Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

TEE ATTORSEY GENERAL OF TEXAS October 15, 1990 Mr. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr., R.Ph. opinion No. JM-1233 Executive Director/Secretary Texas State Board of Pharmacy Re: Application of a provi- 8505 Cross Park Drive, Suite 110 sion in article 4542a-1, Austin, Texas 78754-4594 V.T.C.S., the Texas Pharmacy Act, limiting the eligibil- ity of board members to two terms (RQ-2129) Dear Mr. Brinkley: You have requested our opinion regarding the eligibili- ty of a member of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy to serve another term. You explain that a particular individual was appointed to a full term on the Board of Pharmacy in 1973 and reap- pointed in 1979. In 1981, the legislature enacted the following provision as part of amendments to the Texas Pharmacy Act: (c) A member of the board may not serve more than two consecutive full terms. The completion of the unexpired portion of a full term does not constitute a full term for purposes of this section. V.T.C.S. art. 4542a-1, 5 10(c). The member in question was reappointed to the board in 1985. You suggest that he is eligible to be reappointed in 1991, because the 1981-85 period constitutes %ompletion of the unexpired portion of a full term," and the appointments in 1985 and 1991 should be construed as the beginning dates of his allotted full terms. You contend that to consider the member's prior service at the time the statute was amended in 1981 would constitute a retroactive application of the statute. It is certainly the settled rule that 'Iastatute is presumed to be prospective in its operation unless expressly made retrospective." Texas DeD’t of Pu li Safetv Sefcikikt;51S.W.2d 239, 24ia (T;;. tip. - Sa: Aztonio 198:; no . Furthermore, retrospective if it P. 6561 Hr. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr., R.Ph. - Page 2 (JM-1233) 'changes the consequences of acts completed before its effective date'." pt 568 ;iat$z~- 253, 255 (D.N.H. 1983). even a that is retroactively applied is Aot unlawful Qolely because it upsets otherwise settled expectations." w Products Co.cal 553 PensigrU3M , 775 F.2d 24, 27 (2d Cir. 1985). 1,nPerrv v. O'FBEEBLL; 212 P.2d 848 (Colo. 1949), a state constitutional amendent imposed a requirement that five additional points be added to the final scores of veterans who sat for state civil service examinations. A non-veteran who had taken the examination prior to the amendment brought suit, claiming that the addition of five points to the scores of veterans would amount to a retroac- tive application of the amendment. The court declared: An act is not retroactive if it applies to persons who presently possess a continuing status even though a part or all of the requirements to constitute it were fulfilled prior to passage of the act or amendments thereto. &,at 852 (guoting Albriahf men, 82 P.2d 765, 771 (Cola. 1938)). Anal- agously, in the situation you present, most of the member's "requirements . . . were fulfilled prior to passage of the act." This fact alone does not mean that the statute is retroactive if his prior service is considered in deter- mining his future eligibility. Likewise, Anders v. Countv Council for Richland County 325 S.E.Zd 538 (S.C. 1985), considered the status of aA individual who had been hired as a chief investigator for a solicitor under a statute which provided a means for chal- lenging employment terminations by an elected official. Subsequently, a statute was enacted which declared that employees of a solicitor serve at his pleasure. The inves- tigator brought suit, contending that application of the ntermination at will" statut,eto his situation would give that law retroactive effect. The court concluded that this was not a case of retroactive application: Public officers are created for the benefit of the commonwealth, incumbents have no contract or property rights in them, and, unless it be otherwise provided by the Constitution, they are subject entirely to legislative control. Hence, subject to the P- 6562 Mr. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr., R.Ph. - Page 3 (JM-12331 Constitution, the General Assembly may fix the term, prwide for removal, abolish the office, reduce the term, and in every respect control the existence, powers, emoluments, and tenure of public officers. & at 539 (citing w v. Citv of Florence, 93 S.E.Zd 215, 220 (S.C. 1956)). In Open Records Decision No. 358 (1983), it was argued that a change in the status of certain property tax infonna- tion from mopenm to *closedn applied only to information collected after the effective date of the statute. The opinion stated: The Open Records Act vests no right in anyone to have previously-disclosable information remain disclosable notwithstanding an inter- vening determination by the legislature that it should be withheld from public inspec- tion. . . . To be ~vested, a right must be something more than an expectation of the continuance of an existing law. It must have become an entitlement to the present or future enjoyment of property or the enforce- ment of a demand, or to a legal exemption from demands. & at 3. In the situation you pose, the member had no vested right to his position on the Pharmacy Board. As the South Carolina court noted, the legislature could have even reduced his present term of service or abolished the office entirely. &B Attorney General Opinions JM-235 (1984): H-955 (1977). Finally, we note that the legislature could have entirely excluded from the application of section 10(c) all members who were serving on the board at the time the statute was amended. This approach was used in Amendment 22 of the United States Constitution, which limited the term of office of the President of the United States to two terms, but specified that it did "not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress." Article 4542a-1, however, contains no such grandfather clause. We conclude that a member of the State Board of Pharma- cy who was appointed in 1973, and reappointed in 1979 and P- 6563 Br. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr., R.Ph. - Page 4 (JM-1233) 1985, is not eligible to be reappointed to the board under the terms of section 10(c) of article 4542a-1, V.T.C.S., which limits membership on the board to two full terms. A member of the State Board of Pharmacy who was appointed in 1973, and reappointed in 1979 and 1985, is not eligible to be reap- pointed to the board under the terms of section 10(c) of article 4542a-1, V.T.C.S., which was enacted in 1981 and which limits membership on the board to tw? full terms. JIU MATTOX Attorney General of Texas HARY UBLmR First Assistant Attorney General Lou HccREARY Executive Assistant Attorney General JUDGE ZOLLIE STEAXLEY ' Special Assistant Attorney General RENEA HICXS Special Assistant Attorney General RICE GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Committee Prepared by Rick Gilpin Assistant Attorney General p. 6564