ACCEPTED 01-15-00567-CV FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:29:57 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No. 01-15-00567-CV FILED IN 1st COURT OF APPEALS IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT HOUSTON, TEXAS HOUSTON, TEXAS 12/14/2015 12:29:57 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Clerk MACKEY GLEN PETERSON, TONYA PETERSON, DON LESLIE PETERSON AND LONNY PETERSON, APPELLANTS v. SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC., D/B/A SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND, APPELLEE Appendix Tab 49 Part 1 P. Alan Sanders Tx. State Bar No: 17602100 Joshua Davis Tx. State Bar No. 24031993 Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP Weslayan Tower, Suite 1400 24 Greenway Plaza Houston, Texas, 77046 (713) 659-6767 (713) 759-6830 – Fax TAB 49 Page # 0268 - 0353 FILED DATA-ENTRY 12/1/2014 1211/2014 5:04:55 PM UP PICK UP THIS THIS DATE Stan Stanart County Clerk CD`) County HarrisCounty Harris COURT PROBATE 1 PROBATE COURT 1 NO.427,208 CAUSE CAUSE NO. 427,208 RUBY RUBY S.S.PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually, §§ INPROBATE IN COURT PROBATE COURT NO.l NO. 1 MACKEY MACKEY (“MACK") ("MACK") GLENPETERSON GLEN PETERS ON§§ PETERSON, PETERSON, NextFriend Individually, Next Friend §§ Attomey-in Attorney-in PETERSON, PETERSON, Fact Fact for DON Attomey-in- Next forRUBY RUBY DONLESLIE LESLIEPPETERSON of RUBY S.PETERSON, FactofRUBY Fact S. PETERSON, ETERSON Individually, Next Friend, Attorney-in- LONNY LONNY §§ §§ § PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually Individually Next Friend §§ andNextFriend and OfRUBY Of RUBY S.SPeterson .Peterson § vs. VS. § OF CAROL CAROL ANNE ANNE MANLEY, MANLEY, § DAVID DAVID PETERSON, PETERSON, SILVERADO SILVERADO § SENIOR SENIOR LIVING, LIVING, INC. d/b/aSILVERADO§ INC.d/b/a SILVERADO§ SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING —— SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND §§ HARRIS HARRIS COUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS ATTORNEY APPLICATION FOR FEES TO PURSUANT ORDER RULE ON 2014 NOVEMBER ENTERED APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEY FEES PURSUANT TO RULE 91a ORDER ENTERED ON NOVEMBER 10, 2014 Defendant, Defendant, Silverado SeniorLiving,Inc. SilveradoSenior d/b/aSilverado Living, Inc. d/b/a SeniorLivingSugarLand Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land thisApplication forAttorney Attorney Pursuant FeesPursuant to Rule91aOrder toRule Entered On (Silverado) files this Application for Fees 91a Order Entered On November November 10,2014 10, consistent 2014 consistent withthe with Local the Court's Local Rules andpursuant Rulesand pursuant Texas Ruleof toTexas Rule to of Civil Civil Procedure 9la.7.91a Procedure 91a.7. MOTION 91a MOTION BACKGROUND1 BRIEF DISMISS: TODISMISS: BRIEF BACKGROUND TO Silverado filedaaRule Rule9la Motion Dismiss September 25, Plaintiffs’ Silverado filed 91a Motion totoDismiss on onSeptember 25, 2014.1 Plaintiffs' filed aa FourthAmended in 6,2014and Response October onOctober 6, 2014 and aaResponse in Opposition3 to the pending Rule Fourth Amended Petition2 on Rule tothepending 9la motion October 27,2014. Silveradotimely its PartialWithdrawal andReplyto 91a motion onOctober 27, on 2014. Silverado timely filed its Partial Withdrawal and Reply to On withthe and byreferenceifsetoutfullyherein. asif set out fully herein. On file with the Court and incorporated by reference as 1 2 Id. . 3 Id. 4849-6015-516111 Silverado Appx. 0268 No. 1-15-586-CV 3617 Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Response nNovember Response oon November6, TheMotion 6, 2014.4 The to Dismiss Motion to Dismiss w asheard was on November7,7, heardon 2014 at which 2014 at which ttime imetheCourt the Court granted granted Silverado’s 91a Silverado's 91 a Motion Motion to Dismissand toDismiss issuedits andissued onthe its Orderson the 0 0 forty-fifth day of filing--November the dateof day followingthedate 10, 2014.A Novemberl0,2014. llchallenged All causesofaction challengedcauses of action were dismissed were with prejudicewhich dismissed withprejudice whichincluded: included: ffalse alseimprisonment, and battery,and imprisonment, assaultand and conspiracy. conspiracy. Silverado Silverado nnow movesfor owmoves award ofall anaward for an costsandreasonable allcosts and reasonableand necessary attorneyfees andnecessary fees 0 incurred incurred with with respect to thechallenged respect to causesofaction. the challengedcausesof action. 0 RULE 91a.7 Except in Except actionbby an action in an oragainst yor governmental againstaa governmentalentity raapublic entityoor actingin public official actingin his her official capacity orher his or orunder capacityor coloroofflaw, undercolor law,the thecourt award theprevailing court must award the prevailing party on themotion party on all costsaand the motion all costs reasonableand ndreasonable necessaryattomey andnecessary feesincurred attorney fees incurred with with respect to thechallenged respectto the challengedcause ofactioninthetrial court.TThe cause of action in the trialcourt. he courtmust must considerevidence consider evidenceregarding regardingcosts indetermining award. costs and fees in determining award. issued added). he firstandonlyopinion interpreting 91a.7 was issued TEX. P. 91a.7 (emphasis added).TThe R. Crv.P.91a.7(emphasis TEX.R. and only opinion interpreting 91a.7was November20,2014. Chase 2014No.02-13-00340-CV, 2014Tex.App.Lexis November 20, 2014. Drake v. v. Chase Bank, 2014 No. 02-13-00340-CV, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 12572(Tex.App.— Worth Nov.20,2014,nopet. Drake involveda pro seplaintiff Drake involvedaprose who plaintiff who 12572 (Tex. App. — Fort Worth Nov. 20, 2014, no pet. h.). broughtclaimsagainst ChaseBankforirreparable harmto hiscreditandintentional infliction of brought claims against Chase Bank for irreparable harm to his credit and intentional infliction of emotionaldistress. Thetrial granted defendant’s 91aMotion toDismiss andawarded it emotional distress. Id. The trial court granted defendant's 91a Motion to Dismiss and awarded it $2,480 incostsandfees. at*1.Plaintiff amotion toreconsider which wasdenied andthe $2,480 in costs and fees. Id. at *1. Plaintiff filed a motion to reconsider which was denied and the awarded defendant itsfeesrelated tothatmotion court awarded defendant its fees related to that motionas wellintheamount of as well in the amount of $1,545. Id. 4 Id. 5 Id 168.1 4849-6015-5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0269 No. 1-15-586-CV 3618 Applyingaa de the Drake Court of review, the novo standard ofreview, de novo Court foundthat" awardof that "...anaward of 0 attorneys' fees attorneys’ to theprevailing fees to the prevailingparty on aa rule91amotion partyon rule 91a motion to dismissiiss mandatory,not to dismiss not 0 discretionary." Id. at *5.Notably, Id. at thetrial *5. Notably, the trial c ourthhad court granted plaintiff adgranted plaintiffindigent statusdduring indigentstatus uringthe the proceedings. proceedings. Id at *4. Id. at the Drake Court *4. Nevertheless, theDrake oundthat"therule Courtffound that "the rulesays nothingaabout saysnothing bout exempting indigent exempting indigentparties parties frompayingaattorneys' frompaying ttorneys’ fees feestto partywho oaaparty prevails underrule whoprevails rule91a."IdId. 91a." at citing ((In re at *5 citing re Christus Hosp. Spohn Hosp. Kleberg, 222S.W.3d Christus Spohn 434, 437 (Tex.2007) 222 S.W.3d434,437(Tex. 2007 )(orig. (orig. 0 proceeding) (stating proceeding) (stating tthat hatcourts pplythe courts aapply samerules the same of constructionthat rulesofconstruction thatgovern the interpretationof governtheinterpretation of 0 statutes when construing statutes when construing rules (CityofRockwell rules ooff procedure));(City of Rockwellv. 246 S.W.3d6621, v. Hughes,246S.W.3d 21,6625 25 (Tex. 2008) (stating (Tex. 2008) (stating that that ccourts ourtscconstrue onstrue statutesaccording statutes accordingto theirpplain totheir lainand commonmeaning))). andcommon meaning))). motion well the motion The then affirmed the The court then the trial trial courts awardof courts awardofffees ees astto as the9la othe as the motionto as wellas 91a motionas to reconsider and reconsider and pointed hatddefendant out tthat pointed out efendant incurred the additionalfeesinconnection withitsRule91a the additional fees in connection with its Rule 91a challenge challenge and and the causes ofaction the causes ubjectto of action ssubject the same. Idatat*6. to thesame. theDrakeCourtcited *6. Specifically, the Drake Court cited Rule91a.7whichmandates n "awardof Rule 91a.7 which mandatesaan all costsandreasonable "award of all costs and reasonable andnecessary ttorneyfees and necessaryaattorney fees incurred withrespectto thechallenged to the cause ooffaction." Id (emphasis inoriginal). Although itisthe incurred withrespect challenged cause action." Id. (emphasis in original). Although it is the first first case interpreting awardofattorneys’ pursuantto an award of attorneys' feespursuant case interpretingan Rule itisconsistent withthe to Rule 91a, it is consistent with the precedentofstrictconstruction regarding thisstatute.See((Wooley precedent of strict construction regarding this statute. See ((Wooleyv. No.l4-l3-00385- v. Schaffer, No. 14-13-00385- CV,2014 pp.L Tex.App. CV, 2014 Tex. A EXIS8983(Tex.App.Houston [14th Aug.14,2014))(Daileyv. LEXIS 8983 (Tex. App. Houston [14th Dist.] Aug. 14, 2014)) (Dailey v. Thorpe,No.01-13-00492-CV, 2014Tex.App.LEXIS 9630at*10(Tex.App.Houston [lstDist.] Thorpe, No. 01-13-00492-CV, 2014 Tex. App. LEXIS 9630 at *10 (Tex. App. Houston [1st Dist.] Aug.28,2014))(, LLC HollieToups,429 Aug. 28, 2014)) (, LLC v. Hollie Toups, S.W.3d 752(Tex.App.—Beaumont, 429 S.W.3d 752 (Tex. App. — Beaumont, 2014,pet.denied)) (Lopez-Welchv. Farm 3:14-CV-2416-L, 2014U.S.Dist.LEXIS 2014, pet. denied)) (Lopez-Welch v. State Farm Lloyds, 3: l 4-CV-2416-L, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 154741(N.D.Tex.Oct.31,2014))(Plascencia Farm No.4:14-CV-524-A, 2014 154741 (N.D. Tex. Oct. 31, 2014)) (Plascenciavv.. State Farm Lloyds, No. 4:14-CV-524-A, 2014 U.S.Dist.LEXIS135081(N.D.Tex.Sept.25,2014))((Oldham Oldham v.v.Nationwide Co.ofAm.,3:14- U.S. Dist. LEXIS 135081 (N.D. Tex. Sept. 25, 2014)) Nationwide Ins. Co. of Am., 3:14- CV-575-B,2014U.S. LEXIS107044; 2014WL3855238(N.D.Tex.Aug.5,2014))).l 4849-6015-51 CV-575-B, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 107044; 2014 WL 3855238 (N.D. Tex. Aug. 5, 2014))). 4849.6015-5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0270 No. 1-15-586-CV 3619 WhileRule While Rule91a.7 9la.7issilent theevidence tothe asto is silent as evidence and and procedure required prior imposition of prior ttooimposition of C fees,tthe fees, hetrial court in Drake chose courtin choseto conduct to conduct hearing aa hearing thanaccepting rather than evidence accepting evidence by by C submission. submission. 2014 2014 Tex. Tex. App. App. Lexis Lexis 12572 12572 *7.Itdid atat*7. require notrequire It did not Chase Chase Bank Bank submit tosubmit to itsitemized its itemized invoices invoices and/or and/or cconduct onduct aa Lodestar lieu thereof, ititaccepted Inlieu Lodestar analysis. In accepted andlive anaffidavit and an live testimony establishing testimony establishing "thehours "the devoted hours devoted thematter, tothe to whoperformed matter,who performed thework, the work, tthe rate charged, herate charged, whatwork what wasperformed, work was andthatthefees performed, and were reasonable and that the fees were and necessary. necessary. Id. The Court a TheCourt pplied applied factors theArthur the Arthur Anderson reasonableness applied reasonableness factors applied when contingent whencontingent feeagreements fee agreements atissue. areat are issue. Id N 0 N The foundthat the trial the did court abuse not related toitsfee itsdiscretion award. The Drake Court found the that the trial court did not abuse its discretion related to its fee award. Id. - SILVERADO’S APPLICATION FORATTORNEY ATTORNEYFEES SILVERADO'S APPLICATION FOR FEES Consistent Consistent withthe with theCourt’s Local Court's Local Rules, Rules, Silverado Silverado thisApplication files this forAttorney Application for Fees Attorney Fees andpresents and presentsevidence evidence supporting supporting the the reasonable and and necessary fees incurred with necessary feesincurred with respect respect to the to the challenged ofaction causesof challenged causes action pursuant tothe lodestar pursuantto TEX.R.CIV. lodestarmethod.6 TEX. P.9la.7;Drake, R. Qv. P. 2014 91a.7; Drake, 2014 Tex. Tex. A App. Lexis12572 pp.Lexis (Tex.App. 12572 (Tex. App.-FortWorth Nov.20, - Fort Worth Nov. 20,2014, pet. h.); nopet. 2014, no h.); Long Long v. No.11- v. Griffin, No. 11- 1021,2014 Tex. 1021, Tex.LEXIS 304(Tex. LEXIS 304 April25,2014) (Tex. April (percuriam). 25, 2014) (per curiam). A. LODESTAR A.LODESTAR METHOD METHOD A A request forattorney fees request for employs feesemploys thelodestar the method lodestar method whenititrelates when relates hours worked hoursworked for for eachattorney each attomey multiplied multiplied bytheir by ratesffor hourlyrates their hourly oraa total fee.Griffin, 2014 total fee. 2014Tex. LEXIS Tex.LEXIS 3304 04(Tex. (Tex. April April 25, 2014)atat*6. 25, 2014) *6.Tosatisfy lodestar, evidence To satisfy lodestar, "sufficient evidence includes, includes, at evidence ‘of ata minimum, evidence 'of theservices performed, the services performed, whoperformed who performedthemand them atwhat andat hourly what hourly ate,w rrate, henthey when werepperformed, they were erformed, andhow and how much much ttime imethework the workrrequired.'" equired."’citing (ElA Id. citing (El pple Apple I, Ltd. v. Olivias, v.Olivias, 370S.W.3d 370 S.W.3d757, 7 757, 63 763 (Tex.2012)). (Tex. 2012)).Total Totalnumber of ofhours workedand hours worked andgeneralities willnot generalities will at*6-7.However, notsuffice. Id. at *6-7. However, 6 OnNovember On November 19,19,2014,Ms.CresMachicek Guardianship 2014, Ms. Cres Machicek - Guardianship Coordinator Coordinator —- advisedcounsel - advised counsel regarding regarding theCourt’s procedural the Court's procedural requirements requirements related o the related tto manner the manner inwhich in theCourt which the would Court would conduct the91a.7 conduct the evidentiary 91a,7 evidentiary proceeding. proceeding. 4849-6015-5168.1 4849-6015-5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0271 No. 1-15-586-CV 3620 affidavit anaffidavit an thatgenerally that generally describes the services performed, describes theservices whocompleted performed, who same and completed same and at what at what hourly hourly ratethat rate accompanied areaccompanied that are by evidence byevidence inform toinform to thetrial the trial court ofthetime of the time spent on Specific spent on specific 0 tasks andcorresponding tasks and correspondingdates dates should should constitute constitute sufficient sufficient evidence evidence satisfy tosatisfy to thelodestar the lodestar method. method. Id. at at *7-8. B. SEGREGATION OF FEES rs B. IS NoT NOT REQUIRED PURSUANTTO TO 91a.7 While thelodestar While the methodis lodestar method is analogous, the the context is distinct context is distinctinsofar insofaras feesegregation as fee segregation C) UJ amongst prevailing amongst prevailing claims inapplicable forthefollowing claims iissinapplicable reasons. Rule for the followingreasons. Rule 91a.7 requires 91a.7 requires anaward an award N 0 ofall of all costs andreasonable costsand reasonable andnecessary attorney and attorney feesincurred fees incurredwithrespect with respecttothechallenged to the challenged causes causes ofaction. Thematter of action. The matterpending pending before before thisCourt this Court isisnot notone which aaverdict oneininwhich hasbeen verdict has been returned asto returned as to somecauses some causesofaction of which action which would would support support award anaward an offees of fees and otherstthat andothers hatwould not.Compare would not. 2014Tex. (Griffin, 2014 Tex.LEXIS LEXIS304 304(Tex. 25,2014)) (Tex. April 25, with(Tex. 2014)) with (Tex.R R..Civ. Civ. PP..91a.7).9la.7mandates 91a.7). 91a.7 mandates recovery recovery offees of allchallenged onall fees on causes challenged causes ofaction of the prevailing action ttoothe prevailing party. see also party. Id.; see also Drake, Drake, 2014 2014 Tex.App. Tex. Lexis12572 App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App.— FortWorth (Tex.App. Nov. 2 Fort Worth Nov. 0,2014, 20, noopet. 2014, n pet. h.). C. RESPECT DISMISSED TOTHE C. SILVERADO'S ATTORNEYS' FEES INCURRED WITH RESPECT TO THE DISMISSED CAUSES OF ASSAULT ACTION: FALSE IMPRISONMENT, ASSAULT AND AND AND BATTERY, AND CONSPIRACY Silverado Silverado learned first learned ofthis of litigation this litigation July18, onJuly on 2014tthrough 18,2014 hrough negative publicity negative publicity published published by Plaintiffs by Plaintiffson internet. TEX. R. theinternet. onthe R. Civ. E. 80l(e)(2)(C)-(D). E. 801(e)(2)(C)-(D). Whileinvestigating, While Silverado investigating, Silverado discovered discovered Plaintiffs’ Plaintiffs' Original Original Petition Petition onJuly filed on 17,22014 July17, 014ininthe129th Judicial the 129th Judicial District District Court Court of of County, Harris County, Texas whichincluded Texaswhich included claimsaagainst claims gainst "Silverado "Silverado Senior Senior Living Living C areFacility" Care for Facility" for falseimprisonment, false imprisonment,assault battery, andbattery, assault and and Plaintiffs and conspiracy.' Plaintiffs filedan filed Amended anAmended Petition Petition and and Demand JuryDemand Jury July23,2014 onJuly on againnamed whichagain 23, 2014 which named "Silverado "Silverado SeniorLiving Senior LivingC areFacility" Care and Facility" and On file with theHarris 7 Onfilewith County the Harris County District District Clerk incorporated byreference andincorporated Clerkand asififset by reference as setout fully out fully herein. herein. 4849-6015-5168.1Q 4849-6015-5168A Silverado Appx. 0272 No. 1-15-586-CV 3621 included for false imprisomnent, included claims forfalse imprisonment, assaultandbattery, and conspiracy.8OnJuly and battery,and On July25,2014, 25, 2014, Plaintiffs’ Second Plaintiffs' Second Original Amended Original Petition was filed Petition was filedwith withthe sameaallegations thesame llegations againstSilverado against Silverado 0 although although itremained it remained improperly improperly named named aand ndhad eenserved.9 Silverado notbbeen hadnot Silveradochose owaive chosetto waivesservice ervice and and enter enter aannappearance onJuly appearance on July28, 28,22014 in lightoof 014inlight fPlaintiffs’ requestforextraordinary Plaintiffs'request for extraordinaryrelief reliefinthe in the formof an application form of an application ffor ortemporary temporary rrestraining estraining oorder, rder,ttemporary emporary iinjunction njunction aand ndthe theemergency emergency hearing hearing related to the related to same which the same which Plaintiffs etforJuly28,2014. Plaintiffs sset for July 28, 2014. C Amidst the hundredsof Amidstthehundreds pages of of pages of pleadings, pleadings,Plaintiffs Plaintiffsclaims claimshhave aveatatalltimesbeen all times been C inflammatory andcentered on allegations and centered on allegations thatSilverado, that Silverado, its its staff,physicians othersindependently orothers physiciansor independently named named — someoof —some fwhich whichwwere laternnonsuited erelater onsuited wereddrugging --were rugging Ruby RubyPPeterson, eterson,holding heragainst holdingher againsther her will, and Plaintiffs’ visitationwithout legal Plaintiffs thechallenged will, and refusing Plaintiffs' visitation without legal authority.t° Plaintiffs pursued the challenged causesofactionin a mannerwhich the costoofflitigation which drove thecost causes of action in amanner Silverado up. Silveradowas litigationup. forcedtoincur was forcedto incur againstboth federaland defending expense defending against both aa federal and state significant expense lawsuit well as wellaas state lawsuit as mediacampaign in saa media campaign in directviolation oftheCourt’s Protective Order.Thedismissed ofaction comprised Plaintiffs direct violation of the Court's Protective Order. The dismissed causes causes of action comprised Plaintiffs entire entire case against Silverado until October 6,2014 with theFourth Amended Petitionwhich includes case against Silverado until October 6, 2014 with the Fourth Amended Petition which includes subject aa new allegationofbreachoffiduciary dutyat Paragraph 88andwillbe toanother 9la new allegation of breach of fiduciary duty at Paragraph 88 and will be subject to another 91a Motion toDismiss. SeeExhibit "A,"(Affidavit ofJoshK.Davis).Thechallenged causes ofaction Motion to Dismiss. See Exhibit "A," (Affidavit of Josh K. Davis). The challenged causes of action required multi·faceteddefense relatedtothefederal andstatelawsuits aswell stherepeated required aa multi-faceted defense related to the federal and state lawsuits as wellaas the repeated violations ofCourtorders. violations of Court orders. _ 8 Id 9 Id. See Original Petition, Amended PetitionandJuryDemand, Second Amended Petition See Plaintiffs' and 1° Demand, Original Petition, Amended ThirdAmended Petition andto andContest Petition Jury Demand, Second Guardianship Amended andPetition Application, and Jury Demand, Amended all PetitionThird ofwhich areon with Amended Petition and and/or Contest thisCourt the129th Judicial to Guardianship and Application, and Fourth Amended Petitionbyreference incorporated all of which areifon file with this fully Court and/or the 129th Judicial District Court and herein. are as setout are incorporated by reference as if set out fully herein. 4849-6015.5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0273 No. 1-15-586-CV 3622 This iswell-versed in antics related tothis and litigation, vexatious This Court is well-versed in Plaintiffs antics related to this vexatious and harassing litigation, C but party-opponent oneparty-opponent but one admission admission isworth highlighting is highlighting to reinforce to reinforce thattheintent andpurpose that the intent and purpose C behind thefederal behind the litigation. federal litigation. OnAugust On August 3,3,2014,Ms.Schwager 2014, Ms. Schwagerposts posts aamessage message Facebook onFacebook on to Mr. to Mr. Davisopen Davis open to thepublic: to the "AsI’ve public: "As saidfrom I've said fromday dayone, thisis one,this is not aboutyou, notabout butif you,but persistin youpersist if you in violating violating my client’s my client's rights rights and Ruby’s, andRuby's, ititwillbe. will be. IIkeep wondering keep wondering whenthe when thereality ofthefederal reality of the federal willset casewill case in.Nominal setin. damages Nominal damages pledfor arepled are Butthe now.But for now. pressisiscoming. the press coming. IIassure assure that.”TEX. youthat." you TEX. 0 R. (e)(2)(C)-(D). CA R. Civ. E.801 E. 801(e)(2)(C)-(D). Inaddition, In following addition, following settlement settlement withCarol with Carol Anne Manleyaand AnneManley ndDavid David Cd C) Peterson, Plaintiffs now seek fees torecover from andexpenses ofRuby theestate for Peterson Peterson, Plaintiffs now seek to recover fees and expenses from the estate of Ruby Peterson for Cd - bringing thislawsuit bringing this wellas lawsuit "as well asininanother case filedin casefiled c0urt”in in federal court" theamount in the of amountof Thestrategy $187,056.73.1 I The strategyininbringing thefederal bringing the lawsuit federal lawsuit appears appears tohave to beenintimidation havebeen intimidation and/or and/or berate Silverado berate Silverado intosettlement. into settlement. theresult Nevertheless, the to force wasto result was force S ilverado Silverado to incur to incur significant fees defending ameritless lawsuit inboth Federal Court. andState Those andfees costs arenow fees defending a meritless lawsuit in both Federal and State Court. Those costs and fees are now due.The due. feesincurred totalfees The total defending incurred defending against against thechallenged causes o the challenged causes offaction ofSunday, asof action as November November 30, 2014are 30,2014 17,183.40. are$117,183.40. SeeExhibit See "A,"(Affidavit of Exhibit "A," ofJosh K.Davis) Josh K. attached Davis) attached hereto hereto andincorporated and incorporated byreference by reference as if set as if setout out fully herein.The fullyherein. Thefeescontinue fees continue to accrueaand to accrue ndwillbe will be supplemented supplemented at thetime at of the hearing w the time ofthehearing ithadditional with additional fee and oralttestimony. statementsandoral fee statements estimony. Itis It is withinthe within theCourt’s sound Court's sound discretion discretion determine todetermine to thelegal the sufficiency legal sufficiency oftheevidence of presented the evidence presented regarding regarding theamount the amountoffees of which fees which arereasonable are reasonable and necessary. Ridge and necessary. Ridge Oil C0.v.v.Guinn Invs., OilCo. Invs., Inc. Inc.,, 148S.W.3d. 143 148 (Tex.2004) 143(Tex. (court-ordered 2004)(court-ordered ofattorneys’ award of feesisisreviewed attorneys' fees under reviewed under theabuse the abuse o off discretion discretion standard). standard). The The Drake Courtreinforces Drake Court reinforces that that R ule91a.7 Rule 91a.7 rrequires equires an "award ofall an of all costs and costs and SeeSecond 11 See Supplement Second Supplement to Application to Application for Payment ofAttorney’s forPayment Feesand of Attorney's Fees andExpenses, Expenses, Expert Witness Feesand Witness Fees andExpenses, Expenses, andCosts and CostsofCourt of onfile with Court on the Court and with theCourt and incorporated byreference incorporated by reference asififset as setout fullyhherein. outfully erein. 4849-6015-5168A Silverado Appx. 0274 No. 1-15-586-CV 3623 reasonable reasonable and attorneyfees necessary attorney and necessary tothechallenged fees incurred with respectto causeoof the challengedcause faction.” action."2014 2014 Tex. Tex. A pp.L App. exis112572 Lexis 2572 aatt*6. *6.T The costsooffdefending hecosts defendingthefederal the federallawsuit were incurredwith lawsuitwere withrespect respect demonstratedHowever, to the challenged to the causesofaction challengedcauses as demonstratedabove. of actionas solelyin above. However,solely inan abundanceof anabundance of caution caution andforthe and for the benefit of theCourt, of the Silverado Court, Silverado identifies identifiesthefollowing the followingtotal amountof totalamount of $18,830.00 as the $18,830.00 as amount solely the amount solely rrelated elated othefederal tto mattershould the federalmatter shouldtheCourt the Courtfind findthatdefense that defenseof of thefederal the federal lawsuit evenininthese lawsuit -- even extreme these extreme circumstances circumstances —was — notincurred wasnot incurredwith withrespect tothe respectto the 0 challenged causes of challenged causes of a ction. action. a D. D. SUBSEQUENT MOTIONS& & COSTS tN Silverado Silverado isentitled is entitledtto recoveritsreasonable orecover its reasonableand attorneyfees necessaryattorney andnecessary feesand costsinthe andcosts in the event Plaintiffs event Plaintiffs appeal appeal and/or and/or engage subsequent engage in-subsequent motion motionpractice practicerelated othechallenged relatedtto the challengedcauses causes ofaction 2014 of action aand ndCourt’s Court's findings.Drake, Drake, 2014Tex. Tex.A pp.LLexis App. exis112572 2572 ((Tex. Tex.App. App. ——Fort FortW orthNNov. Worth ov. 20, 20, 2 014,no 2014, no pet. h.). Plaintiffs pet. h.). If Plaintiffs find it to fileaaMotion necessary to it necessary MotionttooReconsider Reconsiderand/or and/orRescind, Rescind, Silverado equests$2,500.00 Silverado rrequests asthereasonable $2,500.00as the reasonableaand necessaryffees nd necessary eesfor for handling theresponsive responsive briefingandhearing relatedothe briefing and hearing related tto same.See thesame. Exhibit"A," Affidavitof See Exhibit"A," of JoshK.Davis. Ifthe matterisis K. Davis. If thematter appealed, Silverado appealed, Silverado requests $10,000.00 for and necessaryfeesforhandling requests $10,000.00 for its, reasonable andnecessary the fees for handling the appellee’s inthecourtofappeals, $7,500.00 ifplaintiff files WritofError rPetition for appellee's case case in the court of appeals, $7,500.00 if plaintiff filesaa Writ of Erroroor Petition for Review withtheSupreme Court ofTexas, and$7,500.00 iftheWritofErrororPetition Review with the Supreme Court of Texas, and $7,500.00 if the Writ of Erroror forReview Petition for Review requests isGranted bytheSupreme ofTexas.See Inadditiontoitsfees, is Granted by the Supreme Court of Texas. See id. In additionto Silverado its its fees, Silverado requests its 12572 costs.Drake,2014Tex.App.Lexis (Tex.App.-Fort Nov.20,2014,nopet. costs. Drake, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App. — Fort Worth Nov. 20, 2014,no h.). pet. h.). PRAYER PRAYER SilveradoSenior Living, Inc.d/b/aSilverado Senior Living SugarLandrequests theCourt Silverado Senior Living, Inc. d/b/a Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land requests the Court awardititscostsandreasonable andnecessary attorney feesincurred in anamountnotlessthan award it its costs and reasonable and necessary attorney fees incurred inan amount not less than $117,183.40.TEX. R.CIV.P.91a.7;see 2014Tex.App.Lexis12572(Tex.App.-Fort $117,183.40. TEX. R. Civ. P. 91a.7; see also, Drake, 2014 Tex. App. Lexis 12572 (Tex. App. —Fort 4849-6015-5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0275 No. 1-15-586-CV 3624 Worth WorthN ov.220, Nov. 0,2014). 2014). Silverado further further requests its feesinthe requests itsfees eventoof in theevent faaMotion toReconsider Motionto Reconsider and/or and/or R escindiin Rescind the amountof$2,500.00, nthe of $2,500.00,for for handlingtheappel1ee’s caseinthe the appellee's case courtoof in thecourt fappeals appeals inthe amount of$ in the amount 10,000,and$7,500 of $10,000, and $7,500 ifplaintiff if plaintiff filesaaWrit Writoof fError rPetition Erroroor PetitionforReview for Reviewwiththe with the Supreme Supreme Court Court ofTexas, and $7,500 of Texas, and $7,500 ifthe if theWrit WritofError Petitionfor orPetition of Erroror forR is Grantedby isGranted eview Review bytheg the N I- Supreme Supreme Court Court of of Texas. Respectfullysubmitted, submitted, LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH,LLP LEWIS LLP /S/ /S/ JoshK.Davis 24031993 No. 0 K. Davis JOSH JOSHK.DAVIS K. DAVIS State Bar No. 24031993 CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANR.JOHNSON R. JOHNSON StateBarNo. StateBarNo.2 4062345 24062345 Weslayan WeslayanTTower, ower,SSuite uite1400 1400 24Greenway Plaza 24 Greenway Plaza Houston,Texas77046 Houston, Texas 77046 (713) 659-6767 Telephone (713) 659-6767 Telephone (713) 7 59-6830F acsimile (713) 759-6830 Facsimile ATTORNEYS FORDEFENDANTS, ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS, SILVERADOS ENIORLIVING,INC.D/B/A SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING, INC. D/B/A SILVERADOSENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND SILVERADO SENIOR LIVING SUGAR LAND CERTIFICATEOFSERVICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Ihereby thata trueand certify copyoftheforegoing wasserved instrument uponall counselIofrecord hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrumentreceipt via facsimile, handdelivery and!or mail,returnwas served upon all requested on this lstDecember, 2014., counsel of record via e-file, facsimile, hand delivery and/or certified mail, return receipt requested on this 1st December, 2014. Philip Ross PhilipHolbrook 1006 M. Ross Road 1006 Holbrook Road SanAntonio, Texas78218 San Antonio, Texas 78218 Attorney for Plaintiffs Candice LSchwager Candice L Schwager TheSchwager LawFirm The Schwager 1417 Ramada Law Firm Dr. 1417 Ramada Houston,TexasDr. 77062 Houston, Texas 77062 4849-6015-5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0276 No. 1-15-586-CV 3625 Attorney Attorney for for Plaintiffs SarahPatelPacheco Sarah Patel Pacheco Crain,Caton Crain, Caton& &James, James, PC PC 1401 McKinney 1401McKinney Street Street 1700 Center 1700 Five Houston Center Houston, 77010 Houston, Texas 77010 Attorneys for CarolManley and for Carol andDavid Peterson David Peterson JillW. Young Jill W. Young Maclntyre, McCulloch, Maclntyre, McCulloch, &Young, Stanfield & LLP Young, LLP 2900Weslayan, 2900 Weslayan,Suite150 Suite 150 CJ Houston,Texas Houston, Texas77027 77027 0 W.RussJonesE W. Russ Jones JonesScherrer Underwood, Jones Scherrer &Malouf, & PLLC Malouf, PLLC 5177Richmond 5177 Richmond Ave, Suite505 Ave, Suite 505 Houston, Houston, Texas77056 Texas 77056/S/ JoshK. /S/ Josh K.Davis Davis JosH JOSH K. DAVIS 4849-6015-5168.1 Silverado Appx. 0277 No. 1-15-586-CV 3626 CAUSENO.427,208 CAUSE NO. 427,208 RUBYS. RUBY S.PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually, §§ IN PROBATE C INPROBATE OURTNO.1 COURT NO. 1 MACKEY MACKEY ("MACK") ("MACK") GLEN GLENPETERSON PETERSON § PETERSON, NextFriend PETERSON, Individually, Next Friend §§ Attorney—in Attorney-in Fact forRUBY Factfor RUBY § PETERSON, PETERSON,DONLESLIE DON LESLIEPETERSON PETERSON §§ Individually, Next Friend, Next Friend, Attorney-in- §§ Attorney-in- FactofRUBY Fact of RUBYS.PETERSON, S. PETERSON, LONNY LONNY §§ PETERSON, PETERSON, Individually IndividuallyandNextFriend and Next Friend §§ OfRUBY Of RUBY S. S.Peterson Peterson § 0 VS. VS. § OF OF 0 CAROLANNE CAROL MANLEY, ANNEMANLEY, § DAVIDPETERSON, DAVID PETERSON, SILVERADO SILVERADO § SENIORLIVING, SENIOR LIVING,INC. INC.d/b/aSILVERADO§ d/b/a SILVERADO§ SENIOR SENIOR LIVING LIVING — SUGAR SUGAR LAND LAND §§ HARRIS HARRIS C OUNTY, COUNTY, TEXAS TEXAS AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT OFJOSH OF K.DAVIS JOSH K. DAVIS STATEOF STATE OFTEXAS TEXAS §§ COUNTY COUNTY OFHARRIS OF HARRIS Beforem Before theundersigned me,e,the undersigned authority, this day, p on thisday, authority, on ersonally personally appeared Josh appeared Josh K.Davis K. Davis aa person whoispersonally person who knownto is personally known tome. me.After administered AfterIIadministered oathtotohim, anoath an him,upon hisoath, uponhis hestated: oath, he stated: 1. "My 1. nameisisJosh "Myname Davis. IIam K.Davis. Josh K. amover theage over the oftwenty-one ageof (21)yyears twenty-one (21) earsaand ndhave never b have never een been convicted of a felony. I am ofsound m ind, c apableo fmaking t hisaffidavit, andfully convicted of a felony. I am of sound mind, capable of making this affidavit, and fully competent competent to testify to thematters testify ttoothe mattershereinstated, herein stated,andIhave knowledge of personal knowledge and I have personal of every every herein. made statement statement made herein. 2. II ama 2. am a licensed intheStateofTexas, attorneyin licensed attorney partner w a partner the State of Texas, a with the law firm of Lewis Brisbois iththelawfirmofLewis Brisbois Bisgaard Bisgaard &Smith, & L.L.P., Smith, L.L.P., andhave and beenemployed have been employed bySilverado Senior Living, by Silverado Senior Living, Inc. Inc. d /b/a d/b/a SilveradoSenior Silverado SeniorLivingSugarLand(Silverado) Living Sugar Land (Silverado) to to defend inthe defenditit in theabove-entitled and above-entitled and numbered numbered cause. cause. This affidavit Thisaffidavit isprepared is insupport prepared in support ofApplication of Application forAttorneys’ Fees for Attorneys' Fees Pursuantto Pursuant Rule9la to Rule OrderEntered 91a Order EnteredOnOnNovember November 10,I0,2014. 2014. 3. As 3. Asaapartner partner for for LEWIS BRISBOISBISGAARDBISGAARD && SMITH LLPLLP("LBBS") I amfamiliar ("LBBS")I am with its familiarwith its business business practices. practices. Asaapart As ofitsusual partof regular andregular its usual and business, LBBS business, LBBS k eepsrregular keeps egular records records oflegal of work performed. legal work am familiar performed. II am familiar with with therecords kept a the records kept ndmaintained and intheusual maintained in the usual and and regular regular c ourseof course ofbusiness. have personal supervision, business. II havepersonal supervision, custody, custody, control control a ndaccess and to the access to the records ofthis records of firmas this firm they pertain asthey the legal services pertain ttoothelegal services rendered rendered herein. I have examined herein. Ihave examined the the records records keptandmaintained kept and maintained bythisfirmintheregular course o by this firm in the regular course offitsbusiness its business andsuch and such records records reflect reflect certain certain ttransactions ransactions intherendering in the renderingoflegal of legalsservices ervicesinthe matter. IInnthe in thematter. the = EXHIBIT EXHIBIT 4846-9716-7648.1 4846-9716-7648.1 Silverado Appx. 0278 No. 1-15-586-CV 3627 course of normal course myduties ofmy dutiesandresponsibilities and responsibilitiesIreceive, I receive,review reviewand and maintaininvoices invoicessent sent to myclients tomy clientswhich whichiinclude ncludesupportingdocumentation documentationand/or and/orrecords recordsand am acustodian andama custodianof of the the s ame. same. Furthermore, Furthermore, itisin it is inthe then ormalcourseof course normal mydduties ofmy uties and andrresponsibilities esponsibilitiestotoreview review and and maintain maintain pre—bills pre-bills which contemporaneoustime recontemporaneous which aare timerecords recordsmaintained maintainedintheregular in the regular course ofbusiness course of business prior obeing prior tto entttootheclient being ssent the clientfor paymentand forpayment amcustodian andam custodian of thesame. same. tothisAffidavit Attached to asExhibit this Affidavitas Exhibit 11,,andincorporated and incorporatedintoit into itbyreference, by reference,are trueand aretrue and correct copies correct copies of invoices of redacted' invoices with ndbilling cost aand with supporting cost billingrrecords ecords(BatesNos. Nos.SSSL SL 000001-000076) 000001-000076)which wereincurred whichwere incurredaand nd submittedfor paymentrelated forpayment totheabove relatedto the above referenced referenced m n thedatenoted atteroon matter the date notedthereon thereonas aswell asredacted wellas redactedpre-bills pre-bills((Bates BatesNNos. os.SSL SSL 000077-000126) 000077-000126) which reflect attorney feesthathavebeenincurred which reflect ndwillbe fees that have been incurredaand will beinvoiced invoicedinin mid-December mid-December perper guidelines. guidelines.The Theinvoices invoiceswith withsupporting supportingrecords recordsasaswell spre-bills wellaas pre-billsare are made a courseooffregularly made aassacourse conductedbusiness regularlyconducted businessby personswith bypersons withknowledge knowledgeat or nearthe atornear the time time ofmaking of makingby orfrom byor from informationtransmitted transmittedby a personw byaperson ithknowledge with knowledgeofthe of theevent event or information or informationrecorded. recorded. L BBSmaintains LBBS maintainsand/or and/orkkeeps eepsaacopy copyoftheinvoices of the invoiceswith with supporting supporting records records aand ndpre-bills pre-billsiin ntheregular courseofitsbusiness., the regularcourse of its business. 4. am very familiar 4. II amvery familiar w iththe with natureofthis the nature caseandtheworkwhich of thiscase and the work whichhasbeenperformed has been performedtoto date.I knowledgeable amknowledgeable date. I am with with thenumber the number ofhours pentandthe of hourssspent amountscharged and theamounts chargedto tomy my clientby client by LewisBrisbois Lewis BrisboisBBisgaard isgaard&&Smith, Smith,LL.L.P. amfamiliar .L.P.II am familiarw ithwhatlawyers with what lawyersof of similar similar expert ability ability iin the State ofTexas ntheState of Texasaare recharging chargingforsimilar servicesrendered for similarservices renderedinin connection with thedefense ofsimilar Ihave been connection with the defense of similar matters. I have been continuouslylicensed continuously licensedinthe in the StateofTexasince22001, State of Texas ssince 001,andIhave otbeen I havennot the subjectof beenthesubject any disciplinaryproceedings ofany proceedingsor grievances. Myresumeiisand grievances. My resume attached s attached ttoo thisAffidavit as Exhibit this Affidavit as 2, is Exhibit2, is incorporated incorporatedby or by reference if set out fully as if setout reference as fully hereinand includes additional and includes additionaldetail detailregarding regardingmymyknowledge, knowledge, education, background education, background and experience. and experience. 5. Inconnection 5. In connection with with my defense ofthiscase,DDefendant my defense of thiscase, efendant has has incurred,to todate, date,aattorney ttorney fees fees and costs inthe amount of$117,183.40 withregard t o defending against thechallenged and costs in the amount of $117,183.40 with regard to defending against the challenged causes ofaction whichwere causes of action whichw ereddismissed ismissed onNovember 10,2014and arerecoverable on November 10, 2014 andare recoverablepursuant pursuant to Texas R uleof CivilP rocedure 9la.7. Thechallenged causes o factioncomprised to Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 91a.7. The challenged causes of action comprised Plaintiffscomplete lawsuitagainst Defendantforthelifeofthelitigation untilPlaintiffs’ Plaintiffs complete lawsuit against Defendant for the life of the litigation until Plaintiffs' FourthAmended Petitionwhichappearstto ohaveadded claimforbreachof duty Fourth Amended Petition whichappears have addedaa claim for breach of fiduciary duty against Defendant. AsPlaintiffs failedononsuit thisnewallegation following the against Defendant. As Plaintiffs failed tto nonsuit thisnew allegation following the hearing on the9laMotion t o Dismiss, counsel recently inquired whether or not an additional on the 91a Motion to Dismiss, counsel recently inquired whether or not an additional 91a 9la Motion to Dismiss relatedto th_iscauseofaction Motion to Dismiss related to thiscause wouldbe necessary.Exhibit of action would benecessary. 3 tothis Exhibit 3to this Affidavit is is aatrue true and and correct correctcopy copy ofemail of email correspondence correspondence totoopposing opposing counsel counsel reflecting the whichw asmade aand ndkept intheregularcourseooffbusiness atthetimenotedon the inquiry bywhich was kept in the regularcourse business at the time notedon the same aperson wmade ithknowledge andisincorporated byreference if setoutfully the same by a person with knowledge and is incorporated by referenceas herein.InlightofPlaintiffs failureto timelyrespond,anadditional as if set out fully 9la Motionto Dismiss herein. In light ofFees willberequired. Plaintiffs relatedfailure to timelywillbesegregated respond, an additional 91a Motion to Dismiss will be required. Fees to the same will related to the same be segregated shouldiitt prove necessary. However, to thedate ofthisfee hasnotshould incurred prove any necessary. feesororcosts However, solely to thePlaintiffs’ related date of this feeallegation application, Defendant against has Silverado not incurred forbreach of any fees costs duty to solely related to Plaintiffs' new at new allegation against Silverado for breach of fiduciary duty at Unredacted records arebeingsimultaneously submitted totheCourtfor review Unredacted records are being simultaneously submitted to the Court for in camera review andinspection. and inspection. 4846-9716-7648.1 4846-9716-7648A Silverado Appx. 0279 No. 1-15-586-CV 3628 Paragraph 88oftheFourth 88 of the FourthA mended Amended therefore, segregationoffees Petition;therefore, of feesrelated tothis relatedto this cause o cause offaction action iis snot not necessary atthistime. necessary at this time. 6. 6. Such Such ffees eesinclude, include,but notlimited renot butaare to,the limitedto, the investigationinto madebby allegationsmade intoallegations y plaintiff, preparing pleadings pleadings andmotions and motionsiin ndefense defenseoof Defendant,discovery fDefendant, discoveryincluding includingddepositions, epositions, communication communicationwithwithclient and all clientand other counsel, hhearing all othercounsel, earingattendance attendanceaand nd necessary necessary investigation investigation work, work,preparationof thismotion preparationofthis motionaand ndthe legalresearch necessarylegal thenecessary researchrequired requiredfor for itscompletion. Theseactions its completion. These actionsw reasonableand erereasonable were necessaryfortherepresentation and necessary for the representationofof Silverado. Pleasesee Silverado. Please seetherecords the records aattached ttachedhhereto eretoas asExhibit andincorporated Exhibit11and incorporatedbyreference by reference as if as set outfully if setout fullyherein foraadetailed hereinfor detailedaaccounting ccounting of the servicesperformed, ofthe whoperformed performed,who performed them, atwhat them, at whathhourly ourly ate,w rrate, hentthey when werepperformed, heywere erformed,and howmuch andhow timethework muchtime the workrequired required to complete. to complete. 0 7. The 7. requestedfor amountrequested The amount forall andreasonable costsand allcosts reasonableand necessaryfees andnecessary feesincurred incurredwith withrespect respect to thechallenged to causesofaction the challenged causes of action reflectsthenumber the numberofhours pent(330.6 of hourssspent (330.6hhours oursooffpartner partner 0 time; time; 3343.1 43.1 hours hours ofassociate of associate ttime imeand23.6hours and 23.6 hours oflawclerk of law clerktime) tthe time)aat amountcharged theamount charged by by anan hour ateof$190 hour rrate hourffor perhour of $190per orpartners, partners, $175per hourforassociates perhour and$65 for associatesand perhour $65per hour forLaw for Law Clerks.2 In my opinion, In my all of thetime opinion, allofthe spentand timespent incurred expenses incurredwere andexpenses reasonable were reasonable and and necessary. necessary. 8. Plaintiffs 8. Plaintiffs chose chosetto pursueaafederal opursue lawsuit infurtherance ofthependingstatecourt federal lawsuit in furtherance of the pendingstate courtm atter forcing Defendant forcing Defendantto incur reasonable andnecessaryfees to incur reasonable andnecessary defending againstthe challenged matter fees defending against the challenged causes of Plaintiffs attempt causes of action.3 Plaintiffs attempt to to recover theirfederal fees aspart recover their federal feesas ofthe statecourt part of thestate court proceeding, butin an abundance ofcaution andfortheconvenience oftheCourt, Defendant proceeding, but in an abundance of caution and for the convenience of the Court, Defendant segregatesandidentifiesthatof the amounts identifiedaboveit segregates and identifies that of the amounts has incurred, date, above it has incurred,toto date, attorneyfeesinthe amount of withregardtodefending of $18,830.00 with regardto attorney fees in the amount againstthefederal defending against the federal lawsuitfiledcontemporaneously withthis state courtpproceeding. lawsuit filed contemporaneously with thisstatecourt 9. lfPlaintiffs 9. If Plaintiffs it necessaryto find itnecessary file MotiontoReconsider to fileaa Motionto and/orRescind, itis myopinion Reconsider and/or Rescind, it ismy opinion that $2,500.00 would bethereasonable and necessary that $2,500.00 would be the reasonable and necessary feesforhandling theresponsive fees for handling the responsive andhearing r elated briefing and hearing related o the tto thesame. lf thematter i sappealed, it is same. If the matter is appealed, it ismy opinionthat my opinion that $10,000.00 would bethe reasonable and necessary feesforhandlingtheappellee’s case in $10,000.00 would be the reasonable and necessary fees for handling the appellee's forReview case within the courtofappeals, $7,500.00 ifplaintiff WritofError rPetition plaintiff filesaa Writ of Erroroor the court of appeals, $7,500.00 if $7,500.00 Petition for Review with theSupreme CourtofTexas,and iftheWrit o fError the Supreme Court of Texas, and $7,500.00 if the Writ of Erroroor Petition f orReview is r Petition for Review is Granted bytheSupreme CourtofTexas. Granted by the Supreme Court of Texas. 2 Acontractual rateincrease went intoeffectonSeptember 1,2014forthisclient.Alower A contractual hourforrate increase went into effect on September 1, 2014 for of$65 rateor $175 p er rate or $175 perpreviously hour for partners, $160per hour forassociates $160 per hour fortheitemized andthe associates and sameratethis client. A lower perhour for the same rate of $65 per hour for lawclerks w as charged as on invoices. law clerks was previously charged as reflected on the itemized invoices. SeeSupplement to Application forPayment ofAttomey’s FeesandExpenses, Expert 3 See Supplement to Application for Payment of Attorney's Fees and Expenses, Expert witness FeesandExpenses andCostsofCourt, on withtheCourtand byreference witness Feesherein, if setout and Expenses and Costs of paragraph Court, and on file with Candice the Court Schwager’s and incorporated itemized invoices by reference wherein she as as if set out herein, at at paragraph one one and at at Candice Schwager's itemized invoices wherein she attempts the to have estate ofRuby Peterson reimburse attorneys feesforthefederal lawsuit 4846-9716-76 attempts to following have thewith settlement estate of p other Ruby Peterson reimburse attorneys fees for the federal lawsuit arties. following settlement with other parties. _ 4845-9716-7648.1 Silverado Appx. 0280 No. 1-15-586-CV 3629 10. 10. Additionally,it it isanticipated is anticipatedthatsuch requestwillrequire that suchrequest will requireaamendment mendment totoinclude includeccosts osts related related tto o theneed the need for attend tthe for counsel to attend hehearing hearingrrelated this fee application,the elatedtotothisfeeapplication, the additional time additional time required required inpreparation, in preparation,and argumentin andargument supportofthis insupport of thisapplication. application.Further, Further, itit is that additional, feeswillbeincurred anticipated that is anticipated of Plaintiffs'anticipated in receiptofPlaintiffs’ will be incurredinreceipt anticipated Response and Response the preparationof and thepreparation ofaaReply Replyaass necessary. The above stated 11.Theabove ll. are in stated fees are in my opinionrreasonable my opinion easonable and necessaryin and inrelation tothe relationto the customary feescharged customary fees charged ffor orthe same or the same similar sservices or similar ervices in Harris County,Texas, inHarris Texas, considering the experience, reputation, theexperience, of myself aand and ability ofmyself reputation, andability ndthe atLewis attorneysat theattorneys LewisBBrisbois risboisBisgaard Bisgaard & Smith,L.L.P.whohaveworked & Smith, L.L.P. who have worked on on this case, the this case, controversyiinvolved, the controversy nvolved,the thetime time limitationsiimposed, limitations the results obtained,andthe mposed,theresultsobtained, natureandlengthof and thenature and length oftherelationship the relationship between Lewis Brisbois between Lewis BrisboisB isgaard& Bisgaard &Smith, .L.P.aand Smith,LL.L.P. ndSilverado eniorLLiving, SilveradoSSenior iving,Inc.d/b/a Inc. d/b/a 0 Silverado S enior L iving Sugar L and." Silverado Senior Living Sugar Land." Oki FURTHER FURTHER AFFIANT AFFIANT SSAYETH AYETHNOT. NOT. 0 ·· OSH OSHK. K. 1AVIS, AVIS,Affiant Affiant SWORN TO and SUBSCRIBEDbefore SWORN TOandSUBSCRIBED meby beforeme by .)0SY.) K bek\jcs , Affiant, on the 1st dayofDecember, day of December, 2014. 2014. 1•10.6 _ - a _ NotaryPublic,State exas Notary Public, State of exas • . DENEISHA N.FISCHER Notary Pulasc, Slate of Texas 2017 AUgal :r, 4846-9716-7648.1 Silverado Appx. 0281 No. 1-15-586-CV 3630 . SSLOOOOO1 SSL000001 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD& & SMITHLLP up LAWYERS LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE (213) TELEPHONE (213) 250..1800 FEDERAL I.D, NO XX-XXXXXXX ' tn . '~ _ September September30, 2014 30, 2014 • CNASpecialty CNA invoiceNo. 1391812 P.O.SpeiliClaims P.O. Box l Chicago. 60680-8317 Chicago, 'note 60680-8317 Invoice No, 1391812 ` Attn: Attn: - Claim ClaimConsultant 0 Consuitant - N 0 _ _— OurFi|e No.;50013-1476 Re; Silverado Rel Peterson vvSilverado Our File No.. Senior Senior Living 50013-1476 129T Court CourtCase 129T - Court Case No_. 2014-40980 Your Your No.: No.: No. _1111111.11111110 2014-40980 Current Feesthrough08/31/14 through 08/31/14 47,427.50 47,427.50 Current Current Disbursementsthrough through08/31/14 08/31/14 106.17 106.17 TotalCurrent Current Charges 47,533.67 ***Please Pleasereturnthis yourpayment. return this page withyour payment.*** - *Life *Life To ToDate DateF eesBilled: 47,427.50 *Life Total Billed: Fees ToDateDisb. 47,533.67 Billed: _ *Life To Date Disb.B . illed: Billed: *Lite to Date Total Billed: 47,427.50 106.17 106.17 47,533.67 _ WlLL APPEAR ALATER ON WHICH BEEN DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0282 No. 1-15-586-CV 3631 SSLO0O0O2 SSL000002 BISGAARD LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD LLP & SMITH up LAWYERS LAWYERS · 221 NORTHSUITE 1200 1200 221NORTH FIGUEROA FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 96012 LOS TELEPHONE TELEPHONE (213) 250-1500 FEDERAL NO FEDERAL I.D. NO XX-XXXXXXX _ September September 30,2014 30, 2014 ' CNASpecial Claims CNA No. 1391812 Invoice No. 1391812 P.O.B P.O. Bo0 - 60680-8317 inois60680-8317 Chicago, inois _ _ Attn: 4.1111111111111111118 Attn: ClaimConsultant Claim Consultant Re:Peterson Re: Peterson Silverado vvSilverado SeniorLiving Senior Living _ OurFileN0.: Our File No.: 50013-1476 50013-1476 . Court Court 129T 129T CourtCase Court CaseNo. No. 2014-40980 2014-40980 No.; Your Your No.: . Current Fees 08/31/14 through08/31/14 Fees through 47,427.50 47,427.50 . - Current Current Disbursements Disbursements through through 08/31/14 08/31/14 106.17 106.17 TotalCurrentCharges Total Current Charges 47,533.67 *Life 'Life To DateFees ToDate FeesBilled: Billed: 47,427.50 47,427.50 T0Date 'Life To Date Dist). Billed: Disb.Billed: 106.17 106.17 DateTotal to Date *Life to TotalBilled: 47,533.67 47,533.67 DISBURSEMENTS MADE BEEN HAVEYET REcEivE¤, DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, APPEARLATER STATEMENT WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0283 No. 1-15-586-CV 3632 SSL000003 SSL000003 I3RISBOIS BISGAARD & LEWISBRISBOIS LEWIS SMITHLLp & SMITH LAWYERS LAWYERS 221 1200 SUITE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET ANGELES, LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90012 (213) TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 FEDERAL 1.0. NO ' XX-XXXXXXX File File 50013.1475 CNA 50013-1476 CNA _ Specialty Claims Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 rt Number Number Peterson v S1verado Silvered° Senior _ SeniorLiving Living 1391812 1391812 JKID1 _- t-t _ : Life-to-Date Life-to-Date - ri. 0 Period: Life Date to Activity Activity Period: Life to Date DevelomentAdministratn CurrentB Current ill Bill Bllled Billed N L110 L110 . Case Ll . Case Assessment,DevelopmentAdministratn FactInvestigation/Development: Fact Investigation/Development: 30,766.00 30,766.00 30,766.00 N L120 Analysis/Strategy: L120 Analysis/Strategy: 13,688.50 13,688.50 13,688.50 13,688.50 0 35.00 35.00_ L130 Experts/Consultants: L130 35.00 35.00 N _ 44,489.50 44,489.50 r• Subtbtal 44,489.50 44,489.50 _ . Pre-Trial and Pleadings L2 . Pre-Trial Pleadings and Motions L210 Pleadings: L210 _ 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 Written &Submiss.: Motions 2,343.00 2,343.00 _L250Other L250 Other Written Motions & Submiss.: 2,343.00 2,343.00 . Subtotal 2,413.00 2,413.00 2,413.00 Subtotal 2,413.00 L3. Discovery · . 35.00 — L330 L330 Depositions: Depositions: 35.00 35.00 L360 OnSiteinspections L360 On Site Inspections 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 · Subtotal Subtotal 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 . Trial L4 . Trial andTrial Preparation and Trial L450Trial L450 Hearing Trial & Hearing Attendance: 455.00 455.00 455.00 455.00 - . Subtotal Subtotal _ 455.00 455.00 455.00 466.00 TotalFees Total Fees 47,427.50 47,427.50 47,427.50 47,427.50 _ Disbursements Disbursements E101Copying E101 Copying .77 .77 .77 .77 E112Court Fees E112 Court Fees 5.40 -100.00 5.40 5.40 5.40 E115Deposition E115 Deposition Transcripts 100.00 100.00 100.00 Total Disbursements Total Disbursements 106.17 106.17 106.17 106.17 TotalCurrentCharges Total Current Charges 47,533.67 47,533.67 47,533.67 47,533.67 . MADE ACCOUNT, A DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH SILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0284 No. 1-15-586-CV 3633 SSLOOOOO4 SSL000004 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLT, LAWYERS LAWYERS 1200 SUITE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 (213) . TELEPHONE (213) 250-1600 _ _ 1.0. FEDERAL W. NO 9S-3720022 · tT Frle File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA SpecialtyClaims Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number Number Peterson PetersonvvSrverado Silverado Senior Living 1391812 , 1391812 I= JKD1 JKD1 · . Page Page 11 Date Date Atty Description of of Services Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount 7/18/14 JMS 7/18/14 JMS Fact Fact lnvestigation/Development: Investigation/Development: Research: Res I . Fact _ 1.2 1.2 192.00 192.00 7/1 JMS 7/18/14 JMS Factlnvestigation/Development:Review/Analyz Investigation/Development: RevIew/Analyz N 7/18/14 .EJ actlnvestl . 2.3 2.3 368.00 7/18/14 K KEJ act Investiation/Development: ation/Devalopment: Review/Analyz1101.4..11111MIIIIIINIO /14 7/21/14 JKD act iInvestigatIon/Develo act nvestigation/Develome me view/Analyz .0 .8 140.00 140.00 iew/Analyz 7/21/14 JMS Fact lnvestigation/Development: _drafting .6 105.00 105.00 7/21/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development; Draft/Revise: Continued drafting original answer, application for application for temporary restraining restraining order orderaand ndtemporary temporary injunctionsandorder and orderoon n same. same. 7/21/14JMS Fact 3.9 3.9 624.00 624.00 7/21/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(With ` an edmultiple ed multiple correspondences with clients regarding 7/21/14JMS Factlnvestigetion/Development:Review/Analyz -. .. 1.0 1.0 160.00 160.00 7/21/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyz 7/21/14 JM-S _ Investigation/Development: 7/21/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: . Communicate(Other Communicate(Other Outside OutsideCCounsel): ounsel): Telhone Tel hone 1.6 256.00 1.6 256.00 callwith counselfor patient's P call with counsel for co-defendants, patient's OArelatives. POA relatives, regarding .3.3 48.00 48.00 7/23/14JKD Investigation/Development: Client): 7/23/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(VVith Client): Telephoneconference conference Prepare for telephone conference ' telephone conferenceby JMSIMO Fact by Investigation/Development: Communicate(\Nith Client): Telephone conference .0 .8 140.00 140.00 7/23/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: CommunIcate(With Client): Telephone conference with_ ardin JMSact .4.4 64.00 64.00 - Original Answer 7/23/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Drafted Defendants' Original Answer andRequest forDisclosure in responsetoto PlaintiffsOriginal and Request for Disclosure inresponse 1.4- OriginalPetition. 224.00 JMSFact lnvestigation/Development: drafting Defendants' Response 1.4 Petition. 224.00 to Emergency Application for Order. Restrainin 7/23/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Began drafting Defendants' Response JMSFact to Plaintiffs' Emergency Application for Temporary Restraining Order. 7/23/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Researc 1.9 304.00 7/24/14JKD _ FactInvestigation/Develo ' /Anal . 3.3 528.00 528.00 7/24/14 JKD Fact Investigationtevelo · JKDFact _ .Communicate(Other lnvestigation/Development: 210.00 7/24/14 JKD Fact Extemal): Conduct Investigation/Development: lengthy Communicate(Other External): Conduct lengthy 1.2 210.00 telephone withSarahPacheco, forfamily, telephone conference with Sarah Pacheco, counsel for family, regarding... |Attend WillitAttend hearing onMotion to hearing on Motion to . Transferfor . and statement tothecourt. 3.6 630.00 Transfer for observation and unoffidal 7/24/14JMS Factlnvestigation/Development: position AppearFor/Attend:statement to Appearedthe court. forandmonitored 3.6 630.00 7/24/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Appear For/Attend: Appeared for and monitored DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0285 No. 1-15-586-CV 3634 SSL000005 SSL000005 . BRISBOIS LEWIS B RISBOIS BISGAARD SMITH. BISGAARD & SMITH LLP · LAWYERS LAWYERS SUITE 1200 _ NORTH 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET · LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 50017 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 FEDERAL NO FEDERAL I.D. NO 959720522 _ . File File 50013-1476 _CNA Claims CNA Specialty Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 _ Number Number Peterson vv Silvered° Senior Peterson SeniorLiving Living 1391_812 1391812 JKD1 Page Page 2 2 Date Date Atty of Rendered Description of Services Rendered Hours Amount Hours Amount hearingon hearing co~defendants‘ onco-defendants' motion motion Iotransfer to toguardianship caseto transfer case proceeding guardianship proceeding in in probate court. . 2.5 400.00 7/24/14 JMS FactlnvestigationlDevelopment: JMSFact Rev' Investigation/Development: Rev' . as _ 2.6 2.6 415.00 416.00 0 7/25/14JKD 7/25/14 Factlnvesti JKD Fact Invest atioNDevelo ment: ment:Review/Analyz Review/Analyz Prepare emails, responsive pleadings, Prepare responsive emalls, pleadings, - co esponen an ue col esp n e an u e 11 11agreements.Appear agreements. forand Appear for arid attend numerous numerous telephone telephone conferences conferences regarding andhandling sameand regarding same handling of of reporting. ‘ 10.0 10.0 1,750.00 1,750.00 7/25/14JMS 7/25/14 FactInvestigation/Development: JMS Fact Investigation/Development:Reviewlal Review/ al . _ 2.6 416.00 7/25/14JMS 7/25/14 JMS Review/Analyz| Factlnveslg o /Development: ` .3 .3 48.00 48.00 7/25/14 JMSFactFactinvestigation/Development: 7/25/14JMS proposed Investigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Drafted proposed Rule Rule 1111Agreement to Agreement to Plaintiffs andrem 7/25/14 Plaintiffs counsel counsel regarding regarding access 7/25/14 JMS Fact n ti ation/Development Researc topro accessto prope and remo lof loitive of e loltive content. content. 1,1 1.1 1.2 1.2 176.00 192.00 192.00 7/25/14JMS 7/25/14 FactInvestigation/Development: JMS Fact lnvestigation/Development: Revised Draft/Revise: Revised Original Defendants' Original Answer Answer in in _ lightofofPlalntiffs' light Amended Plaintiffs' Amended Pleading. Pleading. .5 .5 -80.00 80.00 7/26/14 JMS Fact 7/26/14JMS FactInvestigation/Development: Investigatlon/Development: Review/Analyze: Review/Analyze: Reviewed Reviewed andrevised and Defendant's revised Defendant's Original Original Answer Answer to toinclude pleadto thejurisdiction include plead the jurisdiction forlackofstanding. for lack of standing. 1.2 1.2 192.00 192.00 7/27/14JKD 7/27/14 FactInvestigation/Development: JKD Fact Investlgation/Development: Review/Anal Review/Anal e Multiple telephone conferences conferences with with facility personnel facility personnel regardin regardin mil Prepare4 3.2 3.2 560.00 JKD 7/28/14 JKD Factlnvestigati0nIDeveIopment: Fact Investigation/Development: Plan&Prepare Plan For:Prepare for & Prepare For: _ Hearing forandattend and attend Hearing on injunction onPlaintiffs Injunction meeting hearing, meeting withwitnesses, with witnesses,counsel counsel daysconclusion. upondays upon conclusion. ‘ Preparation Preparation forsecond for . 12.6 12.6 2,205.00 2,205.00 JMSFactFactlnvesti 7/28/14 JMS ation/Develoent:Communicate(\Nith Investigation/Development: Client): Communicate(With Client): . Conference Conference callwith call withclients clients .5 .5 80;0O 80.00 7/28/14JMS 7/28/14 JMS|. actInvestigation/Develo Communicaie(With ment:Communicate(With Client): Client): Conference Confe'rence callw call clients ithclients with .3 .3 48.00 48.00 7/28/14JMS 7/28/14 FactInvestigation/Develo JMS Fact investlgatIonfDevelo ent:Review/Analyz _ 1.4 224.00 7/28/14JMS 7/28/14 actlnvestigation/Development: JMS ad Investigation/Development: PlanPlan&Prepare & Prepare For:Prepared For: forand-attended Preparerffor arid attended hearingon hearing Application onPlaintiffs' Application forTemporary for Restraining Temporary Restraining Orderand Order andTemporary Temporary lnjunctions injunctions wherein wherein partiesattempted parties attempted to andcase tosettle and setforhearing caseset for hearing ttomorrow. omorrow. 7.5 7.5 1,200.00 7/29/14JKD FactInvestigation/Development: Appear For/Attend: 7/29/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Appear For/Attend: Appear Appear forandattend for and attend Plaintiffs . injunction Injunction hearing, hearing, meeting clie¤| ponconclusion meetinguupon ' counsel forforco-defendant. conclusionw`hcounsel Telephone co-defendant. Telephone conference conference with with clien . 12.4 12.4 2,170.00 2,170.00 _ 7/29/14JMS FactFactInvestigationIDevelopment: 7/29/14 InvestigatioNDevelopment: Appear Appear For/Attend: For/Attend: Prepared Prepared forandattended for and attended hearingoonn Plaintiffs' application hearing application fortemporary for restraining temporary restraining orderand order andrequest request ffor or temporary temporary injunctions. 8.5 8.5 1,360.00 7/29/14JMS 7/29/14 Factlnvestigation/Development; JMS Fact Review/Analyz| Investigation/Development: Review/AnalyzetraallaMMININ/ _ FORYOUR ACCOUNT, FOR DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR FORWHICH BILLS HAVE NOT NOTYET YETBEEN BEENRECEIVED, RECENED, vini.L. WILL A PPEAR APPEAR O ONNALATER STATEMENT A LATER STATEMENT _ Silverado Appx. 0286 No. 1-15-586-CV 3635 SSLO00006 SSL000006 _ LEWIS BRISBOIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH i_Lp LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET . LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1000 FEDERAL NO FEDERAL LD. NO 95.3720522 l l - File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA Specialty Claims . 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number Number Peterson v Srverado Silvered()S eniorLiving Senior Living 1391812 1391812 Att Descri JKD1 Date JKD1 Date Atty tion of Hours Amount Description of Services Rendered _ Hours Page Page 33 Amount 1111111111111PPmll.1"ml""."m'm".mu., 0 7/30/14 Fact Meeting _ lnvestigatlon/Development: . Communlcate(Wlth _ 2.2 7/30/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(With Client): Meeting withal. for forand Appear for and attend 2.2 352.00 . Plaintiffsln`unction our courtandcounsel Injunction hearing, meetingour and counsel regarding 0 lnvestigation/Development: Fact Appear for hearing and_ 14.2 2,485.00 7/30/14 JMS Fact Investigation/Development: Appear For/Attend: Prepared for and attended Plaintiffs'Application on Plalntlffs' hearing on for Temporary RestrainingOrder ApplicationforTemporary and requestfor Orderandrequest for 14.2 2,485.00 Temporary Temporary lnjunction.10.2 Injunction. 10.2 1,632.00 1,632.00 7/30/14JWB Factlnvestigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Draft r eportc oncernin 7/30/14 JWB Fact Investigation/ Development: Draft/Revise: Draft/Revise: Draft report concemin . 3.6 3.6 576.00 576.00 7/30/14 LCCFact 7/30/14 LCC Investigation/Development: Research: Factlnvestlgation/Development: Research: Research .5.5 32.50 ` 7/31/14 7/31/14 |. JGB Factlnvestigation/Development: External): JGB ilallallillare:111.11.11111111111.111.1.11111111.11111 FactInvestigation/Development: Review/Analyze: 7/31/14 JGB Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receive Communications 1.111. 1111.1 Receive aand ndreview with 7/31/14 JGB Fact Investlgation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Communications with .6 105.00 32.50 105.00 . /14Fact 7/31 correspondence correspondence fro| from Conference ment: Client call review 7/31/14 JGB Fact Investigatton/Develo meet: Communicate(With Client : Conference call waren. .11 17.50 17.50 JGB 7/31/14 JGB investigation/Development: · 1.0 175.00 Review/Anal Receiveandbeginanalyzing gip ze: Receive and begin analyzing act Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: 7/31/14 JKD FactInvesti Fact Inves tion/Development:Communlcaie(With Client on/Development: Communicate(With Clien .3 1.0 52.50 175.00 7/31/14 JKD ` 3.2 580.00 3.2 560.00 8/01/14JGB tel.from ondence and corres Factlnvestigation/Development: Review/Analyze:Receiveandanalyzemultiple 8/01/14 JGB Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receive and analyze multiple correspondence and tel. calls from =2.5 _ conference Telephone 2.5 437.50 8/01/14 JKD Communicate(With lnvestiation/Development: Client): regardinQ| 8/01/14 JKD Fact Invest' ation/Development: Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference ' . regarding 8/01/14 wit 8/01/14 JKD Fact ` JKD· Factlnvestigation/Development: Investigation/Development: Client): Communlcate(Wlth Telephone Client): Telephone conference Communicate(With .4 70.00 . conference 8/O1/14 JKD 8/01/14 JKD wi b| ment:Plan&PrepareFor:Preparefortelephone actInvestigation/Develo act Investigation/Development: Plan & Prepare For: Prepare for telephone conference w bt .8 .4 140.00 70.00 8/01/14 JKD for eview/Analyze: R .4 70.00 8/01/14 LCC Fact Inves and /14 Fact ment: Researched fort ation/Develo•ment: Review/Ana Researched and revie .5.5 87.50 87.50 DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0287 No. 1-15-586-CV 3636 SSL000007 SSL000007 LEWISBRISBOIS LEWIS BRISBOISBISGAARD & & SMITH LLP LAWYERS SUITE 1200 LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 ANGELES, STREET 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 _ FEDERAL TELEPHONE (213)250-1800 FEDERAL I.D. NO XX-XXXXXXX Vi . File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNASpecialty Claims CNA 9/30/14 9130/14 Number Number SiveradoSenior Peterson vvSilverado Living Senior Living 1391812 1391812 JJKD1 Page 4 Date Date Atty ofServices Rendered Description of Services Rendered - Hours Hours _ Amount Amount JKD 8102/14 0mmunicate(With JKD Analysis/Strategy:,ell Client 3.5 227.50 227.50 - and . review 1.4 1.4 245.00 245.00 - B/03/14 JKDAnalysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt, emails numerous 8/03/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt, review and exchange numerous emails 0 with Candice Schwa er,Kathleen Beduze and with Candice Schwager, Kathleen Beduze and ardin ardin . 1.5 1.5 262.50 262.50 8/04/14JGB 8/04/14 JGB FactFactinvestigation/Development:Communicate(Wlth Investigation/Development: Communicate(With Client): Client): extensive Attend extensive 8/04/14JGB conference call withillim.1111111.1411 re: 1.2 1.2 210.00 210.00 8/04/14 Factlnvestigation/Development: JGB Fact Investigation/Development:Review/Analyze:Coninued Review/Analyze: review Continued oi- afl...* review - 1.8 1.8 315.00 315.00 8/04/14 JGBFact lrivestigation/Development: &Prepare For: Tel. 8/04/14 JGB Fact Investigation/Development: Plan & Prepare For: Tel. conferences with UMW ‘ 4111111.111111.1111111111111116 re: IMINININIIIMINIMS. · _ .5 5 87.50 87.50 JGB Factlnvesti 8/04/14 ation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receive and 8/04/14 JGB Fact Investi ation/Development Review/Analyze: Receive and analyzeill111111111.111111. _ · .3 52.50 52.50 8/04/14JGB 8/04/14 Factinvestigation/Development: JGB Fact Review/Analyze: Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Workon.IRIWINIMIO Work 1.9 332.50 332.50 8/04/14JKD Fact lnvestigation/Development:Communicate(Other External):Telephone conference 8/04/14 JKD Fact with Kathleen Beduze regardin.4 Investigation/Development: with Kathleen Beduze regardin Communicate(Other External): Telephone conference 8/04/14 4 70.00 70.00 JKD actlnvestigationlDevelopment: Communicate(Other Telephone Extemal): conference 8/04/14 JKD act Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Telephone conference _ with din _ 8/04/14JKD Factlnvestigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Exchange multiple 8/04/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Exchange multiple .3 52.50 52.50 emails with for counsel POA-·regarding| emails with counsel for POA regarding 8/O4/14 11111=111•1111111111111mmil JKDFact lnvestigation/Development: .6 .8 105.00 105.00 Communicate(Other Exchange multiple 8104/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Exchange multiple emailswithPhilRoss, emails KathleenBeduze with Phil Ross, Kathleen GAL, Beduze GAL, AALregardin AAL regardin . JKD 8/04/14 JKDFactFactInvestigation/Development: .6 105.00 105.00 8/04/14 Investigation/Development: Communicate(\Nith Communicate(With Client:Telephone Client): Telephoneconference with regarding lnvestigation/Development: 52.50 52.50 8/04/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Research: Research 8/04/14JKD 4 70.00 70.00 8/04/14 JKD FactFactlnvestigationlDeveIopment:Review/Analyze: Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: andreview Receipt and ofadditional review of additional emails fromCandice emails from Candice S chwager Schwager discussing discussing request request additional experts foradditional for experts tto o examine examine RubyPeterson. . Ruby Peterson. .4 .4 70.00 70.00 JKDFact 8/04/14 wit| Ccmmu ment: 'cateithClient :T 8/04/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Develo ment Commu 'cate ith Client : T ference ference wit 8/04/14 JKDFact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Recei tendreview ofadditional 8/04/14 JKD Fact Investlgation/Development Review/Analyze: Recei t and review of additional .2 .2 35.00 8/04/14 Fact IIMININ regarding Investigation/Development; . 52.50 52.50 Review/Analyze: Receipt andreview ofemails from 8/04/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of emails from Kathleen Kathleen Beduze Beduze a ndCandice and Schwager Candice Schwager regarding regarding Motion Motion toCompel to andMotion Compel and Motion for Sanctions. Sanctions. .2 .2 35.00 35.00 JKDFactFactlnvesti 8/04/14 JKD ation/Development: In esti ation/Development Communicate(With Communicate(With Client): Client): Telephone Telephone conference1 conference r arding • MADEAPPEARSTATEMENT LATER DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT . PM, Silverado Appx. 0288 No. 1-15-586-CV 3637 ` 1200 SSL000008 LEWIS BRISBOISB ISGAARD& SMITHLLP BISGAARD LLP LAWYERS LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET · LOSANGELES, - LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 FEDERAL NO95-3720522 I I.D.NO FEDERAL XX-XXXXXXX N File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA SpecialtyClaims CNA Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number Silvered°Senior PetersonvvSiverado SeniorLiving 1391812 JKD1 Number JICD1 _Page Living Page 1391812 55 Date A — Date Atty Descri tionooffServices Description Services Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount NNW 1.3 1.3 227.50 227.50 8/04/14 LCCFact 8/04/14 LCC Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Review Review b .587.5 N 227.50 _ 3.5 227.50 N 8/05/14 FactInvestigation/Develo 8/05/14 JGB Fact ment: Investigation/Develo andrevi and review ment: Review/Analyzle: Receive ` . - 3.5 612.50 612.50 8/05/14 JKD act 8/05/14JKD ith Client):Exchange act Investigation/Development: Communicate With Exchange numerous emails email egarding .1111.1111111110111. .5 87.50 8/05/14 FactInvestigation/Development: 8/05/14 JKD Fact Review/Analyze: investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receipt andreview and review . .5 .5 87.50 87.50 8/05/14JKD Factlnvestigation/Development: 8)05/14 JKD Fact Review/Analyze: eoeitt and investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: i andrreview allirli...111111111111111611 analyze .7.7 122,50 8/05/14 JKDFact Investigation/Development: 8/05/14 JKD Co lnvestigation/Development: unicate(WithClient): Co unicate(With Client): Telephone conference with regarding .56 105.00 105.00 8/05/14 JKDFact 8/05/14 JKD Factnvestigation/Develo ment: nvestigatIon/Develo ment: Communicate(Other Communicate(Other External):Exchange External): Exchangenumerous numerous emailsregardin~_ emails regardin 1.2 1.2 210.00 210.00 8/05/14 JKD actinvestigation! opment:lan repareFFor: eve opmen : Ian repare act Investigation/eve or:Prepare 8/05/14 JKD Prepare ernaileulainellnille AO .4 70.00 70.00 8/05/14JKD FactI nvestigation/Development:Review/Analyze:Receipt andreview of act Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of wathig/1111 8/05/14 JKD Illi gorM1116 11.11111 411111.11".111111.1 1111111111111 11111.11 2.4 2.4 420.00 420,00 8/05/14 11010111.0 Fact Communicate(Other 8/05/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Multiple.telephone ofissuesrelatedto conferenceswithcounselforPOAanddiscussions conferences with counsel for POA and discussions of issues related to mi. .4.4 70.00 70.00 8/05/14 JKD Factlnvestlgation/Development: Review/Analyze:Receiptandreviewofmultiple 8/05/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development; Review/Analyze: Receipt and makingthreatsbfactions and review of multiple nonsensical emailsfromCandiceSchwager emails from Candice Schwager making threats bfissues. actions and discussing nonsensical claimsforrelief andassociated claims for relief and associated case andhearing case and hearing issues. .6 105.00 8/05/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Develo e 1.2 1.2 210.00 210.00 8/05/14 FactInvestigation/Development: C0mmunicate(WithClient): Telephoneconference 8105/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference . withim11011111 regardi .3 52.50 52.50 8/05/14 FactInvestigation/Development: Review/Analyze:Beganreview o 8/05/14 LCC Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Began review o . 1.2 1.2 78.00 78.00 8/06/14 BP act Investigation/Development: ReviewlAna · .5 80.00 8/06/14 . 111111.11, JGB Factlnvestigation/Development: Receive Review/Analyze: and 5 80.00 8/06/14 JGB Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receive and analyzealle11111111 FORWHICH ACCOUNT, FORYOUR MADE BILLS NOT HAVE RECEIVED, YETBEEN DISBURSEMENTS MADE FORWILL LATER YOUR ACCOUNT,AFOR STATEMENT WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, . WILL APPEARON ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0289 No. 1-15-586-CV 3638 . SSL000009 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITHLLP LU' & LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 FIGUEROA 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOSA LOS NGELES, ANGELES, CALIFORNIA90012 90012 (213 ) 250-1800 TELEPHONE(213) · FEDERALl.D. FEDERAL NO I.D. NO XX-XXXXXXX File File 50013-1476CNA 50013-1476 CNA Specialty Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number PetersonvvSlveradoSenior Silvered° Senior Living 1391812 1391812 JKD1Page JKD1 Page 66 Date Att Date Atty Descri tionof Services Rendered Description Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount _ . Communicate(With 8/06/14JKD FactInvestigation/Development: Client); _ 1.5 1.5 252.50 262.50 8/06/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(With Client): Exchange emailswith with - 0 regardin .4 70.00 70.00 8/06114JKDFact 8/06/14 lnvestigation/Development: Communicate(Wlth JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Client): Communicate(With emails Client): Exchange emails with _ N regardin regarding\ A1111111/1111M11111. _. _ .3 52.50 52.50 8/06/14JKD FactInvestigation/Development: 8/06/14 JKD Fact Plan&Prepare Investigation/Development: Plan & Prepare For: _ preparation For:Begin- Begin preparationoo . 8/06/14 LCCFact ReviewIAnalyze: 7.2 7.2 1,260.00 8/06/14 LCC Fact InvestigatIonlDeveIopment: Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Completed review reviewof of documents regardin 8/07/14JKD actInvestigatlon/Development: 1.1 1.1 71.50 71.50 8/07/14 JKD act Investigation/Development: Review/Analyz 8/07/14 actlnvestigation/Development; Communicate(Other Extemal):Telephoneconference 2.8 2.8 490.00 8/07/14 JKD, act Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Telephone conference with re arding 8/07/14JKD Communicate(With Investigation/Development: Client):Exchange .1.1 17.50 17.50 8/07/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(With Client): Exchange numerous email email ' 8/08/14JKD Factlnvestigation/Development:Communlcate(Other Receiptand 1.1 192.50 8/08/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other External): Receipt and review .Carol Manley's ResponsetoMotion toCompelandfor Carol Manley's Response to Motion to Compel and for Sanctions. .4.4 70.00 8/08/14 JKD FactInvestigation/Development: CommunIcate(With Client): Telephoneconference 70.00 8/08/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Beduzeregardin|Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference 8/08/14 aka Beduze regarding Factlnvestiation/Development: regardin - 8/08/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyz e - .2 .2 35.00 35.00 regardin .8 8 140.00 8/08/14JKD FactInvestigation/Development: Plan&PrepareFor:Pre a 140.00 8/08/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Plan & Prepare For: Pre . etIngell.110 . .66 105.00 105.00 8/08/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Attendmeetin - 8/08/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Appear For/Attend: Attend m tin _ 8/08/14 JKD WrittenMotions Plan&Pre are For:Preparefo5 1.3 227.50 8/08/14 JKD that Written Motions &Submiss.: Plan & Prepare For: Prepare fo 8/08/14 JKD Trial&Hearing Attendance: AppearFor/Attend: AppearforandattendHearing oon n 5 87,50 8/08/14 JKD Trial & Hearing Attendance: Motion to Compel Appear For/Attend: andMotion for Appearpresented for and attend Hearing arguments tocourt in Plaintiff's support o Motion to fpositions Compel and Motion andcollaborated for Sanctions, restrictions presented forvisitation arguments to court in andexamination. 2.6 455.00 support of positions and collaborated on on restrictions 8/08/14JMS Analysis/Strategy: Appear ForlAttend: Meeting withAfor visitation and examination. 2.6 455.00 8/08/14 JMS Analysis/Strategy: Appear For/Attend: Meeting with 111111.11.1.1111.....11. MADE YOUR FORWHICH HAVENOTYETBEENRECEIVED, APPEAR WILL ON A DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0290 No. 1-15-586-CV 3639 SSl.OO0O10 SSL000010 & FEDERA NO LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH ur LAWYERS SUITE 1200 NORTH 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90012 · TELEPHONE 250-1800 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 FEDERAL IM. NC) XX-XXXXXXX _ . _ tr) File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA Specialty Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number verado SeniorLiving Petersonvv Silverado Living 1391812 1391812 JKD1 JKD1 Page Page 77 Date Date Atty ofServices Rendered Description of Services Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount ; 8/09/14 Analysis/S .5 _ 80.00 8/09/14 JKD nicat 80.00 JKD Analysis/ 1.- · .... nicat 0 _ 2.3 402.50 402.50 8/10/14JKD Analysis/Strategy;Plan& For:Continue Continue preparing 0 ira 8/10/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: hearin ln Plan anal & Prepare For: preparing for for continuation of Injunction 8/11/14JKD _ For/Attend: 8/11/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Appear For/Attend: forand Appear for and attend Injunction Hearing Hearing versus 3.2 560.00 client. Present defense, client. defense, examine witnessesandanddefend defendaccusations accusationsofimproper of impropercare care andconduct._ and conduct..Continue preparationsfor Continuepreparations nextdday fornext ayofHearing. of Hearing. 13.6 13.6 2,380.00 2,380.00 PlanPrepare 8/11/14 JMS Analysis/Strategy: Plan For: & Prepare For: Prepared Prepared for and and attended attendedhearing hearingon on Plaintiffs . motionfor restraining orderandtemporary 10.4 1,564.00 8/11/14 RGC motion for temporary restraining order and andrevise 8/11/14 RGC Analysis/Strategy: Review/AnalyzetReview and temporary injunctions. revise Motion MotionforSanctions for Sanctionson on 10.4 1,664.00 Extrajudicial Statements and andffollow ollowup up ,6.6 L 105.00 8/12/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Appear For/Attend:Appear 8/12/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Appear For/Attend: Appear forand for InjunctionHearing. and attend injunctionHearing. Examined andand presentedwitnessesinsupportof presented witnesses in support ofclientdefenses,examined client defenses, examined adverse . witness andpresented and presentedllegal egalaargument rgument tothecourt. reparelengthy to the court.PPrepare lengthyppost osthearing hearingeemail mail t oSilverado summary to Silverado management summary managerhent personnel. - Draftedresearch 10.8 1,890.00 8/13/14 C-DS investigation/Development: 10.8 1,890.00 Draft/Revise: Peterson 8/13/14 CDS Fact Investigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Peterson - - Drafted research memo |V 8/13/14 CDS Ii/MINIMIIIIINS 8/13/14 CDS Factinvestigation/Develo ment: Research 1.7 1.7 110.50 110.50 8/13/14CDS OtherWrittenMotionsSubmiss.: Submiss.: .Begandraftingmotionforsanctions 1.1 1.1 71.50 71.50 8/13/14 CDS Other Written Motions && Draft/Revise: and forPetersonase. Draft/Revise: Began drafting motion for sanctions and contempt for Petersonccase. .8.8 52.00 8/13/14 OtherWritten Motions &Submiss.: Review/Analz 52.00 8/13/14 KD L 8/13/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Review/Ana J : Review/An l_ .. 1.3 L 227.50 227.50 8/13/14 JKD 8/13/14. Analysis/Strategy: Commun-icate(With Exchange Client): multiple .4 70.00 70.00 r ardin smigai ' ‘ 8/13/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(With Client): Exchange multiple daimeogg iouro emails wit1.111.111.1i 8/14/14 CDSOther Written Motions &Submiss.: Peterson motion forsanctions 8/14/14 CDS Other Written Motions & Submiss.: DraftiRevise: Peterson . Drafted motion for sanctions 8 140.00 and/orcontempt againstC andiceSchwager. .6 8/14/14JKD and/or contempt against Candice Schwager. Review/Anal V 39.00 8/14114 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analzz 8/14/14 - Analysis/Strategy: ze: ' _ ‘ correspondence from 1.1 1.1 192.50 192,50 8/14/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Russ Jones Review/Anal z : ' ' correspondence from .1.1 17.50 JKDAnalysis/Strate 8/14/14 Russ Jones regarding :Communlcaie(With 8/14/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Client): Telephone conference with Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference with111101111111/0 17.50 regardin regardin .1.1 17.50 8/14/14JKD Analysis/Strate 8/14/14 JKD Analysis/Strate : Revi VV 17.50 52.50 8/14/14JKD Analysis/Strategy:_ Exchangeemailwithcounsel .3 52.50 8/14/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise: Exchange email with counsel regarding 8/14/14 Analysis/Strategy; .2.2 Prepareemailcorrespondence to 35.00 8/14/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(Wlth Client): Prepare email correspondence to Silverado personnel 8/14/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: regarding II Con1municate(OtherExternal):Exchange _ S emails .2 35.00 8/14/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(Other External): Exchange emails withilIMINIM1110 . MADE _ WILL ON BILLS LATER DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED. WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0291 No. 1-15-586-CV 3640 SSL000011 1 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP 221 1200 NORTH LAWYERS SUITE 1200 ANGELES, 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET - LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1E00 NO FEDERAL LC, NO XX-XXXXXXX . · File 50013-1476 File Number CNAv SiveradoSeniorLiving 50013-1476 CNASpecialty Claims Peterson v Silverado Senior Living 9/30/14 9130/14 1391812 1391812 JKD1 JKD1 . Page Page 88 Date Date Atty of Rendered Description of Services Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount regarding °' .4 70.00 70.00 8/14/14JKD 8/14/14 JKD na ysistStrategy:Communicate(With naysislStrategy: Communicate(With Client): Client): Telephoneconference withSarah conferencewith Sarah 0 Pacheco and Russ Jones regarding UM. Researc . .3 52.50 52.50 8/14/14JKD 8/14/14 JKD Anafysis/Strategy: Researc _ _ Prepared correspondencetoplaintiff's to plaintiffscounsel counsel ofvideo, Rule 11agreement and possiblevvisitation entifying location of video, discussing Rule 11 agreementandpossible isitation restrictions. restrictions. .5.5 87.50 87.50 8/18/14 JGBAnalysis/Strategy: 8/18/14 JGB Analysis/Strateg :Review/Analyzeze .4.4 70.00 70,00 8/18/14 _ 8/18/14 JKD JKD nalysis/Strate y: CommunicateOther nalysis/Strategy: Exchange Other External): emailswith Exchange _ emails with regarding .2.2 35.00 8/18/14JKD : Review/Analyz 8/18/14 JKD Analysis/Strate Review/Analyz _ _ . .2.2 35.00 35,00 _ personnel Silverado regardin management Investigation/Development: Review/Anal 8/19/14JKD FactInvestigatlon/Development: 8/19/14 JKD Fact Review/Analze ze JKD Analysis/Strategy: .7 122.50 122.50 8/19/14 8/19/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(With Communicate(With Ciient): Client): Exchange Exchange numerousemails numerous emailswwith ith L Silverado management personnel regardin 1.1 .8 140.00 8/19/14JMS naysis/Strategy: Silverado's FirstAmended Pleatothe 8/20/14 Jurisdiction, Answer 8/19/14 JMS Analysis/Strategy: Counterclaim. and ra evise: 131Bit7Ftbvisetrafted Fact ation/Develo ment; Silverado's First Amended Plea to the Jurisdiction, Original Answer and Counterclaim. 1.1 1.1 176.00 8/20/14 JKD Fact Investi ation/Develo•ment: ' 8/20/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze. _ . 1.2 210.00 1.2 210.00 8/20/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze. /14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Anal 1.1 192.50 8/21 e numero ailswit 8/21/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Anal e: Exchange num s e vn 8/21JMS /14 _ Investigation/Develo Fact Researc ent: . 1.4 245.00 1.4 245.00 8/21)14 JMS Fact Investigation/Deve ant: Researc 8/22/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: 8/22/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise . . .3 48.00 .6 105.00 105.00 8/22/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate Other Receiptand numerous emails 8/22/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: regarding Communicate Other External): Receipt and review numerous emails Telephone ` regarding Telephone conference with ..88 140.00 140.00 8/22/14 sis/Strate :Draft/Revise: Preparelengthy statusreportand 8/22/14 JKD Ana Draft/Revise: Prepare lengthy status report and matter summaryee 1.1 192.50 . 8/22/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: 1.1 192.50 |Exchange Receipt andreviewnumerous ardin ' ' ' 8/22/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise: Receipt and review numerous mails from emails vvlth` from ardin • numerous Exchange numerous emails with .9 157.50 8/22/14JMS Draft/Revise: Revised cllents' amendedplea thejurisdiction, .9 157.50 8/22/14 JMS Analysis/Strategy: originalansweraDraft/Revise: Revised ndcounterclaim clients' toinclude first amended additional plea defenses to theimmunity including jurisdiction, original answer and counterclaim to include additional defenses including Immunity NOTBEEN ON DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT · Silverado Appx. 0292 No. 1-15-586-CV 3641 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP 221 LAWYERS 1200 SURE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET SMITH - SSLOOO012 SSL000012 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE(213) (213)250-1800 _ 250-1800 i.¤. FEDERAL I.D. NO XX-XXXXXXX File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNASpecialt SpecialtyClaims Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number Number Peterson Petersonvv Silvered°Senior Senior Living 1391812 1391812 JKD1 J1(131 - Page Page 99 Date Date Atty Description ofServices of Services Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount pursuant to powerooff attorneyact. to durablepower act. .3.3 48.00 8/22/14JMS Analysis/Strategy: 8/22/14 JMS Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise: Draft/Revise: Peterson: Peterson: Begandrafting Began draftingaargument rgument section sectionoof fmotion motion 0 todismiss federalcomplaint to Fed. R. Civ.PP. to dismiss Plaintiffs' federal complaint pursuanttoFed.R.Civ. pursuant 12 b56. . .12b 4.4 4.4 704.00 704.00 Review/Analyz JKDAnalysis/Strategy: Review/Arialyz 8/23/14 JKD 0 JKDAnalysis/Strat Analysis/Strat V Receipt 1.4 1.4 245.00 B/25/14 8/25/14 JKD : : Review/Anal ie:ze: Receipt and review ofofnumerous andreview numerousemails emailsffrom rom 8/25/14JKD 8/25/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: ra raft/Revise: Receipt Revise: Receipt andreview and numerous review numerous V emails emailsfro fro .7 122.50 7 122.50 .6regarding _ 8/25/14JKD 8/25/14 JKD leadlngs: readings:Review/Analyze: Review/Analyze: Exchangeemails emailswwith ith11111111111.01regarding.11111111104 1.1 192.50 1.1 192.50 .4.4 70.00 70.00- 8/25/14JKD 8/25/14 JKD nalysis/Strategy: Communicate(With nalysls/Strategy: Client): CommunIcate(With Telephone Client): Telephone conference with anerlikregarding .88 140.00 140.00 8/25/14JKD Plan 8/25/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Plan Prepare & Prepare For:Telephone For: Telephoneconferencewith conferencewithIMMO regarding| .01.1111111.../1 regarding 1.11111111111111111111....11111M.=.11 .4.4 70.00 70.00 8/25/14JKD Depositlons: 8/25/14 JKD Depositions: Review/Analyze: Review/Analyze: Receipt Receipt andreview and ofcorrespondence review of fromSarah correspondencefrom Sarah Pachecoregardin Pacheco regardin 4 .2 35.00 35.00 8/25/14 Experts/Consultants:Review/Analyze: Correspondence from Young, Guardian Ad 8/25/14 JKD Experts/Consultants: Review/Analyze: Correspondence from Jill Young, Guardian Ad Litem, regardi .2.2 8/25/14JMS Other MotionsSubmiss.: Draft/Revise: Draft/Revise:Peterson: drafting and 35.00 8/25/14 JMS Other Written Written Motions &&Submiss.: Peterson: Continuedagainst revisingSilverado's revising Silverado's Second Motion forSanctions and/orforContemptdrafting and Second Motion for Sanctions and/or for Contempt against opposing c ounsel opposing counsel Candice S chwager regarding violationofCourt's p rotective Candice Schwager regarding violation of Courts pprotective order. 2.8 448.00 8/25/14JMS Written Motions &Submiss.: Draftedroposed oorder. rders on 8/25/14 JMS Other Written Motions & Submiss,: Draft/Revise: Peterson: Drafted proposed orderson 2.8 448.00 motionsfor motions for sanctions and and contempt including potential additional contempt Including potential additionalgag orderand/or gag order and/or detailedprotective order. detailed protective order. 2.4 384.00 14 JKD FactInvestigation/Development: Review/Analyze:Receiptand ofemailfrom 2.4 384.00 _ 8/26/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Candice Review/Analyze:W Schwagerregardingresponse Receipt ilson and review Prepareof emailinfrom Candice Schwager response toDiane to Diane Wilson article. Prepare email in response a ddressing andhandling moving f orward. - .3.3 response addressing postings and handling 14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Receipt moving forward. andreview ofmultiple emails 52.50 8/26/14 JKD Analysis/strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of multiple emails from 87.50 8/28/14JKD 8/26/14 JKD Analysis/Strat Communicate(With Client): Telephone conferencewith th Client): Telephone conference with .5 87.50 regardin .2 35.00 regardin wit .2 35.00 : Review/Analyze: 8/26/14JKD Analysis/Strate Telephone conference 8/26/14 JKD Analysis/Strate Review/Analyze: Telephone conference wit arding Plan&PrepareFor:Planandpreparefortelephone conference and .9 157.50 — 8/28/14 8/26/14 JKD Analysts/Strategy: of Plan &strategy PrepareaFor. Plan and ndtalking prepare for telephone conference and .5 points. discussion of identified 14 JKD Analysis/Strategy; strategy andReceipt Review/Analyze: talkingandreview points. ofemailfromBethAbbott .5 87,50' 8/26/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of email from Beth Abbott HAVE DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0293 No. 1-15-586-CV 3642 SSL00O013 SSL000013 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP LAWYERS SUFTE 1200 · _ 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET tos LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE 213) 250-1000 ¤ FEDERAL I.D. NO XX-XXXXXXX · _ 9/30/14 File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA SpecialtyClaims CNA Claims 9/30/14 Number PetersonvvS1veradoSenior _ Silverado Senior Living 1391812 1391812 .11(D1 Page 10 Date Date Atty ofServices Description of Services Rendered Hours Hours Amount Amount - .5 87.50 Other JMSOther 8/26/14 JMS Motions Written Motions & 8;Submiss.: Draft/Revise: Draft/Revise: and revisingm Continued drafting andrevising otion motion for sanctions aagainst · forsanctions gainstopposing opposingccounsel Schwagerlor ounselCandiceSchwager for extrajudicial statements including social media end blog posts regarding proceedingand media andblog and lawyers. 4.4 4.4 704.00 704.00 8/27/14JKD Motions 8/27/14 JKD Other Written Motions & &Submiss.: Submiss.: Communicate(Other Communicate(Other Counsel): Outside Counsel): Telephone Telephone conference with R uss J onesregarding| conference with Russ Jones regarding . 11.01.1111.1.. .2.2 35.00 8/27/14JKD 8/27/14 JKD Fact In OutsideC /Development: Communicate(OtherOutside Factlnvestigation/Development; ounsel:TeIehone Counsel): Telephone conference conferencewith_ with- _ .1.1 17.50 17.50 8/27/14 JKDAnalysis/Strategy: 8/27/14 JKD Outside Communicate(Other ounsel:Telehone OutsideCCounsel conference : el hone conferencewith with Kathleen B Kathleen eduzerregarding Beduze egarding NUM Researc| .2.2 35.00 8/27/14 Other 8/27/14 JKD Other Written Written Motions Motions &Submiss.: & Submiss.: Resear - 4 70.00 70.00 8/27/14 JKD Factlnvestigation/Development: 8/27/14 JKD Fact Review/Analyz Investigation/Development Review/Analyz .4.4 70.00 70.00 8/27/14JKD Analysis/Strategy:Review/Analyz. 8/27/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyz . 1.5 1.6 280.00 280.00 8/27/14 KD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Anal 8/27/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Anal .88 140.00 140.00 B/27/14 JKD Motions _ &Submiss.:Review/Analyze: Receipt andreview ofemailfrom 8/27/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of email from Russ Jones Russ Jones regardin .2.2 35.00 Motion 35.00 8/27/14 JKD Ot er ritten Motions Continue 8/27/14 JKD Ot er ntten Motions & Submiss.:. Draft/Revise: Continue drafting Defendant's Motion factualandlegal forSanction andMotion forContempt byincorporationofadditional for Sanction and Motion for Contempt by incorporation arguments. Continuedrafting Defendant's Motionfor of additional basedfactualeand uponthical legal duties. _1.3 arguments. Continue drafting Defendant's Motion for Sanctions based upon ethical 1.3 227.50 227.50 . 8/27/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revis .8 140.00 _ _ .8 140.00 _· 8/27/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Revlew/Analy 17.50 Motions &Submiss.: . NoticeofHearing .1 17.50 8/27/14JMS Other Other dtten Motions & Submiss.: Draft/Revise: on Peterson: Drafted Notice of Hearing on 8/27/14 JMS MotionforContempt and/orSanctions againstCandice er. .1 Motion for Contempt and/or Sanctions against Candice Schwager. 16.00 8/27/14JMS FactInvesti i velome t: v' /Anali.. 8/27/14 JMS Fact Investi v' /Anal elo me t Review/Analyz ron/Development: 96.00 8/27/14 FactInvestiga 8/27/14 JMS Fact Investiga -_ of 1.3 208.00 fromJill 1.3 208.00 8/28/14JKD trategy:Review/Analyze: Receiptandreview 8/28/14 JKD regardin9| Young trategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of correspondence from Jill .1 17.50 Young regarding 8/28/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Client): Telephone M with conference .1 17.50 8/28/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference with elleMaimmi _ APPEAR DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0294 No. 1-15-586-CV 3643 SSL000014 SSL000014 & LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH up - LAWYERS . 1200 SUITE 1200 , · 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 0 TELEPHONE (213)250-1500 NO - FEDERAL I.D. NO 954725522 File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA SpecialtyClaims Claims 9/30/14 9/30114 Number PetersonvvSiverado _ Silverado SeniorLiving 1391812 Date Att Descrl of Services tion Rendered Hours Amount Number Living 1391812 JKD1 JKD1 Page Page 11 11 . Date Atty Description of Services Rendered Hours Amount 'regarding .2.2 35.00 35.00 s 8/28/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: 8/28/14 JKD Analysls/Strate Review/Anal 0 . 1.11.1 192.50 192.50 8/28/14 JMS Analysis/Strategy: 8/28/14JMS Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise: DrafVRevise: Continued draftingmotion to dismiss plaintiffsclaims motiontodismiss claims 0 pursuant to Fed. R. C_ Iv.P.12(b)(6) pursuant toFed.R.Civ. andinthe motionfor and in the alternativemotion _ N Fact JKDinvestigation/Development: 8/29/14 JKD Communlcate(Other · Outside Counsel): statement. statement. P. 12(b)(6) formore more definite Fact Investigation/Development: Communicate(Other Outside Counsel): Telephone conferencewith Jill Youngrregardin withJillYoung egardin 2,9 2.9 464.00 · JKDSInspections 8/29/14 re iteDraft/Revise: 8/29/14 JKD Prepare _ email correspondencet_ _ _ Site Inspections Draft/Revise: Prepare email correspondence t .2.2 35.00 35.00 JKD 8/29/14 offrom Analysis/Strategy: email Review/Analyze: Receipt and review 8/29/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of email from Candice Schwagerthreatenin Schwager threatenin to grievance, ,prepared to file grievance nse emailto res nse preparedres email toallcounsel all counsel .2.2 35.00 35.00 , regarding · .4 70.00 70.00 8/29/14 JKD Review/Anal 8/29/14 .5 87.50 8/29/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Anal e Review/An_ 8/29/14 JKD AnalysisiStrategy: Review/An e · 5 87.50 Analysis/Strategy: Counsel): Other Tele Communicate Outside 70.00 hoconference 8/29/14JKD Sarah Pacheco Other WrittenMotions .2 35.00 8/29/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate Other Outside Counsel): tele ho conference with Sarah Pacheco regarding &Submiss.:Draft/Revise:Receiptandreview ofemail .4 .2 70.00 35.00 of multiple review from emails Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt and 8/29/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Su miss.: Draft/Revise: Receipt and review of email correspondence from regarding _ correspondence from Russ.Jones regarding 8/30/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of multiple emails from .1.1 . 17.50 17.50 regardIng". .11111111.1111111111111=1111 .4 70.00 70.00 8/08/14 E112-Filing/Recording Date Fee 07/28/2014 Date: Date Commercial Wells Fargo TX.Gov Card feeServices for Trans DescritionofDisbursement C0nv.Fee, Filing answer. · 5.40 Description of Disbursement 8/08/14 E112-Filing/Recording Fee Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services Trans Units Units Rate Rate Amount Amount 8/31/14Date: 07/28/2014 Stile TX,Gov Conv.Fee, Filing fee for answer. 11.00 .O7_ 5.40 .77 8/31/14 Duplication 8/27/14 DonG.PylantFeeforCopyofTranscript 11.00 .07 .77 100.00 8/27/14 E115-Transcript Don G. Pylant Fee for Copy of Transcript 100.00 Reca of Services Effective Hours Fees Pete . Associate Brian BrianD Codi .5 Rate Pete · 80.00 Reca. of Services .Kraus Associate Clerk Hours 4.2.5 Effective Rate 160.00 65.00 Fees 80.00 273.00 StephensAssociate Jacob M. 91.4 Joshua 160.00 Codi D. Kraus 14,624.00 JohnG.Browning John G.K.Davis Browning Joshua K. Davis JacobW. John M.BStephens usch John W. Busch Law Clerk Partner Partner Partner Partner Associate Associate Associate 4.2 15.6 15.6 161.5 161.5 3.6 91.4 3.6 65.00 175.00_ 175.00 175.00 175.00 160.00 180.00 160.00 _ 273.00 2,730.00 28,262.50 28,262.50 576.00i 14,624.00 576.00 _ LATER DISBURSEMENTS MADE FoR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0295 No. 1-15-586-CV 3644 SSL000015 B B LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH tar LLP LAWyERS SUITE 1200 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET . LOS CALIFORNIA90012 LOS ANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90012 _ (213) TELEPHONE (213) 250.1800 FEDERAL 1.0. NO XX-XXXXXXX File File 50013-1476 CNA 50013-1476 Claims CNA Specialty Claims 9/30/14 9/30/14 Number Number veradoSenior Petersonvv Sflverado _ Senior Living 1391812 1391812 JKD1 JKD1 Page Page 12 12 RecapofServices Reca of Services Hours Hours Rate Fees Fees - E. Kristie E. Johnson Partner .8.8 175.00 175.00 140.00 , Lauren C. C. Corbett Law Law Clerk 9.8 9.8 65.00 65.00 637.00 637.00 O 0,,J Ryan Ryan G G..Cole Cole Partner Partner Total 288.0 .6.8 288.0 175.00 175.00 105.00 105.00 47,427.50 j n 0 · ' . - Total TotalFFees ees • 47,427.50 47,427.60 Total TotalD isbursements Disbursements 106.17 106.17 Current Total CurrentCharges Total Charges 47,533.67 47,533.67 _ FORYOUR NOTYETBEEN WILL APPEAR ON ALATER STATEMENT DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0296 No. 1-15-586-CV 3645 SSL000016 2- ,moDoe4, eFiling 2 - Filing Details zplw -7 014 Page 1 or 2 Peler56Y1 afx ProDoceFiling 2 in logged in es Horne I Submit filing Sir h mit .Service I tey Ellin:H:1 Resew cod CI 042s in All /lines Pr jo.Ler _ige N Food Dent f, rifle Time: Date: Mo,dnV. nos 20, 10,9 44 44444n:20.50 AM 44 4......4 hr StSSOSCg11RG)PJII 4 envier Intormation 4 -4 4 Envelope Number: 1057484 Case Category: Givodinnalsp Court Assignment Hanis County Clerif • Probate Cede Tn.: am for Temp 0dardlimiltp ol a Imam (rim. SOT)_ La LI•e Number: 917,208 Case Title: 44 _- -· Ed:Amount ‘ Payment.Information - 0 or ProDos, Inc. or other provider fee Account Mame: 1E05 Payment Method: C.reneCrall N orila,li/oSarairo fee 13.00 Credit Card Type: VISA 0.25% Sores :SS $0.25 Card Number: %XXX %201X %XXX ChM Cent! F. Torn. Chun SalVICE fees - S7.00 4Card Expiration Date; 05/2017 Termer:lion Amount 15.4 4 · State nPlilng System ProcessingFees: Fees: Transection Status: Ariproet0 r,orververre r re TransactionID: ID: 3240299 Transoction Order It. 00195748a.0 Total Envelope Feast 05.40 -4 4 4.4j · Personal Information , . - f Ner: Pito:Si Martinez Nati Davis ' l- Emelt Jn· 1osh.Dens(01emsoreitrostom _ Attorney of Record: loon leave Sort Status: Fir mor or Organisation: I cent 13nsbors BiS0eard R Sind., LIP St^nto Wens. No ear Number: 210E1993 Jlu YOUrig Posh: Ial.YouegSesvnla wlee •Sistus: Se* Service OveldJ: On Served Onle/Time: AM 1/1/0001 12:00:00 rug — W. lanes Email: •- wcones0171112aol.ccan · - Status: Sent _ Service Coned: Yet St-reed DelciTilne: 7121112014 2:211:04 PM - Kathleen trade.. - - Suitor, SEAL ServIce Opened: Yes Soned Date/Time: 7/213/2014 2:22158 PM Sorel; Pacheco PaCheco-elliegleasielaran.cem 4 Sion, ' Sent Service domed: lees Served Date/Ime: 7/7.17/2014 2:27:55 PM Candice Schwager Erna,. eatuSice.gelclens.tiocom slaws: Sent Service ilihnect Yes Enistel cv/vvhnv, 1/150001 /2110:00 AM Michael Hirsch . Elm!: inlersclitt.eplawsern Sorts • sent · Senate Opened: Yes Serml 044e/Nne: 7/22/2014 2:27:22 PM Mms:// 8/1/2014 4 4 82739 Fargo Doc 1of2 Vendor: 1779789 82739 Wells4071822 Fargo Commercial Card Services 8/08/14 Doc ID: 000191Y5-1 Amount: Page 5.40 1 of 2 Voucher: 1779789 Dist: 4071822 Date: 8/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0297 No. 1-15-586-CV 3646 SSLOOOO1 71 SSL00001 7 trroDoelb eFiling22-- Filing Details Page22 of 2 CV N Answer Finny Fees . Filing Information Total Ring Fees: stant) Current Statue: s'accepted AM Accepted Pete/Tires: I178/2014 51:21:25 AM ` Filing Deecripdonik.prrer Reference Number: Mittman r073.91 Document(s) . OtaumentlNormetlon lead Document: - - -y^17-59.5;N - Answer RFD NT (Does not contain tannins. dam] cLi] Transmitted • ndTFRSON • Answer Rri).odf [Doe. not contain sensitise data] - · This This sat mai all vvnlrnll Cutivrdin 552053-2014 Timrnsdn Smilers.All All inii•LS N 95 8/1/2014 littps:// 1957484 8/1/2014 82739 Fargo Card DocID:00Ol91Y5-2 Page 2 of2 Vendor: Voucher: 1779789 82739 Wells4071822 Fargo Commercial Card Services Doc ID: 000191Y5-2 Amount: Voucher: 1779789 Dist: 4071822 Date:8/08/14 Date: 8/08/14 Page Amount: 2 of 2 5.40 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0298 No. 1-15-586-CV 3647 - _ inn° : qS1•••• 1,t.613/31,11 Lir ..211111,4 I Cr.) _ Cost ce Cost Advance Ticket Check Check rt!guest 0 if HOU-100309 1. Check · Chock —Date ASAP 2. Type of—— Date Near:lad: ASAP al “ Expense: **Finance **Finance Committee approvalre|uired required 0 Filing Fee 5 0 Court Reporter Fed _ CR O Fee Witness Fee 77 0 Mediation tArbltratio Fee* AM AM 0 / Prof. Consulting / Serylce Fee SS 2 COD COD Transcription II voice Needed)." GG 0 0 Expert Witness Fee" JJ 0 ReproductionI1 Copi R 0 · 0 O Jury Jury Fees Deposition JF H JF 0 Reproduction// MedicalRecords Records RR RR ‘· N .. - ’ Any over $500.00 Any client-related requests over $500.00 requireL| neAshiey’s Ashley's approval. Alleducational educational _ · expenses/seminarsrequireKarlLourelro’s pprov|I.I. require Karl Loureiro'saapprov - 3. 3, 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. No.:5001 4. and Amount: File Client and File Name: Client and Matter No.: 5. Amount: Payee /Vendor: Payee/ Vendor: SlIve ado andRuby 5001 $$10'I.00 Don Ruby Petersonv. Pylant,C Don . Pylant, Prob|teCourt _ .S.R. C.S.R. ilverado Y. Silverado _ 7. Mailing Address: Prob•te CourtN 0. 1 No. 201 aroline 201 c aroline Street oor F i-lous 6th F oar on, Haus on, Texas 77002 77002 8. Payee'sTelephoneNo.: Payee's Telephone No.: (713) 388-6692 9. 9. Payee's Payee's Tax I.D. I.D. N o.: No.: 10. Explanationfor billing Explanation for billing purposes: Fee of Fee f tr copy of transcript - Attorney: Attorney: K. Josh K. Davis Ex| Secretary: Judy EEx 4628 Judy Jose! // DDlete 9/1 41/i f Floor: Houston Auth. by/ Signature - i Returnto; Return to: Davis Nancy Davis Floor: Houston Rememberto haveAttorney nd all · Remember to have Attorney Sign nd Attach all Supporting Backup . · 1782497 Voucher: Vendor: Vendor: Voucher: Dist: 4079809 83287 DonG. 83287 Don G. Pylant 1782497 Dist: 4079809 DociD: Doc ID: 000190U1-1 100466 Date: 8/27/14 Page100.00 Amount: 1of2 Amount: 1 of 2 100.00 Check#: 100466 Silverado Appx. 0299 No. 1-15-586-CV 3648 - ssL1000 e- 0 . 13,2014 August 13, Davis Josh Davis 2014 _ , DonG Don G..P Pyl Houston, T 7 |692 yl|t,t,C.S.R. Official Cou Reporter 201 Co (713)36:•692 1 Probate Co rt Nu. 1 201 Caroline S• 6° C. 77002 77002 ~ _ - _ AtLew Attorney At Law Lewis Lewis Brisbois Brisbois Bisgaard & _ LLP &Smith, Smith, LLP _ _ 1400 Suite1400 24 Greenway Plaza, Suite 0 Houston, Texas 77046.2410 _ (713)654-6767 Telephone: (713) 659-6767 0 Attention: Judy Judy Jose . - Re: TRIAL COURT COURT C USE C USE NO.427,208 NO. 427,208 THE IN THE GUARDIANSHIP OF OF *I * I THE PROBATE COU T COU 'T RUBY RUBY PETERSON, ONE OF PETERSON, INCAPACITATED ADULT * NUMBER ONE OF : HARRIS COUNTY,TE AS TEXAS _ ofthe video Transcription/Reporter's Record of the Objection and ruling of videopre entation at the heldon Temporary Injunction hearing held 12,2014, August12, onAugust theabove-entitled andd numbered 2014, in the cans?, expedited, at your your request _ Due& Owing: Due $100.00 $100.00 - you, Thank you, DonG. Don G. Pylartt . · . · · . . Voucher; Vendor: Vendor: Voucher:1782497Dist: 83287 DonG. 4079809 83287 Don G. Pylant 1782497 Dist: 4079809 Date: 8/27/14 DocID: Doc Amount: 100466 _ 100.00 Date: 8/27/14 Check#: 2 of 2 ID: 000190U1-2 100466 Page Amount: 2 of 2 100.00 Silverado Appx. 0300 No. 1-15-586-CV 3649 SSL000020 SSL000020 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH nr & LAWYERS SUITE 1200 _ STREET 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS _ ND LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 FEDERAL TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 FEDERAL I.D. NO XX-XXXXXXX . CNA Claims CNA Specialty Claims Chicago, Illinois 60680-8317 P.O. BANN. Chicago, Illinois 60680-8317 139432 invoice No. October15, 15,22014 014 invoice No. 1394324 - Attn: .111111111.1111. Claim Claim Consultant ` - V • tiV Re: Petersonvv Silverado SeniorLiving Re: Peterson Senior Living Our F Our ileN File o.: No.: 50013-1476t 50013-1476 _ Court 129T 129T Court Case No. Court Case No. 2014-40980 2014-40980 Your Your No.: No.: CurrentFees 4 Current Fees through 09/30/14 26,802.00 26,802.00 • through Disbursements Current Disbursements through 09/30/14 86.84 TotalCurrentCharges Total Current Charges 26,888.84 26,888.84 *** *** Pleasereturnthis pagewith return thispage withyour your payment.*** *Life To Date *Life To Fees B Date Fees illed: 72,332.40 · 'Life To To Date Date Disb. Billed: Disb. Billed: Billed: 72,332.40 193.01 193.01 _ *Life to Date Total Billed: *Life toDate Billed: 72,525.41 72,525.41 FOR YOUR FOR YET BEEN WILL STATEMENT LATER DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH SILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0301 No. 1-15-586-CV 3650 SSLOOOO21 SSL000021 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP up LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOSANGELES, LOS (213) 250-1 BOO ANGELES, CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA 90012 FEDERAL I.D. NO 90012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1000 FEDERAL I.D. NO 95.3720522 N CNASpecialty CNA Specialty Claims Claims 15,22014 October 15, 014 P.O. P.O. BoxlIMP Chicago,illinois InvoiceNo. Invoice No. 1394324 1394324 Chicago, 60680-8317 Illinois 60680-8317 Attn: 1111.111.111.1110 _ Claim Consultant Claim Consultant N N a - N Re:Peterson Peterson- Our File Re: No.: 50013-1476 Our File No.: SeniorLiving v Silverado Senior 50013-1476 Court 129T 129T Court Case No. Court Case No. 2014-40980 2014-40980 _ Your No.: Your No.: Current Current Feesthrough Fees O9/30/14 through 09/30/14 26,802.00 26,802.00 Disbursementsthrough Current Disbursements through09/30/14 09/30/14 86.84 86.84 TotalCurrentCharges Total Current Charges 26,888.84 26,888.84 ToDate *Life To FeesBilled: Date Fees Billed: 72,332.40 72,332.40 ToDate *Life To Date Disb. Billed: Disb, Billed: 193.01 193.01 *Life *Life toDate TotalBilled: to Date Total Billed: 72,525.41t 72,525.41 DISBURSEMENTS DISBURSEMENTS MADE MADE FORYOUR FOR APPEAR ON ALATER ACCOUNT, YOUR ACCOUNT, FORWHICH FOR BILLSHAVE WHICH BILLS HAVE WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT NOT YET BEEN NOTYET BEENRECEIVED, RECEIVED, . Silverado Appx. 0302 No. 1-15-586-CV 3651 SSL0000221 SSL000022 · 221 LAWYERS BISGAARD SMITH LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITHLLP Lcr LAWYERS 1200 SUITE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET Los ANGELES,90012 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 . TELEPHONE (213) 250-1 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 l.D. FEDERAL N0NO 95.3720522 FEDERAL I.D. 50013-1476 CNA Claims 10/15/14 File Number 50013-1476 Peterson PetersonvvSverado Senior CNA Specialty Claims __ Silvered° Senior Living 1394324 10/15/14 1394324 JKD1 Life-to·Date Activity Activity Bill Current Bill Life-to-Date Billed . Life toDate Perlod: Life to Date 0 Case .L1.. Case Assessment,Development,Administratn A 32,052.39 L110 Factlnvestigation/Development: 2,517.00 2,517.00 32652.39 L110 Fact Investigation/Development: 4,174.50 17,315.47 L120 Analysis/Strategy: 4,174.50 17,315.47 L120 Experts/Consultants; L130 Analysis/Strategy: 475.00 508.61 N L130 Experts/Consultants: L15OBudgeting: 475.00 456.00 508.61 456.00 N L150 Settlement/Non—Binding L160 Budgeting: ADR: 456.00 57.00 456.00 57.00 L160 Settlement/Non-Binding ADR: 57.00 57.00 · Subtotal -7,679.50 7,679,50 50,389.47 50,389.47 · Pre-TrialPleadings andMotions L2.. Pre-Trial Pleadings and Motions L210 ·• 7,455.00 7,522.21 L240 L210 Pleadings: Motions: 7,455.00 _1,585.50 7,522.21 L240 Dispositive L250Oh Motions ubmiss.: t erW Motions: 159600 ,1,585.50 . 3845 .27 1,585.50 , 3,845.27 1,596.00 L250 Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Subtotal 10,636.50 12,952.98 Subtotal 10,636.50 12,962.98 La.. Discovery L320 Document 152.00 152.00 L330 L320 Document Production: 76.00 152.00 109.61 152.00 L340 Discovery; L330 Expert Depositions: 5,108.00 76.00 5,108.00 109.61 L35O Expert Discovery: L340 Discovery Motions: 3,150.00 5,108.00 3,150.00 5,108.00 L360 L350 OnSiteInspections Discovery Motions: .00 3,150.00 33.61 3,150.00 . .Trial SubtotalA 8,486.00 Trial and L350 On Site Inspections .00 33.61 Subtotal 8,486.00 8,553.22 L450 Trial L4 . Trial Hearing and Trial Preparation .00 436.73 L450 Trial & Hearing Attendance: Subtotal .00 .00 436.73 436.73 Subtotal .00 436.73 A Fees Total 26,802.00 72,332.40 Total Fees 26,802.00 A 72,332.40 Disbursements E101Copying Disbursements 79.38 80.15 E112 E101 C ourt Fees Copying 7.46 79.38 80.15 E115Deposition E112 Court Fees .00 7.46 100.00 12.86 A 193.01 E115 Deposition Transcripts 86.84 .00 100.00 Total Disbursements 86.84 193.01 CurrentCharges 26,888.84 72,525.41 Total Current Charges . 26,888.84 72,526.41 MADE ASTATEMEN wu.L LATER ACCOUNT, RECENED, BEEN YET DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECENED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0303 No. 1-15-586-CV 3652 Sa000023 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD& & SMITH SMITH LLP ANGELES, LoS - CALIFORNIA 90012 221 LAWYERS LAWYERS 1200 SUITE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET TELEPHONE LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 FEDERAL No. TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 FEDERAL I.D. NO 954720522 . File Number 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA SpecialtyClaims Peterson vS1 Senior verado Living Claims Peterson v Silvered° Senior Living 10/15/14 10/15/14 - 1394324 JI(D1 Page 1 Date Att Date Atty Descri tionof Description of Services Rendered Hours Hours . Amount Amount 8/25/14 CDS Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Peterson - Drafted 8125114CDS 8/25/14 Pleadings: Research:Peterson Peterson-Drafted _ 2.7 175.50 0 CDS Pleadings: 8/26/14 CDS .8 52.00 52.00 CDS 0 __ . 1.9 1.9 123.50 123.50 tJ 9/02/14 JKD Fact Inves 9/02/14 JKD Review/Analyze: and review of .2 55.00 numerousemails of numerousemailsfrom .2 38.00 9/02/14 JKD Experts/Consultants: Review/Analyze: RussJones,SarahPacheco Receipt and andPhilRoss review regarding| from - 9/02/14 9/02/14 JKD Russ Jones, Sarah Pacheco and Phil Ross regarding111111111..11111111....., 111111111.10101r Fact JKD Fact rePare Investigation/Development:Review/Analyz__ Review/Analyzeb, .4.4 76.00 .5.6 114.00 9/03/14 JKD 9/03/14 _Other JKD Other Written Written oionsumiss.: Review/Analyze: Exchan eeemails emails with 114.00 9/03/14JKD regarding E erts/Co _ .53 57.00 57.00 9/03/14 JKD Experts/Co · evlewAnalyz _ .33 57.00 57.00 9/03/14 JKD E erts/Consuitants: Review/Anal JKDer &Submiss.:R| .4 76.00 erW ritten Motions &Submiss.: R - ‘|/Anal /Analz| .4 76.00 9/03/14 JKD 9/04/14 CDS ' Written eadin|s: Research:Research.| z _ . .1 19.00 19.00 9/04/14 CDS • eadin s' Research: Research 9/04/14 CDS .6 .6 39.00 39.00 9/04/14 CDS eadings: Research: Researced ed 9/04/14 Other Written Motions&Submiss.: Draft/Revise: Pre|are 1.4 91.00 91.00 9/04/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Draft/Revise: Pre are 9/04/14 A nal JKD sis/Strate| |‘ .2 38.00 9/04/14 JKD Anal sis/Strate :|ra| a - |·· . .2 38.00 9/04/14 JKD A sis/Strate nal . - Review/Anal .4 76.00 9/04/14 JKD Anal sis/Strate Review/Analz| .4 76.00 9/04/14JKD Fact . _ · z= ommunicate(With Client): Telephoneconference .2 .2 38.00 38.00 9/04/14 JKD Fact Investigation/Developm • ommunicate(With Client): Telephone conference withill.11111.1.18regarding .2 38.00 ; 9/04/14JKD Factlnvestigation/Development; _ emailswit .2 38.00 regardin| 9/04(14 JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Exchange emails wit ANIMISM .22 55.00 9/04/14JKD 11111011.14 Document Production: Redactedand - 38.00 _ 9/04/14 JKD Document Production: Draft/Revise: Redacted and prepared40//setimMIN//10 · Outside 114.00 9/04/14 JKD 111111111111. 1 Communicate(Other Counsel): Telephoneconferencewith .5 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(Other Outside Counsel): Telephone conference with .6 .2 114.00 38.00 MADE BILLS RECEI HAVE YET BEEN WM. 9/04/14JKD An regardin sis/Strategy: Research:Receiptandrevie ili .2 38.00 9/04/14 JKD Ana vsis/Strategy: Research: Receipt and revie _ WILL ALATER ON STATEMENT DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0304 No. 1-15-586-CV 3653 SSLOOOO24` SSL000024 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH Lis LAWYERS SUITE 1200 NORTH 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 NO FEDERAL I.D. NO 954120522 File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA SpecialtyClaims Claims 10/15/14 10/15/14 Number _ Peterson PetersonvvSlverado Silvered° SeniorLiving Living 1394324 1394324 JKD1Page JKD1 . Page 22 Date Date Atty Description ofServices of Services Rendered Rendered Hours Flours Amount Amount 9/04/14JKD IMMis OtherWritten Motions .4.4 76.00 76,00 9/04/14 JKD Other Written Motions &&Submiss.: Submiss.: Review/Anaiy 0 152.00 .8 152.00 9/04/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: 9/04/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Review/Analyze: emailswwith Exchange emails | gardin N _.5 9/04/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Client): .6 114.00 114.00 9/04/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(With Client): Telephone Telephone conference with - 9/O4/14 9/04/14 JKD - JKDOtt er Written er ritten regarding Motions Motions err & &Submiss.: Research: Submiss.: Research: Review Review a_nd and - analyzerecentTexas analyze Texas .2 38.00 .2 38.00 caseregarding Supreme Courtcase regarding ` ` ` ` ‘ .9.9 171.00 171.00 9/05/14 JKD 9/05/14 Analysis/Stra :: eview/Ana JKD Analysis/Stra evlew/Anal z _ JKDAnalysis/Strategy: . .4.4 76.00 76.00 9/05/14 9/05/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyz Review/Analyz 9/05/14JKD 9/05/14 Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyz JKD Fact .7 .7 133.00 133.00 - 9/08/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: .5.5 95.00 9/08/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Ana .4.4 76.00 76.00 9/08/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise:Receipt 9/08/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise: and rev' _ Receiptandrevi JKD 9/11/14 Expert Dlscove Review/An 9/08/14 JKD nal ' /Strat : Review/Analyze: .7 133.00 133.00 9/08/14 JKD Review/Analyze: Recel t an revi 57.00 9/08/14 9/08/14 JKD onf wit nce ettlement/Non-BindingADR: onf- -ncewit ADR:Communicate(Other_ Communicate(OtherOutside 'ardin• OutsideCCounsel): . ounsel): _Telephone Telephone .3 .3.3 57.00 57.00 57.00 . 9/11/14 JKD Expert Discove Review/An. 9/11/14JKD Analysis/Strategy: Communicate(With Client):Telephone .9 171.00 171.00 9/11/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: regardin Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference conference wit regardin• .2.2 38.00 9/11/14 OtherWritten Motions 9/11/14 JKD Other Written Motions &&Submiss.: Submiss.: Draft/R inu 38.00 9/11/14JKD _ : Draft/Revise:Beginpreparin .7 .7 133.00 133.00 9/11/14 JKD Analysis/State Draft/Revise: Begin preparin - 9/12/14CJ Fact Beginreviewand 4.3 817.00 9/12/14 CJ Fact Investigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Begin review and revision scDraevise: Initial .6 .6 105.00 105.00 9/12/14 CJ Pleadin 9/12/14 JKD s:11. ill1 r 1111111 vIse: Initial review and anal sistaraBilarilMallaill. evise: raevise: Continuepreparing .6 .6 105.00 105.00 9/12/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: ra Continue preparing _ MADE ONSTATEMENT DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0305 No. 1-15-586-CV 3654 · SS LOODO25 SSL000025 . LOS ANGELES 90012 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH nr 221 LAWYERS 1200 SUITE 1200 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1B00 FEDERAL I.D. NO 115-3120522 File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA Specialty Claims 10/15/14 10/15/14 Number JKD1 vSi _ Living Peterson v Slivered° Senior Living - Page 1394324 1394324 JKD1 - - Page · 33 Date _ Date Atty Description of of Services Rendered Hours Amount . 