Issuance of Commemorative Proclamations

September 20, 1977 78-85 MEMORANDUM OPINION FOR A PRESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT Commemorative Proclamations—Issuance of This memorandum is in response to your request for our opinion on the extent to which issuance by the President o f commemorative proclamations is mandatory. There are some commemorative proclamations issued without congressional request, on the basis o f longstanding tradition (e .g ., Thanksgiving Day, Small Business W eek, Red Cross Month). Others are issued pursuant to joint resolutions o f the Congress. Joint resolutions authorizing and requesting issuance o f annual proclamations or a permanent proclamation are codified in 36 U .S .C ., Ch. 9 (National Observances). With respect to proclamations issued as a matter of tradition, issuance is discretionary and the President can if he wishes either discontinue issuing such proclamations or he can issue perm anent proclamations calling for the obser­ vance of the occasion each year in the future so that further proclamations on the subject would not be necessary. Examples of permanent proclamations are Proclamation No. 2957 o f Decem ber 13, 1951, 3 CFR 143 (1949-1953 Com ­ pilation), calling for the observance o f Stephen Foster Memorial Day on Janu­ ary 13 each year, issued pursuant to 36 U .S.C . § 158, and Proclamation No. 3537 of May 4, 1963, 3 CFR 285 (1959-1963 Compilation), calling for the observance o f Peace Officers Memorial Day on May 15 and Police W eek, the week o f May 15 each year, issued pursuant to 36 U .S.C . § 167. All commemorative proclam ations are purely hortatory and without legal force or effect, whether or not the Congress has requested that a proclamation on the subject be issued annually. Therefore, if the President should decline to honor a congressional request for issuance o f an annual proclamation, it would be without legal ramification. Perhaps the num ber o f proclam ations presented to the President for consider­ ation could be reduced if the Congress were asked to review all existing 374 requests for issuance of annual proclamations with a view to eliminating some requests and substituting a request for a permanent proclamation. John M . H arm on A ssistant Attorney G eneral Office o f L egal Counsel 375