheProposed in the best interest of the Proposed Ward. Ward. 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0075 No. 1-15-586-CV 25 submitted, Respectfully submitted, 0 By: /s/Michael By: Is/ Michael A. A. Hirsch MICHAEL MICHAEL A. H IRSCH HIRSCH 109North 109 North Post OakLane, Post Oak Suite300 Lane, Suite 300 Houston, Houston, Texas 77024 Texas 77024 713/785-1700 713/785-1700 Facsimile Facsimile Transmission Transmission N0. No. 713/785-2091 713/785-2091 CJ StateBar BarN 09718200 CS State No.o.09718200 Attorney forPetitioners Attorney for Petitioners Mackey Mackey G lenPeterson Glen Peterson a nd and Dom1y Donny Leslie Leslie P eterson Peterson rn rs c;'? 692687.1 692687.1 Silverado Appx. 0076 No. 1-15-586-CV 26 TAB 6 PROBATE PROBATE COURT 1 NO. NO. 4 27208 427208 INTHE IN GUARDIANSHIP THE GUARDIANSHIP OF OF §§ PROBATE COURT PROBATE COURT f,1)) RUBYS. RUBY S.PETERSON, PETERSON, § NUMBER NUMBER ONE(1) ONE (1) OF- |‘ y• INCAPACITATED INCAPACITATED § HARRIS COUNTY, HARRIS COUNTY U- ORDER ORDER APPOINTING APPOINTING ATTORNEY AD LITEM AD LITEM On this On thisday daycame cameon on forforconsideration, consideration, TheCourt's The Court’sown Motionfor ownMotion the for the 6 Appointment Appointment of Attorney of Attorney A AddLitem pursuantto Litem pursuant TexasEstates to Texas Code1054.001, EstatesCode andthe 1054.001, and the ELJ Courtbbeing Court eingof theopinion of the thattheMotion opinion that is well the Motion is welltaken andshould taken and should begranted; be granted; it is, it is, therefore, therefore, C) ORDERED ADJUDGED ,,,ORDERED ADJUDGEDand DECREEDby and DECREED theCourt by the Court AhAtt I c.. 0 4Z6 /Ids , telephone telephone n umber: number: - 55; ) 144- faxnumber: , fax number: —11 - 01? anattorney an dulylicensed attorneyduly licensed ttoo practice inthe practicein the Stateof State ofTexas andbefore Texas and thisCourt before this beappointed Court be Attorney appointed Attorney AdLitem Ad pursuant Litem pursuant Texas toTexas to Estates Estates CCode ode1054.001 1054.001 torepresent to theinterests represent the oftheProposed interests of the Proposed Ward. Ward. ITIS thatpursuant IT IS FURTHER ORDERD that pursuant Texas toTexas to Estates Estates Code1054.001 Code 1054.001and and pursuant pursuant to HIPAARegulations to HIPAA Regulations 45CFR§ 164.512(e)(1)(i) 45 CFR § 164.512(e)(1)(i) (2002),that (2002), thattheHealth Care the Health Care Organization Organization Physician or Physician ppresented resented withthisOrder with this Order shallgivetheAttorney shall give the Attorney AdAdLitem Litem completeaccess complete access to Proposed to Proposed Ward’s Ward's Protected Protected HealthInformation Health Information including, including, butnot but not limitedto, limited medical to,medical records, records, psychological psychological recordsand records andintellectual intellectual testing recordsthat testing records thatare are datedwithin dated within thelast 12months the last 12 months fromfromthedateof thisOrder the date of this andup Order and upto andincluding toand including Protected Protected HealthInformation Health Information thepresent tothe to dateofthisorder presentdate ispresented. of this order is presented. ITISFURTHER IT ORDERED IS FURTHER ORDERED thattheabove-appointed that Attorney the above-appointed Attorney A AddLitem shall Litem shall begiven complete be given complete access Proposed accessttoo Proposed Ward’s financial Ward's financial records records including, including, butnot but limited notlimited to, recordsfrom to, records fromallbank investment accounts,investment all bank accounts, retirementand accounts,retirement accounts, andemployee benefit employee benefit accounts,andcreditand accounts, and credit and detn?ecords. SIGNEDthis daydayofFebruary, SIGNED of February, 2014. 1112PiLiALE UDGE 'RESIDING Silverado Appx. 0077 No. 1-15-586-CV108 TAB 7 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV AND 01-15-00586-CV 2 TRIAL COURT CASE NO. 427,208 & 427,208-401 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 HOUSTON, TEXAS 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THE PROBATE COURT OF CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 * 6 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 7 * 8 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 9 10 MOTION FOR INDEPENDENT MEDICAL EXAMINATION 11 AND MOTION FOR COSTS HEARING 12 13 Came to be heard on this the 27th day of March, 14 2014, Motion For Independent Medical Examination and Motion for 15 Costs Hearing, in the above-entitled and numbered cause, and 16 all parties appeared in person and/or being represented by 17 Counsel of Record, before the Honorable Loyd Wright, Judge 18 Presiding. 19 20 - VOLUME _2_ OF 13 21 22 O R I G I N A L 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0078 RR Vol. 2 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 3 Michael Hirsch 4 State Bar No. 09718200 109 N. Post Oak Lane, Suite 300 5 Houston, Texas 77024 Telephone: (713)785-1700 6 ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANTS/MOVANTS, CAROL ANN MANLEY 7 AND DAVID PETERSON: 8 Sarah Patel Pacheco State Bar No. 00788164 9 1401 McKinney Street 1700 Five Houston Center 10 Houston, Texas 77010 Telephone: 713-658-2323 11 12 ATTORNEY AD LITEM FOR RUBY PETERSON: 13 W. Russ Jones State Bar No. 10968050 14 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 Houston, Tx 77056-6775 15 Telephone: 713-552-1144 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0079 RR Vol. 2 3 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Attorneys' Arguments on Motion for IME 4 and Motion for Costs Hearing............................. 4 5 Court recesses........................................... 26 6 Court Reporter's Affidavit............................... 27 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0080 RR Vol. 2