..NOV 15 2016. _ .
iwlh— Anthony. lfau?k&
Affell&rt, November 15, 2016
;;: v: :
ftfj&ci of .Gut*-fJonber cM-^060^ fom Tk ^7?T#
/Jt/jfcia./ Ofetrict ^Wf of %> County
Tk/vj W^'Vwn g?r flterft/in of /jW fo Fn
nffplhni^ Pro jg griffr or fefo/rip to >4vU^i
T^> Tie tionordle Ji6t£e$ of Tfe £*rf of /^toe/5 2
6eWe5. .AW Lovfr Anthony ^LrtoS, Appellant Pro 5^ cun£
teSptctifolN_mMe6 the. Court -h eXt&U the deadline -for Ailing
k/£> brief (or reSforge} by &> dty5 . In Sc/pp^^ flffeiknt
ujoM Short the b?/fo^i/?p:
X .
6r> October 2£*h. ACtF the -Wy -6W Appelant
fiujtfy -of AfflrMJcL-ted A6SojjW u&h &/W/v/ Uea,j>os?,
jfhe jurf a&>d£eA pvntikw&ii- tit \€~ yeaf5 f inptiSon/oetrh
\\r) the \e%$ _J)epart-f>nefrt P-f Or\W^I Jubilee.
0* October M Z
Oh July If'XOlb , Appellant rtCtxUeA notice ty Wall
Ah^A Wb Appeal Attermy. -ftkA &n Andtr\6 brief onkfr
oetMf and[jyzfizL thzt Appellant Irad 0- rfyht t* 6Ve Q- Pro $e
Dficf pr re6Pon5e to the. Anders brief,
Op AoQi/fr_.?Mitel6_ the Appellate record SjJk$_&(9timt}e
j&V&y&hk. t^Jfftilant* He deadline Cr Aillm Appellants
brief or feSfgi&t fs \>oLtinher &,Z0i6.
^Kb j6 A?pellanisb lUr^ tefy/ebt .£>r etttn6th/i •
fif$e}Wnt \S uwble to meet- the de&Aline €*r_ the iolloujincj
rmSonbt/J s*C£n.Mi $0+ W**>6&fied te> the fJeal Unit In
ArwHb TtyQb fflooi fhe Mfck{/ Unit iv\ ti^nfSuiKe Tefa$
&Y)d Japi Still ..siting 0>r my tag&l pfetp^/5 fegasdfhti this
Qx$e Ao Ue walled to this unit (V? the ttoKfda)/ Unfa. "Ttay
ow/y odhu/e^. Kve one $M/ ka# th&t didint ftall my'legal piper
\a)opIc 6q jKW X hcu/e to wait for the/n to vnail the fe5t of thetn,
Jt he€^ Ah&W to Gn&h »y fe5pb/?$e»
JV the rea^^L £M$* aki/e, Appellant fp&eehfilfy fegc/e&S nSe. A>y Go da.y$,
ZttenAing the deadline to FebrUcxxyA\2#l7
ReSpa^-fJ/y bvbvnltte^/
AffelM, Pro $e_
LocaS mart 7bC5#3&>%l6o
Mafcl Unit
.Certificate, of Service
'1 WefO*Y D...fale ^ f ^ &>* \X&7
Appellanty pro Sc
X, Louis Anthony \an10Sj TD£Jlt 2tttl6t>/ heis% prebenHy
incarcerated in the Mea( Upt'"t.% o.f the Teydb PepurtmenA
of: Criminal' Jo6hcc~TnSfiitvHo^f Divlsfen in Totter^
Loontyr .l&f&h.f Uerlfy avid, declare, under penalty of perjury
that the €pr&2pi'n# 4taievn&?t5 are true, cunj. Oorreoh.
£UcvHA on rfi^X "7* chy o^Jhkmbec^.
Uui*) AhtkonV ^a*vp6
kr&l£c) AMARILLO TX 79
lO NOV2Q16PM 2
Je&rci b,