Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. .- . The Attorney General of Texas October 16, 1979 MARK WHITE Attorney General Honorable Charles D. Travis Oplnion No. MW-7 0 Executive Director Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Re: Whether the state may con- 4200 Smith School Road tract to operate and maintain for Austin, Texas 70744 an indefinite period recreational facilities developed In a federally owned park. Dear Mr. Travis: You inform us that the Parks and Wildlife Department has negotiated a cost sharfng agreement with the United States for recreational development of federally owned property. Under the proposed agreement, the state would lease the property for an indefinite period. The federal government requires the state to amume responsibility for operating, maintabdng, and replacing all recreational facilities developed on the leased premises. You wlvh to know whether you may unconditionally promise to pay the operation and maintenance costs for an indefinite period into the future. Parks and Wildlife has authority to rpend state funds to build facilities on land owned by the federal government. See V.T.C.S. Parks h Wild. Code SS 13.301- 13.313; Attorney General Opinion=257 0974). The expenditures are made from the Texas Parks Fund established pursuant to section 3 of article 7.06, Taxation-General, V.T.C.S., and appropriated by the legislature for purposes stated in that statute. _See Attorney General GplnIons H-575 (l975); Ii-257 (1974); M-ll64 0972,. Article VllI, section 6 of the Texas Constitution provides that no appropriation may be made for a period longer than two yeara The state may not as a general matter contract on ths basis of anticipated revenues beyond the two year period. See Fort Worth Cavalry Club v. S S.W.2d 660 (Ten. 1935); AttoKy General Opinions V-291 ( 09391. Article III, section 49 of the constitution prohibits the state from creating debts and also prevents contracting on the basis of anticipated revenues. It lo, however, possible for the state to, enter into a contract for a period longer than two years See enerall S. Susman, Contract State of Texas-Fiscal and Constitutmnal %mitations, e p. 215 L - Honorable Charles D. Travis - Page TWO (IS+70) 140 fl9651. It mav enter Into a reouirements contract, where it does not commit itself in advanaa --.-.-- ta -- mweha.se am --a amount ------- rk _- the _..- commoditv -_....... ~~~ or-to ~~ aumooriate . anv funda See Citv of Big Spr&-v%ard of Control, 404 S.W.2d 610 (Tex. 1966h &&es Scribnerb G% v. Mans. 262 S.W. 722 (Ten. 19241, Since no obligation to ps-n arises until the goods are deli vered, this kind of contract d&s not commit appropriated fun&I for longer ?han two years. Obligations that run current with revenues are not debts within the constitution and thus do not violate article Ill, section 49. In addition, the state may obligate revenues which do not go through the appropriations procem for a period longer than two years. Friedman v. American Surety Co. of New York, 151 S.Wfd 570 (Ten. 194l)i Attorney General Opi i O-l694 0939). The state may also enter into a binding contract Involving the expend&z of appropriated funds for longer than two years where payment is conditioned wn the availability of appropriated funds. S 5(h); Attorney General Opinions M-253 (1966); M-39 the amount of the state’s obligation can be ascertained at the inception of the contract, it may psy the entire consideration in advance. Attorney General Opinions C-134 fl963); O-6246 (19441. If your proposed contract conforms to any one of the methods discussed above, you may enter into it for a period of more than two years, but you may not enter into a contract that unconditionally promises to make expenditures from funds to be appropriated in the future. SUMMARY The Department of Parks and Wildlife may not enter into an unconditional contract to make expenditures from funds to be appropriated in the future. However, there are procedures by which the Department may enter into contracts with terms exceeding two years. MARK WHITE Attorney General of Texas .JOHN W. I’AINTRR, JR. First Assistant Attorney General TED L. HARTLEY Executive Assistant Attorney General Prepared by Susan Garrison Assistant Attorney General P. 216 Honorable Charles D. Travis - Page Three (l4W-70) APPROVRD: OPINION COMMI’lTEE C. Robert Heath, Chairman David B. Brooks Bill Campbell Susan Garrison Rick Gllpin Les Kix William G Reid Bruce Youngblood P. 217