The Attorney General of Texas August 10. 1903 MATTOX Jrney General Honorable Sam 0. Hillsap. Jr. Opinion No. JM-56 ems Court Buildins BOX 12548 Criminal District Attorney in.TX. 75711. 2549 Bexar County Courthouac Re: Constitutionality of Rule 175.25Ot San Antonio, Texa8 70205 7676. Texas Rules of Civil x 9101~74.1267 Procedure copier $12~475-02SS Dear Hr. Hillaap: Mam St. Suits 1400 3%1X. 75201.4709 You have reque6ted our opinion regarding the constitutionality of 742.9944 a rule promulgated by the Texas Supreme Court, which. In easewe. authorizes the practice of law in a justice court by persons not Albertr Ave.. Suits 160 lfcensed to practice. The court has promulgated Rule 747a. which aso.TX. 79905.2793 provides in full a8 follows: 533.p 'i' _’ In forcible l nir y and detainer for c*ses Dallas A”/.. Stile 202 non-peyment of rent or holding over beyond the s~o~.TX. 770026995 rental term, the parties may represent themselves j504668 <. or .be,,rripresented by their authorized agents In justice court. Broadway: SUIT312 This rule “118 adopted in 1982. 30ch. TX. 794013479 747.5238 Article V. iection 25 of the Texas Constitution provides that: 1 N. Tenth. Suite B The Supreme Court shall have power to make and .Ikn.TX. 79501.1555 592.4547 establish rules of procedure not inconsistent vith the laws of the State for the government of said court and the other’.courts of thfs State to hn Plaza. SlJlW 400 expedite the dispatch of business therein. *nlonio. TX. 78205.2797 225.4191 The statutory corollary of section 25 is found in article 173111. V.T.C.S., which gives the Texas Supreme Court “full rulemaking power in the practice and procedure in civil actions.!’ The State Bar Act, article 320~1. V.T.C.S.. prohibits persone who are not member.9 of the State Bar of Texas from practicing law, which is defined in part as: [T]he management of the actions and proceedings on behalf of clients before judges in courts. Article 320a-I. section 19. V.T.C.S. P. 234 . . Honorable Sam D. Hillaap. Jr, - Page 2 (JW56) A forcible entry and detainer suit is .a landlord tenant action filed in the justice court. Under the State Bar Act, the only persons authorized as “agents” for parties ‘in such suits are licensed attorneya. Sea Tax. Rblea of Civil Proc. 730-755; arts. 3973-3994, V.T.C.S. Toyhe extent that rule 74711 purports to authorize the practice of law by unlicensed persons, we believe that it would be held unconstitutional. Where ‘a rule of the Supreme Court conflicts with a atstute. the rule must yield. Paw v. Charter Oak Fire Insurance Compsny, 463 S.U.2d 424 (Tcx. 1971) (rule held invalid in workers compensation action). In our opinion. therefore, “authorized *gents” as used in Rule 747a should be construed to maan “attorney agents.” See Attorney General Opinions MW-392. MU-312 (198,l) (corporationat be represented by attorney in appeal to county court at l*v in amall claims court); HW-235 (1980) (apartment manager may file complaint in FED action but may not represent owner st hearing); note, 8 Houston Law Review 302, 317 (1970); but ace Attorney General Opinions R-974 (1977) (non-attorney, may represent party *t state administrative hearing); H-538 (1975) (non-attorney may represent corporation in small claims court). We emphaaiae. however. that Rule 74?a permits a party to represent himself in a forcible entry and detainer action. SUMHARY To the extent that Rule 747s. Texas’ Rules of ’ Civil Procedure authorizes the practice .of law by non-attorneys. It is Invalid. Accordingly, “authorized agehta” sa used in that rule should be construed to mean “attorney *gents.” Attorney General of Texas TOMGREEN First Assistant Attorney General DAVID R. RICHARDS Executive Assistant Attorney Generrl Prepared by David Brooks Assistant Attorney General p. 235 Ilonoreble Sam D. Hillsep,Jr. - Page 3 (JM-56) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Rick Gllpin.Acting Chairman Jon Bible Devid Brooks Colln Carl Jim Hoelllnger Nancy Sutton i . h
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion