. .
The Attorney General of Texas
July 15, 1985
Attorney General
Supreme Churl Building Rouorable Charles E. Penick Opinion No.JM-334
P. 0. Box 12548 Criminal District A,ttorney
Austin, TX. 7871% 2548 Bastrop County Courthouse Re: Whether a county may main-
Bastrop, Texas 78602 tain a road which has not been
Telex 810/874-1387
Telecopier 51Y475-0286 dedicated to the county
Dear Mr. Per&k:
714 Jackson, Suite 700
Dallas, TX. 75202-4506
You ask whether a county commissioner in Bastrop County cau
maintain a private:,y-ownedroad in his precinct. We assume that the
question is phrawd in terms of the individual commissioner's
4824 Alberta Ave., Suite 180 authority because I,astropCounty Commissioners act as ex officio road
El Paso, TX. 799052793 commissioners in