ACCEPTED 03-16-00509-CV 12922272 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 9/27/2016 12:38:15 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK NO. 03-16-00509 FILED IN IN THE THIRD DISTRICT COURT OF APPEALS 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AT AUSTIN , TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS 9/27/2016 12:38:15 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE MICHAEL TREJO, Clerk Appellant v. EUGENIA MORALES, Appellee From the 353'd Judicial District Court of Travis County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. 0 -1-FM-16-003566 APPE LLANT'S MOTION TO SJJSPK'Iffi JliOW COMES Appellant, Michael Trejo, and files this Motion to Suspend and shows the Court: I. Appellant requests abatement because the Appellant and Appellc continue in litigation in a Suit Aflecting Parent-Child Relationship (SAPCR) involving the same child and the same issues. Michael Trejo. Appellant. filed a SAPCR in Cause No. D-1-FM-16-003566, in which both parties are involved. The outcome of the SAPCR may affect the outcome of this case. n. Respondent attaches an affidavit in support or the allegations herein and incorporates same by reference hereto. WHEREFORE, PREM1SI£S CONSiDERED, Appellant prays this Court will suspend this suit for rhe grounds specified herein until the final order in the aforementioned SAPCR is entered, and for such other and further relief that may be awarded at Jaw or in equity. By: -=-svg _g Respectfully submitted, __________ George C. Lobb, Esq. Texas Dar Ko. 24042928 Email: I 108 Lavaca Street #I 10242 AUSTIN, TX 78701 Tel. (512) 21 5-601 I Fax. (5 I2) 425-0877 Attomcy for Appellant Michael Trejo NO. 03-16-00509 IN THE THIRD DISTRICT COURT OF APPEALS AT AUSTIN, TEXAS MICHAEL TREJO, Appellant v. EUGENIA MORALES, Appellee From the 353'd Judicial District Court of Travis County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. D-1-FM-16-003566 VERIFICATION BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Michael Trejo, who being duly sworn, deposed as follows: "My name is Michael Trejo. I am at lca~t 18 years of age and of sound mind. I am personally acquainted with the facts alleged in Appellant's Motion to Suspend. I herllby swear that the statements in support of Appellant's Motion to Suspend are true and correct." . SUBSCRIBE:,D AND SWORN TO BRFORE ME on this2t'~day of August 20 16 by -fYt It ltte[ TteJ 0 . ~Ztt) ---~ ~,,. Nolcrt JACK Public.DELUNA ~ ' State 01 lellOO " i. MY c:ommtu !On E>,,, 1 by ::Je••rr.r C lobb . :> JACK DELUNA Notary Public, State or lexos My Ccmmlulon Elll)lres Novombot 12. 2011 ~0. 03-16-00509 IN THE HURD DISTRICT COURT OF APPEALS AT AUSTIN, TEXAS MICHAEL TRFJO. Appellant v. EUGEN!A MORALES, Appellee From the 353'd Judicial District Court ofTravis County. Texas Trial Court Cause No. D-1 -FM-16-003566 O RDER O N APPELLAl\T'S MOTION TO SUSPEN D On_ _ __ _ _ _ __ ., 2016, the Court heard the Appellant's Motion to Suspend and the Appellant's response thereto. After due consideration of the Motion, the response, and the argument$ of counsel, this Court is of the opinion that such Motion should be SUSTAI NED. The Court finds the following: A. Both Appellant and Appellee continue in litigation in a Suit Affecting Parent- Child Relationship (SAPCR) involving the same child and the same issues. IT JS, THERF.FORE, O RDERED that this cause is suspended until the tlnal order in the pending Suit Affecting Parent Cnild Relation is entered. Signed on: - - - - - -- --·• 2016. Presiding Judge George C. Lobb, Esq. Attorney for Appellate, Michael Trejo Email: 1108 Lavaca Street #1 10242 AUSTIN, TX 78701 Tel. (5 12) 215-6011 Fax. (5 12) 425-0877 THE LAW OFFICE OF GEORGE C. LOBB September 27, 2016 E-file Third District of Texas P.O. Box 12547 Austin, Texas 78711 RE: Appellant’s Motion to Suspend This office represents Michael Trejo in Cause No. D-1-FM-16-003566 and in the appellate case 03-16-00509. This letter is to inform the Court that Appellant will not file a brief yet because he seeks suspension of the appellate case while the SAPCR case is pending. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. Very truly yours, George C. Lobb, Esq. 1108 LAVACA STREET #110242 TEL: 5122156011 AUSTIN, TX 78701 FAX: 5124250877 INFO@LOBBLAW.COM WWW.LOBBLAW.COM