Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

The Attorney General of Texas December 31. 1984 A4 MAlTOX Attorney General Ms. Rita Honitz Opinion No. m-291 Supreme Coufl Suildin9 f- 0. son 1254s Executive Director , :s:in, TX. 78711. 2549 State Pension Revlw Iboard Re: Whether a member of the :.2!475-2501 P. 0. Box 13498 board of trustees of a local Telex 91wS74-1367 Austin, Texas 78711 pension plan violates article - Im3Jplor 51214750288 988b, V.T.C.S.. In certain circumstances 714 Jackson. Suite 700 Plllas. TX. 75202-4506 Dear Ms. liorwite: U742.8944 You seek au interpretation of article 988b, V.T.C.S.. informally ‘-24 Albefla Ave.. Suile 160 known as the local o!:flcials conflict of Interest act. You ask tvo Paso, 7X. 799052793 questions with regard to the effect of the act upon the board of blY5333S4 trustees of the Dallarr Police and Fire Pension Fund: iaxar. Suite 700 1. Does B board member’s $2500 investment in houiton, TX. 77002.3111 the stock of a business entity constitute a 1 713i22MSSS ‘substantia:l interest’ under .sectloa 2(a) of article 9881)‘! SW3 Broadway. Suite 312 Lubbock. TX. 79401.3479 2. Does a board member’s $2500 participation 617476238 in a deferred compensation program constitute a ‘substantla:t interest’ under section 2(a) of article 9881,:! 4309 N. Tenlh. SWe S :Allen. TX. 7S5Ol~lSSS 21682.4Y7 Article 988b III a comprehensive local conflict of interest statute vhich applie:l to a broad range of local public officials. Before the enactment of article 988b, no single conflict of interest D Main Plaza. Suite 400 statute applied generally to all local public officials. See. e.g.. m Antonio. TX. 182052797 Woolridge v. Folsom, 564 S.W.2d 471 (Tex. Clv. App. - Dallas 1978. no cl12/225-4191 writ). Article 988b wplaced article 988. V.T.C.S., repealed in 1983. Acts 1983. 68th Leg., ch. 640, 57, at 4082. Article 988 was also a conflict of interest statute, but it applied only to general law cities. Id. Article 088b is not limited to general lav cities. Article 988b a?l>lies a fairly narrow conflict of interest prohibition to a broad group of local public officials. Section l(1) of article 988b defi,nes “local public official” to include the following: p. 1293 Ms. Rlta Horvftz - Psge 2 (JM-291) a member of the goveruing body or another officer, whether elected or rqlpointed, paid or unpaid, of any district (incl.ctdlng a school district), county, city * precinct, central appraisal district, transit aut’hority or district. or other local governmental entity who exercises respon- sibilities beyond ,%ose that are advisory in nature. (Emphasis aacied). A preliminary question must be resolved of whether article 988b applies at all to the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund Board of TNSteeS. No reported cases deal directly wfth the applicability of article 988b to a similar bo;lrd of trustees. Nevertheless, several courts have dealt vith similar boards in other contexts; these cases must be addressed In an analysis of article 988b. The court in Bolen v. Board of Firemen, Policemen and Fire Alarm Operators Trustees of San AKtonio, Texas, 308 S.W.Zd 904-06 (Tex. Civ. App. - San Antonio 195r, writ ref’d), held that a similarly constituted board with powers parallel to those of the board in issue was simply not a political carporation or a political subdivlslon of the state. The court dealt with the pension board In the context of srticle III, section 52 of the Texas Constitution. a provision which is not In issue here. On the other hand, prior to the Bolen case, the Commission of Appeals held that; although contributi%?made by a municipality to a pension fund pursuant to article 6243a. the statute authorizing the fund in question here, do not violate article III. section 52. such funds are ne\,ertheless part of a "pblic fund subject to the control of the 1egis:tature.v (Emphasis ad&r McGuire v. City of Dallas, 170 S.W.Zd 72i., 727-28 (Tex. 1943). The court in Creps v. BocEd of Firemen's Relief 6 Retirement Fund Trustees of Amarillo, 456 S.V.2d 434. 439 (Tex. Civ. App. - Amarillo 1970, writ ref’d n.r.e.1. heli that a statutory trust is not governed by the Texas Trust Act, the laws noverninn- the administration of private trusts. The court in !a dealt with a fund created pursuant to article 6243e. Similarly, this office clecided that the board of trustees of a Firamens’ Pension and Retirement Fund formed pursuant to article 6243e, V.T.C.S.. is a "govew,mental body" for purposes of the Open Meetings Act, article 6252-17. V.T.C.S. Attorney General Opinion MU-506 (1982). The relationship between municipalities and their various pension fund boards cf trustees as set forth in article 6243e and the article which authoriz,zd the creation of the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund are analogol.;. -See V.T.C.S. art.6243a. Consequently. the pension fund board of trustees about which you inquire may be a local goveruaental entity for some purposes and not p. 1294 Ms. Rita Horwitz - Page 3 (JN-291) for others. see also l4uzqui:c V. City of San Antonio, 586 F.2d 529 (5th Cir. 1978) (a similar fund may be “like a municipality” for purposes of Civil Rights Act. 42 U.S.C. 11983 (1982)). Moreover, unlike the phrase “or other ,political corporation or subdivision,” which was construed in the :)olen case not to include a particular pension fund board of trwsteei),‘-ehe test in article 988b was intended to address a different problem and is phrased broadly to lncludg any entity that “exercises respon#;ibilities beyond those that are advisory in nature.” V.T.C.S. art. 98fRl. 11(l). The board of trustees ia the instant case Is composed of city officials serving ex officio and of members of the fire and police departments elected by the c~,ntributors to the fund. V.T.C.S. art. 6243a. il. The city treasurer serves as ex officio treasurer for the fund. Id. 55. Article 624:Ia grants the board broad authority to administer the fund. Id. )Il. lC, 15. Moreover, the board holds the power to reduce the percentages (stipulated in article 6243a) which deal with disabilities or w11:b awards granted to beneficiaries. Id. 51. Thus, the board clearly “exercises responsibilities beyond those that are advisory in nature.” Accordingly, article 988b applies to the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund Board of Trustees. A local public official commits a Class A misdemeanor under section 3(a)(l) of article 9811b, except in those instances provided in section 5, tf he “knowingly” participates in II vote or decision on a matter involving a business entity in which the local public official bar, a substantial Interest if it is reasonably forelseeable that an action on the matter would confer an economic benefit to the business entity inv,,:Lved. . . . (Emphasis added). The elements of the offense involve several factual determina- tions. See - Attorney General Oplnlon JM-178 (1984). Your question, however, pertains only to sec:t.ion 2 of the act, which indicates what constitutes a “substantial interest.” In particular, you inquire about the meaning of section Z(a)(l); this subsection indicates that a person has a substantial inter,est in a business if the interest is ovJnership of 10 percent or more of the voting stock or shares of the business entity or ownership of $2,500 or more of the fair market value of the ~bunlness entity. . . . Two different interpretations of this language have been suggested. It has been suggested ,that the legislature meant to draw a distinction in section 2(a)(L) between stock-issuing corporations and p. 1295 I&. Rita Rorwitz - Page 4 (JM-:!!bl) business entities which do no1 issue stock, and to apply the $2500 limitation only to the latter. In our opinion, however, the language of the statute cannot be so construed. It is applicable to the “ownership of $2500 or more of the fair market value” of a “business lntfty.” You express concern that, if the legislature did intend a $2500 Investment in stock to be a oabstantial interest undes. the statute, the board vould be paralyzed; it is quite likely that individual board members might own at least $2500 worth of stock in a large corporation in which the board might vaut to invest pension funds. Section 3(a)(l)., article 988b. requires officials to abstain from voting on investment decisions involving corporations in which they own a substantial interest. If a $2500 stock investment were interpreted to he a substantial interest. abs,tentions could be frequent. Contrast art. 988b. 12(a)(l)~ with art. 6252-9b. 12(12)(B). Nevertheless, the langual:c! enacted by the legislature applies both the 10 percent limit and the $2500 limit to “the business rntity . ” “Business entity” Is d.efined by the statute to include a sole proprietorship, partnership, firm, corporation, holding cmpany, joint-stock company, receivership, trust,, or an9 other entity recognized in lav. Ait: 988b, 11(2). In construing a statute, it is no; ordinarily permissible to imply an exceqtion vhere none ma9 be found in the statute’s literal language. Amrd v. Reard. 