ACCEPTED 01-15-00567-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:39:08 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No. 01-15-00567-CV FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT HOUSTON, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:39:08 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, TONYA PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON, APPELLANTS v. SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC., D/B/A SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND, APPELLEE Appendix Tab 50 - 57 P. Alan Sanders Tx. State Bar No: 17602100 Joshua Davis Tx. State Bar No. 24031993 Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP Weslayan Tower, Suite 1400 24 Greenway Plaza Houston, Texas, 77046 (713) 659-6767 (713) 759-6830 – Fax TAB 50 DATA-EN'I'RY FILE PICK UPT PICK UP HISDATE DATA-ENTRY /2014 6:45:24 P Stan Stan. THIS DATE County C HarrisCC'nty Harris PROBATECOURT PROBATE COURT11 CAUSE NO. 427,208- 401 RUBY S. PETERSON,Individually, RUBY S.PETERSON, Individually, § IN PROBATECCOURT INPROBATE OURTNO.l NO. 1 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON § PETERSON, Individually,NextFriend PETERSON, Next Friend § Attomey-in Attorney-in F actforRUBY Fact for RUBY PETERSON, DON PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON § LESLIE PETERSON t. . Next Friend, Individually,Next Friend, Attorney-in- FactofRUBY S. PETERSON,LONNY Fact of RUBY S.PETERSON, LONNY § PETERSON, Individually PETERSON, and Next Friend § Individually andNextFriend t-• OfRUBY Of RUBY S S..Peterson Peterson 0 vs. VS. OF § CAROL CAROL A NNE ANNE M ANLEY MANLEY AND AND § O DAVID PETERSON, DAVID PETERSON, SILVERADO SILVERADO § LIVING CARE SENIOR LIVING SENIOR CARE FACILITY FACILITY § TANNA M TANNA CMILLAN, MCMILLAN, LINDA LAVINSON, LINDA LAN/UNISON, § DR. REBECCA C DR.REBECCA LEARMAN CLEARMAN § HARRISCOUNTY,TEXAS HARRISCOUNTY, TEXAS SILVERADO'S 91aMOTION SILVERADO’S DISMISS PLAINTIFFS’ TODISMISS MOTIONTO SOLE REMAINING CLAIM PLAINTIFFS' SOLE REMAINING CLAIM BREACH AND/ORBREACH OF TRUSTAND/OR BREACH OFTRUST OFFIDUCIARY DUTY BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY Defendant,Silverado Defendant, eniorLLiving, SilveradoSSenior iving,Inc.d/b/aSilverado SeniorLivingSugarLand Inc. d/b/a Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land DismissPursuant TRCP9la in thisMotionto Dismiss Pursuanttoto TRCP 91a in response responsetto o Plaintiffs' Plaintiffs’ (Silverado) files this Motion to (collectively, "Plaintiffs"or "Petcrs0ns”) FourthAmended OriginalPetitionandContest to (collectively, "Plaintiffs" or "Petersons") Fourth Amended Original Petition and Contest to Guardianship in support thereof,wouldrespectfully showuntotheCourt s follows: Guardianship Application,) in support would respectfully show unto the Courtaas follows: INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1. Plaintiffs theirFourth Amended Original PetitiononOctober 6, Atparagraphs 1. Plaintiffs filed their Fourth Amended Original Petition on October 6, 2014.2 At paragraphs 87-88,Plaintiffs ssertaa newcause 87-88, Plaintiffs aassert of actionagainstSilverado—breachof new cause of action against Silverado — trustand/or breach of trust and/or breachof duty.See breach of fiduciary duty. See id. On withtheCourtandincorporated byreference ifsetoutfullyherein. I On file with the Court and incorporated by referenceas as if set out fully herein. 2 /d 4835-7047-5552.l 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0410 No. 1-15-567-CV 1496 2. On November 110, 2. OnNovember 0,2014,theCourtgranted Silverado's pending 2014, the Court grantedSilverado’s 91aMotion pending9la toDismiss Motionto Dismiss regardingall causes ooffaction allcauses ledprior actionppled otheOctober priortto 6, 2014pleading the October6,2014 pleading amendment.3 3. 3. Silverado Silverado attempted to avoid attempted to avoid tthe necessity of henecessity of incurringthe theexpense of draftingand expenseofdrafting filingthis andfiling this motion; however, Plaintiffs motion; however, Plaintiffs refusal refusalto voluntarilynonsuit tovoluntarilynonsuitthe causeoof thecause actionaand/or faction nd/orclarify clarify their their p osition position necessitates necessitatesthis this filing.4 4. Silverado files 4. Silverado filesthisMotion this Motiontto Dismisswithin oDismiss withinssixty ixtydays of the dateDefendant daysofthedate Defendantwas was served with the amended p withtheamended leading.TEX. pleading. TEX.R.CIV. P.91a.3(a) R. Civ.P. 91a.3(a) UNDISPUTEDMATERIALFACTS UNDISPUTEDMATERIALFACTS 5. Ruby 5. Peterson is Ruby Peterson of SilveradoSenior residentofSilverado is aaresident SeniorLiving, Inc.dd/b/a Living,Inc. /b/aSilverado SeniorLiving Silverado Senior Living Sugar L Sugar and. Land. 6. RubyPeterson executeddurablepowerooffattomey 6. Ruby Peterson executedaa durablepower infavorofCarolManley andDavid attorney in favor of Carol Manley and David Peterson. Thedurable Peterson. The durable p owerooff attomey power executedbyRubyPeterson infavorofCarol attorney executed by Ruby Peterson in favor of Carol Manley as ratifiedbythisCourt nrecommendation oftheappointed Manley andDavid and DavidPeterson Petersonw was by this Courtoon recommendation of the appointed guardianandattorney ad RubyPeterson examined by andcompetent guardian and attorney ad litem.5 Ruby Peterson was was examined byaa qualified and competent physician andwasdeclared tolack Any documents relied ponbyPlaintiffs Any documents relieduupon for by Plaintiffs for physician and was declared to lack capacity.6 alleged authority behalfofRubyPeterson which ereexecuted inlate2013 any alleged authoritytoact any on behalf of Ruby Peterson whichw to act on were executed in late 2013 10,2014onfileandinco oratedbyreference See9laOrderEnteredonNovember as set 3 See 91a Order Entered on November 10, 2014 on file and incorporated by reference as if set outfully herein. out fully herein. SeeExhibit A-3toSilverado’s Application forAttomey FeesPursuant toRule9laOrder 4 See Exhibit A-3 to Silverado'swith Entered o nNovember 10, 2014on Application forandincorporated theCourt Attorney Fees Pursuant to Rule 91a byreference Order asif setout Entered on November 10, 2014 on file with the Court and incorporated by reference as if set out fullyherein. fully herein. First totheJurisdiction Plea Amended SeeDefendants’ Amended &First Answer on withthe5 See Defendants' and First Amended Plea toifthe byreferenceas setoutJurisdiction & First Amended Answer on file fullyherein. with the Court and incorporated by reference as if set out fully herein. 6 1d 4835-7047-5552.1 4835-7047-5552 I Silverado Appx. 0411 No. 1-15-567-CV 1497 afterRuby after Peterson Ruby Peterson hadbeen had declared been declared to lackcapacity were tolack expressly wereexpressly rejected rejected bythis by this Court.7 7. addition, Plaintiffs Inaddition, 7. In recently Plaintiffs recently settled settled w ithCarol with Manley andDavid Carol Manley TheRule and David Peterson. The Rule11 ll N Agreement onfile Agreement on with theCourt filewith admits the Court admits andacknowledges: and acknowledges: a) the 1993 P a)the1993 Power ofAttorney owerof Attorney N remains inforceand remains in effect;b) force and effect; b)theNovember 2013revocation the November 2013 invalid;and, wasinvalid; revocation was and,c)asksthe c) asks the Courtto Court to issue declaring issuefindings declaring thesame.8 the 0 N Furthermore, 8. Furthermore, during during thecourse the course ofthe temporary of the temporary injunction injunction hearing hearing which which began began on July28, onJuly 28, 8. N N andlasted 2014and 2014 totaloffivedays, foraa total lasted for of five days, Carol Manley CarolManley underoath testified under thatall oaththat care all care administered administered to Peterson RubyPeterson to Ruby bySilverado by Silverado Senior Living, SeniorLiving, Inc.d/b/a Inc. Silverado d/b/aSilverado Senior Senior Living Living Sugar Landwas SugarLand herdirection wasatather basedupon orbased direction or herapproval uponher ofphysician approval of orders. physician orders. RULE STANDARD 9la STANDARD RULE 91a Rule 9 9. Rule 9. 1aofthe 91a Texas R of the Texas ulesof Rules ofCivil Civil Procedure allows Procedure allows aaparty tomove partyto thecourt movethe dismiss todismiss courtto aa groundless groundless cause ofaction. cause R.Civ. P.9la. of action. TEx. R. TheRule P. 91a. The provides Ruleprovides inpertinent in part: pertinent part: [A]party [A] partymay maymove dismissaa cause to dismiss move to causeof actionon of action on the grounds tthat thegrounds hatithas no it has no basis law inlaw basis in or f or act. fact. Acause A causeofaction of actionhas has basis nobasis no inlaw in lawif the a ifthe llegations, allegations, taken taken true, ttogether astrue, as ogether withinferences reasonably with inferences reasonably drawn drawn from donot them,do fromthem, noteentitle ntitle tthe he claimant claimant the relief ssought. to therelief to ought.A causeof A cause actionhas ofaction hasno nobasis in fact basisin factif no if no reasonable person reasonable person could could believe believe the factsppleaded. thefacts leaded. TEX.R. Before R P. 91a. Before R. Civ.P.91a. 91a, Texas p ule9la,Texas Rule rocedure procedure did nothave did not counterpart have aa counterpart to Rule to Rule l2(b)(6) 12(b)(6) ofthe of Federal the Federal Rules ofCivil Rulesof Procedure. Civil Procedure. Fort Bend F Wilson, v.Wilson, Bend Cnty. v. 825S.W.2d 825 S.W.2d 251, 253(Tex. 251,253 App.— (Tex. App. —Houston [14thDist.]1992, Houston[14th owrit).While Dist.] 1992,nno writ). While not Rule 91a is identical, Rule9la not identical, is 7 M. SeeOrder See 8 Granting Order Granting Authority Authority forGuardian for AdLitem Guardian Ad Litem & Attorney AdLitem &Attomey Ad Litem to Execute toExecute Peterson Rulell Agreement at Exhibit A, Peterson Rule 11 Agreement at Exhibit A, ¶2. 4835-7047-5552.1 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0412 No. 1-15-567-CV 1498 tothefederal analogousto the federalrulel2(b)(6) rule 12(6)(6)aand ndTexas courtshhave Texascourts averelied onthe reliedon caselaw thecase law interpretingRulel2(b)(6) in makingddecisions as instructiveinmaking Rule 12(6)(6)as ecisions underR under ule91a.Wooley Rule 91a. Wooleyv. v. Schaffer, No.14-13-00385-CV at*10, No. 14-13-00385-CVat *10,22014 014Tex. Tex.A pp.LLEXIS App. EXIS88983 983(Tex. (Tex.App. App.H ouston Houston N [14th [14th Dist.] Dist.]A ug.114, Aug. 4,22014) 014)quoting ((Bell All.Corp. Corp.vv..T Twombly, 550 U.S.544, 544,5570, 70,1127 27 N S.Ct. 1955, 1 S.Ct.1955, 67L.Ed.2d929(2007) 167 v.Iqbal, L. Ed. 2d 929 (2007) (Ashcroftv. Iqbal,5556 56U.S.662, U.S. 662,6678, 78,129S.Ct.1937, 129 S.Ct. 1937, 173L.Ed. 173 L.Ed.22d d868(2009)); seealso,((, 868 (2009));see also, ((,LLC v.Hollie LLCv. Toups,429S.W.3d HollieToups, 429 S.W.3d752 752 C N (Tex. (Tex. A App. —Beaumont, pp.— Beaumont,2014, et.denied) 2014,ppet. denied)((Lopez-Welch Lopez- State FarmLloyds, Welchv.v.State Lloyds,3:14-CV- 3:14-CV- N N 2416-L, 2416-L, 22014 014U.S. U.S. Dist. LEXIS 154741 154741(N.D. (N.D.TTex. Oct. 31, 2014))(Plascencia ex.Oct.31,2014)) (Plascenciav.v.State State Farm Lloyds, Lloyds, No.4:14-CV-524-A, No. 4:14-CV-524-A,2014U.S.Dist.LEXIS135081 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 135081(N.D. (ND.TTex. ex.Sept.25, Sept. 25, 2014)) 2014)) (Oldham v. Nationwide (Oldham v. Nationwide Ins.Co.ofAm., Co.of Am.,3:14-CV-575-B,2014U.S.Dist.LEXIS 3:14-CV-575-B, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 107044;2014WL3855238(N.D. ex.Aug.5,2014))). 107044; 2014 WL 3855238 (N.D.TTex. Aug. 5, 2014))). 10.Rulel2(b)(6) allowsdismissalif plaintifffails"to stateaaclaim 10. Rule 12(6)(6) allows dismissal ifaa plaintiff fails "tostate whichrelief canbe upon which reliefcan claimupon be granted[.]"FED.R.CIV.P. l2(b)(6).For complaintto surviveaaRulel2(b)(6) granted[.]" FED. R. Cry. P. 12(b)(6). Foraa complaintto motion Rule 12(6)(6) motiontoto dismiss,it mustccontain dismiss, itmust ontain ""enough enough facts factstto ostate claimtoreliefthatisplausibleonitsface." stateaa claim to relief that is plausibleon its face." BellAtl. Bell Atl. Corp.v. Twombly, 550U.S.544,570(2007).Facialplausibility requires factsthat v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007). Facial plausibility requires facts that allowthe "todrawthereasonable inference thatthedefendant isliableforthe allow the court "to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the alleged." misconduct Iqbal,556U.S.662,678(2009).Essentially, underthe misconduct alleged." Ashcroftv. v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678 (2009). Essentially, under the federalrulesa complaint isliberally construed infavoroftheplaintiff andallwell-pleaded federal rules a complaint is liberally construed in favor of the plaintiff and all well-pleaded factsaretakenas true. v. 551U.S.89,94 facts are taken as true. Ashcroft, 566 U.S. at 678-79; Erickson v. Pardus, 551 U.S. 89, 94 (2007).Thatsaid,"[t]hreadbare recitalsoftheelements ofacauseofaction by (2007). That said, "[t]hreadbare recitals of the elements of a cause of action supported by mereconclusory statements, donot 678.Rulel2(b)(6) mere conclusory statements, do not suffice." Ashcroft, 556 U.S. at 678. Rule 12(6)(6) dismissal ifthecourtdetermines isappropriate beyond doubtthattheplaintiff areasonable dismissal is appropriate if the court determines beyond a reasonable doubt that the plaintiff 4835-7047-5552.I Silverado Appx. 0413 No. 1-15-567-CV 1499 I canprove can prove no setof noset to support aa claim of facts to that w claim that would ntitlehhim ouldeentitle to relief. imto Tex. v.Tex. relief. Scanlan v. A&M 343F.3d533,536 Univ.,343 A&M Univ., (5thCir.2003). F.3d 533, 536 (5th Cir. 2003). ARGUMENT ARGUMENT A. donothave A.Plaintiffs' do standing not have standing inthis in case. this case. itJ Plaintiffs ll. Plaintiffs 11. lackstanding lack to pursue standing to claimson pursueclaims behalfof onbehalf ofRubyPeterson andthis Ruby Peterson and this case mustbe casemust be 41 recite suitisis thatsuit ea dismissed dismissed for want o forwant offsubject Plaintiffs subject matter jurisdiction.9 Plaintiffs own pleadings ownpleadings recite that beingbrought being onbehalf brought on ofRubyPeterson behalfof byMackey Ruby Peterson by Mackey Peterson, DonPeterson Peterson,Don andLonny Peterson and Lonny Peterson Peterson as "Next Friend" as "Next of Ruby P Friend" ofRuby eterson. Peterson. The Amended TheFourth Amended Original Original Petition Petition asserts asserts Sd aanewcause new cause ofofaction forbreach action for oftrust breach of trustand/or fiduciary and/orfiduciary duty againstSilverado forthe dutyagainst Silverado for the aa failurettoohonor failure Ruby’s honorRuby's new powers newpowers of Allclaims ofattorney.10 All brought claims brought on behalfofRuby onbehalf of Ruby Peterson byPlaintiffs Peterson bedismissed mustbe by Plaintiffs must forlack dismissed for ofstanding. lack of standing. 12.A 12. acknowledged byPlaintiffs Assacknowledged several by Plaintiffs several timesin times intheir Amended their Fourth Amended Original Original Petition, Petition, Ruby Peterson RubyPeterson executed executed durable aa durable ofattorney powerof power attomey infavor in ofCarol favor of Manley Carol Manley andDavid and David Petersonin Peterson Thedurable in 1993)1 The ofattorney powerof durable power attomeyexecuted by RubyPetersoninfavorof executedby Ruby Peterson in favor of Manley CarolManley Carol andDavid and Peterson David Peterson was ratified was ratified by thisCourt bythis Court on recommendation onrecommendation of the ofthe appointed appointed guardians guardians ad Ruby adlitem.I2 Ruby Peterson Peterson was declared lack wasdeclared totolack capacity.I3 Any Any documents documents relied relied u upon Plaintiffs for PonbbyYPlaintiffs allegedaauthority anYalleged for any uthority toact to act on behalfofRuby onbehalf of Ruby Peterson w Peterson hichwere which in late executedin were executed late2013 afterRub 2013 after Y Ruby Peterson hadbeendeclared Petersonhad been declared to lack to lack 9 See First Plea Amended Defendants’ Jurisdiction. tothe See Defendants' First Amended Plea to the Jurisdiction. 19 SeeFourth Amended See Fourth Amended Application Guardianship Original Original at Petition Petition andContest and Contest to to Guardianship Application at ¶87. 11 Id. on filewith on file theCourt with the andincorporated byreference asififset Court and incorporated by reference as setout fullyherein. out fully herein. First Defendants’ See Plea &First totheJurisdiction Amended Answer Amendedon 12 See Defendants' First Amended Plea to the Jurisdiction & First Amended Answer on filewith file theCourt with the andincorporated Court and byreference incorporated by asififset reference as setout fullyherein. out fully herein. 13Id 13 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0414 No. 1-15-567-CV 1500 expressly rejected were expressly capacity were rejected bythis Plaintiffs by this Court." Furthermore, Plaintiffs acknowledge nowacknowledge now andadmit and admit that hepurported revocation that tthe revocation was was invalid.I5 The continued Thecontinued pursuit pursuit ofthis of causeooff this cause actionisiswaste action ofjudicial wasteof resources judicial resources harassing. and harassing. Standing 13.Standing 13. constitutional isaa constitutional is prerequisite prerequisite tofiling to 369 suit. Heckman v.v.Williamson Cty., 369 filingsuit. S.W.3d S. 137, 150 (Tex.22012). W.3d 137,150(Tex. 012).Generally, Generally, for havestanding, plaintiffttoo have fora plaintiff theremust standing, there beaa mustbe concrete concrete injuryto injury theplaintiff to the andaa real plaintiff and realcontroversy between controversy between tthe parties tthat heparties hatwillbe will be resolved resolved bythe by the court. 154.AAcourt at154. court doesdoes not not have have jurisdiction jurisdiction claimby overaaclaim over byaa Cpl Subject jurisdiction isessential plaintiff whodoes plaintiff who does not avestanding nothhave to assert it. standing toassert it. Id. Subject matter matter jurisdiction is essential totheauthority to ofaa court the authority of todecide courtto case andis a case decide a never presumed. and is never Tex.Ass’n presumed. Tex. ofBus. Ass'n of Bus. v. Tex. v.Tex. Air Bd.,852S.W.2d Air Control Bd., 440, 443-44 (Tex.1993).In 852 S.W.2d 440,443-44 orderto (Tex. 1993). In order adequately toadequately allegean allege an injuryforstanding injury for standing p urposes, purposes, aa plaintiff must s plaintiff must howthattheinjury show personal waspersonal that the injury was to the tothe plaintiff, plaintiff, thanaathird ratherthan rather party. H third party. eckman, Heckman, 369 S.W.3d 369S.W.3d at at 155. Plaintiff 155.Plaintiff hastheburden has to the burden to demonstrating hassubject jurisdiction. factsaffirmatively demonstrating that allegefacts allege that tthe hetrial courthas trial court matter subject matter jurisdiction. Id. at446. Id. at 446. 14.As 14. those h Asthose olding holding thedurable power the durable power ofattorney of attorney confirmed and bythisCourt,CarolManley confirmed by this Court, Carol Manley and David David Peterson Peterson a retheonly are personswith the only persons standing withstanding to to bring claimson bringclaims behalfof onbehalf ofRuby Ruby Peterson. Peterson. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs have failed havefailed properly toproperly to plead factsw pleadfacts hich which ddemonstrate emonstrate that Plaintiffs thatPlaintiffs have have standing standing bringany tobring to claims anyclaims onbehalf on ofRuby behalfof Ruby Peterson. Peterson. 15.B 15. ecause Because itisclear it romPlaintiffs’ is clear ffrom pleadings tobring claims lackstanding thatPlaintiffs anyclaims Plaintiffs' pleadings that Plaintiffs lack standing to bring any on behalf on ofRuby behalf of the Court does Peterson, theCourt Ruby Peterson, does n not have jjurisdiction othave urisdiction to hear P to hear laintiffs’ Plaintiffs' claims, claims, andtheCourt and must d the Court must ismiss dismiss Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' suit against suitagainst these Defendants theseDefendants initsentirety. in Heckmon, its entirety. Heckman, 14 Id. SeeOrder 15 See Granting OrderGranting Authority Authority forGuardian for AdLitem Guardian Ad &Attomey Litem & AdLitem Attorney Ad Litem to Execute toExecute Peterson Peterson Rule Agreement 11Agreement Rule 11 Exhibit atExhibit at A,¶2. A, 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0415 No. 1-15-567-CV 1501 369 at150; S.W.3d see at536 F.3d also, 343 asPlaintiffs isappropriate 369 S.W.3d at 150; see also, Scanlan, 343 F.3d at 536 (Dismissal is appropriate as Plaintiffs canprove can noset prove no offacts setof standing). facts ttoosupport standing). B. Silverado B.Silverado RubyPeterson beliable totoRuby cannot be Peterson (or purportedly (oranyone purportedly suingon suing her onher PJ behalf). 16. Silverado 16.Silverado cannot cannot beheld be held liable forrelying liablefor durable uponaa durable relying upon power ofattorney power of attomey and/or medical and/or medical §751.056; powerofofattorney. TEX. ESTATES CODE §751.056; power HEALTH TEXAS HEALTH AND AND SAFETY SAFETY CODE CODE ?s, §166.l60. §166.160. 17.Specifically, theTexas 17. the Texas E states Estates Code provides Codeprovides inrelevant in relevant part: If durable Ifaa durable ofattorney powerof power attorney isused, is third-party used, aa third-party who ingood reliesin whorelies faithon good faith on the ofan actsof the acts attomey anattorney infact in oragent fact or performed agent performed inthe in the scope ofthe scopeof power of the power of isnot attorney is notliable tothe liableto principal. the principal. §751.056. TEx. ESTATES CODE dditionally,theTexasHealth §751.056.AAdditionally, and Safety Codeprovides the Texas HealthandSafety Code provides that: that: Anattending An physician, attending physician, health health residential orresidential or provider, careprovider, care or a person acting oraperson as acting as an foror agentfor anagent orunder thephysician’s underthe provider’s orprovider's physician's or control control isnot is subject notsubject to to criminal criminal orcivil or liability civilliability andhas and engaged notengaged has not inunprofessional in conduct unprofessional conduct foran for an actor act omission oromission ifthe if the act or omission. act or isdone ingood done in good faith underthe faithunder terms o theterms off themedial the ofattorney, powerof medial power attorney, the directives thedirectives ofthe of the agent, andthe agent,and provisions of the provisions of thissubchapter. this subchapter... .. AND SAFETY CODE§166.l60(b). TEXAS HEALTHAND §166.160(b). 18. During 18.During tthe hecourse ofthe courseof temporary the temporary whichbegan July28,2014and hearing injunction onJuly 28, 2014 and injunction hearing which began on lastedfor lasted total o foraatotal days, Carol offfive days, Manley testified under Carol Manley under oath that a oaththat care administered allllcare administered to to RubyPeterson Ruby bySilverado Peterson by Senior Silverado Senior Living, Living, Inc.d/b/a Inc. Silverado d/b/aSilverado Senior Senior Living Living SugarLand Sugar Land was at herdirection wasat or based her direction or based u upon her approval ofphysician ponherapproval orders. Furthermore, of physicianorders. Plaintiffs Furthermore, Plaintiffs 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0416 No. 1-15-567-CV 1502 admit admit intheir in their llive ivepleading pleadingthatSilverado that Silveradoacted actedpursuant toaadurable pursuantto powerof durablepower attorneyfor ofattorney for 0 Ruby Ruby Peterson Peterson iin performing favor o nfavor performing theactions offDefendants about which the actions about which P · Defendants Carol CarolA Ann laintiffs Plaintiffs Manleyaand nnManley ndDavid DavidTroy arecomplaining. arecomplaining.As Petersonin TroyPeterson in matteroflaw, Asaamatter of law,SSilverado ilverado cannot beliable cannot oRuby be liable tto Ruby P eterson Peterson for any actions for any or inactions actionsor inactionsofSilverado of Silveradowhich whichw ere were performed performed iin nreliance ponthedurable reliance uupon poweroof the durablepower f attomey and/orm attorneyand/or edicalofofpower medical poweraattorney ttorney in favor ofCarol infavor AnnManley of Carol Ann Manleyand David andDavid Troy Troy Peterson. Peterson. TEX. TEX. ESTATES§751.056; ESTATES CODE §751.056; see also,Scanlan, see Scanlan, 343 343F.3dat536 F.3dat 536(Dismissal (Dismissalisappropriate asPlaintiffs is appropriateas Plaintiffscanprove can provenno setof oset of factswhich facts which would would entitle entitlethem torelieffromtheseDefendants). themto relief from these Defendants). C. Plaintiffs’ C. Plaintiffs' ofTrustand/or Breach of Trust and/or Breach ofFiduciary of FiduciaryD utyCause Duty CauseofAction of Actionhhas asnono basis iin basis nlaw or fact law or fact aand mustb ndmust beedismissed. dismissed. 19. 19. F urthermore, Furthermore, the cause ooffaction the cause actionhhas asno nobasis basisiin nfact factaas noreasonable sno reasonableperson ouldbelieve personccould believe thefacts pleaded. the facts pleaded.TEX. TEX.R. R. Civ.P.91a. Plaintiffs’ P. 91a. Plaintiffs'allegation allegationispremised onmultiple is premisedon multiplefallacies: fallacies: 1)theNovember 1) the November 15,2013revocation valid;2)the new powersoof was valid; 2) thenewpowers 15, 2013 revocationwas f attorney erevalid; attorneywwere valid; and,3)Silverado hadlegalnoticeof TheCourt’srulings,testimonytthe and, 3) Silverado had legal notice of either.16 The Court's rulings, testimonyaat thetemporary temporary injunctionhearing, andPlaintiffs judicialadmissions own judicial admissionsas injunction hearing, and Plaintiffsown memorialized intheRulell as memorialized in the Rule 11 conclusively conclusivelynegate thesefacts. Plaintiffs proceed withthebaseless and negate these facts. Nevertheless, Plaintiffs proceed with the baseless and that:"Silverado allegation had dutytoacknowledge andhonorRuby’s unsupported allegation that: "Silverado hadaa duty to acknowledge and honor Ruby'snew new powersofattorney.Plaintiffs allegeandwould rovetthat powers of attorney. Plaintiffs allege and would pprove hatRubyandtheyhavesustained Ruby and they have sustained substantialdamagesas aproximate resultofSilverado’s breachoftrustand/orbreachof substantial damagesasa proximate result of Silverado's breach of trust and/or breach of dutyregarding Ruby’s of Plaintiffs admitthatthe1993 new- powers fiduciary duty regarding Ruby'snew powers of attorney."17 Plaintiffs admit that the 1993 durable ofattomey remains effective andthattheNovember 2013revocation durable power power of attorney remains effective and that the November 2013 revocationwas was See Original FourthAmended Petition at 87-88. See Plaintiff's Fourth Amended Original Petition at In 87-88. 17 16 ri 1d. 4835-7047-5552.1 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0417 No. 1-15-567-CV 1503 I Noreasonable invalid.18 No couldbelieve personcould reasonable person believe the factspleaded; thefacts therefore,the pleaded; therefore, thecause causeof of action action hasnot has basis notbasis infact in andmust fact and mustbedismissed. be TEX. dismissed. TEx. R.Civ. P.9la. R. P. 91a. Additionally thechallenged 20.Additionally 20. cause of the challenged cause of action, takenas action,taken astrue, together true,together withinferences with inferences reasonably reasonably drawn drawn fromit,it,does from entitle notentitle does not Plaintiffs Plaintiffs to therelief tothe sought reliefsought Silverado asSilverado as doesnot does not oweaa dutyof owe and/or ffiduciary trust and/or duty of trust iduciarydduty to Plaintiffs. utyto TEx. R.CIV. Plaintiffs. TEX. Plaintiffs Fourth P. 91a. Plaintiffs R. Civ. P.9la. Fourth Amended Original Amended Original Petition Petition failstosetouteven fails threadbare to set out even aa threadbare recitation recitation ofelements of forthe elements for the of action causeof cause allegedor actionalleged attemptto evenattempt or even fair notice to satisfy fair noticerequirements or meet requirements or facial meetaa facial plausibility plausibility standard. standard. 566U.S. Ashcroft, 566 att 678-79; U.S. a 678-79; FED. P. 12(b)(6). To establish R. Civ.P.l2(b)(6).To FED.R. establish aa breachof breach trustand/or of trust fiduciary and/orfiduciary duty, Plaintiffs duty,Plaintiffs would firsthaveto would fiduciary proveaafiduciary first have to prove relationship existedbetween relationship existed Silverado betweenSilverado and themselves. Lundy andthemselves. Lundy v. v. Masson, 260 S.W.3d, 482, 260S.W.3d, 482, Dist.]2008,pet. denied).ThenPlaintiffs wouldhave have aa 501 (Tex.App. 501 (Tex. —Houston App. — Houston [14th Dist.] 2008, pet. denied). Then Plaintiffs would burden burden prove tthat ttooprove hatSilverado Silveradobreached breached dutywithin aaduty within tthe scope o hescope the underlying fiduciary offtheunderlying fiduciary relationship them.JJoe betweenthem. relationship between oe v. v. Two Thirty NineJt. TwoThirty 145S.W.3d Nine Jt. V, 145 150,159-60 S.W.3d 150, (Tex. 159-60 (Tex. 2004).However, 2004). However,Plaintiffs Plaintiffs failed failed allege toallege to factual anyfactual any allegations allegations whichwould which wouldsupport support aa fiduciary fiduciary relationship relationship and/or and/or relationship relationship of trust a oftrust ndconfidence and existed b confidence existed etween between Silverado Silverado andthemselves and themselves such dutywould thataaduty suchthat would arise support the arisettoosupport cause o the cause action lloosely offaction oosely alleged. I9 Threadbare Threadbare recitals recitals supported supported byconclusory by allegations conclusory allegations do do not satisfy notsatisfy facial plausibility facialplausibility standards. standards. 550U.S. Twombly, 550 U.S. a 570; Ashcroft, 566U.S. att 570; 566 U.S. at 678-79;FED.R.CIV.P.l2(b)(6). at 678-79; FED. R. M. P. 12(b)(6). Plaintiffs breach Plaintiffs breach oftrust of and/or trustand/or breach breach offiduciary of dutycause fiduciary duty ofaction causeof hasnobasis action has no inlaw basis in law andmust R. P.9la. bedismissed. TEX. and must be dismissed. TEX. R. Civ. P. 91a. 18 SeeOrder See Granting Order Granting Authority Authority forGuardian AdLitemtoExecute AdLitem&Attomey for Guardian Ad Litem & Attorney Ad Litem to Execute Peterson Peterson R ule11Agreement Rule ExhibitA, at Exhibit 11 Agreement at A,¶2. 19 Plaintiffs’ SeePlaintiffs' See Fourth FourthAmended Petition. Original Amended Original Petition. 4835-7047-5552.1 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0418 No. 1-15-567-CV 1504 I CONCLUSION CONCLUSION 21.Plaintiffs’ 21. breach Plaintiffs' breach oftrust of and/or trustand/or breach breach offiduciary of dutycause fiduciary duty causeofaction of hasno action has nobasis inlaw basisin law factand orfact or andmust bedismissed. mustbe TEX. dismissed. TEX. P. 91a. The challenged R. Civ.P.9la.The R.CIV. cause o challenged cause action, taken offaction, taken a ass togetherwith true, together withinferences reasonably inferences reasonably ddrawn rawnfromit,doesnot entitlePlaintiffs from it, does not entitle Plaintiffs to the to the sought reliefsought relief forthefollowing for reasons: the following reasons: 1) Plaintiffs l) Plaintiffs lack standing; lackstanding; 2)Silverado 2) cannot Silverado cannot be be held forrelying liablefor held liable relying on durable and/or onaa durable medical and/or medical power power ofattorney of attorney asaa matter as of law; a matter oflaw; nd, and, 3)Silverado 3) doesnot Silverado does notowe and/or duty duty and/or oweaa fiduciary duty duty of oPlaintiffs. trust tto of trust Furthermore, the Plaintiffs. Furthermore, the ofaction causeof cause bedismissed mustbe action must dismissed asno reasonable as no reasonable person could person believe could believe the facts p thefacts leaded. pleaded. As result, P Asaa result, laintiffs’ Plaintiffs' breachofoftrust breach and/orbreach trustand/or breachof cause ofaction dutycause offiduciary duty of action must be mustbe dismissed. dismissed. TEX. R. Civ. P.9la;FED. TEX.R. P. l2(b)(6); R. Civ. P. P. 91a; FED.R.CIV. 12(6)(6); see also,Scanlan, see also, 343F.3d Scanlan, 343 F.3d at 536. at 536. ATTORNEYS’ FEES ATTORNEYS' FEES 22.Inaddition 22. to dismissal, In addition to Silverado dismissal, Silverado prays for prays costs a for costs ndattorneys’ and under feesfromPlaintiffs attorneys' fees from Plaintiffs under TEX. R. Civ. P. 91a. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, /S/ Josh Davis K. LEWIS BISGAARD BRISBOISBISGAARD LEWISBRISBOIS /S/ Josh K. Davis DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS StateBar 24031993 & SMITH,LLP & SMITH, LLP ‘ State Bar N o.24031993 No. R.JOHNSON CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN R. JOHNSON BarNo.24062345 State State Bar No. 24062345 Weslayan Tower, Suite 1400 East 24 Plaza Greenway Weslayan Tower, Suite 24 East Greenway Plaza Houston,Texas77046 1400 Houston, Texas 77046 659-6767 (713)659-6767 (713) Telephone Telephone (713)759-6830 (713) Facsimile 759-6830 Facsimile Christian.iohnson( ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS FOR FORDEFENDANTS, DEFENDANTS, SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, IINC. SENIORLIVING, NC.D/B/A D/B/A SENIOR SILVERADO LAND SUGAR LIVING SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND 4835-7047-5552.1 4835-7047-5552.1 Silverado Appx. 0419 No. 1-15-567-CV 1505 CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OFSERVICE OF SERVICE C hereby c IIhereby ertify certify tthat true and hataa true and correct copy ofthe correct copy foregoing instrument of the foregoing instrument was served was served uupon all ponall counsel counsel ofrecord of record via facsimile, viae-file, facsimile, handdelivery hand deliveryand/or and/or mail,return certified mail, retum receipt receipt requested requested on on this3rdDecember, 2014. this 3rd December, 2014. N 47 Candice LSchwager Candice L Schwager TheSchwager The Firm LawFirm Schwager Law 111 1417 1417 R amada Ramada Dr. Dr. Houston,Texas Houston, Texas77062 77062 Attorney for Attorney for Plaintiffs Sarah Pacheco Patel Sarah Patel Pacheco Crain,Caton Crain, Caton&&James, PC James, PC 1401McKinney 1401 Street McKinney Street 1700F 1700 iveHouston Five Center Houston Center Houston, Texas77010 Houston, Texas 77010 for Carol M Attorneys forCarol Attorneys anley Manley andDavid and David Peterson JillW.Young Jill W. Young Maclntyre, McCulloch, MacIntyre, McCulloch, &Young, Stanfield & LLP Young, LLP 2900Weslayan, Suite150 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston,Texas Houston, 77027 Texas77027 W.Russ W. Russ J ones Jones Underwood, JonesScherrer Underwood, Jones &Malouf, Scherrer & PLLC Malouf, PLLC 5177Richmond 5177 Ave,Suite505 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 Houston, 77056/S/ Texas77056 Houston, Texas /S/ Josh Josh K K. Davis Davis JOSH K. DAVIS 11 111111 111111111 4835-7047-5552.1 111 Silverado Appx. 0420 No. 1-15-567-CV 1506 TAB 51 I FILED |/2014 6 PM art DATA-ENTRY rk PICK UP THIS DATE PROBATE COU PROBATE COU NO. 427,208" 401 ("MACK")GGLEN MACKEY("MACK") MACKEY LENPETERSON,§ § ININPROBATE PETERSON, PROBATE COURT NO.1 COURTNO. 1 PETERSON; TONYAPETERSON, PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON, § Individually and andasasNext riendoof NextFFriend RUBY §§ fRUBY PETERSON; DON LESLIE PETERSON; § PETERSON; DON LESLIE PETERSON; § CAROL CAROL P ETERSON, PETERSON, and §§ Individually and as Next Friend, of RUBY PETERSON; as Next Friend, of § RUBY PETERSON; § and LONNY PETERSON, andLONNY PETERSON, § _ § Plaintiffs, -· Plaintiffs, V. § . SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, SENIOR INC., LIVING, INC., §§ d/b/a S ilveradoSenior Living SugarLand,§ —Sugar Land, § d/b/a Silverado Senior Living — Defendants. Defendants. § § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS FIFTH A FIFTH MENDED AMENDED PETITION PETITION TO:THEHONORABLE TO: JUDGE THE HONORABLE JUDGE LLOYD LLOYD WRIGHT: WRIGHT: NOW COME, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON, NOW COME, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON, Individually Friend of RUBYPETERSON;DON LESLIE NextFriend Individuallyand and as as Next of RUBY PETERSON; DON LESLIE PETERSON; CAROL PETERSON; CAROL PETERSON, Individuallyand PETERSON, Individually as NextFriend and as of RUBY Next Friend of RUBY PETERSON;and LONNYPETERSON PETERSON; and LONNY ("Plaintiffs"),file PETERSON("Plaintiffs"), file this FIFTH this FIFTH AMENDED PETITION AMENDED PETITION complaining complaining of DEFENDANT ofDEFENDANT SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING,INC.,d/b/a SilveradoSeniorLiving LIVING, INC., d/b/a Silverado SugarLand —Sugar Senior Living — ("SILVERADO"), Land ("SILVERADO"), andin and supportwould in support theCourt showthe wouldshow follows: asfollows: Court as 1 1 Silverado Appx. 0421 No. 1-15-567-CV 1537 DISCOVERYPLAN CONTROL DISCOVERY CONTROL PLAN Discovery Discovery inthis in beconducted tobe this lawsuit to underLevel conducted under ofRule190.1 Level33 of ofthe Rule 190.1 of the TexasRules Texas ofCivil Rulesof Procedure. Civil Procedure. Tex. Civ.P. Tex.R. Civ. P.190.1. 190.1. DECLARATORY DECLARATORY JUDGMENT JUDGMENT Plaintiffsaallege Plaintiffs llegeandwould and would prove thatthey prove that maybe they may entitledto beentitled declaratory todeclaratory judgment judgment as oflawthatthe1993 matterof as aa matter Durable law that the 1993 Durable Power ofAttorney Powerof appointing Attorney appointing CarolManley Carol andDavid Manleyand David was revokedaass ofNovember was revoked 15,2013.Tex. of November 15, Civ.Prac. 2013. Tex. Civ. Prac. &Rem. 37.001—37.005 Code etseq. & Rem. Code 37.001-37.005 et seq. JURISDICTION JURISDICTION andVENUE and VENUE has ThisCourt ofthislawsuit. Venue in ismandatory This Court has jurisdiction of this lawsuit. Venue is mandatory in Harris County, County, Texas. Texas. PARTIES PARTIES 11 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON, is GLEN PETERSON, is a a resident ofHays residentof HaysCounty, County, Texas. Texas. 22 TONYA("TONYA")N TONYA Individually,and PETERSON,Individually, ("TONYA")NPETERSON, as Next andas Next Friend of Friendof RubyS. Ruby S.Peterson Peterson is resident isaaresident ofHays of County, Hays County, Texas. Texas. LESLIE PETERSON DONNIE LESLIE DONNIE "DON"),is PETERSON (("DON"), residentof HarrisCounty, 33 is a a resident of Harris County, Texas. Texas. 2 Silverado Appx. 0422 No. 1-15-567-CV 1538 "| 4 4 PETERSON CAROLPETERSON CAROL ("CAROL ("CAROL PETERSON"), PETERSON"), Individually, and Next as Next and as Friendof Friend ofRuby S.Peterson Ruby S. resident isaaresident Peterson is of County, ofHarris County, Texas. Texas. resident 55 LONNY PETERSON LONNY PETERSON is ofHarris isaaresident of County, Harris County, Texas. 66 SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR L SENIOR IVING, LIVING, INC., d/b/aSilverado INC.,d/b/a Senior Silverado Senior Living Living — SugarLand Sugar Land("Silverado") isaacorporation ("Silverado") is corporation doing business doingbusiness inTexas, in locatedat Texas, located 1227 at1227 St.Sugarland, 7th St. Sugarland,Texas77478and Texas maybe 77478 and may servedwith beserved throughits processthrough with process its designated designated aagent forservice, gentfor Corporation service, Corporation Service Company ServiceCompany d/b/aCSCLawyers d/b/a CSC Lawyers Incorporating Incorporating Service Service Company, Company, 211E. St.Suite 211 E. 7th St. 260,Austin, Suite 260, Austin, Texas, 78701- Texas,78701- 3218. 3218. BACKGROUND 77 RubyS.Peterson Ruby ("Ruby") S. Peterson ("Ruby") isthe93-year is oldmother the 93-year old ofMack, mother of Mack, Don, Lonny, Don,Lonny, David ("David") Peterson David("David") Peterson a ndCarol and ("CarolM Carol Manley ("Carol anley"). Manley"). Rubyhasbeen Ruby has been aa resident Silverado atSilverado resident at at times alltimes atall relevant relevant tothis to this c ase. case. N 88 1993,Ruby In1993, In Rubyand andherhusband, deceased, nowdeceased, her husband, now executed durableppower executed aa durable of owerof N appointing attorneyappointing attorney CarolManley Carol andDavid Manleyand astheir David as agents. their agents. 99 David andCarol David and Manleymoved Carol Manley Rubyto movedRuby Silverado toSilverado onor on aboutAugust or about 27, August27, 2013. 2013. 3 3 Silverado Appx. 0423 No. 1-15-567-CV 1539 VIOLATIONS OFATTORNEY OFPOWER VIOLATIONS OF POWER OF ATTORNEY 26 Plaintiffs Tonya 26 TonyaandCarolPeterson allegeandwould and Carol Peterson allege provethat and would prove Carol thatCarol Manleyand Manley andDavidhaveexceeded theirauthority David have exceeded their and/orabused authority and/or theirpower abused their poweras as Ruby's agents for Ruby's agents medical for medical decisions. wit, Towit, decisions. To Carol Carol Manley Manley and and David David hired hired Dr. Dr. Merklto Merkl provideaa diagnosis to provide diagnosis ofsevere of dementia, severedementia, whichthey which theyknew shouldhave orshould knew or have known known was false,so was false, theycouldcommit sothey Rubyto could commit Ruby toreside Silverado resideatatSilverado andprevent and prevent herfromleaving.Oneofthe reasons, her from leaving. One of the reasons, CarolManley Carol ManleyandDavid and David chose Dr.Merkl choseDr. Merkl andSilverado and becausetthey wasbecause Silverado was heywanted Rubyto wanted Ruby beforced to be takemedication totake forced to that medication that shemay she otherwise mayotherwise refuseto refuse take,andtheywanted to take, exercise toexercise and they wanted to complete complete control control Ruby'splace overRuby's over ofresidence. placeof residence. - 27 27 PlaintiffsTonya Plaintiffs and Carol Peterson a Tonya andCarolPeterson llegeand allege andwould thatSilverado provethat would prove Silverado conspired conspired w ithCarol with Manleyand Carol Manley andDavid, David, whose medicalpower whosemedical ofattorney powerof didnot attorneydid not become effectiveaand/or become effective nd/orwas wasrevoked, toprevent revoked, to Rubyfromexercising prevent Ruby herrights from exercising her rights 0 leave toleave to Silverado Silverado togo to theBaytown gototothe BaytownChurch Church ofChrist; of tovisit Christ; to Plaintiffs visitPlaintiffs at their attheir N N homes;to homes; to go outtoeat goout orgo to eat or shopping go shopping withPlaintiffs; with and/orto Plaintiffs; and/or tomove moveto nursing toaa nursing home thatiscloser home that herchurch is closer ttoo her inBaytown. church in Baytown. OF ACTION CAUSES CAUSES OF ACTION A A FALSE IMPRISONMENT FALSE IMPRISONMENT 10 10 Silverado Appx. 0424 No. 1-15-567-CV 1546 28 28 Texas law Texas defines false law defines false imprisonment as the unlawful restraint of as the an of an individual’s individual's personal lliberty personal ibertyor freedom of or freedom movementagainst of movement against hhis is or herwill. or her will. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs a llegeandwould allege and would prove thatSilverado provethat hasrestricted Silverado has Ruby’smovement restricted Ruby's movement to and to and from from the premises thepremises without without order. aacourt order. 29 29 Todate, To Courthas noCourt date, no hasdeclared Rubyto declared Ruby beincompetent tobe orto incompetent or lackcapacity. tolack capacity. There is no There is presumption nopresumption ofincompetence of incapacity. orincapacity. incompetence or 30 Plaintiffs 30 Caroland Plaintiffs Carol andTonya Tonya P eterson, Peterson, asnext as next friends ofRuby, friendsof claimall Ruby, claim allofher of her rightsunderthe rights ElderlyBill under the Elderly Bill of Rightsfoundin of Rights Section102of found in Section theHuman 102 of the Human ResourceC Resource including: (a)Anelderly odeincluding: Code individual (a) An elderly individual hasall therights, has all the benefits, rights, benefits, responsibilities, and privileges granted responsibilities, andprivileges granted by the constitution andlawsof by theconstitution thisstate and laws of this state andtheUnited and States,except the United States, exceptwhere lawfully wherelawfully restricted. restricted. Theelderly The individual elderly individual has has the rightto the right befree tobe interference, freeofofinterference, coercion, coercion, discrimination, and reprisalin andreprisal in exercising exercising tthese hesecivilrights. (b)Anelderly civil rights. (b) individual hastheright An elderly individual has the right to betreated to be treated withdignity andrespect with dignity and forthepersonal respectfor integrity the personal integrity oftheindividual, of the individual, without regard withoutregard to race,religion, to race, nationalorigin, sex, religion,national sex,age, disability, age, disability, marital status,oorr source marital status, of sourceof payment. This payment. means thatthe This means elderlyindividual: that the elderly (1) has the right individual: (1)hasthe right to makethe to make the individual's individual's ownchoices own regarding choicesregarding theindividual's the personal individual's personal affairs,care, affairs, benefits, care,benefits, and services; (2)hastheright andservices; befreefromabuse, tobe (2) has the right to free from abuse, neglect, andexploitation... neglect,and exploitation... Tex.H Tex. um.Resource Hum. ResourceCode 102.003. Codess102.003. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs Caroland Carol andTonya Peterson Tonya Peterson allege allege 11 Silverado Appx. 0425 No. 1-15-567-CV 1547 andwould and thatSilverado provethat would prove Silverado been violatedthis beenrepeatedly violated thisStatute withrespect Statute with respect Ruby's toRuby's to rights. rights. 31 Plaintiffs 31 Plaintiffs Carol Carol and and Tonya Tonya Peterson, Peterson, as next as next friends friends of Ruby, ofRuby, claim allofofhherer claim all rightsundertheTexas rights under the Texas A dministrative Administrative Code19.401, Code 19.401, et whichguarantees seq.,which et seq., guarantees the the elderly elderly withtheuninhibited with the uninhibited right right to freeaccess to free andegress accessand egressof theirfacilities oftheir in facilities in whichthey which theyreside, mandating reside, mandating that that an patient’s elderlypatient's anelderly privacyrights privacy rightsbe berespected respected theirreceiptof unopenedmail,telephone by by not interfering notinterfering in any in anymanner withtheir receipt manner with of unopened mail, telephone calls,private calls, meetingareas private meeting withtheirfamily.Section areas with 19.401 their family. Section 19.401 specifically specifically states states thefollowing the guarantees: following guarantees: Theresident a. The a. resident hastheright exercisehis to exercise has the right to hisrights asa rights as residentat a resident atthe facilityand thefacility and asacitizen orresident oftheUnited States. as a citizen or resident of the United States. b.The b. resident The resident hasthe has right theright tobe to free befree ofinterference, of coercion, interference, coercion, or discrimination, or reprisal fromthe reprisal from thefacility inexercising facility in hisrights. exercising his rights. c. In c. thecase In the ofaaresident caseof residentadjudged adjudged incompetent incompetent underthelawsof theState under the laws of the of State of Texasby Texas ofcompetent by aa court of competentjurisdiction, the the rightsof theresident rights of the residentare are exercisedbbyy the exercised the person appointeduunder personappointed nderTexaslaw Texas law to acton to act theresident's onthe resident's behalf. behalf. d. facilitymust The facility d. The complywith mustcomply with all applicable allapplicable provisionsof provisions of the theHuman Human Resources C Resources ode,T Code, itle6, Title andChapter 6, and 102.An Chapter 102. Anindividual individual may notbe may not denied bedenied 12 12 Silverado Appx. 0426 No. 1-15-567-CV 1548 appropriate appropriate careon thebasisof care on the hisrace, basis of his religion, race,religion, color, nationalorigin, color,national origin,sex, sex, age, handicap, age,handicap, status,or marital status, orsource ofpayment. source of payment. Thefacility e. The e. allowtheresident mustallow facility must theright the resident the right to observe toobserve hisreligious his beliefs. religious beliefs. Thefacility mustrespect The facility must thereligious respect the religious beliefs oftheresident beliefsof inaccordance the resident in with accordance with 42United 42 States United States Code Code §1396f. §1396f. 32Section 32 Section 19.401, 19.401, etet seq., seq., further further mandates mandates thatallnursing that homefacilities all nursing home facilitiesunder under thejurisdiction the of the jurisdiction of theDepartment Department of AgingandDisability ofAging privacywith ensureprivacy and Disability ensure with respectto respect accommodations, toaccommodations, medicaltreatment, medical treatment,personalcare, personal care,access, visitation, access, visitation, andother and otherpotentially invasive,uunwanted potentially invasive, nwantedoorr intrusive acts acts or practicesbbyy the or practices the 19.401. facility. 19.401. 33 33 Plaintiffsaallege Plaintiffs llegeandwould prove thatSilverado and would prove failedor that Silverado failed refusedto orrefused provide toprovide Plaintiffs privacy privacy to Rubyand to Ruby thePlaintiffs regarding and the phonecalls, regardingphone personal orpersonal calls, mail, or visitation visitation with with Plaintiffs. 34 Plaintiffs would Rubyand that Ruby theyhave havesustained sustained 34 Plaintiffs allegeand allege and would prove prove that and they substantial substantial damages damages proximate asaa proximate as resultof result ofSilverado's wrongful Silverado's wrongful imprisonment imprisonment of of Ruby.Specifically, Ruby. Plaintiffs Specifically, Plaintiffs allege andwould allegeand thatSilverado provethat would prove placedthem Silverado placed them in reasonable in reasonable fearof fear harmfulor of harmful offensive oroffensive contactor contact orarrest by lawenforcement bylaw enforcement 13 13 Silverado Appx. 0427 No. 1-15-567-CV 1549 authorities, authorities, when Silverado wrongfully when wrongfully o rderedthem ordered them to leavethe to leave and the premises and issuedcriminal issued criminal whenthey trespasswarnings, when trespass theyattempted visitRuby tovisit attempted to Rubyat Silverado. atSilverado. 35 35 Plaintiffsfurtherallegeand wouldprove Plaintiffs further allege and would provethat Silverado's thatSilverado's wrongful wrongful imprisonment imprisonment of of Rubyand wrongfuldenial Ruby and wrongful denialof visitationwas of visitation intentional wasintentional and and malicious, malicious, suchthatSilverado such that Silverado should beassessed shouldbe exemplary assessed exemplary punitive orpunitive or damages. damages. B B ASSAULT ASSAULT AND BATTERY AND BATTERY 36 36 Plaintiffs a Plaintiffs llegeand allege andwould would prove thatSilverado provethat hascommitted Silverado has assaultand committed assault and battery of Ruby battery of Rubywith respectto with respect psychotropic topsychotropic drugsforced drugs heragainst uponher forced upon her against her willinfoodandotherwise. Plaintiffs will in food and otherwise. Plaintiffs allegeand allege andwould thatSilverado provethat would prove knew Silverado knew or or should haveknown shouldhave thatRubyrefused known that Ruby refused to takemedications totake thatshecomplained medications that she complained made hersick. made her sick. 37 37 Plaintiffsallege Plaintiffs allegeandwould thatSilverado provethat and would prove placedRuby Silverado placed Rubyinreasonable in reasonable fearof harmfulor fear of aa harmful offensive oroffensive and/orforcing contactand/or contact forcingor herintotaking or tricking her into taking whichshe drugs,which drugs, sherefused takevoluntarily totake refused to becausethey voluntarily because made herfeelsick. theymade her feel sick. 38 38 Plaintiffsallege Plaintiffs allegeand andwould thatRubysustained provethat would prove substantial Ruby sustained substantial damages damages proximate asaa proximate resultof wrongful ofSilverado's and/orbattery. assaultand/or battery. as result Silverado's wrongful assault . 39 39 Plaintiffs ffurther Plaintiffs andwould urtherallege and thatSilverado's provethat would prove wrongful Silverado's wrongful assault assault andbattery and intentional wasintentional battery was andmalicious, and suchthat malicious, such Silverado that Silverado shouldbe should beassessed assessed exemplary exemplary orpunitive or damages.14 punitive damages. 14 Silverado Appx. 0428 No. 1-15-567-CV 1550 OF TRUST CBREACH FIDUCIARY OF BREACH and DUTY C BREACH OF TRUST and BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY 40Plaintiffs Carol 40 Carol andTonya and Peterson Tonya Peterson allege allege andwould and prove would prove thatRuby that Ruby revoked the1993 the 1993 Power Power o offAttorney Attorney o on November 15,2013.Silverado nNovember hadaa duty 15, 2013. Silverado had duty acknowledge toacknowledge to thefactthatRuby the revoked fact that Ruby revoked the1993 the ofattorney. powerof 1993 power attorney. 41 41 Plaintiffs C Plaintiffs aroland Carol andTonya Peterson a Tonya Peterson llegeandwould allege and would prove thatRubyand prove that Ruby and theyhavesustained substantialdamages they have sustained substantial proximate damages as aa proximate resultof result Silverado's of Silverado's breachof breach and/orbreachof trustand/or of trust dutyregarding breach of fiduciary duty regarding its actions,which itsactions, which interfered,infringed interfered, infringed or deniedRuby's or denied andthe Ruby's rights and Plaintiffs' thePlaintiffs' rights,when rights, when Silverado Silverado rrepeatedly epeatedly eniedRuby's ddenied Ruby's rrequests to thechurch go to equeststtoo go ofherchoice, the church of go her choice, go outtoeat andgo out to eat and visitPlaintiffs tovisit goto Plaintiffs at theirhomes, attheir despiteexpress homes, despite expressnotice ofRuby's noticeof Ruby's revocation ofthe1993 revocation of the 1993 power ofattorney power of attorneyoonnNovember 15,2013. November 15, 2013. 42 42 Plaintiffs Plaintiffs Carol andTonya Carol and TonyaPeterson allege Peterson allege and would andwould prove prove that that Silverado Silverado intentionally intentionally and maliciously failed andmaliciously failed or refusedto or refused to honor andrecognize honorand Ruby's recognize Ruby's revocation revocation ofherprevious ofattorney, powerof of her previous power attomey, andinstead, and continued instead, continued tohonor to and honorand N recognize of attorney, the1993power suchthat hadbeenrevoked, which recognize the 1993 power of attorney, which had been revoked, such that Silverado Silverado should beassessed shouldbe exemplary assessed exemplary orpunitive or damages. punitive damages. E CONSPIRACY E 15 Silverado Appx. 0429 No. 1-15-567-CV 1551 43 43 Plaintiffs claimdamages claim damages againstthe Silveradobased against the Silverado based on alleged thealleged on the CarolManley, amongCarol conspiracy among Manley,David andSilverado David and Silverado to accomplish to accomplish unlawful anunlawful an Conspiracy purpose. Conspiracy existshere exists herebecause thereare because there (l) two are(1) twoor ormore (2)an persons,(2) more persons, an ·~ objectto object accomplished, (3) beaccomplished, to be meetingoofftheminds (3) aa meeting theobject onthe the minds on ofthe object of course the course ofaction, of (4)one action, (4) oneormore unlawful, or more unlawful, overt acts, and(5)damages acts,and theproximate asthe (5) damages as proximate result. result. 44 44 PlaintiffsC Plaintiffs arolandTonya Carol and Tonya Peterson Peterson allege andwould allege and thatSilverado provethat would prove Silverado agreed withCarolManley agreedwith andDavid Carol Manley and violateor toviolate David to Ruby`s orinfringe Ruby's rightsagainst rights against falseimprisonment and/orassault false imprisonment and/or assaultand andbattery, under thefactsalleged battery, under inthis the facts alleged in case. this case. Plaintiffs Plaintiffs C arolandTonya Carol and Tonya Peterson Peterson alsoallegeandwould thatSilverado provethat also allege and would prove Silverado agreedwith agreed withCarol Manleyand Carol Manley andDavid violateor toviolate David to Plaintiffs' thePlaintiffs' orinfringe the rightsto rights to r!) visitation visitation with with Ruby, Ruby, under under the the ffacts acts alleged alleged inthis in this c ase. case. Silverado Silverado also also took took one one or more or unlawful,overt moreunlawful, overtacts againstRuby acts against Rubyandthe Plaintiffs, andcaused and the Plaintiffs, and them caused them damages damages proximate asaa proximate as result ofsuchwrongful resultof acts. such wrongful acts. PRE-JUDGMENT PRE-JUDGMENT AND AND POST JUDGMENT INTEREST POST JUDGMENT INTEREST 0 45 Plaintiffsaallege llegeandwould provethatSilverado themof 45 Plaintiffs and would prove that Silverado h asdeprived has deprived them the of the use of such use of suchfundsthat beawarded maybe funds that may awardedas damages iin actualdamages as actual n this thiscase. case.As As aa proximate proximate result, result, tthey have been deprived o heyhavebeendeprived offtheopportunity investsuch to invest the opportunity to suchfunds funds 16 16 Silverado Appx. 0430 No. 1-15-567-CV 1552 TAB 52 FILED 12/5/2014 4:32:08 PM DATA ENTRY Stan Stanart PICK UP THIS DATE c rk County Clerk CAUSE PROBATE COURT 1 PROBATE COURT 1 Harris County CAUSE NO.427208-401 427208-401 INRE: IN RE: G UARDIANSHIP GUARDIANSHIP OF OF § INTHE IN THEPROBATE PROBATECOURT COURT § RUBY RUBY P ETERSON, PETERSON, § NUMBER NUMBERONE ONE ut 0 PROPOSED PROPOSEDWARD WARD § HARRIS HARRISCOUNTY, COUNTY,TEXAS TEXAS Transferred Transferred from from the the 129th JudicialDistrict District CAUSE CAUSEN O.22014-40980 NO. 014-40980 0 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") ("MACK")GLEN GLENP ETERSON, PETERSON,§§ INTHE IN THEDISTRICT DISTRICTCOURT COURT PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually, Individually,NextFriend Next Friend §§ ofRUBY of RUBY PETERSON, PETERSON, DON DONLESLIE LESLIE §§ PETERSON, and PETERSON, Individually andas asNext Next §§ Friend, Friend, ofRUBY of RUBYPETERSON, PETERSON,and and § LONNY LONNY PETERSON, PETERSON, Individuallyandand §§ Next Next F riendooffRUBY Friend RUBY S.PETERSON, S. PETERSON, §§ Plaintiffs, § V. V. §§ HARRIS HARRISCCOUNTY, OUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS CAROL CAROLANNE ANNEM ANLEY, MANLEY, § DAVID DAVID PETERSON, PETERSON,SILVERADO SILVERADO § SENIOR LIVINGCARE SENIOR LIVINGCARE FACILITY, FACILITY, §§ TANNA M TANNA CMILLAN, MCMILLAN, LINDALAVINSON, LINDA LAVINSON,DR.REBECCA DR. REBECCA §§ CLEARMAN, CLEARMAN, DR.CHRIS DR. CHRISMERKYL MERKYL §§ Defendants. §§ 129TH 129THJJUDICIAL UDICIAL DISTRICT DISTRICT BRIEFINSUPPORT OFMOTION BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONTO TORECONSIDER RECONSIDERAND ANDRESCIND RESCIND RULE91ADISMISSAL OFSILVERADO RULE 91A DISMISSAL OF SILVERADOAND ANDSANCTIONSORDERS SANCTIONS ORDERS andJoshDavisshouldbesanctioned formisrepresenting Silverado and Josh Davis should be sanctioned for misrepresentingknown knownfacts factsto to theCourtand twofrivolous pleadings underRules10and13and/or ursuanttotothe the Court and filing two frivolous pleadings under Rules 10 and 13 and/orppursuant the inherentauthorityto sanction.Tex.R. Civ.P. 10,13.Despiteevidencein the Court's inherent authority to sanction. Tex. R. Civ. P. 10, 13. Despite evidence in the record Silverado that KNEWOF THE REVOCATION OF THE 1993 POWER OF record that Silverado KNEW OF THE REVOCATION OF THE 1993 POWER OF ATTORNEYAND2013DURABLE POWEROFATTORNEY DESIGNATING ATTORNEY AND 2013 DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY DESIGNATING DONANDMACKPETERSON, Silverado by andthroughattorneyJoshDavis DON AND MACK PETERSON, Silverado by and through attorney Josh Davis Silverado Appx. 0431 No. 1-15-567-CV 1434 misre resentedthetruth misrepresented to this HonorableJudgeviathefollowing the truthtothis Judge via the followingsstatement: tatement: "Plaintiffs’ "Plaintiffs' claims h ave have no basis no basis inlaw in law and and m ust must be dismissed. be dismissed. TEX.R. R.C IV. P. Civ. P. . 9la. 91a. Eachof Plaintiffsccauses Each of Plaintiffs ausesof of action, action, ttaken akenas true, togetherw as true,together ithinferences with inferences reasonably reasonablydrawn drawnfromthem, from them,ddoonot notentitle entitlePlaintiffs Plaintiffstotothereliefsought the relief soughtffor ortwotwo reasons: 11))Plaintiffs reasons: Plaintiffs llack ack standing;and,2) and, 2)Defendants Defendantsccannot annotbe beheldliable held liable forrelying on adurableand/ormedical for relying ona owerof durable and/or medicalppower ofattorney as amatteroflaw. attorneyasa matter of law. As As a result, result, P laintiffs’claimsforfalseimprisonment, Plaintiffs' claims for false imprisonment,assaultassaultaand nd battery,andand conspiracy must bedismissed. conspiracy must be dismissed. TEX. TEX.R.CIV. R. Civ.P.91a; P. 91a; FED.R.CIV. R. CmPP. .12(b)(6); 12(b)(6);see see 0 also, also,SScanlan canlanv. v.Tex. Tex.A &MUniv., A&M Univ.,343F.3d533, 343 F.3d 533,553636(5thCir.2003)." (5th Cir. 2003)." Silverado cannotclaim Silverado cannotclaimthatitdid notknow that it didnot knowthe powerof thepower ofattorney wasrrevoked attorneywas evoked because because in in response to DonPeterson response to Don Petersontendering tenderingtherevocation the revocationanddurable and durablepower power of of attorney to Silverado attorney to on November Silverado on November115, 5,2013after 2013 after dulyrecordedin duly recorded inproperty property records,Silverado records, Silveradocalledthe called the police police to to threaten threaten PLAINTIFFS. Furthermore, PLAINTIFFS. Furthermore, Davisintentionally Davis intentionallymisstates misstatesthe thelaw lawin infailing tociteTexasHealthand failingto cite Texas Health andSafety Safety CodeSection166.155, Code Section 166.155,whichmandated which mandatedthat thatas soon as Silverado assoonas Silveradoreceived receivedthe the revocation revocationand new durable andnew powerof durablepower attorney November115, ofattorneyNovember 5,2013,they 2013, theyhad hadaa statutoryduty to placeit statutory dutyto in Ruby Peterson'sffile place it in RubyPeterson’s ileand ensurethat and ensure thatall all employees employees knewaboutit. Tex.HealthandSafety Code 166.155.DDavis knew about it. Tex. Health and SafetyCode166.155. avisthenmisstates then misstatesthelaw the law in citingthe FederalRule12(b)(6)when in citing the Federal Rule 12(b)(6) w henTexasCourtshave Texas Courts haveexpresslYconcluded expressly concluded that althoughoriginallymodeledafter FRCP 12(b)(6),RRule that although originally modeled after FRCP12(b)(6), ule 91a wasnot 91awas notan an extensionofthefederalRuleandshould not be citedas extension of the federal Rule and shouldnotbecited assuch,yethedoes such, yet he doesanyway. anyway. Theforeoing asserted inbadfaithwithintentional distortion ofknownfacts nd was asserted in bad faith with intentional distortion of known factsaand The foregoing was law. Moreover,the questionof whetherPLAINTIFFShave standingPOST- law. Moreover, the question of whether PLAINTIFFS have standing POST- SETTLEMENTagreementwhereSILVERADO wasnot SETTLEMENT agreement where SILVERADOwas notaaparty partyto this contract,nor to thiscontract, nor thirdparty doesnotrenderlegitimate claimsillegitimate particularly where third party beneficiary, does not render legitimate claims illegitimate particularly where theagreement isarguably voidforillegality. the agreement is arguably void for illegality. Silverado Appx. 0432 No. 1-15-567-CV 1435 The Texas Health TheTexas Health andSafety Code regarding and Safety Code regarding M edical Medical Powersoof Powers fAttorney Attorney 0 provides providestthat hatonlythe only the principal terminate aa medical can terminate principal can power of medicalpower of attorney, attorney,can can revoke even ifincompetent revoke even if incompetentandwithout and without rregard egardto competency,and to competency, oncerevoked, andonce revoked, a thedocument is terminated the document is terminated a ndcannot and cannot b beerevived revived b byyaa settlement agreement. Sec. settlement agreement. Sec. 0 166.155. 166.155. T hisis This trueas is particularly true RubyPeterson, who astotoRuby is presumed who is presumed competent competent under under tthe heTexas TexasE statesCCode Estates odeuntil eterminedby untilddetermined jury byaa tobe juryto incompetentbyclear beincompetent by clear and convincing evidence. and convincing evidence.Forthis reason, tthe For this reason, heCourterredallowing RussjJones Court erred allowing Russ onesand]ill and Jill Young to signthe Young to sign the agreement agreement o onn Ruby’s Ruby's behalf. Ruby RubyPetersonis necessaryparty Peterson isaanecessary party absent absent ffrom romtheRule11and the Rule 11 and cannot cannot eeven reviveaaterminated venrevive powerof terminatedpower ofattorney. attorney. Tex.H Tex. ealthaand Health ndSafety SafetyC ode1166.155. Code 66.155. Sec.166.155.REVOCATION. Sec. 166.155. REVOCATION.(a) Amedical power (a) A power of of attorneyisis revoked revoked by: by: (1) (1) oral writtennotification anytimeby or written notificationatatany oral or theprincipal time bythe tothe principalto the agent agent or licensedor certified or aa licensed or certified health orresidential healthor are provider residentialccare provideror or by other act evidencing any other act by any evidencingaa specific specific intent to revokethe intentto revoke the power, power, withoutregard to whetherthe principalis competentoor without regard to whether the principal is competent r the the principal'smental state; principal's mentalstate; (2) executionby the principalof subsequentm (2) execution by the principal of aa subsequent edical powerof medicalpower of attorney; attorney; or or (3) the divorceof the principaland spouse,ififthe is the (3) the divorce of the principal andspouse, spouse isthe thespouse principal's agent, unlessthe medicalpower of attorneyprovides principal's agent, unless the medical power of attorney provides otherwise. otherwise. (b) A principal'slicensedor certifiedhealth or residentialcare (b) A principal's licensed or certified health or residential care Silverado Appx. 0433 No. 1-15-567-CV 1436 providerwho provider whoisis informedof or providedwith informed ofor provided withaa revocationofofaa power of medical power of attorneyshallimmediately attorney shall immediatelyrrecord ecordthe therevocation revocationin in theprincipal's the principal'smedical medicalrecord recordandgive and givenotice noticeoof ftherevocation the revocationtothe to the agentand any knownhealthandresidential agent and any careproviders known health and residentialcare providerscurrently currently responsible responsible ffor ortheprincipal's the principal'scare. care. Addedby Acts 1991,72nd Added by Acts 1991, 72ndLeg.,ch. 16, Sec.3.02(a), Leg., ch. 16, Sec. 3.02(a),eeff. ff. Aug.26, Aug. 26, 1991. 1991. Renumbercd Renumberedfrom from Civil Practice Civil Practice &Remedies & RemediesCode CodeS ec.1135.005 Sec. 35.005 and and amended amended byActs1999, by Acts 1999,776th 6thLeg., Leg.,ch.450,Sec.1.05, ch. 450, Sec. 1.05,eeff. ff.Sept.1,1999. Sept. 1, 1999. Moreegregious More egregiousis is JOSHDAVIS’ JOSH DAVIS' aattempt ttempttto securemandatory o secure ttomeysfeesin mandatoryaattorneys fees in excess ooff$115,000 excess $115,000 ffor orhisclient his clientw hileknowing while knowinghhe emissed missedthedeadline tofileeither the deadlineto file eitherRRule ule 9la Motion,mandating 91a Motion,m andatingsanctions sanctionsunderRule10and under Rule 10 and13.Tex.R. 13. Tex. R.Civ.P Civ. P10, 10,13. 