Frank Joseph v. State

XnTWECtoH- o-f A PP£A I Vs. The- Slcri-e- aT T^xaS Judicial MpVic^ XpsTK^ Ala^Urg. o^ &t0 AfTXPMi^ Corr*.* Kioto FfWcZJb^P-HTfe. APMlarrV tio Vh«- /\bo\J (itu/tAG Ke.sPoK\£ TKu Uo»\oratk Gc*j>vHn:> J*A-W.r "baitA l\uGus-V 30, ^.&llA CourA" o*f /\PF*_aK IcAtar "DfltUd AUG*u£-V "^Oi Z.olfc, ftW>e.llarv\i D» A Xiu toxc-V- onScpkmher- 1, ~zo\b Pi)e. /4 mo4-ior\ ~T*> ££raut-srV EM-e^sfan of Tfrrvt- Tb f\99e.l/an± Joseph Gin ho+ File A Sutf fcf e,*i>>G CausiTfc.YrtS. DfctWVl Ck-clcxv-e- Urvkv PeAQ^Y of PerJUrV TKa4 Ev/BiaViKinGi S^a-VEd XM -rhi5 Judical KtaVi'ce. X^> TfcuE KWid CoYvclA-, Ke^'eof-Mri SubmiVteA onW.i d*N Ja ^ October z.oi^ AMARTLLO TX "791 07 OCT 20:16-PM 2 T AmaM \\0, TkstH of A??eQU Third DtvVricrV ?S7i 132547 •i|||i|;il||l|ii|l)i|i|i|i|i|>|i||||il|i||'||>>'l|l|l>>|||U||"l