305 S.W.Zd 231 (Tex. Civ. APP. - Galveston 1957, writ-;ef ‘d) . We conclude therefore that a board member’s ownership of $2!iOO of the stock of any business entity, including one that issues sto&. constitutes a “substantial Interest” under section 2(a)(l). You also ask whether funds invested by the board in a deferred compensation program are subject to article 988b. The potential problem Is that a city offici,n:L who serves as a pension fund trustee may have an interest in a def’erred compensation system in which the pension fund might vish to Invest. We must first determine vhether the board of trustees may knvest pension funds in a government employees’ deferred compensat:ton program at all. The trustees of a statutory trust have only thwe powers and duties set forth in the statute which authorized the creation of the oarticular uension fund. Creps v. Board .of Firemen’s_Relief h Retirement Fund Trustees of Amarillo, supra at 439. Section 15(b) of article ,5243a is a guide for those investments the board is authorized to make: p. 1296 Ms. Rita Horvitz - Page 5 (Jh-291) In making investments and supervising investments, members of the Board of Trustees shall exercise the judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing, which men of ordinary prudence, discretion and Intelligence exercise In the mana:gement of their own affairs. not in regard to ;tpeculation but in regard to probable income thewfrom as well as the probable safety of their capital. Thus, unlike provisions which govern other, similar types of pension fund trustees, the board is nat expressly limited to specific types of investments. Compare art. 6%3a, 115(b) with art. 6243e. 123; see Attorney General Opinions MU-506 (1982);n-607 (1970). Thus, the board could conceivably consi~ier investing in some type of “deferred compensation” program if the investment met the test of article 6243a. section 15(b). You do not, however, indicate just what sort of deferred compensation program is in iwue. As used by the legislature’ the term “deferred compensation” refers to deferred compensation plans for public employees as authorized by article 6252-3b, V.T.C.S. Article 6252-3b does not create a program involving the sale of bonds or other investments; thus it is not a program in which the board could invest pension funds. Compare V.:l.,C.S.. Title 1LOB. Public Retirement Systems, 165.105 (1983 pamphlet) (authorizes the Municipal Retirement. System to issue bonds). Cowequently , if the board cannot invest funds in this program, no toard member could hsve a conflict of interest by participating in s board vote or decision on a matter involving investment in this deferred compensation program. If, on the other hand, you refer to “deferred compensation” in a generic sense. i.e. with regal:cl to retirement plans generally, and in a context otherthan article 6252-3b, a conflict of interest under article 988b depends upon the -- nature of the interest held by the board member. See, e.g., Creps v. _I)oard of Firemen’s Relief 6 Retirement Fund Trustees of Amarillo, afa at 437; cf. art. 6252-3b (contractual deferred compensation program may differfrom retirement program). Accordingly’ this office cann3.c answer, in the abstract, vhether all or any employees’ “deferred compensation” programs could cause a conflict of interest under article 988b vithout examining the particular program. Board members will have to acquaint themselves vith the portfolio of any such program in which they have an interest and refrain from participating in a board decision when any security that is a part of that portfo1.i.o is the subject of a decision. if the trustee’s pro rata holding of that security through the program is a substantial interest as defined by article 988b. ,>. 1297 Ms. Rita Ronitz - Page 6 (JM-:291) Section ?(a)(l) of article 988b. V.T.C.S., prohibits a board member of the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund :Srom voting to invest pension funds in any business entity in which he holds a $2500 ownership interest, whether or not that Interest is in a tlusiness entity which issues stock. Because a deferred compensation program under article 6252-3b is not the sort of program in which a pension fund board of trustees could vote to Invest. article 988b is inapplicable. JIM UATTOX Attorney General of Texas TOU GREEN First Assistant Attorney General . DAVID R. RICEARDS Executive Assistant Attorney General RICR GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Committee Prepared by Jennifer Riggs Assistant Attorney General APPROVRD: OPINIONCOMMITTEE Rick Gilpln, Chairman Susan Garrison Tony Guillory Jim Moellinger Jennifer Riggs p. 1298