13.He He blatantlyfailedto meettthe blatantly failedtomeet hetime timedeadline tofileeither deadlineto file eitherR ule91aMotion Rule toDismiss 91a Motionto Dismissby by filingthefirst filing the first frivolousmotiononOctober motionon October 117, 7,2014andthesecond 2014 and the secondhisweek—more his week—morethan than 60 daysafterappearingin Court, tto 60 days after appearing in Court, o attendandparticipate attend and participate iin n the temporary iinjunction the temporary njunction hearings July29,2014—thus on July 29, 2014—thuswaiving waivingsservice. ervice.This hearings on meansthatthelastpossible Thismeans that the last possibleday day he couldfile Rule91aMotionwas September he could file aa Rule 91a Motion was September 229, 9,2014—rendering 2014—renderingbothMotions both Motions frivolous as a matter frivolous asa oflaw. matter of law. 9la.3Time forMotionandRuling. Amotionodis- 91a.3 Time for Motion and Ruling. A motiontto missmust dis- missm ustbbe: e: 1. (a)filedwithin60daysafterthefirstpleading containingthechallenged causeoof 1. (a) filed within 60 days after the first pleading containing the challengedcause f actionisservedonthemovant; action is served on the movant; BadfaithisclearinDavisandSilverado’s knowingly deceptiveuseofRule9la Bad faith is clear in Davis and Silverado's knowingly deceptiveuse of Rule 91atoto Silverado Appx. 0434 No. 1-15-567-CV 1437 gain gain mandatoryattomeys’ attorneys' feesthey notentitled arenot fees they are entitledto matteroof as amatter toasa flaw.As law. As stated,the the C.; Rulell Rule 11 purportsto change history ratherthan purports to changehistoryrather thansettleclaimsand settle claims andrenderRuby’s render Ruby's revocation revocation aa nullity, nullity, w hichthe which the parties parties are incapableof are incapable of doing.FURTHERMORE, doing. FURTHERMORE, Cl 0 THIS THIS ISARED IS A RED H ERRING HERRING AS AS DEFENDANTS DEFENDANTSNEVR NEVRHAD HADA NY ANYABILITY ABILITYTO TO CO HOLD HOLD RUBY RUBY PETERSON PETERSONAGAINST AGAINSTH ERWILLAND HER WILL ANDFORCIBLY FORCIBLYDRUG DRUGHER HER (ADMITTED (ADMITTEDB BY DAVIDPETERSON, YDAVIDPETERSON,CAROL CAROLANNMANLEY ANN MANLEYANDDR.CHRIS AND DR. CHRIS MERKL). An agent cannot holdthe An agentcannothold theprincipalagainstherwill, nordoesthat principal against her will,nor does thatagent agent CI 0 havethe have the right right or power in or power in the the law law to to overcome the willof overcomethe the principalwith will of the principal with respect o Ruby’srefusalofpsychotropic respect tto Ruby's refusal of psychotropicdrugsthat drugs thatmadeher made hersickthat weregiven sick thatwere given againstherwishes against her wishes for forovera yearby over ayear by Silverado Silveradow ithno with legal righttotodothis.Even no legalright do this. Even now, Ruby now, Ruby is being held is being held against againsther her will and was will and founddruggedagain was found drugged again over over Thanksgiving Thanksgivingholidays, holidays,ssuch uchthatDEFENDANTS that DEFENDANTSare arecontinuing continuingthe same courseof thesamecourse of conduct conduct that got themsued. that got them sued. III.P III. URPOSE PURPOSEOF OFRULEE RULEE91A 91A JOSHDAVIS isknowingly violatingRule91ain JOSH DAVIS is knowingly violatingRule twofrivolous 91a intwo filings nderRRule frivolous filingsuunder ule 9labecause theyareboth 91a because theyare beyond thedeadline both beyond the deadlineto file.Rule to file.R ule9la wasenacted 91awas tostreamline enactedto streamline litigation expedited byproviding meansofgetting litigation expedited by providingaameans ridofpatently of getting rid of patently unmeritoriousclaims, claims, "providing idealbalance between lowering an ideal balance between loweringcosts "providing an andimproving fairness, whilestill costs and improving fairness, while still providing to the civilcourtsystem." H.B.274.As withothertort reform access to the civil court system." H.B. 274. As with other tort providingaccess reform legislation,once HouseBill 274 bill was enrolled,the TexasSupremeCourthad legislation, once House Bill 274 bill was enrolled, the Texas Supreme Court had out authorityto adoptandimplement rules tocany authority to adopt and implement rulesto thelegislation. Byitsorderdated carry out the legislation. By its order dated Nov.13,2012,theTexasSupremeCourtpromulgated Rule91a,which wassubject Nov. 13, 2012, the Texas Supreme Court promulgated Rule 91a, whichwas subjectto to changefollowingpubliccomment periodthatclosed onFeb.1,2013. change followingaa public comment period that closedon Afterthat Feb. 1, 2013. After that commentperiod,thecourtmade minorrevisions totherule —which is now final, which isnow comment period, the court made certain minor revisions to the rule—— Silverado Appx. 0435 No. 1-15-567-CV 1438 effective effective March 1, 1,2013. 2013. Despite Despite tthe fact that the originalversion hefactthatthe versionoof fthebillmade the bill madereference tothe referenceto the federal the enrolled enacted and eliminated version any reference. such The of text rules, the enrolled and enacted version eliminated any such reference. The text of theoriginal the original vversion ersionofHB274specified: of HB 274 specified: The The SupremeCourt Supreme Courtshall shalladopt adoptrules toprovidefor rulesto thefair provide forthe fair and and early early dismissal dismissalofnon-meritorious cases ...and of non-meritoriouscases andshall shallmodel modelthe therules rulesafter afterRules Rules99 and and 1 12,2, the F the ederal Federal Rulesof RulesofC ivil CivilProcedure, tothe Procedure,to thee possible. xtent extent H.B.274. possible.H.B.274. However, noreference However, no to theFederal referencetothe FederalRules Rulesisfound is foundinthe enrolledversion in theenrolled versionof of HB HB 274,whichprovides:"The 274, which provides: "The Supreme SupremeC ourtshalladopt Court toprovide shall adopt rulesto provideforthe for the dismissal dismissalof of causesof actiontthat causesofaction hathhave avennoobasis basisiin nlaw or fact lawor fact o onnmotion motion and and without without evidence.Therulesshallprovide evidence.The rules shall providethatthemotion todismiss that the motionto dismisssshall hallbegranted ordenied be grantedor denied within45 within 45 days days of thefilingof the filing of themotion to dismiss." H.B.274.TheTexasSupreme the motion to H.B. 274. The Texas Supreme Courtadopted Court adopted Rule9la, Rule 91a, which states, ""A which states, A cause causeof ofactionhas nobasisin action hasno basis inlawif law ifthe the allegations, allegations, taken taken as true, togetherwithinferences as true,together with inferencesrreasonably easonablydrawnfromthem,do drawn from them, do not entitletheclaimant o thereliefsought. not entitle the claimanttto the relief sought.A causeofactionhas Acause nobasisin of action hasno basis infactif fact if no reasonable ersoncouldbelieve no reasonable pperson could believethefactspleaded." the facts pleaded."Thereis There isnothing nothingunbelievable unbelievable aboutSilverado falselyimprisoning assaultingRubyPeterson.They’ve an assaulting RubyPeterson. about Silverado falsely imprisoningan They'vebeen beensued sued in HarrisCountyforthis samethingforwhich in Harris County for this same aninjunction thing for whichan wasgrantedbyJudge injunctionwas granted by Judge Grant Dorffman. Furthermore, Texaslaw Grant Dorffman. Furthermore, Texas law definesfalseimprisonment false imprisonmentas holding as holdingaa person againsttheirwillwithoutlegalauthority, whichispreciselywhatDEFENDANTS person against their will without legal authority, which is precisely what DEFENDANTS havedone.See Big TownNursingHomev Newman,461S.W2a'195,(Tex.1970). have done. See Big Town Nursing Home v Newman, 461 S.W.2d 195, (Tex. 1970). (statingthatFalse is the directrestraintof of thephysical (stating that False imprisonment is the direct restraint ofoneperson one person of the physical libertyofanotherwithoutadequatelegal andholdingthat liberty of another without adequate legal justification and holding that Silverado Appx. 0436 No. 1-15-567-CV 1439 There iis There s ample ample eevidence vidence to sustain to sustain jury findings..givenDefendant Defendantrestrained restrained Plaintiff againsthis against his willillegally, will illegally,prevented preventedhim him fromusingthephoneand using the phone andtoldhe told hecould couldnot not leave for 51days, 51 days, w hichisfar which is farlessthanSilverado less than Silveradohhas asdone. done."). Cr, 0 Just as in Just as in BigTown Big Town Nursing Nursing H ome,Silverado Home, Silveradoacted acted"inthe utterdisregard "in theutter disregardof of CO rs plaintiff's legalrights, rights,kknowing nowingthere was no courtorderforcommitment, therewasno order for commitment,andthatthe and that the admission agreementprovided admission agreementprovidedhe not tobekept wasnotto hewas be keptaagainst gainst hiswill.” his will."R ule9la Rule usesthe 91auses the 0 phrase phrase "nobasisinlaw or fact", "no basis in law or fact",bbut utisisnot mirroroof notaamirror fthegroundless the groundlessstandard standardinRule13. in Rule 13. Cr! 0 Instead, the plausibilitystandard Instead, theplausibility governsggiven standardgovems iventhattheCourt lookatatfacts annotlook that the Courtccannot factsother other than as rrecited than as ecited to decide to decidethe them otion. motion. IV. IV. SANCTIONS SANCTIONSAGAINST AGAINSTSCHWAGER SCHWAGER NOT NOTJUSTIFIED JUSTIFIEDANDMUSTB ANDMUSTBEERECSINDED RECSINDED WhetherunderRule 10 or RuleI3 Whether under Rule 10or Rule 13 of the Texas of the TexasRulesof CivilProcedure, Rules of Civil Procedure, sanctions are not sanctions are againstSchwageron anybasis, not justified against Schwageronany otwithstanding basis,nnot withstandingthefailure the failuretoto establishgoodcausebbyy specificfacts establish good cause statedintheorder.Thiswas facts stated in the order.This notdone. wasnot done.Good Goodcause cause is notstated,norarefactsstatedto notifyas to whythesanctions wereordered.Asstated is not stated, nor are facts stated to notify as to why the sanctions were ordered. As stated in to sanctions motionsandsupplements, Schwager’s Article Section8/ First response to sanctions motions and supplements, Schwager's ArticleI I Section 8 /First in response AmendmentRightswere Amendment Rightsw ereviolatedin patently discriminatoryorderhighlypunitive violated in aa patently discriminatory order highly punitive without Muchlike prohibitedpostfactolaw,whichseekstopunishwithout without cause. cause. Much likeaa prohibitedex ex post facto law, which seeks to punish without anynoticeto the allegedly inviolationofwhattherules/lawconsistsof,thisorder any notice to theperson person allegedly in violation of what the rules/law consists of, this order doesthe sameby the Courtstatingas the casebeganthe intentnotto interferewith does the same by the Court stating as the case began the intent not to interfere with Schwager’sprotectedspeechandrefusingto do so—followed by egregious$10,000 Schwager's protected speech and refusing to do so—followed byan an egregious $10,000 sanctiontoPacheco’s clientsnotwithstanding thepriorguarantee. Art.I 8, sanction to Pacheco's clients notwithstanding the prior guarantee. Art. I Sec. 8, 10 Amend Const.SeeResponseto SanctionsandSupplemental filings well of U.S. Const. See Response to Sanctions and Supplemental filingsas as wellas as Affidavit of Silverado Appx. 0437 No. 1-15-567-CV 1440 Inability t0pay. Inability to Rule13provides: pay. Rule 13 provides: "Thesignatures of "The of attorneys or or parties certificate partiesconstitute a certificate bythemthat by them that they have they read the have read pleading,motion the pleading, or other motion or paper; that other paper; to the that to the best of their best of their informationand knowledge,information knowledge, beliefformedafter and belief formed after reasonable inquirythe reasonableinquiry instrument the instrument is not is groundlessand notgroundless broughtin and brought in bad faith,or bad faith, groundlessand or groundless broughtfor and brought the for the purposeof purpose harassment....." of harassment ..." Tex. Tex.R. Civ.P R. Civ. 13.Courtsshall P 13. that pleadings, Courts shall presume that 0 motions andother arefiled papers ingood Id.Sanctions faith. beissued cannot motions and other papers are filed in good faith. Id. Sanctions cannot be issued C) andbadfaith,"the particularsof whichmustbe without showingof withouta showing goodcause of good causeand bad faith, "the particulars of which must be - inthesanction stated This order."wasnot November done 2014. 10, Texas have courts stated in the sanction order." This was not done November 10, 2014. Texas courts have historically employed employed an objective standardin an objective determiningw standard in determining whether pleadingis hetheraa pleading is groundless, groundless, looking looking to the facts available ttoo thelitigant to thefactsavailable andthecircumstances the litigant and at thetime the circumstances at the time suit was suit Asidefrombasingthe wasfiled. Aside sanctions from basing the sanctions motionson motions falseallegations onfalse that allegations that PLAINT1FFS’ PLAINTIFFS' pleadings frivolousSOUGHT pleadings were frivolous SOUGHT TO TO BE ILLUSTRATED BEILLUSTRATED BY BY NOTHING MORE THAN NOTHING MORE THAN ACONTRACT TO WHICH A CONTRACT TO WHICH THEY ARE N THEY ARE OT NOT P RIVY PRIVY OR OR BENEFICIARIES, BENEFICIARIES, the order the doesnot orderdoes stateany not state anyparticulars, whichconstitute particulars,which good constitute good Tex.R. cause.Tex. cause. Civ.P R. Civ. 13.Furthermore, P 13. Furthermore, showing noshowing no ofbad of faithwas bad faith demonstrated wasdemonstrated on the part on the ofSchwager, part of Schwager,mandatory under Rule 10.Tex.R. mandatoryunderRule Civ.P. 10. Tex. R. Civ. 10.Schwager P. 10. Schwager lengthhergoodfaithmotive, explainsaatt length explains which is her good faith motive, which bepresumed to be is to presumedbytheCourt by the Court anyway.S anyway. eeamended See of inability amended affidavit of inabilityto to pay. Noevidence pay. No introducedto wasintroduced evidence was to controvert this and controvert this the goodfaith overcome the and overcome presumptionenjoyed. good faith presumption enjoyed. In fact, no In fact, no admissible e admissible videncew evidence introducedat asintroduced was allagainst at all Schwagerttoo justifysanctions, against Schwager but justify sanctions, but patent hearsayand patent hearsay unauthenticatedw and unauthenticated web pages, which ebpages, were never proven to which wereneverproven have to have been authoredbySchwager. evenauthored been even Tex.R.Evid802,901. by Schwager. Tex. R. Evid 802, 901. Silverado Appx. 0438 No. 1-15-567-CV 1441 V. R V. ULE RULE 91A 91ANOT NOTA PPLICABLE APPLICABLE ANDS AND TANDARD STANDARDNOT NOTM ET MET 0 Rule91apermits Rule 91a permits aa courtto allegationstthat court to disregard factual allegations hat "a "areasonable reasonable person could not believe."SSilverado person couldnotbelieve." ilverado everestablished nnever establishedthis.To sayafter this. Tosay afteraacase case settles settles aand the parties' sstanding ndtheparties’ tanding iissaamatter matterooffquestionably questionablyenforceable enforceablecontract-to contract—to whichSilverado wasnot which Silveradowas party and is notaathirdpartybeneficiary notaapartyandisnot third party beneficiary afterthefiling the filing deadline deadline entirelydisregards entirely disregardsthe theletterand letter andspiritofthe law. Whilelegalconclusions spirit of thelaw.While legal conclusions can provide tthe can provide heframework frameworkof ofaa complaint,they mustbesupported theymust be supportedby by factualallegations. allegations. Crl 0 Fromthe From the outset,PLAlNTIFFS’ pled exhaustive outset, PLAINTIFFS' pled exhaustive ffactual actualallegations. allegations."Whenthere "When there are well-pled factual are factual allegations,a courtshould acourt assumetheir shouldassume andtthen their veracityand hen determine determinewhether whetherthey they plausiblygive giverrise iseto an entitlement to an to relief." entitlement to H.B.274. relief."H.B. 274. Rule91arequires morethan Rule 91a requires more "aformulaic than"a formulaicrecitation recitationofofthe theelements elementsoof f aacause causeof of action" action" and andD EFENDANTS DEFENDANTSreceived receivedmuchmorethan muchmore thanaaformulaic formulaicrecitation recitationof oftthe he elements elements ffrom romday day one. one. "Except in "Except in aa case broughtunder case broughtundertthe heFamily FamilyC odeora Code casegoverned or acase governedby by Chapter14oftheTexasCivilPractice Chapter 14 of the Texas Civil P ractice andRemedies and RemediesCode, Code,aa partymay may move to move dismiss causeofaction to dismissaacause onthegrounds of actionon the groundsthatithas nobasisinlaw that it hasno basis in law or fact.A cause of or fact. A cause actionhas no basisin of action has no basis in lawif law if theallegations, the allegations,taken takenas as true,together withinferences reasonably drawnfromthem,ddo true, together with inferences reasonably drawn fromthem, onot entitle not entitle theclaimant the claimantto thereliefsought.A causeofaction to the relief sought. Acause has nobasisin of action hasno basis infactif fact if noreasonable no reasonableperson couldbelieve thefactspleaded." Rule9la. person could believe the facts pleaded." Rule 91a. The followingillustratesthe differencebetweenthe FederalRulesandRule The following illustrates the difference between the Federal Rules and Rule 91awhichDavisglossesover: 91a which Davis glosses over: Silverado Appx. 0439 No. 1-15-567-CV 1442 Legal Legal Insufficiency FRCPl2(b)(6) —"Failure FRCP 12(b)(6) — "Failureto stateaa claim to state upon whichrelief claim upon canbe which reliefcan be granted" granted" TRCP91a TRCP 91a —"[A]llegations. .. .. .do "[A]llegations notentitlethe donot entitle the claimanttototherelief the relief sought." sought." Factual Insufficiency FRCPl2(b)(6) FRCP 12(b)(6) ——Must Mustcross "the line betweenppossibility cross"thelinebetween ossibilityaand ndplausibility plausibility of of entitlement to relief" BellAtlantic entitlementto Bell AtlanticC orp.v. Corp. v. Twombly, 550U.S.544, 550 U.S. 544, 570(2007). 