6.3 1,197.00 1,197.00 0 9/12/14 9/12/14 JKD JKD raegy: cmmunicate(With egy: ommunicate(With CIient):| Client): _ 011111.11.1regardingellNI.1.111111116, 01.11111111.10 .4.4 76.00 76.00 9/13/14 CJ CJ Draft/Revise: FactInvesligation/Development: Fact Investigation/Development: Continue Draft/Revise: reviewand Continue review and revision 0 1.2 210.00 9/15/14 CJ 1.2 N 9/15/14 CJ PIdin szR‘w/Anal M.1111. z PI din s: R /Ana 210.00 -9/15/14 Fact 2.3 2.3 402.50 402.50 9/15/14 CJ Fact Investlgation/Development: Investigation/Development:Review/Analyz Review/Analyz 9/15/14 · 4.8 4.8 840.00 9/15/14 CJ CJ Fact Investigation/Development:Researc Fact Investigation/Development:Researc .6.6 - 105.00 105.00 9/15/14 CJ 9/15/14 CJ Pleadings: Draft/Revise:Begin Pleadings: Draft/Revise:Beginddrafting raftingOObjection bjectionandResponse and Responsetoto plaintiffs' Request for Accommodation. . 52.50 9/15/14 JCL Dispositive Motions: Draft/Revise: 9/15/14 JCLDispositive _ 9/15/14JKD Draft/Revise:Review Review .7.3.7 52.50 122.50 122.50 Pleadingsz 9/15/14 JKD Pleadings: Review/ .6 114-.00 114.00 9/15/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Anal .6 114.00 9/15/14 _ Written Other Counsel): Telephone 9/15/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Communicate(Other Outside Counsel): Telephone 114.00 conference conferencewithcounselfor withcounsel forP OA FDArregarding egarding · .2 .2 38.00 Other Review/Analyze: 9/15/14JKD ▪WrittenMotions 9/15/14 JKD Other &Submiss.: Motions Analysis/Strategy: 9/15/14 JKD An ▪▪ & Submiss.: Review/Analyze: Reviewill1.1.111111. Communicate(Other Outside . Telehoneconference with. alysis/Strategy: Communicate(Other Outside Counsel):1 Telephone conference with .9 171.00 171.00 .3.3 57.00 9/15/14JKD Expert Discovery: _Review/Analyze: Discovery: Review/Analyze:Begin preparing Designation ofExpert Begin preparing Defendant's Designation of Expert 57.00 '9/15/14 JKD Witnesses, factandexpert withreservation Witnesses, Incorporated fact and expert witness with reservation of expert — impeachment andrebuttal ln impeachment and rebuttal In protection client. of client. 2.3 2.3 • 437.00 437.00 9/15/14 FactInvestigaiion/Development: Researc Fact Investigation/Development: Researc 9/15114 JKD 9/15/14JKD xpertDlscove:PIan&Pre are in .7 .7 133.00 9/15/14 JKD . 1.1 1.1 209.00 209.00 9/16/14 Investigation/Development: andrevision Finalreview 9/16/14 CJ iirivestigation/Development: Draft/Revise: Final review and revision 140.00 9/16/14 Fact Investigation/Development: ib Review/Analyze: Receipt, review andexchan e .8 140.00 9/16/14 CJ ondenceandphone calls Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Receipt, review and exchange corres correspondence and phone calls with.1111.1.01.garding 1.8 1.8 315.00 9/16/14CJ Analysis/Strategy: Plan&PrepareFor:Review voluminous2.3 Analysis/Strategy: Plan & Prepare For: Review voluminous 9/16/14 CJ 2.3 402.50 402.50 · FOR FDR HAVE YET BEEN DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET SEEN RECEIVED. WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0306 No. 1-15-586-CV 3655 SSL000026 - & LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITHLLP u2 LAWYERS SUITE 1200 221 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90512 TELEPHONE (2131250-1900 FEDERAL I.D. NO 954720522 - File 50013-1476 CNA 10/15/14 Number File Number JKD1 JKD1 50013-1476 vSiverado Senior CNA Specialty Claims Living _ Peterson v Silverado Senior Living Page - 1394324 Page 10115/14 1394324 44 _ . Date At Date Atty Descri Description of Services Rendered tionofServices Rendered - Hours Hours Amount CJ Pleadings: ReviewIAnalyze: 9/16/14 CJ Review/Analyze:Recei tand Receipt ' andrrevi `2.8 490.00 Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Draft/Revise:Begin 2.8 490.00 0 9/16/14 9/16/14 CJ CJ Pleaclings: Begin draftingObjectionandR Objectionand eply Replyto to Responseto to Sanctions. 1.2 1.2 210.00 210.00 _ 9/16/14CJ 9/16/14 CJ ObjectionsandResponse Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Begin draftingObjectionsand Responseto to Plaintiffs'Request Request forAccommodations for Accommodations U ndertheADA Under the ADAinin preparationofthe of theSanctionshearing. Sanctions hearing. 1.7 1.7 297.50 0 9/16/14 JCL Discov 9/16/14JCL Discovery Motions: Motions: Review/An ze:Revl Review/Analyze: Revi _ JKDFact 9/16/14 JKD lnvesti ation/Deve opment: Continue earth: Continue review .5 87.50 . .66 114.00 114.00 9/16/14 JKD FactInvestigation/Development: JKD Fact Investigation/Development: Review/Analyze: Exchange Review/Analyze: emails Exchange emails with g=teiaiicling .3 57.00 JKDAnalysis/Strategy: 9/16/14 Review/Analyze; Exchange emails immo 9/16/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Analyze: Exchange emails wIth1111.111.0.101regarding regarding 57.00 .3 57.00 14 JKD .9/16/ 9/16/14 JKDExpert Discovery:Draft/Revise: Prepare DefendantsResponse's Draft/Revise:Prepare ResponsestoRequests to Requestsfor for Disclosure and finalized Designationof Disclosure of Expertsforcompliance for compliancewith with schedulingorder. order. 1.6 304.00 304.00 9/16/14JKD Pleadings: Draft!Revise: Preparee mail toRussJonesregarding 9116/14 JKD Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Prepare email correspondence to Russ Jones regarding _ 9/16/14 Written M 9/16/14 JKD Other Written M .· ' nal e:E na ze: xchange Exchange multipleemails multiple emails with / .1 19.00 JKDPleadings: Review/Analyze: 111.11110egardin Recei _ review tand _ .4 76.00 9/16/14 JKD Pleadings: Review/Analyze: Receipt an review n. 1.4 266.00 9/17/14CJ Pleaclings: Finalize ·and Objections andResponseto Plaintiffs' 1.4 266.00_ 9/17/14 CJ Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Finalize and file Objections and ResponsetoPlaintiffs' Under ADA inpreparation oftheSanctions hearing. 4.8 840.00 9/17/14 CJ Pleadings: 9/17/14 CJ Finalize and Objections &Reply to Request for Accommodations Under the ADA in preparation of the Sanctions hearing, Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Finalize and file Defendants' Objections & Reply to Plaintiffs' 4.8 840.00 Response to Motion forSanctions. 5.1 892.50 9/17/14 CJ Pleadings: Draft/Revise: 9/17/14 CJ Response to Motion for Sanctions. drafting theObjections Reply to Draft/Revise: Continue drafting the Objections and. Reply to Plaintiffs' 5.1 892.50 ResponsetoSanctions. 5.4 945.00 CJ |_ Response to Sanctions. Factlnvestiation/Develo z : eceipt ment;Review/Anal and 5.4 945.00 35.00 9/17/14 CJ JCLDiscovery 9/17/14 Fact Invest ation/Develo ment: Review/Ana Motions: Researc z : Receipt and review .2 : esearch` 9/17/14 JCL Discovery Motions: Researc : esearch .2 35.00 ` ve Motions: ‘ 3.6 3.6 630.00 630.00 9/17/14JCL Re · ‘ 9/17/14 JCL cove Motions: Re .3.3 52.50 52.50 9/17/14SPL Factlnvestiation/Development: AppearForIAttend: . 9/17/14 SPL Fact Investi ation/Development: Appear For/Attend: Meeting with . .5.5 87.50 9/18/14 CJ to :Review/Anal 87.50 9/18/14 CJ Analysls/Strate : Review/Anal e. 105.00 . 105.00 CJ 9/18/14 CJ Fact Investiga Ion/Development: Review/Analyz 6 _ 52.50 JCL_ 9/18/14 JCL Discovery Motions: Draft/Revise: Draft order for Motions: Draft/Revise: Draft ADA to response order for Defendants' response to Plaintiffs' .3 52.50 motionforaccommodation under .5 _ motion for accommodation under the ADA 87.50 LATER DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED. WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0307 No. 1-15-586-CV 3656 SSL000027 SSL000027 LEWIS BRISBOIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITHLLP LLP & LAWYERS 1200 ANGELES, SUITE 1200 _ 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90012 - TELEPHONE (213) TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 N0 FEDERAL Lb. NO 954720522 - File File 50013-1476 50013-1476 CNA CNA SpecialtyClaims Claims 10/15/14 10/15/14 Number Number · vSrveradoSemor Petersonv_ _ Lrving Silverado Senior _ Living 1394324 1394324 JKD1Page JKD1 Page 55 DateAt Date Atty Descri tionofServices Description of Services Rendered Rendered - Hours Amount Amount 9/18/14 JCLDiscovery Motions: 9/18/14 JCL Motions: Appear Appear For/Attend: For/Attend: Travel Travel tocourthouse for to for h earing hearing onmotion on motionfor for await hhearing sanctions; await earingaand ndreturn to office afterhearing returnto hearingrescheduled rescheduledduetoweather due to weather 2.8 2.8 490.00 9/18/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Plan & Prepare For: Plan a nd 9/18/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Plan & Prepare For: Plan and prepare for prepare for Defendants Motion Motionfor forC ontempt Contempt andMotion and Motionforfor Sanctions . for 3.6 3.6 684.00 9/18/14JKD Dlspositive _ AppearFor/Attend: Motions: Appearforandattend onMotion 9/18/14 JKD Dispositive Motions: Appear For/Attend: Appear for and attend Hearing on Motion for Sanctionsand MotionforContempt,meetingwithcourt Sanctions and Motion for Contempt, meeting with courtand andallcounselregardingneed all counsel regarding need toreschedule to reschedule hearing. 2.2 2.2 418.00 418.00 9/18/14JKD 9/18/14 Expert JKD Expert Discovery:· Discovery:PlanPr Plan P · in In re eration deosition re oration de osltionof of Plaintiffs expert expertM arkKunik Mark KunikMD MD 2.3 2.3 437.00 9/19/14JCL 9/19/14 JCL Discovery Motions: Draft/Revise:Draft Discovery Motions: Draftssubpoena to Counselfor ubpoenatoCounsel for Plaintiffs,Candice Candice . Schweger, Schweger,for t hearing appearanceaat forappearance motionforsanctions; onmotion hearingon tecumfor for sanctions; drafting ducestecum for her to bring alldocumentation hertobring all documentationregarding regardinghher eralleged allegeddisability disability 2.1 2.1 367.50 367.50 9/19/14 Expert D iscovery: Appear andattenddeposition o fMark 9/19/14 JKD Expert Discovery: Appear For/Attend: Appear for and attend deposition of Mark Kunik, Kunik, M.D., conducted M.D., conductedeexamination xamination in defenseofclient indefense of clientissuesandallegations issues and allegationsmadebymade by ·plaintiff, plaintiff, meeting meeting w ithdefensecounsel with counseluupon conclusionf|for ponconclusion . . 5.7 1,083.00 9/20/14 JKD .9 .9 171.00 171.00 9/22/14CJ Dlspositive 9/22/14 CJ Draft/Revise:Prepare Dispositive Motions: Draft/Revise: Rule91(a) PrepareRule91(a)Motion MotiontoDismiss. to Dismiss, 2.8 2.8 490.00 490.00 9/22/14CJ 9/22/14 CJ Pleadings: Draft/Revise: Revise Pleadings: Draft/Revise: ReviseFirst FirstA mended Amended PPlea leatotheJurisdiction andAnswer to the Jurisdiction and Answer theretoinsupport subjectthereto in supportooffMotion MotiontoDismiss inpreparation of to Dismiss in preparation of filing. · .3.3 52.50 52.50 9/22/14JCL Discovery Motions: Plan&Prepare 9122/14 JCL Discovery Motions: Plan & Prepare For. Review .5 87.50 87.50 JKD 9/22/14 JKD Review/Analyze: Pleadings: Receipt voluminous andreview emails from Jones, Russ Pleadings: RevieW/Analyze: Receipt and review voluminous °mails from Russ Jones, Beduze,Candice andJudgeRuthAnnStiles Kathleen Beduze, Candice Schwager and Judge Ruthposition regarding Motionsfor Sanctions s set.Motion Sanctions aas forContinuance andCourt‘sAnn Stilesn hearings set, Motion for Continuance and Court's positionoon regarding Motions for going hearings going forward..9 forward. .9 171.00 171.00 9/23/14 CJ Pleadings; Pleadings: Review/Analze ze 9123114 CJ . CJ . Motion · 1.8 1.8 315.00 315.00 140.00 9/23/14 Dlspositive Motions: DispositiveMotions: Continue Draft/Revise: Motions:Draft/Revise: ofthe91(a) preparation Draft/Revise:Research Continueand to preparation of the 91(a) Motion tomotion Dismiss. .88 9/23/14 JCL 9/23/14 CJ Discovery drafting to 140.00 9/23/14 JCL Discovery Motions: Draft/Revise: Research and drafting response response to Plaintiffs' motion forprotection a ndmotion t ocompel meeting_between Dr.Tennison andcounsel and Ruby Peterson for protection and motion to compel meeting, between Dr. Tennison and counsel and Review/Analyz| 1.5 262.50 9/23/14 Ruby Peterson 9/23/14 JKD Pleadings: Review/Analyz 1.5 262.50 9/23/14 illiM11111.11.1110 Draft/Revise: .4 76.00 9/23/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Draft/Revise: Preparell..11111=1.11100 to 6111111111111.11 . scussing .. .4. .4 76.00 76.00 9/23/14 JKD Analysis/Strategy: Review/Ana .3.3 57.00 9/23/14 JKDAnalysis/Strate regarding| :Communicate(With Client):Telephoneconference 57.00 9/23/14 JKD Analysis/Strate : Communicate(With Client): Telephone conference wItheill.M1111 regarding .2.2 38.00 9/23/14JKD OtherWrittenMotions &Submiss.: Receiptandreview multiple 38.00 9/23/14 JKD Other Written Motions & Submiss.: Review/Analyze: Receipt and review of multiple . MADE wu.L ON NOT an.r.s HAVEBEEN STATEMENT ALATER DISBURSEMENTS MADE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT. FOR WHICH BILLS HAVE NOT YET BEEN RECEIVED, WILL APPEAR ON A LATER STATEMENT Silverado Appx. 0308 No. 1-15-586-CV 3657 SSL000028 SSLO00028 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP & ` LAWYERS SUrE 1200 NORTH 221 NORTH FIGUEROA STREET ANGELES, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 250-1 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 00012 TELEPHONE (213) 250-1800 NO FEDERAL I.D. NO 35.3720522 File _ File Number 50013-1476 50013-1476 ·CNA Claims CNA Specialty Claims v Srverado Living 10/15/14 10/15(14 1394324 Number JIDoCeFiling 2 `·| logged in as Niki.Fischer(8105visbrisb0is cons FillngSubmit My My Home I Submit Filing I Submit eService My Filings My eServices Firm Management ResourcesFirm v Back to AU Meat a print Poor Filed Date A Time Date: Time: 19, Friday, September 19, 2014 _ 11:06:18 AM - ..... Myna Status DefinitIv_ps Envelope Information Clerk EnvelopeNumber: Number: 2554495 Court Assignment: Hama [aunty — - Prelate Clerk Case Temp Case Type: App for ol Temp Guardianshipaof a Incap. (Estate Only) Case Category: Guardianship Cause Number: 427,209 208 Use Title: 0 Envelope Fee Est.Arnourid Payment Information Inc. nror other provider feel ProDoc, Inc. · AceoUnt Name: 11936 Payment Method: Credit Card efliingreService Fee $3.00 Credit Card Type: VISA 8.25% Sales Tax 10.25 Card Number: XXXX XXXX XXXX 6434 Court Fees: 05/2017 Card Expiration Date 05/2217 CourtService Total Court Service Fees $2.00 Transaction Amount: {5.4 State eFiling System Processing Fees: Transaction Status: Approved Convenience Fee $0.15 Transaction JD: 4221097 Transaction Order ID: 002554490-0 Total envelope Fees: 35.40` Personal Information Service Recipients j Filer: Judy Jose Judy lose _ _ ludyjosef9lev/sbilabois.Com Attorney of Record: Josh Cavn LLP Status: Sent Firm or Organise:Arlon: Lewis Drtsbo:s Disc:bard 3: Smith. LIP Service Opened: No _ Bar Number: 2.031993 Vine Loo _ Josh Davis . Sent JOah.DavisGalewistmsbuiacuM Status: Sent · Service Opened: 9/19/2014 Yes AM . Served Dete/Thme: 9/19/2014 11:07:09 AM _ ' ` vetv Lon I _ _ _ Philip Ross Eama: Status: Service Opened: Sent 11:07:10 rot.s_law43hotmeicom Sent Yes Served Oate/Trme: 9/19/2014 11:07:10 AM Jlll VIQW 1.04 I Jill Young . Oman: Status: Yes Sent Service Opened: Yes 11:07:12 9/19/2014 AM Served Oaten me: 9/19/2014 11:07:12 AM W.I yew ton I 1 W. hmee _ Status: N0Sent Service Opened: No View Loo Kathleen Deduse _ Status: Email: Sent becne-efilet9craincaton corn Status: Sent Service Opened: Yes 74? 9/22/2014 _ https://www.prodocefile.comNiewFiling.aspx?param=-2554490 9/22/2014 lD:0001AJ8B—1Page 1of2 1802649 4138312 _ 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Vendor: 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services Doc ID: 0001AJ8B-1. Page 1 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138312 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0339 No. 1-15-586-CV 3688 SSL000059 ProDoe® eFiling22 - Filing Details . 2 2 of Page 22 Served OatefTime: 9/19/2014 91107:27 AM I View View LOS I · Sarah Pacheco Email: oacheco-edleOcraincaton.corn Status: Sent Sent Opened: Service Opened: Yes Yes Served Served Deter-11.nel 9/19/2014 11;07 AM [ View Lou Candice Candice Schwager ` Email: Status: Sent Sent i Servlce Service Opened: Yes Served Dale/rime: AM 9/19/2014 11:07:34 AM View l‘Xl I View Michelle Simon Email: Status: Sent Service Opened: No No I .Jacob I View Log I EJacob Stephens . . Email: · . Jaceb.StephensOlewlsbrisbois.corn Status: Sent ‘ Service Opened: No I l.o¤ I View too I Michael Hirsch |_ rohirsch@mbplaw.corn _ Status: Service Opened: I No Sent No _ I View Loa Amended Notice of Hearing Filing Fees [ TORO Filing INfeS: soot C t 9/19/2014 yta ccepted M Ac -tad Date/Thee: 9/19/2014 11:27.5 Notlce Rang DescriptIon:Amended Notice A9 Heerilp _ Reference Number; 50013-1476 LDocument(s) Document Information ___ Lead Document: · ` i l- Noti of a ' not Ondinal - Amended Notice of HOONNO.Odf [Does net contain sensitive dais) 7rensmignd - Amended Notice or HestincLotir [Does not contain sensitive data) - Thlsslteand This site and Al, contents Copyright 02033-201c Thomson Reuters, All rights reserved. Loading— . 54490 9/22/2014 Vendor: Services DoclD:0OO1AJ8B—2 2 of2 Vendor: 1802649 4138312 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 10/08/14 Date: Doc ID: 0001AJ8B-2 Page 5.40 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138312 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: _ 2 of 2 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0340 No. 1-15-586-CV 3689 ProDocd eFiling22— - Filing Details 1of2 Page 1 of 2 ul ANIS *Filing My My Firm Home I Submit Filing Submit eService I My Filings I My eServices I Firm Management I Resources legged in as Nikt, . fiacir to Al Minn, d9 Print Pane Filed Date & Tire: Dater ' Timm i Friday, September 19, 2014 11:16:30 AM Piling status Definitions Envelope Inforrmalion Envelope Number: 25547133 Case Category: Guardianship CauseNumber: Number: 427,208 ' - • Probate Court Assignment: Hams County Clerk a Case Type: ApE for Temp Guardianship of a 1ncao. (Estate Only) ' Case Title: . ' Payment Information N Inc. provider Propel, Inc- or other provider fee: Account Name: Len · N Payment Method: Credit Card Nn eriling/eServIce Fee 8.25% 8.25% Sales Tee $100 60.2S Number: Cr!" Card Type: 5150 Card Number: XXXX 08101 XXXX 6434 Court Fees; Card Expiration Dater 05/2017 Court Totei Court Service Fees 42.00 Transaction Amount: $5.4 State eFiling System Processing Fees: Transaction Status: Approved - . Convenience Fee $0.15 / Transaction ID: 4221655 Transaction Order ID: 002554783-0 Total Envelope Fees; s5,40 Judy Jose_ Personal Information Filar: Surly Jose 3ody Poore Service Recipients - Emair: Attorney of Record; Josh Davis Firm LLP Status: Sent Firmer Organization: Lewis Bristling fireguard &Smith, UP Service Opened. No Oar Number: 24031993 View LOO Josh Davis _ Email: Opened: Status: No Service Opened: Sent No ' · view Lou I Philip Ross Status: Sent Sent . Service Opened: 9/19/2014 Yes 11:17:30AM Served Date/Time: 9/1912014 11:17:30 AM 1 \hew LOO 1(11 Young Ernall: Sent Maws: Opened: Service Opened: Served Date/Timer Sent Yes AM 9/19/2014 11:17:32 AM ; View Lao W. W. Jones Email: Status:Opened: Sent wrjones00110ao1.corn NoSent ` Service Opened: No I View Lod Kathleen Seduce Yes11: Served9/19/2014 17:48 Status: AM Service Opened: Sent Yes Served Daterirne: 9/19/2014 11:17:48 AM iewF 54783 9/22/2014 https://wwvv.prodocefile.comNiewFiling.aspx7param=2554783 9/22/2014 Vendor: Fargo CardServices DocID:O0O1AJ8C—1 Page 1of2 |— Voucher: Vendor: 1802649 82739 Wells4138313 Fargo Commercial Card Services Date:10/08/14 Doc ID: ODO1AJ8C-1 Amount: Page 5.40 1 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138313 Date: 10/08114 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0341 No. 1-15-586-CV 3690 2-- Filing Details ., ProDoc eFiling 2 . Page 2 of 2 view Loo I Sarah Pacheco Email: Status: pacheco-efile@Craincaton.ctam Sent Service Opened: No View View Loa I Candice Schwager EMIL: candice© . Status: Service Opened: , , Sent Yes _ _ Served Date/Time: View Loo 9/19/2010 11,17:58 AM _ Michelle, Simon Email: micheMe.Sirnon@lewisbrisbols.corr, Status: Sent 0 Service Opened: No I view Loo Jacob Stephens 0 Smell: Status: lacob.SteehenstblewisbrIsbols.conn Sent Service Opened: N0 NO ' View no I Michael Hirsch Arlan: phirseherastolaw,eom Status: Sent No . Service Opened: View Lon I No Amended Notice of Hearing 1 Filing Fees • [ Filing information Total Filing Fees: $5.00 9/19/2014 11:3AM Current Status: fisccepted Ac pted Data/Time:9/13/2014 11:3 :29 AM ling DeSCAption:Amended Nori of ranee Number: 50013.1476 • of Hearing — Document Informatiero DOcurnent(S) Ffled: Lead Document: not prininal - Am-landed Notke Or Hee rino.od( [Dona not contain aensItive data] n mi Transmitted Amendd N df -- Amended Notice of Heonno org [Does not contain sensitive data] _ . and This site and all contents Copyright C2003-2019 Thomson Reuters, All rights reserved. Leading... https 9/22/2014 https:/Avww.prodocefile.comNiewFiling.aspx?param=2554783 9/22/2014 82739 Services ID:OOO1AJ8C—2 Page 2 2 Vendor: Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 1802649 Dist: 4138313 Doc ID: 0001AJ8C-2 Date: 10/08/14 Page Amount: 5.40 2 of 2 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0342 No. 1-15-586-CV 3691 SSL000062 ProD0c® ProDoc® eFiling 22 -- Filing Details Page11 of33 _ _ Pr · ailing . _ 2_ -· ...din AIM as cr3LOIliADgs Back fi My Firm Home i Submit Filing I Submit eService I My Filings I My eServices f Firm Management Resources di met Pao, ` Filed Date A Time Date: L Time: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 ` 3:41:07 PM ...... . . · flan° Statue Dennkions E velopeI rOM'. Ion Envelop* Number: 2610614 Court Assignment: Harris County Clerk— - Pmbele Casa Category: Guardianship Case Typed App for Temp Guardianship eta InCaDtPersonSEStetel 427208 Cause Number: 427208 Case Title: . I_. or ProDoc, Ins. or other provider feel enlicg/eService Fee 63.00 Payment Information_ Account Name: LOBS Payment Method: Credit Caro VISA Credit Card Type: VISA _ 8-253/4 Sales Tax 50.25 Card Number: 50X11 )00/X XXXX 6434 Court Fees: Card Expiration 05/2017 Total Court ServiceFees fees 62.00 ‘ Transaction Amount: $5.4 State eFiling system Processing Fees: Transaction Status. Approved Convenience Fee 50.15 Transaction ID: 4320045 002610514-0 Transaction Order ID: 002610514-0 Total Envelope Peer:: 45 40 Personal Information ` -Servke Recipients 7 1.__- Filer: Judy Jose ' Randy Cantrell . ` 24031.993 PM Email: reantrellEacyaincaton.som Attorney of Record: Josh Davis Status: Sent · - _ Firm or Lewis or Organization: Lewis _ _ Brisbois Piss:4.rd _ & Smith, LLP LLP · • Service Opened: Yes Bar Cumber 24031993 Served DPW/Mine: 9/24/2014 3:42:20 PM View Lip Scams: - Michael Hirsch Email: Sent No _ Davis Service Opened: No View Loa Erne: Status: Sent Josh Davis Opened: _ Semite Opened: Sent Yes Served Date/Dine: 9/24/2014 3:42:24 PM L VIEW L2G1 Candice Schwager · PM Email: Sent Yes Service Opener:: Yes Served Date/Time: 9/24/2514 3:42:26 PM Loo View Loq _ Kathleen Email; Deduce Email: Status: Service Opened: Served Date/Time: Sent Yes PM 3:42:30 9/24/2014 3:42:30 PM view Loa Phirrp Ross _ Erna: resslavalehoonalicorn Status Sect 97 9/29/2014 https://www.prodocefile.comNiewFiling.aspx?param=2610614 9/29/2014 82739Wells Card DocID: 1c>f3 Vendor: 1802649 82739 Wells4138331 Fargo Commercial Card Services 10/08/14 Doc ID: 0001AJ93-1 Page 5.40 1 of 3 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138331 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0343 No. 1-15-586-CV 3692 Pr0D0c® 2 -2 - Filing Details , ProDoe® eFiling Page 2 of 3 _ _ · Service Opened: Yes Yes ' I Served Dateninle: 9(24/2014 3:42:32 PM View l.0ci New Loa Priscilla Martinez Email: Pdscllia.Martinez@le sbrisOols,com — Status; Sent Sent Service Opened: . No . No I Loo I Jlll New Lou 2111 Young; Pried: 1111.young@rnmleartexas.corn Status; Sent Sent Service Opened: Yes · _ Served Date/rime: PM 9/24/2014 3:42:37 PM I _ I W.W.I domes View Lou 1 . . Email: wriones0018eol,corn Status: Sent Service Opened: NoNo I I View LouI I Sarah Pacheco : .ccm specnecoecreincetor corn ' Status; Sent ` Yes . I l.0¤ Service Opened: Served Dale/rime: View Loo Yes 924/2014 3:42147 FM · · . · Kathleen Reduce Smelt Status: Service Sent · Served Service Opened: Served Deterrima: Yes PM 9/24/2014 3:42:53 PM View Lori I • Sarah Pacheco Email: pachece.ealeOcreincatoncom Status: Sent Service Opened: No _ · . _ Viet, LOU { Michelle Simon Email: Status: Service Opened: N0 Sent No I View Loa Jacob Stephens . — · Email: Status: Service 00eneo: laceb.Stephenstailewisbristiors.corn Sent No I view I on Filing Fees Filing Into rn;tlo . Total Filing Fees: 50.00 rent Swint 4accepred - Accep Datertima:9/25/201.4 7:24.50 A14 for Motion , Fill DescriptioniDefendants' Response to Plaintiffs' _ Motion for Pro;15p.r Motion to Corn . and Alternatively, · Referee • Nu bar:50013.1475 _ Document information Document(s) Filed: Lead Document: 9/29/2014 - 9/29/2014 WellsFargoCommercial Services DocID: Page 2 of3 Vendor: 1802649 4138331 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services Date:10/08/14 Doc ID: 0001AJ93-2 Page 5.40 2 of 3 _ Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138331 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0344 No. 1-15-586-CV 3693 ‘ Pr0Doc® ProDocS,11 eFiling22-- Filing Details Page 33 3 3 of _ . notnot contain sensitive data] Orldinal· • Defendants' Response to Motion to Cornsdel.odr (Dose In Transmitted Defendants' ReSPOnse to Motion to Cornisel.odr [Does not contain sensitive data( . All This site and ail contents Copyright D20032014 Thomson Reuters. At rights reserved. Loading... - `- 9/29/2014 https://www.prodocefile.comNiewFiling.aspx?paratn---2610614 9/29/2014 82739 Fargo DocID: Voucher: 1802649 · Card Services 10/08/14 Amount; 5.40 I Vendor: 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Doc ID: 0001AJ93-3 Page 3 of 3 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138331 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0345 No. 1-15-586-CV 3694 ProDoc® eFiling22-- Filing Details Page 1 of 2 _ _ . ,Jam. _ _ eFiling _ 2— logged in as Firm Home I Submit Filing I Submit eService I My Filings I Finn Management I Resources - a Beek to All 811805 di print Pane Filed Date & Time ·` Date: Thursday, September 25, 20:42014 25, Time: PM 3:36:49 PM .. _Fil MO States Definitions enyelope Number: 2625920 _ __ — Envelope — Information County - Court Assignment: Mortis County Clerk • Probate - of oflncap. Cage Type: App for Temp Guenilanshlp a Inca!, (Estate Only) .. Categer:il Guardianship C., Cause Number: 427,208 Case Title: . . ..... Envelope Fee Est.ernountj L Payment Information Inc, Account Name: LODS ProDoc, Inc. Or other provider feel _ SEllIng/eServIce Fee 8.20% Soles Tax $3.00 50.20 Payment Method: Credit Card Credit Card Type: VISA Card Numben XXXX XXXX XXX% 6434 `— Court Fees: Card Expiration Data: 05/2017 . Total Court Service Fees 62.00 Transaction Amonnu $5.4 State eFiline SYstert. Processing Fees: Transection Statue: Approved ID: Transaction /DI 4347646 Convenience Fie $0.35 Order 002625920-0 $5.401 Transaction Order ID: 002625920-0 Total Envelope Fees: Personal Information Service Recipients Filer: Judy Jose luny 3tli• Josh Attorney of Record: Josh Davis Firm & LLP Status, Sent Fires or Organization: Lewis Brisbois Elegainel &Smith, LLP Service Opened' No Number: Bar Number: 24031993 I View too Josh Davis Emal: Josh.DavisiDlewlsbdsbos.corn · Status: Sent Service Opened: Yes 9/25/2014 8137:48 we L0¤ Served Date/time: view Loo 1 Philip Ross · Email: ross Jaw@hotrnall,com Status' Sent Service Opened: Yes Served Date/Dine: 9/25/2014 8:37:80 PM View Lou I Jill Yaws Status: Email _ Status: Sent PM . W. Service Opened: Yes Served Date/Time: 9/25/2014 8:37:56 PM I view tog I W. Jones _ Status: Sent Service Opened: . I View too I Kathleen Deduce Erna; Sent bedtrte.eflleltcraincaton.corn Status: Sent Service Opened: Yes 101 9/29/2014 https://www.prodocefile.eom/ViewFiling.aspx?param=2625920 9/29/2014 Fargo Card DociD:OO01AJ9l-l-1 1 of 2 1Vendor: 1802649Dist:4138339 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 10/08/14 Doc ID: 0001AJ9H-1 Page 1 of 2 'Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138339 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0346 No. 1-15-586-CV 3695 ProDoc® ProDoeS eFiling22-- Filing Details . Page 2 of 2 I Served Daternrne: View Loo 7/25/2014 8:38:IL PM Sarah Pacheco · Email: pacheco-efiteetralnemon.corn Steers: Sent Service Opened: - • No I view Loa Candke Schwager _ Email: Status: Sent Service Opened: Yes IServed Date/Tline: \Oro Lon 9/25/2019 8:35:23 PM Michelle Simon 0 Status: Service Opened; Sent No Michelle.Simon@lewisbrisbols.corn Sent No I I View Lod I N Sent Jacob Stephens — N Email: Status: I _ laneb.Stephensatletsisbrisbois.corn Sent NoNo I L¤¤ Service Opened: View too I I Michael Hirsch Sent _ anhirscliOSSUplasv.00111 Status: Sent Service Opened: No I view OS Notice of Hearing I Filing rays Filing Information Total Filing Fees: 40.00 Current Status: ./accepted cepted Date/Time:9/26/2014 8052,51 AM Filing CesarIptIon:Second AmandaOettre or Hearing eference Numbers 50013.1476 ..."" Document Inform:I ri Document: Docurnent(s) Lead Document: nd ri inI- N . H . Original - Second Amended Nod. of Wearing:pc:If [goer not contain sensitive date) t Transmitted • SeCONJ Amended Notice of Mearinp.od( [Does not contain sensitive data) This and all All This site and all contents Copyright 02003.2014 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Loading... · https://www.prodocefile,com/ViewFiling.aspx?param--2625920 9/29/2014 Vendor: Card DocID: 2 of2 Vendor: Dist: 4138339 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 10/08/14 Doc ID: 0001AJ9H-2 Page 5.40 2 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138339 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0347 No. 1-15-586-CV 3696 ProDoc eFiling 2 2 -- Filing Details l of2 Page 1 of 2 . N P _ pro. ‘ _ . • Oiling 2 logged in as r b Home I SubmitFiling Filing Submit eService My MyeServiCeS IFirm MyFilings I My Fines Managentent I IkeSOUK.. ta q a Back to All Filing Print Peet CrJ FiledPate Si Time 25, PM ' Filed - . Date: Thursday, September 20, 2014 3:;11:37 714 ·· 2626086 Number: . . _ Finn. Status Definitions. Envelope Number: 2626086 Case Category: Guardianship Envelope Information · of Temp App Court Assignment: Hares County Clerk Pcobare Case Type: ADP for Temp GtlarchanShiP OF 9 incap. {Estate Only) - Cause Number:42427,208 Case Titles — —..—.____ Envelope Fee Est.ArnoOrt ' Payment Information _ LASS ....... 0 N - PrODoC, tee. Or Other provider feel eFiling/eService Fee 8.25% Sales Tax _ $3.00 $0.25 Amount Name: Credit Card Type: VISA Credit Payment Method: Credit Card Card Number; XXXX XXX% X%%% 6434 Court Fees: Card Expiration Date: 05/2017 Total Court Service Fees 52.00 Transaction Amount: $5.4 State Oiling System Processing Fees: Fran:section Status: Approved Convenience Fee $0.15 / Transaction ID: 4347240 · $5,45 1 Transaction Order lb: 002626086-0 Total Envelope Fees: ................. of Judy Personal Srlformetlon . Flier: Judy lose Attorney of Record: 3001:Davis --- _ Judy lose Service Rireipi ante Judy ,Josof3lewlsbrIsbois.cum No Firm Status: Sent . Firm or Organisation: Lewis BrIsbod Blsgaard & Smitn, Service Opened: No _ Bar Number: 24031993 view I-00 I _ Posh Davis losh.DavisAnewlsbrisboitcorn Status: Sent Service Opened: No · I View Lon } Philip Ross Email: Status: Service Opened: ross_lamE> Sent 9/25/2014 Yes PM V ' Served Date/Time: 9/25/2054 3:42:41 PM Email: vuaw Loa I 3111 Young lill.Youngittmmlawtexas,corn V W. Status: Service Opened: Served Date/Time: Sent Yes • 9/25/20043:42:45 PM _ I Viewv LOu W. Jones woones001@aol.corn Status: Sent Service Opened: No view. too ` _ Kathleen Sedum Email: Status: Service Opened: Served Daternme: Sent YeS PM bedute-eflieecraincaten.cOnl 9/25/2014 3:42:57 PM /0 5 1802649 Dist: 413834010/08/14 Amount: 5.40 https://www.prodocefile.comNiewF ing.aspx?parain-,2626086 9/29/2014 82739WellsFargo Doc OO01AJ9J-1 1of2 Vendor: 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services Doc ID: 0001AJ9J-1 Page 1 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138340 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0348 No. 1-15-586-CV 3697 ProDoeg eFiling22-- Filing Details 2 2 of2 2 Page _ _ I view Lon Sarah Pacheco Pacheco-enle@creincaton.corn Status: Sent Service Opened: Yes Yes Served Date/Tme: PM 9/2S12014 3:43:56 PP I Vicroc - ` Candice Schwager , Email: . Email: Status.. Service . Sent ‘ Service Owed: No I _ == I ViewLOD Los I Michelle Simon · Erna: Michelle.glmonOlowlsensbois.corn Status: Sent Sent NoNo _ Service Opened: I I I View Los I Jacob Stephens Erne: lacob.StephenecliewlsbrisDois.corn • Statue: N0Sent No . _ Service Opened: ` I I I View Lou I Michael Hirsch mhirschdagsbplaw.cain Status: Sent Opened: . Service Opened: No I View Lon I ------_--.- Filinp Pees Filing Information · Currant Stotos:4accepted8: Total Filing, Fee. $0.00 AM · created Date/Timer 9/26/7014 8;4138 MC Filing Descriptioni Second Ame ed Notice Of nearing Reference Number:5001.3.1476_ · • ..... document Int nnation goo/mant(e) Filed. Lead Document: - Original - Second Amended Notice of Heennnsodf (Does not contain sent natal not Transnneted - Second Amended Nonce of Henrine.odf [Does'not contain sencitr This all All reserved. This site and all contents Copyright 02003.201e Thomson ReJters. All rights reserved. Loading", 9/29/20l haps://www.prodoceflie.comNiewFiling.aspx?param=2626086 9/29/2014 Wells DoclD; 2 2 Vendor: 1802649 Dist: 4138340 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 10/08/14 Date: Doc ID: 0001AJ9J-2 Page . 5.40 2 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138340 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0349 No. 1-15-586-CV 3698 Pr0D0c® ProDoc eFiling 22-·Filing Details · Page 1 of 2 · • • -2 4filing - ;AIM .| ·` . lopped in es Nikl.Fischorblewlsbrisboiscom II fameISubmit Filing IISubmit Submit My eServicel My Filings I IMy My Firm eSery ices Firm Management IIResources I m Back to All Manes di Print Pone C) lI · • Filed Date & Time Data: Time: ` zs. Thursday, September 25. 2014 3:52:32 PM Silica Status Definitions Envelope Information PF Envelope Number 2626474 Clerk.— Court Aasignment: Harns County Clerk Probate Case Category: Guardianship App Use Typei App for Temp Guardianship of a I ncap. (Estate OMY) Cause Number: 427,208 • _ Case Title: · --- Envelope Fee EstAmount Payment Information · - Account Name: LBBS . 0 Proboc, Inc. er other provider fee: `Payment Method: Credit Card eFilIng/eService Fee $3.00 8.25% Sales Ter Credit CarcrType: VISA 4.0.25 Court Feet Card Number] XXV XXXX =XX 6434 xxxx Card Expiration Date: 05/2017 Fees Tote; Court Service Fees 92 .00 Transaction Amount $5.4 state eFiling System PrOCeetsing Fees: Transaction Status: AppreVetl Convenience Fee go.t5 Transaction ID: 4347969 Total Envelope Fees: 95.90 : Transaction Order 10t 002626474-0 . ; Personal Information t L Service Recipients - JudyJose Filer, Judy lase Judy Sae Attorney of Recorch Josh Davis :my:lose:Fp letyisbnbols.cifro Status: Sent Firm or Organization: Lewis Paisbois 13Isgeard a Smith, LIP Lewis LLP Service Opened: No 24031993 Isar Number: 24.031953 Vies ton josh Danis losh,DavisAilewisbnsbum.corn Status: Sent Service Opened, Yes - Served Date/Time: 3:53:44 9/25/ 2014 3:53:44 PM View ton I · Philip Ross ' Email, _ Status: Service Opened: Served Dale/ mime: Yes Sent Sent Yes 9/25/2014 3:53:46 PMPM View Lou 1111 Young la.Young@mmlawtexas.COm Status: Sent Service · _ Opened: Service Opened: Yes ' Served Served Date/Time: 9/25/2014 9/25/2014 3,53:98 PM PM I ,.-L-]I W. W. Jones wrjones0014Deol.curn Status: Sent Serv/Ce Opened: YeS . Served Served Dete/Time: 3:53:56 PM 5/25/2014 3:53:56 PM . View Lot: _ Kathleen Seduce _ Erma:: bedare-efileecreinraton.rom Status: Sent 01, ing,aspx?param-----2626474 9/30/20 9/30/2014 ... . Vendor: Vendor: 82739 Far 0 Card DocID:00O1AJ9M-1 Pa e 10f2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 4138341 . 4138341 1802649 Dist: Doc ID: 0001AJ9M-1 Date: 10/08/14 Page 10/08/14 Amount: 1 of 2 5.40 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0350 No. 1-15-586-CV 3699 ProDoo® eFiling22-- Filing Details 2 2 of2 2 Page _ Service Opened: Served Daterime: 9/25/2014 3:54:07 Yes 9/25/2014 3:54:07 PM ' —View Lou . Sarah Oachaco - Email: PeCheco-eMeOcraincaton.corn . Sent Sent Status: Service Opened: Yes 9/25/2014PM Yes Served ()ate/Time: 9/25/2014 3:54:13 PM View Leo , Email: Candice Schwager Email: Status: Sent Service Opened: NoNo ; -. I View Log I michelle Simon Email: Erne: Stews: Sent Sent ` Service Opened: No I view too Jacob Stephens _ Erna: _Viuw Status: Service Opened: yiee., Michael Hirsch N0Sent No Email: Status: Sent Service Opened: NO _ _ . 1 View too I No Fee Filing Sees Piling Inforemition I 1 ent Status, 4accepted Total Filing Feee: 50.00 Fllfig DescrIptioc Accep ad Pate/nom: 9/26/2014 9:03:32 AM the . · Flt Defendants' Filt Amended Plea to the t Amended UMW. Refit Numger:' :(1713.1 1: b4 176a ........ . .. Document Information Documents) Filed: Lead Document: · Fi l Fis Amd An. data] Orlotnal - Del First Awl Plea to Oared First Prod Ans.ndf [Doen not contain sensitive data) l - Fl Fl A 'ti Transmitted - Del First Sand Plea to lured First And Ans•prl( [Does not contain sensitive data) all ThomsonAll . This site and all contents Copyright 02003.2014 Thomson Reuters. An rights reserved. Loading... . . https://www.prodooefile.comNiewFiling.aspx?param---2626474 9/30/2014 82739Wells Card lD: 2 of2 Voucher: Dist;4138341 10/08/14 Vendor: 82739 Welts Fargo Commercial Card Services Doc ID: 0001AJ9M-2 Page 2 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138341 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 5.40 Silverado Appx. 0351 No. 1-15-586-CV 3700 ProDos® eFijing22--Filing Filing Details Page 1 of 2 · 410.0. . ' · .· . iiing 2 _. logged In as Nild.FIschergilewlsbrisbols.corn My My Home I Submit Piling Submit eService I My Filings I 14y eServices Pirm Management I Resources v Back to All HIM, di Print Peon FFiled Date & Time . Dater Timer Thursday, Thursday, September25, 25, 2514 PM 3:47:01 Phi Pilate Status. Definitions_ Envelope Information Envelope Number: 2626285 . Court Assignment HarrisCountyClerk County - - Probate Clerk Case Category( Guardianship App a Cane Type: App for Temp Guardianship of a Moan. (Estate Only) Cause Number: 427,208 Case Title: Envelope Fee _____ _ __ ErA st.Amou __ Payment Information |. ProDoc. Inc. or other provider tee: Account Name: LBBS · eFIlIng/eServIce Fee Payment Methdd: Credit Care . 53.00 Card Credit Card Type: VISA . 8.25% Sales Tax 50.25 ‘· Court Fees: Card Number: XXX% XXXX LUX 6434 05/2017 A Cord expiration Deter 05/2017 Total Court Filing fees $2.00 Transaction Amount 57.46 Total Court Service Fees $2.00 Transaction Status( Approved mate eFiling System Processing Fees: Transaction ID: 4847464 OrderID: Convanlente Fee 50.21 Transaction Order ID: 002626286,1 Total Envelops Fees( $7.45 Personal Information Service Recipients . ' Filers Ludy Rise Judy lose Attorney of Record: losn Davis Email( Lewls LLP Status: Sent Finns or Organisation: Lewin Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP Service Opened: No ear Number: 24031992 view Lou lash Davis 7osh.Dmiselewlshrlabots.corn Status: Sent Service Opened: No View Lon Email: Philip Rom Email: _ ross_lawginotrnall.corn Status( Sent Service•Opened: Yes Served Date/lime: 9/25/2014 3:48:00 PM -· 010,0 Log Jill Young Status: Served Yes Sent 12PM Servlce Opened: Yes Served Daterlme: 9/25/201.4 3:48:12 PM · W. View ton I W. Janes Email: Status: Sent wrionesOOLeaci.corn Sent Service Opened: 'Yes PM Served Date/Time( 9/25/2014 3.48:16 PM view Luc I Emall: Kathleen &educe beduze-efilegetralncaton.corn 10/1/2014 https://vrww.prodocefile.comNiewFiling.aspx7param=--2626286 10/1/2014 Vendor: 82739WellsFargo ID: 1of2 Voucher: Vendor: 1802649 4138342 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services 10/08/14 7.46 Doc ID: 0001AJ9N-1 Page 1 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138342 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 7.46 Silverado Appx. 0352 No. 1-15-586-CV 3701 SSLO ProDos® eFiling22 - Filing Details 2 2 of Page 2il2 Status: Service Opened: Served Date/Time.. Yes PM Sent Yes 9/25/2014 3:413:22 PM view Lun Sarah Pacheco Status! Sent Sent Opened: Service Opened: Yes Yes Served Date/lime: 9/25/2014 3:48:28 PM View Lou Candice Schwager cendiceVeltleriswetty.cem Statue: Sent ' Opened: Service Opened, NoNo vlew I View toy I _ Michelle Simon 0 MichelleSimon@lawisbriebo .corn Status: Sent. Opened: Servile Opened: NoNo 0 I view LOS I N' . 1acoh Stephens Email, Status: Service Opened: Sent No _ lecob.Stephens& Sent No |_ I Vien. Lou _ Michael Hirsch Status: No Sent · Lou Service Opened: I View LOO No Application to Dismiss I Piling Fees FINN, Information I I Application to Dismiss $2.00 urrant Status: 4accepted Total Finny Feast $2.00 toTRCP Rule Ac pted Date/Timm 9/26/2014 8:47:54 AM Pursuant Filing Description: Defendants' Motion to Osmiss Pursuant to TRCP Rule 91a Reference Number. 50013.1476 Document Info anon Document(s) Filed: Lead Document: lett:Ina( Def ten Olorniss Furst to TROP Rule 91a calf [Dove not contain sensiti Th Transmitted - Dot Mtn 015m15.5 Punt to TRCP Rule 815.0dr (goes not contain sensitive data) This site and ell contents Copyright Q2003-2014 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. Loading... 10/l/2014 10/1/2014 Vendor: 82739 Commercial Services Doc Vendor: 4138342 82739 Wells Fargo Commercial Card Services Doc ID: 0001AJ9N-2 Amount: 27.46 Page of2 2 of 2 Voucher: 1802649 Dist: 4138342 Date: 10/08/14 Amount: 7.46 Silverado Appx. 0353 No. 1-15-586-CV 3702
in the Guardianship of Ruby Peterson
Combined Opinion