Honorable Bob Bullock Opinion No. JM-566 Comtitrollerof Public Account:s L.B.J. State Office Buildin!: Be: Whether interest earned on Austin, Texas 70774 the bingo tax, the bank franchise tax, and the mixed beverage tax collected by the state should be remitted to the local jurisdiction for which the taxes were collected Dear Mr. Bullock: In Attorney General Clpinion .JM-539 (19861, we concluded that local taxing units are entitled to be credited with interest earned by the deposit of tax monies ,:ollectedby the state on behalf of those local taxing units pursuant to the Local Sales and Use Tax Act, article 1066~. V.T.C.S.. and articles 1118x and 1118~. V.T.C.S., which authorize the creation of cwtropolitan rapid transit authorities and regional transportation awhorities, respectively. We so concluded because they constituted trust funds. You now wish to know whether interest earned by the depo:;itof tax monies collected pursuant to the bingo tax, the bank franchl,setax, and the mixed beverage tax should be similarly treated. We answer your question in the negative. We conclude that interest earned from the deposit of those taxes should be deposited in the general revenue fund. The Bingo Enabling Act was passed pursuant to article III, section 47. of the Texas {Constitutionand is set forth in article 179d. V.T.C.S. Section 3 OE the act authorizes a commissioners court of a county that has voted to legalize bingo or in which a justice precinct has voted to leg;llJze bingo and the governing body of a municipality that has voted to legalize bingo to impose a two percent gross receipts tax on the conduct of bingo games. Section 24 provides that "[tlhe comptroller of public accounts shall perform all functions incident to the administrat:.on , collection, enforcement, and operation of any tax imposed under this Act." Section 25 declares that "[a] license required to file a tax return shall deliver the monthly return with a remittance of the nc!t amount of the tax due to the office of the comptroller of public accounts." Section 26(a) provides the following: p. 2514 Honorable Bob Bullock - Page 2 (JM-566) Sec. 26. (a) Each jurisdiction's share of all gross receipts tacos collected under this Act by the comptroller of public accounts shall be trans- mitted to the treasurer or the officer of the jurisdiction performing the functions of that office by the comptroller of public accounts pay- able to the jurisdiction periodically as promptly as feasible. Trar.smittalsrequired under this Act shall be made at least twice in each state fiscal year. The funds EO transmitted may be used by the jurisdiction for r.ny purpose for which the general funds of the jurit,dictionmay be used. Section 171.001 of the Tax Code imposes a franchise tax "on each corporation that does business in this state or that is chartered or authorized to do business in this state." Section 171.078 of the Tax Code, which specifically exempted banking corporations from the franchise tax, was repealed tsyActs 1984, 68th Leg..,2nd C.S., ch. 31, art. 3, part B, §I, at 212. Article 3, part B, section 1. of the 1984 repealing act provides in pmt: It is the intention of the legislature that by repealing this section, which provides an exemp- tion for state and federal banking corporations, all banking corporations in this stats become subject to and p,sy the franchise tax imposed by Chapter 171, TaK Code, as provided by this article. Section 171.1031 of the Tax Code defines "gross receipts" of a banking corporation as "interest and dividends received . . . from its business done in this stat
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion