The Attorney General of Texas Oczober 23, 1984 JIM MATTOX Clarification of LA-23 Attorney General Supreme Court Building Honorable James S. HcGrath Opinion No. JM-213 P. 0. Box 12548 Criminal District Attorney Austin. TX. 78711. 2540 Jefferson County Re: Whether one person may serve 512/475~2501 P. 0. Box 2553 simultaneously as county court Telex 9101874-1387 Beaumont, Texas 77704 at law judge and trustee of an Tefecopier 5121475.0266 independent school district 714 Jackson. sum 700 Dear Mr. McGrath: Dallas. TX. 75202.4506 2141742.8944 You state thiu: a trustee of a local independent school district was recently appointed judge of a county court at law in Jefferson 4824 Alberta Ave., Suite 160 County. You ask: El Paso. TX. 799052793 915153x3484 May il person serve both as a county court at law judf,e and as a member of the board of trustees 001 Texas. Suite 700 of an kiependent school district? HOUS,O~. TX. 77002.3111 7131223~5886 This office ks generally applied three tests to answer questions about dual office t,olding. These are as follows: 806 Broadway. Suite 312 1. Ilcses one person hold two offices in LUbbOCk. TX. 79401.3479 8061747~5238 different, branches of government in violation of article II, section 1 of the Texas Constitution? 4309 N. Tenth, slnte B 2. Ilcbes one person hold two civil offices of McAllen. TX. 78501.1685 5121882-4547 emolument: in violation of article XVI. section 40 of the ::cxas Constitution? 200 Main Plaza. Suite Gil 3. Does one person hold two offices with San Antonio. TX. ?8205-2797 duties in violation of the common law 512/2254191 doctrine! of incompatibility? In addition to t:wse general restrictions’, certain constitutional provisions prohib:ll: specific officers from holding other public office or employment. See Tex. Const. --- art. III, §%18, 19 (legislators and other elected officials); art. IV, §6 (governor); art. XVI, 512 (federal, foreign, or sister state officers). Yone of these apply to the offices you inquire about. Statutory prohibitions against the holding of two of~%ces may also apply in particular cases. See, e.g., Educ. Code §11.,:12(b); Attorney General Opinion i-W-479 (1982) (eligibility for wmbership on State Board of Education). p. 956 q Honorable James S. McGrath -’ Page 2 (JM-213) We will deal with art:kle XVI, section 40 first, because it is the most easily applied test of the three. It states as follows: theSe;m;Okim+erson shall hold or exercise at , more than one civil office of emolument, except-that of Justice of the Peace, Countv Commissioner. Notary Public and Postmaster. Offi& of the National Guard, [other exceptions for certain military officers] . . . and the officers and directors of soil and water conservation distl::.cts. unless otherwise specially provided herein. Provided, that nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to prohibit an officer or enlist,,d man of the National Guard, [other exceptions for military officers] and officers of the State soil and water conservation districts, from ho::ding at the same time any other office or position of honor, trust or profit, under this State or the t’nited States, or from voting at any election, general, special or primary in this State when otherwise qualified. State employees or’ other 1ndividual.s who receive all or part of tt,eir compensation either directly or indirectly from funds of the State of Texas and who are not State officers, shall not be barred from serving as m8rmbers of the governing bodies of school districts, cities, towns, or other local governmental districts; provided, however, that such State emplopzes or other individuals shall receive no salar), for serving as members of such governing bodies. It is further provided that a nonelective Stat3 officer may hold other nonelective offices under the State or the United States, if the o::her office is of benefit to the State of Texas or is required by the State or Federal law, and there is no conflict with the original office Ear which he receives salary or compensation. No member of the Legislature of this State may ?;;?Ld any other office or position of profit under &is State, or the United States, except as a no&y public if -qualified by law. (Emphasis added).- No compensation attaches to the office of school trustee. See Educ. Code 523.19(e); Attorney General Opinion WW-246 (1957). TK, this office is not an office of emolument, and article XVI, section 40 does not bar a school trustee from holding a second office. p. 957 . Honorable James S. McGrath -’ Page 3 (JM-213) Article II, section 1 oE the Texas Constitution provides for the separation of powers. This provision states as follows: The powers of the Government of the State of Texas shall be divided into three distinct departments, each of which sha:.:. be confided to a separate body of magistracy, to wit: Those which are Legislative to one, those which are Executive to another, and thos,! which are Judicial to another; and no person, or collection of persons, being of one of these departments, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the others, except in the instances Iu:rein expressly permitted. Article II. section 1 is more difficult to apply than article XVI, section 40. In Attorno:f General Opinions H-6 and H-7 (1973) this office construed article II, section 1 to prohibit a person who held office in one department of government from holding an office or employment in another branc:t. of government. Letter Advisory No. 137 (1977). however. held article II, section 1 inapplicable to publ,ic employment and thus overruled the earlier opinions in part. Attorney General Opinion H-6 cited but did not discuss cases from other states construing constitutional provisions comparable to article II, section 1. See State v. Burch, 80 N.E.2d 294 (Ind. 1948) (legislator may not perfo& “functions” of another department of government); Saint v. Aller:, 126 So. 548 (La. 1930) (legislators may not “exercise power” of another department by serving as employee); Monaghan v. School District No. 1, Clackamas County, 315 P.2d 797 (Ore. 1957) (legislator &y not perform “functions” of another department). Nor did the o!,:lnion analyze the reasoning of these cases or explain why they should control the interpretation of a Texas constitutional provision. Texas case law on this subject is meager indeed. The court in Ruiz v. State, 540 S.W.2d 809 (Tex. Civ. App. - Corpus Christi 1976, no writ), following the lead of this office, treated article 11, section 1 as an impediment to dual office holding. It did not, however, adopt in all respects the interpretation of this provision given in Attorney General Opinion H-6 and subsequent advisory documents. See Letter Advis,,ry Nos. 137 (1977); 106 (1975). Ex parte Dailey, ‘+46 S.W. 91 (Tex. Crim. App. 1922) Includes the following dictum: If a district jr?ge holding a commission as an officer in the National Guard was directed by the Governor to call out his company, or if he should find it necess;*::y to do so upon his own 3nitiative. it -- might be that judicial authoritv p. 958 Honorable James S. McCrath - Page 4 (JM-213) and executive aurhority would be lodged in the same Individual. Then a different question would arise. That conl::.ngency is not presented in the case before ua. (Emphasis added). 246 S.W. at 93. See als! Attorney General Opinion O-1561 (1939) (relying on article II, swtion 1 and article XVI, $33 to bar dual office holding). Attorney General Opin.lons H-6 and H-7 did not construe article II. section 1 in the context of the entire constitution. See Gragg v. Cayuga Independent School District, 539 S.W.2d 861 (Tex. 1976). appeal dismissed, 429 U.S. 973 (1976);erson V. State. 177 S.W.2d 975 (Tex. Crim. App. 1944). Thus, thwe opinions overlooked the differences In language between article I::, section 1, which refers to the exercise of power, and provisions like sections 12 and 40 of article XVI, vhjch explicitly bar dual office holding. Nor did the opinions consider whether the terms of article II, section 1 might be defined by reference to the constj tutional provisions which entrust the legislative, executive, ant, judicial power of the state to identified officers and offices. -See Tex. Const. art. ‘ III, 51; art. IV, Sl; art. v, Il. Finally. Attorney Genc:l,al Opinions H-6 and H-7 did not consider whether the language of article II, section 1 might be construed as applying only to state lewl offices , and not to offices of political subdivisions. Courts of other states have construed similar provisions as prohibitiug dual office holding on the state level onlv. See Peterson vi Culpeppe;, 79 S.W. 783 (Ark.-1904); State V. Tovnsend, 79 S.W. 782 (Ark. 1904). l’ke application of article II, section 1 to offices of political subdiv:.sions requires the classification of each such office as legislative, judicial or executive. All local offices cannot be so neatly categorized. For example. Letter Advisory No. 112 (1975) characterized city tcuncils as legislative bodies because they exercise legislative powl s. City councils, however, are also responsible for enforcing the laws and for hiring and firing city employees. V.T.C.S. arts. 1002, 1011, 1015. Mayors of general law cities, in some instances, may also be municipal judges. V.T.C.S. art. 1197. The mayors and city councils of general law cities have held these diverse powers since at least 1875. See Acts 1875. 14th Leg. 2d Sess., ch. C., at 113. The legisleture which enacted these statutes did not believe tt;zt article II, section 1 prevented it from allocating legislative, executive, and judicial powers to a mayor. Statutes enacted near the time that the Constitution was adopted carry great weight In construing the Constitution. Hill County v. Sheppard, 178 S.W.2d 261 (Tex. 1944). See also Educ. Code 1523.25-23.31 (powers of school trustees); Acts l1105, 29th Leg., ch. 124. 542. at 274; Acts 1879, 16th Leg., ch. LXVII. at 76. p. 959 Honorable James S. McGrath - Page 5 (JG213) You correctly point auf, that Letter Advisory No. 23 (1973) holds tkat article II. section j hars a school trustee from also being a judge. Since many prohlen:i of interpretations surround article Il. section 1 in its characce:::lzation as a bar to dual office holding, however, we are reiuctant rc rely upon It or upon Letter Advisory No. 2:) (1973) as dispositive of your question. Neither do we need to address here whether the common law doctrine of incompatibility contro1.s in this case. since we believe there is a statutory bar I.c this particular instance of dual office holding, Article V, section i-a(6)A of the Texas Constitution provides that any judge of a county court at law may be removed from off ice for willful or persistent conduct. which is clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of his said duties or :ssts public discredit upon the judiciary or administration of justice. The statute implementjng :hese provisions defines the prohibited conduct to include willful. violation of a provision of the Code of Judicial Conduct. V.T.C.S. art. 5966a. §6E. The Code of Judicial Conduct includes the folloslng provision: Extra-judicial A]~‘ointments. A judge shouid not accept appointment to a governmental committee. ccmmis*iOn, or ether posiiion that is concerned with issues of F.act or policy on matters other than the improvement of the law, the legal system, or the adminis.:,raticn of justice. A judge. however, may represent his country, state, or locality on ceremonial occasions or in connection with historical, educational, and cultural activities. Canon 5 (G) . We believe this provision. read together with article 5466a. bars a county coul’t at law judge from serving as a school trustee. SUMMARY Article XVI, r:r,ction 40 does not bar one person from serving as c:ounty court at law judge and s school trustee ia a dfstrict in the ssme county. Article 5966a. s(zg:tion 6E, bars a county court at law judge from sc!rving as a school trustee. It Is unnecessary to dz:idr whether article II, section p. 960 Honorable James S. McCrath - Page 6 UN-2131 1 of the Texas Coustitutlon or the cornmoo law doctrine of incompatibility bars this case of dual office holding. MATTOX Attorney General of Texas TOM GREEN First Assistant Attorney Genmal DAVID R. RICHARDS Executive Assistant Attorney Ceneral RICK GILPIN Chairman, Opinion Comittee Prepared by Susan L. Garrisou Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Rick Gilpin. Chairman David Brooks Colin Carl Susan Garrison Jim Moellinger Nancy Sutton - p. 961
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion