The Attorney General of Texas
March 11,1981
Attorney General
Honorable Oscar II. Mauxy, Chairman Opinion No. MW-302
Senate Education Committee
Texas Senate, State Capitol Re: Issue of new tuition revenue
Austin, Texas 78711 bonds under chapter 55 of the
Education Code
Dear Senator Mauxy:
You have asked whether universities authorized to issue tuition
revenue bonds up to certain maximum amounts under the provisions of
sections 55.17, 55.171 and 55.172 of the Education Code can issue new bonds
as they retire the original debt, so long as the statutory maximum amount is
not exceeded.
Section 55.17(e)(2) authorizes the board of regents of Texas Tech
University to issue tuition revenue bonds in an amount “not to exceed $35
million” for the purpose of providing facilities for the School of Medicine at
Lubbock. The University of Texas System, the Texas A & M System, the
University of Houston and Pan Ameri n University may issue bonds in
amounts limited in similar language. Educ. Code SSSS.l?(f), 55.171,
The discretion inherent in the phrase “not to exceed” is a recognition
that a lesser amount may suffice but in no event can a greater amount than
the stated amount be used. Train v. City of New York, 420 U.S. 35 (1975);
Zurich General Accident & Liability Insurance Co. v. Thomas, 187 S.W. 2d
689 (Tex. Civ. ADD.- 1945. no writ). As we understand vour ouerv. the
unive.rsities wish io continue to issue new debt up to the r&pe&ve &llng
amounts as old debt is retired.
A perusal of certain constitutional provisions containing authorization
for bonded Indebtedness in identical language is instructive. Article III,
section 49-b of the Texas Constitution authorizes bonds to purchase land for
resale to Texas veterans. When an increase ln the dollar amount was
needed, the provision was amended to provide for higher dollar amounts.
The Veterans’ Land Board did not issue new bonds as old bonds were retired.
‘Similarly, article III, section 49-d-l increased the dollar amount authorized
for the Texas Water Development Board by article III, section 49-c. Article
III, section Sob-1 increased the dollar amount authorized for bond-financed
student loans by article III, section 50b. In each case, the authorizing
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Honorable Oscar H. Mauxy - Page Two (MW-302)
language is identical to that contained in sections 55.17, 55.171 and 55.172 of the
Education Code. In each case, a constitutional amendment was required when
additional funds were needed.
Legislative history also supports our view that the universities may not issue new
debt up to the ceiling amounts as old debt is retired. The original version of section
55.17 had no dollar ceilingsl the final version did.~ While records of floor debate were
not kept for the 62nd Legislature, which passed section 55.17, there are records of
floor debate for the 63rd Legislature, which passed sections 55.171 and 55.172. These
records indicate that the amounts authorized were an aggregate amount and that
additional amounts would call for new legislation.
It is our opinion that additional legislation is required before the universities may
issue further tuition, revenue bonds once the schools have reached their present
statutory limits, and that there is no authority for issuing new bonds as outstanding
debt is retired under the existing provisions.
Universities authorized to issue tuition revenue bonds under
sections 55.17, 55.171 and 55.172 may not issue additional bonds
as outstanding bonds are retired.
First Assistant Attorney General
Executive Assistant Attorney General
Prepared by Susan’Lee Voss
Assistant Attorney General
Susan L. Garrison, Chairman
Jon Bible
Rick Gilpln
Robert T. Lewis
Ladd Pattillo
Susan Lee Voss
Bruce Youngblood
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