Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1983-07-02
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Combined Opinion
                                                The Attorney         General of Texas
                                                                   November 10, 1983
   Attorney General

                                              Gary E. Miller, M.D.                         Opinion No. ~~-94
   Supreme   Court Building
   P 0. BOX 12548
   Austin. TX. 7*71t-  2546                   Texas Department of Mental                   Re:   Salaries for persons
   5121475-2501                                  Health and Mental Retardation             discharging   duties    of
   T&x 910/674-t367                           P. 0. Box 12668                              positions   as    "acting"
   Telecopier          5121475.0266
                                              Austin, Texas   78711                        holders thereof

   714 Jackson,  Suite 700
   Dallas. TX. 75202-4506                     Dear Dr. Miller:
                                                   You have asked about the salary to be paid someone who discharges
   4024 Alberta          Ave.. Suite    160
                                              the duties of an office or position as an "acting" functionary rather
   El Paso,      TX.     79905.2793           than as the duly appointed incumbent thereof.
                                                   The salaries for most employees and officers of the state of
                                              Texas are fixed by the biennial appropriations act in conjunction with
r‘?l       Texas,    Suite 700
       .uston,    TX. 77002.3111
                                              article 6252-11, V.T.C.S., the Position Classification Act of 1961, as
   7131223-5866                               authorized by article 6813b. V.T.C.S.

                                                    Section 2 of the Position Classification Act specifies:
   806 Broadway,            Suite 312
   Lubbock.  TX.          79401.3479
                                                          All regular, full-time salaried employments within
                                                          rcertain agencies and departments appropriated
                                                          money by the general appropriations act] shall
   4309 N. Tenth. Suite B                                 conform   with    the   Position    Classification
   McAtlen. TX. 7B501.1SB5                                Plan . . . and with      the salary rates and
                                                          provisions of the applicable Appropriations Act
                                                          commencing with the effective date of this Act,
   200 Main      Plaza. Suite 400                         with the exceptions and deferments hereafter
   San    Antonio.    TX. 78205.2797                      provided . . . . (Emphasis added).

                                                   However, one who serves in an "acting" capacity, by definition,
   An Equal       Opportunity/                is not engaged in a regular employment. He performs the duties of an
   Affirmative      Action     Employer       office or position to which he does not himself claim title. See
                                              State Bank of Williams V. Gish, 149 N.W. 600 (Iowa 1914); State ex rel
                                              Gossett V. O'Grady, 291 N.W. 497 (Neb. 1940). The term connotes a
                                              temporary designation, rank or position. See Pellecchia v. Mattia. 1
                                              A.Zd 28 (N.J. 1938); Capibianco V. Civil Service Commission, 158 A.Zd
                                              834 (N.J. Super. 1960). Thus, the salary paid one serving in an
                                              "acting capacity" need not conform to the Position Classification Plan
                                              unless some statute other than    article 6252-11 requires it.     SIX?
                                              Attorney General Letter Advisory No. 1 (1973). -Cf. Attorney General
                                              Opinion W-1317 (1962).

                                                                         p. 400
Dr. Gary E. Miller - Page 2   (JM-94)

     Article 6813b, V.T.C.S., does not expressly refer to the Position
Classification Plan, but it does specify that

         all salaries of all State officers and State
         employees, including the salaries paid any
         individual out of the General Revenue Fund, shall
         be in such sums or amounts as may be provided for
         by the Legislature in the biennial Appropriations

The current general appropriations act does not speak directly of
salaries to be paid parsons temporarily discharging responsibilities
in an uactingu capacity. It does state, however, that a "promoted"
employee is to receive an increased salary, Acts 1983, 68th Leg., ch.
1095, art. V, §le, at 6196, and states that any classified employee
may, during emergencies or other special circumstances, be temporarily
assigned to other duties for periods not to exceed three months. Id.,
art. V. §lk, at 6197.

     The appropriations act defines a promotion as a change in duty
assignment within an agency from a position in one classification to a