570 (2007). TRCP TRCP 9la 91a——"[N]o personcould "[N]o reasonableperson couldbelieve believethefactspleaded." the facts pleaded."NNot ot once did Davis show once didDavis showwhy anyoftheclaims whyany of the claimsppled ledwith80+ pagesoffactual with 80+pages of factual backup backupcould not be couldnot believable.This be believable. This Rule was intended Rule was to dismiss intendedto dismiss patently frivolous patently frivolouscclaims laimssuch asroutinely suchas routinely filedbyprisoners by prisonersppro rosesewith with bizarre bizarre factualallegations thatcould allegationsthat couldnever be believable. neverbe believable.Davis/ Davis / Silveradofailedutterlyinthisendeavor. Silverado failedutterlyin this endeavor. VI. MEDIATED SETTLEMENTAGREEMENT CONTRACTTO VI. MEDIATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTAACONTRACT TO WHICH WHICH SILVERADOWAS NOT APARTY NOR ATHIRD PARTY SILVERADO WAS NOT A PARTY NOR A THIRD PARTYBENEFICIARY BENEFICIARY Thebackground rule for enforceability of mediatedsettlementagreements, The background rule for enforceability of mediated settlement agreements,as as describedintheTexasADRAct,providesthatthesettlementagreementisenforceable described in the Texas ADR Act, provides that the settlementagreement is enforceableas as any othercontract, andthe incorporate the termsooffthesettlement may incorporate theterms any other contract, and the court may the settlementagreement agreement intothecourt’s decree. Tex.Civ.Prac.& Rem.Code § 154.071.Although into the court's final decree. See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 154.071. Although the settlementagreementarisesfromthe suit,enforcement of a mediationagreement, the settlement agreement arises from the suit, enforcement of a mediation agreement, if reachedthroughcourt-ordered mediation,mustbe determined in breach—of- even if reached through court-ordered mediation,must even be determined inaa breach-of- Silverado Appx. 0440 No. 1-15-567-CV 1443 cause ofaction contract cause of action uunder ndernnormal ormalrules rulesofpleading of pleadingandevidence. and evidence.SeeCadle See CadleC 0.v.v. Co. Castle, 913S.W.2d 913 S.W.2d 6 27(Tex. 627 (Tex. A pp.— App. Dallas11995, —Dallas 995,writdenied). writ denied).Thus, nymediated Thus,aany mediated settlementis settlement as a contract. See is enforceableasa v.D See Hardmanv. ault, Dault, 2S.W.2d 2 S.W.2d378, 378,380 380 (Tex. App.— (Tex. App. —SanAntonio San Antonio 1999, opet.)(citing 1999,nno pet.) (citingC.P.&R.C.§ C.P. & R.C. §154.07l(a)). 154.071(a)).AA wrinkleisis added added in in to this provision ooffthe to thisprovision TexasADRActwhenreconciling the TexasADR Act when reconcilingwithRule11ofthe with Rule 11 of the Texas Rules Texas Rules ofCivilProcedure, of Civil Procedure,which states,""Unless whichstates, Unlessotherwiseprovided providedintheserules, in these rules, agreement between no agreement no orparties between attorneysor partiestouching anysuitpending touchingany will beenforced suit pendingwillbe enforced CJ unless iittbeinwriting, unless be in writing, signed signedaand ndfiled filedwith withthe thepapers papersaas partoftherecord, spart orunless of the record,or unlessitit bemade be made in court aand open court in open ndentered enteredofrecord." of record."TTex. ex.RR..Civ.P. Civ. P.11. 11. Contract Contract law governs agreementsmade law governs pursuanttotorule agreements madepursuant rule11.Ronin 11. Roninv.v. Lerner, 77 S.W.3d S.W.3d 883,886(Tex. 883, 886 (Tex. A pp.—Houston App.—Houston[lst [1stDist.]1999, opet.).A Dist.] 1999,nno contractisislegally pet.). Acontract legally binding bindingonlyif only if its its terms terms are sufficientlydefinitetotoenable are sufficiently to understand enableaa court to understandtthe he parties’ parties' o bligations. obligations. SeeFortWorth Indep.SSch. See Fort WorthIndep. ch.Dist. v.CityofFortWorth, Dist.v. City of Fort Worth,222 2S.W.3d S.W.3d 831,846(Tex.2000)." 831, 846 (Tex. 2000)." Each contract sshould Each contract houldbe be considered consideredsseparately eparatelytotodetermine determineits its material tenns." terms." T.O.Stanley StanleyBootCo.,Inc. v.BankofElPaso,847S.W.2d Boot Co., Inc.v. Bank of El Paso, 847 S.W.2d218,221 218, 221 (Tex.1992). (Tex. 1992). T The parties' iintent heparties’ ntenttto o bebound, be bound, ggenerally enerallyiis s aaquestion questionoffact.SeeHerring of fact. See Herring v. H v. erron Herron Lakes Lakes Estates Owners Ass’n, Estates Owners Ass'n, Inc.,No. 14-09-00772-CV, Inc.,No. 14-09-00772-CV,2011 2011WL WL22739517, 739517, atat *3(Tex. App.—Houston [14thDist.] an.4,2011, *3 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.]JJan. opet.)(mem. 4, 2011,nno pet.) (mem.oop.) p.)(citing Foreca,758 (citingForeca, 758 at S.W.2d at 746. Courtsin Texaswillnotcreate Courts in Texas will not create third-party beneficiary contracts contractsby by Giventhat Silveradoneitherattendedmediation, implication. Given that Silverado neither attended mediation,nnor was aparty or wasa partyor or third party to the agreement,they cannottake third party beneficiary to the agreement, theycannot advantageof an take advantage ofan agreementthat is nothing morethan agreement that is nothingmore settlementbetweenotherpartiesfor which than aa settlement between other parties for which Silverado Appx. 0441 No. 1-15-567-CV 1444 consideration wasgiven considerationwas givenby the parties. bythe parties.A gain,the Again, theRulell Rule 11 purports to change purportsto change Tr 0 Cy history by ignoring tthe history byignoring heprincipal’s revocationwhich principal's revocationwhichis isillegal. illegal.Tex. Tex.H ealthSafety Health Safety Code Code ss 166.155. 166.155. But at best,aftermediation, But at best, after mediation,the theonlychallenge thatcouldbe only challengethat could bemade made wouldbe to PLAINTIFFS’ would be to PLAINTIFFS' standing, standing,w hichisby which no means proven.BBut is bynomeansproven. utthisdoes this doesnot not invalidate invalidatePLAINTIFFS’ PLAINTIFFS'claims claimsatall, ordoes at all,nnor doesiit tentitled entitledSilverado Silveradoto onecent toonecent from PLAINTIFFS. from PLAINTIFFS.Thelatefiled Rule91aMotions The late filedRule91a Motionsdeny denythem mandatoryfees themmandatory feesasa as a N matter oflaw matter of law because becausethey theyccannot annotrely on91a relyon91aaand theclaims ndthe be reinstatedand mustbereinstated claimsmust and 51 N orderrescinded. order rescinded. VII.CONCLUSION& VII.CONCLUSION&PRAYER PRAYER The foregoingarguments The foregoing arguments cclearly demonstrate tthat learlydemonstrate hat NEITHER SILVERADO, NEITHERSILVERADO, DEFENDANTS DEFENDANTSNOR NORTHE THE AD LITEMSpresentedADMISSIBLE AD LITEMS presented ADMISSIBLEeevidence videncetoto overcome tthe overcome he goodfaithpresumption good faith presumption Schwager Schwager enjoysandaffirmatively enjoys and affirmatively established. established. Tex. Tex. R Civ. P. 10,13.Badfaithisrequired R..Civ.P. 10, 13. Bad faith is requireduunder nderbboth othRules10and13.Moreover, Rules 10 and 13. Moreover,until until settlement,ALL OF PLAINTIFFS settlement,ALLOF PLAINTIFFSCCLAIMS wereperfectly LAIMSwere perfectlyvalidand valid andsupported supportedby by evidencepresented during threedaysoftestimony——even Defendants’ owntestimony. evidence presented during three days of testimony—even Defendants'own testimony.As As such,whenthepleadingwas such, when the pleading w as filed,whichistheonlytime Court may which is the only timeaa Courtm ayevaluate, evaluate,no claim no claim made made was frivolous broughtinbadfaith orto was frivolousoorr brought in bad faithor harass. ex.R.CivP. to harass.TTex. R. Civ P. 10,13.Evidence 10, 13. Evidence is requirednot is required n ot speculationbybad actors.Given speculation by badactors. thattheclaimspledJuly18,2014 Given that the claims pled July 18, 2014 includedthevery claims included the very Silverado andtheother ttorneys claims Silverado and the otheraattorneys take issuewith,Silverado had take issue with, Silverado had aa duty duty to theRule91aMotionno laterthanSeptember to file the Rule 91a Motion no 29,2014andfailed.As later than September 29, 2014 and failed. Asaa matteroflaw,JoshDavisandSilverado haveknowingly patently Motions matter of law, Josh Davis and Silverado have knowingly filed patently frivolous Motions designedto harassandwrongfully obtain$115,000+ fromPLAINTIFFS afterfalsely designed to harass and wrongfully obtain $115,000+ from PLAINTIFFS after falsely imprisoningand assaultingtheir mother in a clear conspiracy—pr0vable by imprisoning and assaulting their mother in a clear conspiracy—provable by Silverado Appx. 0442 No. 1-15-567-CV 1445 evidence. Assuch, Silverado entitled wasnever tohave ANY 9lA RULE circumstantial evidence. As such, Silverado was never entitled to have ANY RULE 91A MOTIONG MOTION RANTED GRANTED ANDISNOT AND ENTITLEDTOATTORNEYS’ IS NOTENTITLED TO ATTORNEYS'FEES FEESATALL. AT ALL. The The Court cannot award Court cannot eesttooSilverado awardffees Silveradounder underRule Rule991a laand otherRule noother andno RuleoorrStatute Statute has been pled, hasbeen pled, w ithTexas with otallowing Texas nnot allowingfees feesabsent statutoryauthority. absentstatutory Tex.CCiv. authority.Tex. iv.PPrac. rac.&& Rem. C Rem. ode38.001 Code 38.001et etseq. seq. Rule9la Rule 91a does not permit does not permit aa partyto essentially party to essentially missthedeadline miss the deadlineandseeks and seeks mandatoryfees mandatory asJosh feesas Davisiis JoshDavis strying o do.This tryingtto do. Thisisdeception ontheCourt is deceptionon the Courtandshould and should be be sanctioned. sanctioned.It must be It must be sanctioned sanctioneduunder Rule 10and13 nderRulel0 to deterbadfaithabusive and 13to deter bad faith abusive litigation litigationtactics tacticsuused sedthroughout throughoutthistrial. this trial.A llattomeys All savePlaintiffs’ attorneyssave Plaintiffs'attorneys attorneysare are guilty guilty ofunclean of unclean hhands andsaand shouldbbe ndshould etreated nequal treatedoon equalgground roundbbefore eforetthis hisCourt, Court,rather rather than than singled out for singled out grosslyunfairpunishment for grossly unfair punishmentininviolation violationofofthe US and theUS and Texas Texas Constitution Constitutionandthe veryrulescitedby and thevery movants.Forthis rules cited by movants. reason,tthe For thisreason, sanctionsoorders hesanctions rders mustberescinded must be rescinded anddismissed alongwiththe Rule91adismissal. and dismissed along withtheRule91a dismissal.Allclaims against All claims against Silverado Silveradom must be reinstated. ustbe reinstated.PLAINTIFF S pray PLAINTIFFS praythat uponreinstatement, thatupon this casebe reinstatement, thiscase be retumed o District returned tto Courtforfurtherdisposition.PLAINTIFFS andSCHWAGER District Court for further disposition. PLAINTIFFS and SCHWAGER respectfully allotherandfurtherrelief towhich request all other and further reliefto respectfullyrequest they maybejustlyentitled which theymay law be justly entitledatat law or inequity. or in equity. Respectfullysubmitted by: Respectfully submitted by: SBN17304200 Holbrook 1006 Road PhilipM.Ross Philip M. Ross SBN 17304200 San Antonio,Texas 78218 Phone:210/326-2100 1006 Holbrook Road San Antonio, Texas 78218 Email: Phone: 210/326-2100 Email: Silverado Appx. 0443 No. 1-15-567-CV 1446 CandiceLSchwager L Schwager 0 SCHWAGER SCHWAGER LAW FIRM 0 1417 1417 Ramada o. . Houston,Texas77962 Houston,Texas 77962 Tel: Tel:8832.315.8489 32.315.8489 co 0 Peterson Fax:832.514.4738 Fax: Peterson Mackey Lonny MackeyG 832.514.4738 AttorneyforDonL. Attorney for Don L. LonnyPPeterson G eterson Peterson aand nd Peterson N CERTIFICATEOFS CERTIFICATEOF ERVICE SERVICE I hereby ccertify Ihereby ertifytthat hatoonnthis dayofOctober this 21'tday of October2014 2014assoon astheDr.’s as soonas the Dr.'srecord record was forwarded was forwardedfortheCourt’s for the Court's review. review.The samehhas Thesame asbeen beenserved nthefollowing servedoon the following counsel: counsel: W. W. R ussJJones Russ ones Underwood, Underwood, Jones, Jones, SScherrer cherrer & & Malouf,PLLC Malouf, PLLC 5177 Richmond 5177 Richmond Ave., Ave., SSuite uite505 505 Houston, TX77056 Houston, TX 77056 W.Young Jill W. Young Sarah SarahP.Pacheco P. Pacheco Maclntyre, McCulloch, Macintyre, McCulloch, Stanfield Kathleen Beduze KathleenT. T. Beduze &Young, LLP & Young, LLP 1401McKinney 1401 McKinneySt. St. 2900 Weslayan,Suite150 2900 Weslayan, Suite 150 1700FiveHouston Center 1700 Five Houston Center Houston,TX77027 Houston, TX 77027 HoustonTX77046 Houston TX 77046 loshK.Davis Josh K. Davis Brisbois, Lewis, Bisgaard LLP &Smith, Lewis, Brisbois, Bisgaard & Smith, LLP Weslayan Tower,Suite1400 Weslayan Tower, Suite 1400 24Greenway Plaza 24 Greenway Plaza Houston,TX77010 Houston, TX 77010 by by e-fileon December 5,2014. on December 5, 2014. CandiceLSchwager Candice L Schwager Silverado Appx. 0444 No. 1-15-567-CV 1447 TAB 53 FILED ` .’12/8/2014 4:48:M 12/8/2014 4:48 PROBATE PROBATE COURT COURT 1 1 DM DATA ENTRY PICK UP THIS DATE RUBY RUBY S.PETERSON, S. INCAP PETERSON, INCAP -401 CAUSE NO. 427,208 O MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON GLENPETERSON § INPROBATE IN COURTNO. PROBATE COURT NO.I1 PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON; PETERSON TONYA PETERSON § Individually Individually and Next Friend of as NextFriend and as of § RUBYPETERSON; RUBY PETERSON; DON DONLESLIE PETERSON;§ LESLIE PETERSON; WV ZZtiV rS IR PETERSON, CAROLPETERSON, CAROL andas Individually and Next § asNext Friend PETERSON; and of RUBY PETERSON; FriendofRUBY LONNY and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § GPI VS. VS. 0 ry SILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC. INC. § d/b/aSILVERADO SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING — § LZ d/b/a SENIOR LIVING — SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND § HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TE S TEXZ4S DEFENDANT’S DEFENDANT'S FIRSTSUPPLEMENT FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO FIRSTAMENDED T0 FIRST AMENDED PLEA TO THEJURISDICTION PLEAT0 THE JURISDICTION & FIRSTAMENDED &FIRST ANSWER AMENDED ANSWER Silverado Senior Living,Inc. Defendant, Silverado d/b/aSilverado Living, Inc. d/b/a SeniorLivingSugarLand Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land ("Silverad0") ("Silverado") thisFirst files this Supplement First Supplement itsFirst toits to Amended First Amended Pleato Plea theJurisdiction tothe andFirst Jurisdiction and First Amended Amended Answer previously Answer tiledon previously filed September onSeptember 25, andrespectfully 25, 20141 and requests respectfully requests ruling. aa ruling. SUPPLEMENTATION SUPPLEMENTATION Plaintiffs filedaa Fifth Plaintiffs filed Fifth Amended Petition Amended Petition tojointheir to join their respective spouses, respective spouses, Tonya Peterson TonyaPeterson and and CarolPeterson, Carol Peterson, Thursday, onThursday, on December December 4,2014 4, inan 2014 in improper animproper attempt attempt tore-litigate to claims re-litigate claims which which have eensettled havebbeen and/or settled and/or otherwise otherwise adjudicated adjudicated butforthemeritless but breach for the meritless breach offiduciary of dutycause fiduciary duty cause whichmay which alsobedismissed mayalso foraa lack be dismissed for ofsubject lackof matter subject matter the Court isisaware, jurisdiction.2 AsAsthe aware, Onfile with 1 On theCourt withthe andincorporated Court and byreference incorporated by if setout asif set reference as fullyherein. out fully herein. Onfile with 2 0n and incorporated the Court and with theCourt incorporated bybyreference reference as set out ffully asififsetout ullyherein. (Plaintiffs herein. Compare (Plaintiffs Amended FifthAmended Fifth Petition) Petition) (Plaintiffs’ with (Plaintiffs' Original Original Petition, Petition, Amended Amended Petition Petition andJury and Demand, Jury Demand, SecondA Second mended Amended Petitionand Petition andJuryDemand, Amended P Third Amended Jury Demand, Third etitionand Petition andContest to Guardianship Contest to Guardianship Application, Application, andFourth and Amended Fourth Amended Petition) Petition) allofwhich all areon of which are filewiththisCourt on file and/orthe with this Court and/or thel29th 129th Judicial District Judicial Court aand District Court ndare incorporated are incorporated byreference as if by reference as setout if set fullyherein. out fully Seealso herein.See Silverado’s Silverado's Motion 9la Motion 91a T TooDismiss Plaintiffs’ Dismiss Plaintiffs' Sole Remaining SoleRemaining Claim Claim Breach Breach OfTmst Of and/or Trust and/or Breach Breach OfFiduciary Of Fiduciary Duty currently Dutycurrently pending pending which which isalso is also on with the onfile with court and the court incorporate and incorporate by by reference reference asififset as setout fullyherein. out fully herein. (footnote (footnote ccontinued) ontinued) 4831-8080-3104.1 Silverado Appx. 0445 No. 1-15-567-CV 1509 existing existing Plaintiffs Plaintiffs recently recently settled settled w ithCarol Manley with and David Manley and David P eterson. Peterson. TheRule The Rule11 lIAgreement Agreement onfile with on with theCourt admits the Court admits and acknowledges: andacknowledges: a)the1993 a) Power the 1993 Power ofAttorney of remains Attorney remains inforce in force a nd and effect;b) effect; theNovember b) the 2013revocation November 2013 revocation w invalid;aand, as invalid; was nd,c) askstheCourt c) asks the Court to issuefindings to issue wTi declaring declaring the Nevertheless, the same.3 Nevertheless, Plaintiffs Plaintiffs andnewly and newly jjoined oinedPlaintiffs Plaintiffsfile their Amended theirFifth Amended petition individually petitionindividually andas and friendofRuby nextfriend asnext of Ruby Peterson, butdo Peterson, but have authority not have do not authority a nd/orsstanding and/or tanding to bringsuch tobring suchclaims claims behalf onbehalf on ofRuby of Peterson Ruby Peterson forthe for reasons the reasons enumerated enumerated intheFirst in Amended the First Amended the Jurisdiction Plea ttoothe Plea Jurisdiction which are reinforced which are by Plaintiffs’ reinforced by Plaintiffs' judicial judicial admissions.4 lJ Subject-matterjurisdiction Subject-matter isaaquestion jurisdiction is question oflaw. of CityofDallas law. City v..Carbajal, of Dallas v 324S.W.3d Carbajal, 324 S.W.3d537, 537, 538(Tex. 538 (Tex. 2 010).Lackof 2010). subject-matterjurisdiction Lack of subject-matter isfundamental jurisdiction is andcan fundamental error and beraised canbe atany raised at any time.Sivley time. v.Sivley, Sivley v. S.W.2d 972S.W.2d Sivley, 972 850,855 850, 855(Tex.App. (Tex.App. —Tyler — Tyler11998, 998, no pet.). While no While tthere and has hereisisand has been been a motion pending a motion before pending before thecourt, the a court can court, a inquire into can inquire itsjurisdiction into its jurisdiction on itsown on its initiative own initiative without without motion aa motion time.See atany time. at Texas See Texas Workers Workers' ’Comp. Comm Comp. Comm ’nv. 'n Garcia, v. Garcia, 893 S.W.2d 893S.W.2d 504,5517 504, 17 n.l5(Tex. n.15 (Tex. 1995). When 1995).When the claim isisnot theclaim within notwithin thecourt’s the jurisdiction court's jurisdiction andtheimpediment and to the impediment to jurisdiction beremoved, cannotbe jurisdiction cannot theclaim removed, the must b claim must beedismissed. dismissed. American Motorists American Motorists Co.v. Ins. Co. v.Fodge, 63S.W.3d 63 S.W.3d 801, 805 (Tex. 2 801,805(Tex. 001);see 2001); Thomas seeThomas v.Long, v. 207S.W.3d Long, 207 334,338(Tex. S.W.3d 334, 2006). 338 (Tex. 2006). PRAYER PRAYER WHEREFORE, WHEREFORE, PREMISES PREMISES CONSIDERED, CONSIDERED, Defendant, Defendant, Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living, Living, Inc. d/b/a Inc.d/b/a Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living Living SugarLand Sugar prays tthat Land prays hattthis hisCourt grant Defendant’s Court grant FirstA Defendant's First mended Amended Pleato Plea to the Jurisdiction the Jurisdiction anddismiss and Plaintiffs’ dismiss Plaintiffs' claims claims intheir in entirety, their entirety, that Plaintiffs thatPlaintiffs takenothing take nothingby way of byway of 3 See OrderGranting SeeOrder Granting Authority Authority forGuardian for AdLitem Guardian Ad &Attomey Litem & AdLitem Attorney Ad Litem to Execute to Execute Peterson R Peterson ule11Agreement Rule ExhibitA, at Exhibit 11 Agreement at A, ¶2. 4 See id. 4831-8080-3104.1 4831-8080-3104.1 2 2 Silverado Appx. 0446 No. 1-15-567-CV 1510 theirsuit their Defendant, suitagainst Defendant, andthat and Defendant thatDefendant beawarded be taxable awarded taxable ofCourt costsof costs Court andthat and thattthe heCourt Court suchother grantsuch grant otherand andfurther reliefto further relief whichDefendant towhich Defendantisjustly is entitled. justly entitled. submitted, Respectfully submitted, by LEWIS SMITH, LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH, LLP LLP /s/Josh KDavis /s/ Josh K Davis DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS StateB State arN Bar o.24031993 No. 24031993 iN CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN R. JOHNSON StateB State arNo.24062345 Bar No. 24062345 Weslayan Weslayan Tower, Suite1400 Tower, Suite 1400 24Greenway Plaza 24 Greenway Plaza Houston, Houston, Texas 77046 Texas 77046 (713)659-6767 (713) 659-6767 Telephone Telephone 759-6830 (713)759-6830 (713) Facsimile Facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT, LIVING, SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC. D/B/A LIVINGLAND SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND 4831-8080-3104.1 4831-8080-3104.1 3 Silverado Appx. 0447 No. 1-15-567-CV 1511 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE hereby c IIhereby ertify certify tthat hataa true true and and correct copy ofthe correct copy of the foregoing foregoing instrument instrument was served was served all uponall upon 0. counselof counsel ofrecord viae-file, facsimile, record via facsimile,handdelivery and/or hand and/orcertified certified mail,return mail, receiptrequested returnreceipt requestedon on this8thDecember, this 2014. 8th December, 2014. co Philip Philip M.Ross M. Ross 1006 1006 H olbrook Holbrook Road Road SanAntonio, San Antonio, Texas78218 Texas 78218 Attorney for for Plaintiffs Candice Candice LSchwager L Schwager TheSchwager LawFirm The Schwager Law Firm 1417 1417 R amada Ramada Dr. Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas 77062 Texas 77062 Attorney for Attorney for Plaintiffs Sarah Sarah Patel Patel Pacheco Pacheco Crain,Caton Crain, Caton& &James, PC James, PC 1401McKinney 1401 Street McKinney Street 1700 1700 F iveH Five ouston Houston Center Center Houston, Houston, Texas77010 Texas 77010 Attorneys for Attorneys for Carol Manley andDavid Manley and David P eterson Peterson JillW.Young Jill W. Young Maclntyre, Maclntyre, McCulloch, McCulloch, &Young, Stanfield & LLP Young, LLP 2900Weslayan, 2900 Suite150 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston, Houston, Texas 77027 Texas 77027 W.R W. ussJJones Russ ones Underwood, Underwood, JonesScherrer Jones & Malouf, PLLC Scherrer & PLLC 5177Richmond 5177 Richmond Ave,Suite505 Ave, Suite 505 Houston, Texas Houston, 77056 Texas 77056 /S/ Josh K. Davis /S/ Josh K Davis JOSH K.DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS 4831-8080-3104.1 44 Silverado Appx. 0448 No. 1-15-567-CV 1512 TAB 54 1 1 APPELLATE COURT CASE NO. 01-15-00567-CV & 01-15-00586-CV 2 TRIAL COURT CASE NO. 427,208 & 427,208-401 FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS 3 IN THE GUARDIANSHIP * IN THEHOUSTON, PROBATETEXASCOURT OF 9/15/2015 10:04:54 AM 4 * CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk 5 RUBY PETERSON, * HARRIS COUNTY, T E X A S 6 * 7 INCAPACITATED ADULT * COURT NUMBER (1) ONE 8 9 APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEYS FEES PURSUANT TO RULE 91(A) 10 AND MOTION TO RECONSIDER AND RESCIND RULE 91(A) DISMISSAL 11 AND SANCTIONS HEARING 12 13 Came to be heard on this the 9th day of December, 14 2014, Application for Attorney's Fees Pursuant to Rule 91(A) 15 and Motion to Reconsider and Rescind Rule 91(A) Dismissal and 16 Sanctions Hearing, in the above-entitled and numbered cause, 17 and all parties appeared in person and/or being represented by 18 Counsel of Record, before the Honorable Loyd Wright, Judge 19 Presiding. 20 21 VOLUME _12_ OF 13 22 23 O R I G I N A L 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0449 RR Vol. 12 2 1 APPEARANCES 2 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS, MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, DON 3 LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON: 4 Candice L. Schwager Leonard State Bar No. 24003603 5 1417 Ramada Dr. Houston, Texas 77062 6 Telephone: (832)315-0355 7 Phil Ross State Bar No. 17304200 8 1006 Holbrook Rd San Antonio, TX 78218-3325 9 Telephone: (210)326-2100 10 ATTORNEY FOR DEFENDANT, SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING 11 CENTER SUGAR LAND: 12 Josh Davis State Bar No. 24031993 13 Christian Renee 'CJ' Johnson State Bar No. 24062345 14 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77046-2410 15 Telephone: (713)659-6767 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0450 RR Vol. 12 3 1 CHRONOLOGICAL INDEX 2 Page 3 Attorneys arguments on motions.......................... 4 4 Court recesses.......................................... 54 5 Court Reporter's Certificate............................ 55 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silverado Appx. 0451 RR Vol. 12 TAB 55 ‘ . ‘ 12 12 EM PROBATE COURT 1 1 s rk C0 my RUBY RUBY S.PETERSON, INCAP S. PETERSON, INCAP CAUSE NO. 427,208-4°1 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK”) GLEN ("MACK") GLEN PETERSON PETERSON § INPROBATE COURT IN PROBATE COURT NO.1I NO. PETERSON; PETERSON; TONYA PETERSON TONYA PETERSON § Individually and Next F as Next and as riend Friend ooff § RUBY RUBY P ETERSON; PETERSON; DON DON LESLIE LESLIE PETERSON; § CAROL CAROL PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individually andas and Next asNext § Friend of RUBY P Friend ofRUBY ETERSON; PETERSON; and LONNY and LONNY § PETERSON, PETERSON, § 41 VS. VS. § SILVERADO SILVERADO LIVING,INC. SENIORLIVING, SENIOR INC. § d/b/a SILVERADO d/b/aSILVERADO SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING — — § SUGARLAND SUGAR LAND § HARRIS COUNTY, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS SILVERADO’S TOPLAINTIFFS’ RESPONSE SILVERADO'S RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS' MOTION MOTION TO COUNTER TORECONSIDER RULINGS. COUNTER MOTION F MOTION ORSANCTIONS FOR SANCTIONS AND BRIEF AND INSUPPORT BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF TORECONSIDER OFMOTION TO AND RECONSIDER AND RESCIND RESCIND Silverado SeniorLiving,Inc. Defendant,Silverado Defendant, d/b/aSilverado Senior Living, Inc. d/b/a SeniorLiving Silverado Senior Land Living Sugar Land ("Silverado") files thisResponse this Response to Plaintiffs’ to Plaintiffs' Motion Motion Reconsider toReconsider to Rulings Rulings with Affidavit of with of Inabilityttoo Pay Inability PayandCounter Motionfor and Counter Motion forSanctions and/orApplication Sanctions and/or Applicationof CleanHands of Clean Doctrine Hands Doctrine . (“Motionto ("Motion Reconsider") to Reconsider") andBriefin and ofMotion Brief in Support of Motionto Reconsider toReconsider andRescind and Rule9lA Rescind Rule 91A Dismissal of Silverado andSanctions Dismissal ofSilverado ("Brief in Orders("Brief and Sanctions Orders in Support"): OBJECTIONS OBJECTIONS Plaintiffs filed aaNotice Plaintiffs ofHearing Notice of onDecember Hearing on December 3, their ""Motion 2014 setting their 3,2014 Motion to Reconsider to Reconsider Rescind andRescind and theJudge’s the Orders Judge's Orders Dismissing Dismissing Claims Claims Brought Brought byPlaintiffs by against Plaintiffs against Silveradoand Silverado and Sanctioning Sanctioning Candice Candice S chwager" Schwager" forNovember 9, 2014 at 3:00PM. for November 9,2014at Silverado 3:00 PM. Silverado objectsto objects thedate to the date andtime and ofhearing time of hearing as has already p asitithasalready assedaand passed ndmoves to quash moves to on thatbasis.Silverado quash on further that basis. Silverado further Plaintiffs 1 Plaintiffs Motion Motion to Reconsider toReconsider andBrief and inSupport Brief in areon Support are withthe on file with theCourt andincorporated Court and incorporated byreference as if by reference as if setout fullyherein. set out fully herein. 4815-8867-2544,1 Silverado Appx. 0452 No. 1-15-567-CV 1516 objects objectsaand ndmoves movestto o quashas the notice does as thenotice does notset a particular motion not set a motion butevent(s) but event(s)and and "supporting briefs." "supporting briefs." Tothe extent Plaintiffs To the extent Plaintiffswish haveaamotion tohave wishto motionaand/or nd/ormotions heard,Silverado motionsheard, Silverado requests proper notice requests proper oreview noticetto reviewthe respond,adequately the briefing,respond, argumentand prepareargument adequatelyprepare andappear. appear. Silverado Silverado further bjectstthat furtheroobjects hatPlaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Motion o Reconsider Motiontto Reconsideris vagueandambiguous isvagueand ambiguous insofar aassSilverado insofar annotddetermine Silverado ccannot etermine whethersanctions whether aresought sanctionsare soughtagainst Josh Davisindividually. againstJoshDavis individually. WhileMr.Davisis not mentioned While Mr. Davis is not nywherein mentioned aanywhere inthe the bodyof body of the argument sseeking the argument eekingsanctions, sanctions, N namehim Plaintiffsname him individually individuallyin inthe the prayer. Silveradoobjects, prayer. Silverado objects,specially excepts,sseeks specially excepts, eeks N clarificationand an opportunity and an opportunityto respondiif torespond fPlaintiffs areinfactseeking Plaintiffsare in fact seekingssanctions anctions againstits against its counsel. counsel. Subject o the Subjecttto foregoingobjectionsandwithoutwaivingthe same,Silverado the foregoing objections and without waiving thesame, filesthe Silverado files the followingsubstantive limitedothemotion response limitedtto following substantive response andbriefingasindicated the motion and briefingas herein. indicated herein. RESPONSE RESPONSE A) MOTION A) MOTION T0 TO RECONSIDER MUSTBE DENIED BE DENIED Plaintiffs’ MotiontoReconsider askstheCourttoreconsider Plaintiffs' Motion to Reconsider asks the Courtto andrescind its91aOrder reconsider and rescind its 91a Order enteredonNovember 10,2014whichdismissed Plaintiffs’ falseimprisonment, assaultandbattery, entered on November 10, 2014 which dismissed Plaintiffs' false imprisonment, assault and battery, andconspiracy and conspiracy causes ofactionpursuant toRule9l R. P.91a.Plaintiffs asksthe causes of action pursuant to Rule 91a.2 TEX. R. Ov. P. 91a. Plaintiffs asks the Court toreconsider itsruling na spirited yetmisguidedargument thatdoes in address to reconsider its rulingoon a spirited-- yet misguided-- argument that does not inanyway any way address Rule9laorthestandard governing the v. No.14-13-00385-CV, 2014 Rule 91a or the standard governing the same.3 Id.; Wooley v. Schaffer, No. 14-13-00385-CV, 2014 Tex.App.LEXIS8983at *10(Tex.App.Houston[14thDist.]Aug.14,2014)quoting((Bell Tex. App. LEXIS 8983 at *10 (Tex. App. Houston [14th Dist.] Aug. 14, 2014) quoting ((Bell Ad. SeeDef`endants’ Motion toDismiss Rule91a(seeking toTRCP Pursuant dismissal onthebasisthat 2 See Defendants' had PlaintiffsclaimsMotion to Dismiss no basisin Pursuant toWithdrawal law); TRCP Rule andReply 91a (seeking todismissal onR Plaintiffs’the basis that esponse to Plaintiffs claims had no basis in law); Partialalso Motion toDismiss PursuanttoTRCP 9la;see Withdrawal and Reply OrderGranting to Plaintiffs' 91aMotion Response toDismiss to entered Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to TRCP 91a; see also Order Granting 91a Motion to Dismiss entered on November10,2014all on filewiththeCourtandincorporated byreferenceas if setout fully on November 10, 2014 all on file with the Court and incorporated by reference as if set out fully herein. herein. Plaintiffs’ Motion toReconsider atpg.1-2. 3 See Plaintiffs' Motion to Reconsider at pg. 1-2. 2 4815-8867-2544.1 2 Silverado Appx. 0453 No. 1-15-567-CV 1517 Corp. Corp. vv.. Twombly, Twombly,550U.S.544,570,127S.Ct.1955, 550 U.S. 544, 570, 127 S.Ct. 1955,1167 67L.Ed.2d929(2007) L. Ed. 2d 929 (2007) (Ashcroftv.v.Iqbal, lqbal, 556U.S. 556 U.S.6662, 62,678,129S.Ct. 678, 129 S.Ct.1937, 1937,1173 73L.Ed. L.Ed.22d d868(2009)).Likewise, requestthatthe 868 (2009)). Likewise, Plaintiffsrequest that the Court reconsider reconsiderits its ruling pursuant to theclean-hands pursuantto the clean-handsdoctrine doctrinebbased asedon on Ms.Schwager’s Ms. Schwager's interpretation ofthefacts interpretation of the factsw hichiissequally which equallyiinapplicable napplicable toRule to Rule 91a.4See SeeTEX. Tex.R. R. Civ.P.91a.7; P. 91a.7;see see also v. Chase also Drake v. Chase Bank, 2014 2014No.02-13-00340-CV, No. 02-13-00340-CV, 2014Tex.App.Lexis12572 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. (Tex. A pp.— App. Fort WorthNov. FortWorth Nov.220, 0,2014, pet.h.).TheMotion opet. 2014,nno toReconsider h.). The Motionto Reconsiderdoes notsubstantively doesnot substantivelychallenge, challenge, N assert aa legalbasis assert to reconsider legal basis to reconsider and/or and/or aaddress ddresstthe meritsoftheRule91a;therefore, hemerits of the Rule 91a; therefore,ititmust mustbe be denied. denied. B) INSUPPORT & B) PLAINTIFFS' BRIEF IN SANCTIONS BE DENIED & REQUEST FOR SANCTIONS MUSTBEDENIED Plaintiffs’ BriefinSupportis challengingto Plaintiffs' Brief in Support ischallenging tofollow; follow;however, however,Silverado addressesthesalient Silveradoaddresses the salient and/orrelevant pointsbelow.Forthesakeofclarity, theportions and/or relevant points below. For the sake of clarity, the portions ofthe BriefnSupport of the Briefiin Supportwhich whichaare re whollyinapplicable and werenot wholly inapplicable and were raisedbytheRule91a atissue not raised by the Rule 91aat sectionsIIininpart, are sectionsIIII issueare part,IV,Vand IV, V and Section IVrelates Sanctions andhasnothing dowith toSanctions and has nothing to V1.5 Section IV relates to fees pursuanttotoRule to do with mandatory feespursuant Rule 9la.See TEX.R.CIV. P.91a.7;seealso 91a. See TEX. R. Civ, P. 91a.7;see Drakev.Chase also Drakev. Bank,2014No.02—13·00340—CV, 2014Tex. Chase Bank, 2014 No. 02-13-00340-CV, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis12572 (Tex.App.-FortWorth Nov.20,2014, nopet. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App. — Fort Worth Nov. 20, 2014,no h.).Section Vis anattempt pet. h.). Section V isan attemptto to recitethe91adismissalstandardwhena causeofactionhasno basis however,Silverado recite the 91a dismissal standard when a cause of action has no basis in fact; however, Silverado moved for9ladismissalPlaintiffs claims hadnobasis in Forthe samereasons,Section 111 is moved for 91a dismissal as as Plaintiffs claims hadno basis in law.6 For thesamereasons, Section III is irrelevantbeginning atpagesixwiththeboldsection starting at"A causeooffaction has nobasis in irrelevant beginning at page six with the bold section starting at "Acause action hasno basis in fact..."through thesecond tolastsentence inthesection. Additionally,Section IIIisirrelevant and fact..." through the second to last sentence in the section. Additionally, Section III is irrelevant and 4 See See id. (P1aintiffs’ Compare BriefinSupport) with(Defendants’ toDismiss Motion Pursuant toTRCP 5 Compare (Plaintiffs' Brief in Support) with (Defendants' Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to TRCP Rule91a(seeking dismissalonthebasisthatPlaintiffsclaimshadno basisinlaw))and(Partial Rule 91a (seeking Withdrawal dismissal andReply on the Response toPlaintiffs’ basis thatto Plaintiffs Motion tclaims had Pursuant oDismiss no basis to in TRCP law)) and (Partial 91a). Withdrawal and Reply to Plaintiffs' Response to Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to TRCP 91a). 6Id 4515-8867-2544.1 33 Silverado Appx. 0454 No. 1-15-567-CV 1518 argumentative argumentative andimproper and initsreference improper in its reference to extrinsic anextrinsic to an injunction injunction whichisiswell which outside well outside ofthe of the Court’s Court's Rule91a Rule 9laanalysis. Section analysis. Section VI themediated VIrelates totothe settlement mediated settlement agreement agreement withthe onfile with on the Court. Although Court.Although Silverado Silverado canuse can judicial use judicial admissions admissions and/or and/or partyopponent party opponentadmissions admissions forany for any C, N purpose, theagreement purpose, the agreementreferenced referenced isnot is ofthe partof notpart Rule991a the Rule laMotion Motion to Dismiss which to Dismiss wasgranted which was granted andiscurrently and is currently aatt issue.' AsPlaintiffs As argument Plaintiffs argument isislimited tono limited to basis nobasis ininfact versus fact versus basis nobasis no ininlaw—ititiswholly law — in is wholly in The only applicable.8 The to reconsider argument to only argument reconsider and/or rescind theRule and/or rescind the Rule 9 1a Motion 91a Dismiss toDismiss Motion to raised raised N the Brief bythe by Support which Brief iinnSupport which c ouldcconceivably could onceivably beconsidered to address be considered to thelegal address the issuesfforming legal issues orming thebasis the ofthe basis of Rule91a the Rule 9lawhich granted wasgranted which was November onNovember on 10,2014 10, 2014isisthetiming ofthe the timing of motion itself. the motion itself. 1)The 1) The9la Motion 91a Motion to Dismiss toDismiss Timely wasTimely was Filed Filed Plaintiffs rguethatSilverado Plaintiffsaargue late-filedttheir that Silverado late-filed heirRule9la Motionto Rule 91a Motion Dismiss;however, to Dismiss; they however,they citetheRulewhich correctlycite correctly that Silverado h statesthatSilverado the Rule which states adto had within sixty(60)daysof file the motion within to filethemotion sixty (60) days of R.Civ. Tex.R. service. Tex. Civ. P 91a.3 (emphasis P..9la.3 (emphasis added). Silverado added). Silverado notserved ininthis wasnot was butcchose case,but this case, hosettoo voluntarily voluntarily e nteran enter anappearance whenit appearance when it became clearthatPlaintiffs becameclear that Plaintiffs w erenot were goingto notgoing servethem to serve them priorttoo the prior thetemporary temporaryinjunction injunction hearing. Assuch, hearing. As Silverado such, Silverado waived waived service service themoming the ofthe morning of the temporary temporary injunction injunction hearing byyfiling Defendants’ hearing b Pleato Defendants' Plea theJurisdiction, tothe Original Jurisdiction, Original Answer Answer and and Request Request for Silverado forDisclosure.9 Silverado made made itsfirst court its courtappearance appearanceinthis in matter this matter thatsame that dayto sameday to monitor thetemporary monitor the temporaryinjunction injunction hearing hearing — July28, —July 28,22014. 014.AAssit was never served, it was Silverado served, Silverado used used date from which thedate the itwaived which it waived service andvoluntarily service and entered voluntarily entered anappearance an to calculate appearance to itsdeadline. calculate its deadline. 7 Id. 8 Compare (Plaintiffs’ (Plaintiffs' BriefininSupport) with Brief (Defendants’ with (Defendants' Motion Motion Dismiss toDismiss to Pursuant Pursuant to TRCP toTRCP Rule 9la(seeking Rule 91a dismissal (seeking dismissal on on thebasis the basis t hat that P laintiffs Plaintiffs claims claims h ad had no no basis basis i innlaw)) law)) a nd and (Partial (Partial Withdrawal Withdrawal and Reply ttoo Plaintiffs’ andReply Response Plaintiffs' Response Motion toMotion to Dismiss toDismiss to Pursuant Pursuant to TRCP991a). toTRCP la). Onfilewith 9 On theCourt file with the andincorporated Court and incorporated bybyreference reference as ifset as if setout fully herein. out fully herein. 4815-8867-2544.1 4 4 Silverado Appx. 0455 No. 1-15-567-CV 1519 The sixtieth The sixtiethdayfollowing day followingJuly July28, 28,22014 014expired onSeptember expiredon September26,2014. 26, 2014.SSilverado's ilverado’s Rule Rule 9laMotion to Dismiss 91a Motion to was timely Dismiss was onSeptember timely filedon September25,2014. 25, 2014.TEX. TEX.R. R. Civ.P.91 a.3.Following P. 91a.3. Following the the filing Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Fourth Fourth Amended Amended Petition, timelyffiled Petition, Silveradotimely ileditsPartial its PartialWithdrawal Withdrawaland and Reply oPlaintiffs’ Replytto Plaintiffs' Response to Motion Response to to Dismiss Motion to DismissPursuant toTRCP Pursuantto TRCP991a 1aon onNovember November6,2014 6, 2014to to address address tthe heallegations allegations andparties and parties w hichwere which voluntarily nonsuited. were voluntarily nonsuited.TEX. TEX.R. R. Civ.P.9la.5.The9la P. 91a.5. The 9Ia in Motion toDismiss Motion to wastimely timely filedwithin ixtydays withinssixty daysoof fSilverado’s Silverado's waiverofservice. of service.TEX. TEX.R. rR Dismisswas R. Civ. P. 9 P. 1a.3. iN N 91a.3. 2) 2) Plaintiffs Sanction Request Request Should Should Be BeDenied Denied seek sanctions Plaintiffs seek sanctions against against Silverado Silveradoand andMr. Mr.D avis Davisfor"misrepresenting for "misrepresentingknown knownffacts actstoto theCourt the Court andfiling wofrivolouspleadings and filingttwo underR pleadingsunder ules1100and13and/or Rules pursuanttototheCourt’s and 13 and/orpursuant the Court's inherent Thebasis inherent authority. '1° The basis o offthesanctions the sanctionssought soughtareas are as follows: 1) TheRule9la 1) Motion(s)wereuntimely; The Rule 91a Motion(s)were untimely;therefore, therefore,they arefrivolous; theyare frivolous; 2) 2) Silverado Silveradoknewof the November knew of the November 115, 5,2013revocation 2013 revocationbbecause ecauseititwas wasrecorded recordedin in propertyrecords,shouldhaveplaced inRuby property records, should have placedititin RubyPeterson’s Peterson'sfileandmade sureall file and madesure all employeesknewaboutit;and, employees knew about it; and, 3) Mr.Davismisstates thelawbystringciting12(b)(6) withRule91a. 3) Mr. Davis misstates the law by string citing 12(b)(6) withRule91a. Tuming othefirstissue, Turning tto it isunclear whatspecific "frivolous" and/oruntimely motions the first issue, it is unclear what specific "frivolous" and/or untimely motions Plaintiffsreferoas Plaintiffs refer tto thereis nopin as there isno citeintheBriefin However, although miscalculated by pin cite in the Brief in Support. However, although miscalculated by aa coupleofdays,Plaintiffs concedeso long couple of days, Plaintiffs concede so theoriginal 9laMotiontoDismiss as the original 91a Motionto longas Dismisswas filedon or was filedonor beforeSeptember 29,2014it was timely.1 1 Asillustrated before September 29, 2014 itwas above,Silverado’s 91aMotion Asi llustrated above, Silverado's 91a toDismiss Motion to Dismiss istimely beforetheCourtevenbyPlaintiffs is timely before the Courteven standards. by Plaintiffs standards. SeePlaintiffs’ BriefinSupportat 1. 1° See Plaintiffs' Brief in Supportat 1. SeeBriefinSupportat 4. " See Brief in Support at 4. 4815-8867-2544.1 55 Silverado Appx. 0456 No. 1-15-567-CV 1520 0 Withrregard With egard ttoothesecond issue,Silverado the second issue, Silveradowasnot was given notgiven ofthe notice of anddid the revocation and did not not I 0 I 0 accept accept theNovember 15,22013 the November 15, 013revocation revocation at any time. at any Therepresentations time. The representationsrelated related thisissue tothis to are issue are egregious. egregious. admit Plaintiffs admit that theNovember thatthe 2013revocation November 2013 revocationwas seekto yetseek wasinvalid12 yet tohave Mr. have Mr. Davis andSilverado Davis and sanctioned Silverado sanctioned forprotecting for theelderly protecting the andenforcing elderly and enforcingtheeffective the 1993P effective 1993 ower Power of of Attomey. Attorney. Finally, Plaintiffs Finally, Plaintiffs seektotoimpose seek impose sanctions sanctions foraamisstatement for misstatement oflaw of withregard law with regardtoI12(b)(6) to 2(b)(6) 0 andRule and Rule91a 9labeing being a nalogous. analogous. Texas Texas Appellate Appellate Court’s Court's applying --applying State State law--are law areclearly clearly construing Rule 91aasa Rule91a facialplausibility as a facial plausibilitystandard standard akinto akin to theT andIqbal the Twombly and standard. Iqbal standard. Wooley, Wooley, 2014 2014 Tex.App. Tex. LEXIS8983 App. LEXIS 8983at *10quoting at *10 550U.S. quoting (((Twombly, 550 U.S. at 570)(Iqbal, at 570) 556U.S. (Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 678));see at 678)); see also,((, also, LLCv.v.Hollie ((, LLC HollieToups, Toups, 429S.W.3d 752(Tex. 429 S.W.3d 752 App.— (Tex. App. Beaumont, 2014, —Beaumont, 2014, p et. pet. denied)) denied)) (Lopez-Welch (Lopez-Welch v. State v. FarmLloyds, State Farm Lloyds,3:14-CV-2416-L, 3:14-CV-2416-L, 2014 2014 U.S. Dist.LEXIS U.S. Dist. LEXIS154741 154741 (N.D.Tex.Oct.31,2014)) (N.D. (Plascencia Tex. Oct. 31, 2014)) (Plascencia v.State v. State Farm Lloyds, Lloyds, No.4:l4—CV-524-A, 2014U.S. No. 4:14-CV-524-A, 2014 Dist. U.S. Dist. LEXIS 135081 LEXIS135081 ((N.D. N.D.TTex. Sept. 2 ex.Sept. 5,2014)) 25, (Oldham 2014)) (Oldham v. Nationwide Ins.Co.ofAm., v. 3:14-CV-575-B, Ins. Co.ofAm., 3: I 4-CV-575-B, 2014U.S.Dist.LEXIS107044; 2014 2014WL3855238 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 107044; 2014 (N.D.Tex. WL 3855238 (N.D. Tex.Aug.5,2014))). EvenPlaintiffs Aug. 5, 2014))). Even Plaintiffs acknowledge acknowledge that that a "plausibility standard "plausibility standard governs."13 Allpleadings All ingood arefiled in pleadings are faithandinfurtherance good faith and in furtherance ofdefense. of defense. PRAYER PRAYER WHEREFORE, WHEREFORE, PREMISES PREMISES CONSIDERED, CONSIDERED, Defendant, Defendant, Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living, Living, Inc.d/b/a Inc. d/b/a Silverado Silverado Senior Senior Living Living Sugar Sugar Landprays Land praysthat thisCourt thatthis Courtgrant itsobjections, grantits objections, deny deny Plaintiffs Plaintiffs Motion Motion to Reconsider to Reconsider and/orRescind and/or RescindandBrief and inSupport, Brief in Support, deny Plaintiffs denyPlaintiffs Motion Motion forSanctions for andthat Sanctions and that 12 See OrderGranting SeeOrder Granting Authority Authority forGuardian for AdLitem Guardian Ad Litem &Attomey AdLitem & Attorney Ad Litem to Execute to Execute Peterson Peterson R ule11Agreement Rule at Exhibit 11 Agreement at ExhibitA A,, V. 13 See Brief See inSupport Brief in Section atSection Support at III,final sentence. III, sentence. 4815-8867-2544.1 66 Silverado Appx. 0457 No. 1-15-567-CV 1521 Defendant beawarded Defendant be taxable awarded taxable costs costs ofCourt of andthat Court and thatthe theCourt grant grant such such other other andfurther relief and relief to to which Defendant which Defendant isjustly is entitled. justly entitled. Respectfully Respectfully submitted, submitted, N LEWIS LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH, LLP LLP KDavis /s/ Josh K. Davis O DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS N StateB State arNo.24031993 Bar No. 24031993 3 N CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN R. JOHNSON StateB State arNo.24062345 Bar No. 24062345 Weslayan Weslayan Tower, Suite1400 Tower, Suite 1400 24Greenway 24 Plaza Greenway Plaza Houston, Houston, Texas 77046 Texas 77046 659-6767 (713)659-6767 Telephone (713) Facsimile Telephone (713) 759-6830 Facsimile ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANT, SILVERADO LIVING, SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC. DA3/A SILVERADO SUGAR LIVING LAND SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND 4815-8867-2544.1 7 Silverado Appx. 0458 No. 1-15-567-CV 1522 OFSERVICE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IIhereby certify hereby certify tthat hataatrue andcorrect true and copyofthe correct copy foregoing instrument of the foregoing served wasserved instrument was all uponall upon counsel counsel ofrecord of viae-file, record via facsimile, e-file, facsimile, hand delivery handdelivery and/or and/or mail,return certified mail, retum receipt receipt requested requested on on this9thDecember, this 2014. 9th December, 2014. PhilipRoss Philip M. Ross Holbrook 1006Holbrook 1006 Road Road Antonio, SanAntonio, San Texas 78218 Texas 78218 Attorney for Attorney for Plaintiffs CandiceLL Schwager Candice Schwager TheSchwager Firm LawFirm The Schwager Law 1417 Ramada Dr. 1417 Ramada Dr. Houston, Houston, Texas 77062 Texas77062 Attorney for for Plaintiffs Sarah Pacheco Patel Sarah Patel Pacheco Crain, Caton PC &James, Crain, Caton & James, PC 1401McKinney 1401 Street McKinney Street 1700 Center FiveHouston 1700 Five Houston Center Houston, 77010 Texas Houston, Texas 77010 Attorneys for Manley for Carol Manley and David P andDavid eterson Peterson Jill W.Young Jill W. Young Stanfield McCulloch, Maclntyre, LLP &Young, Maclntyre, McCulloch, Stanfield & Young, LLP 2900Weslayan, 2900 Suite150 Weslayan, Suite 150 Houston, 77027 Texas Houston, Texas 77027 W.RussJones W. Russ Jones Scherrer Jones Underwood, & Underwood, Jones Scherrer & Malouf, PLLC PLLC Richmond 5177 Ave,Suite 505 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite 505 Houston, 77056 Texas Houston, Texas 77056 /S/Josh /S/ JoshK. Davis K.Davis DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS 4815-8867-2544.1 88 Silverado Appx. 0459 No. 1-15-567-CV 1523
in the Guardianship of Ruby Peterson
Combined Opinion