QBfficeof tip Bttornep Q3eneral Mate of Qexarr DAN MORALES Al-rORNEY GENERAL December l&l995 David R. Smith, M.D. Opinion No. DM-369 Commissioner Texas Department of Health Re: Whether hospital facilities 1100west49thstreet located at separate premises must Austin, Texas 78756-3199 be separately licensed (RQ-822) Dear Dr. smith You ask aboutticensureof hospitals by the Texas Department of Health (“TDH”) under chapter 241 of the Health and Safety Code, the Texas Hospital Licensing Law (the “act”). speciiically, you ask: 1. Does TDH have authority, under Ten. Health and Safety Code Ann. 3 241.023(c) to issue a license to a hospital for additional facilities operated as a part of a hospital that are located apart from the main premises? 2. Does TDH have authority under this statute to define “premises”? Health and Safety Code section 241.023(c), about which you ask provides that TDH “may issue a [hospital] ticense only for the premises and person or govemmental unit named in the application.” (Emphasis added.) You suggest that subsection (c) indicates that the legislature contemplated that a “hospital” licensed under the act must operate from a single “premises,” and that therefore TDH may not issue a hospital a license for additional facilities at separate premises. The term “premises” as used in subsection (c) could refer to multiple as well as single 10cations.~ It would not necessarily be inconsistent with the section 241.023(c) tThtam”prrmiseq”asuscdtomcan~a’atractoflandwiththcbuil~thaeon”istcshnicrlly the pluralformoftb noun *premise.”See WERSTER’ NINTH S NEWC~LLEXXATE DICIYONARY 928 (1983). Howew,weanawarcofnofformafthcwordcoluistenSlyuJedfmrrferriagtoapluralityof ‘pRmisca” as distinct from one “premises.” Thus, mdu an oniinary rcadiag of aobsdion (c), seaion 241.023-which, again, provides that TDH “may issue a license only for the pmmkxs and person or gownmuntaluait ~intheapplication”-thctam”pnmiscs”couldind~apluralityof’prcmises” that is, multiple locations, named in an application. Compamthe provisionsof the Alcoholic Ewerage Code ro@rding“promises”permittedto -sellalcohol, where it is clear that “premises”rofastoaaiagle location. Forcxamplsseaion11.06prwidcsthat’[n]openonmsyurcapumit...cxaptattbeplsa, sddms,prrmistqor~ti~forwhicbthpermitirisnrcd....” David R Smith, M.D. - Page 2 (DM-369) provisions, or any other statutory provisions, for a license application to name as the hospital’s “premises” more than one location, and for TDH to license the hospital at such multiple “premises.” Section 241.022, providing for the license application, does not refer to “premises,” nor do the act’s definitions of “hospital.“r We do not believe that the reference to “premises” in subsection (c) precludes TDH from issuing a hospital a license which includes facilities located apart from the main premises. We note that the act requires licensure of each “hospital.” See Health & Safety Code $5 241.021 (“A person or governmental unit. may not establish, conduct, or maintain a hoqital in this state without a license issued under this chapter.“), .022(c) (TDH “shag require that each ho@rul show” indicated information on license application), .025 (TDH “shal1 charge each hospifizf an annual license fee”) (emphasis added); see also Attorney General Opinion WW-794 (1960) at 3 (“All hospitals. . must be individually licensed.“). It would appear that the concern with the licensure of additional facilities at separate premises, which you ask about, should be whether the additional facilities should in fact be considered part of the same “hospital.” Again neither the act’s definitions of “hospital” nor its other provisions indicate whether or under what circumstances separately located facilities should be considered to be part of the same hospital. Under these circumstances, we believe that section 241.026(a) of the act, which grants TDH broad authority to “adopt and enforce rules. . to Luther the purposes” of the act, empowers TDH to adopt rules further defining “hospital” as the term is used in ‘%a term‘hospital,”underthe definitionin section 241.003, sobsection(6). “includesa gemzml hospitaland a special hospital.” ‘GeneralHospitaI,”unders§ion (4). meaos an establishmentthat (A) offersservices,facilities. and beds for use for morethan 24 hours for two or moreunrelatedindividualsrequiringdiagnosis,treatment,or care for illness, injury,deformity,abnormality,or pregnancy;aad (B) regularlymaintains, at a minimmn, clinical Mmratoryservices, diagnostic X-ray suvias, treatment ikilities including sorgeq or obtctrical can or both, and otherdebitive mcdiealor sorgicd treatmentof similarextcot. “SpecialHospital,”undersubsection(11) meaos an establishmentthat (A) offers services,facilities,and beds for use for morethan 24 hoon for two or more muelated individoalswho are regularlyadmitted,treated, and dis&argedand who mqnirescrviccsmore intenaivethm mom, board, prsooal servkes, and generalmusing care; (9) has clinical laboratoryfacilities, diagnostic X-ray facilities, treatmentfaclliticsor otherdotinitivemedicaltreatmon~ (C) hasamedicalsIaffinregtdaraaendana;and @) maintainsrecordsof the clinical workpnfonned for each patient. p. 2006 David R. Smith, M.D. - Page 3 (DM-369) the act for purposes of the requirement that each “‘hospital” be licensed. We believe that such rules may make location of facilities with respect to each other a factor in determining whether the facilities should be considered part of the same hospital for licensure purposes. Such rules may also define the term “premises” as used in the act. Any such rules, however, “may not impose additional burdens, conditions or restrictions in excess of or inconsistent with the statutory provisions.” KeIIy v. IndustriaZAccident Bd., 358 S.W.2d 874,876 (Tex. Civ. App.-Austin 1962, writ ref d n.r.e.). Also, agency rules must be “reasonable.” See, e.g., Allstate Ins. v. State Bd. ofIns., 401 S.W.2d 131 (Tar. Civ. App.-Austin 1966, writ refd n.r.e.)? Under the Texas Hospital Licensing Law, Health and Safety Code chapter 241, separate hospitals must be separately licensed. The Department of Health may adopt reasonable rules consistent with the Hospital Licensing Law which define the term “hospital” for purposes of the requirement that each hospital be licensed, and may make the proximity of facilities a factor in determining whether such facilities should be considered one “hospital.” DAN MORALES Anomey General of Texas JORGE VEGA First Assistant Attorney General SARAH J. SHIRLEY Chair, Opinion Committee Prepared by William Walker Assistant Attorney General 3YouindicatcthatTDHhadpmporcdrulawhich(l)providedthata”ti~ahallbciscued only for the.. . premises named in the application,”(2) d&cd the tam “premises”as “eentiguoos buildings at the same location and streetaddressand under commondirection,*and (3) dcchmd that a ‘license shall not be exmdcd to other lccations for inpatientservices,outpatientservices,or any otlmr atNias.” wemukmaod thatthcproposedndcshavcnowknwithdmwn. P. 2007
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion