aollw L nltt A-- a- August 16, 1977 Honorable Henry Wade Opinion Uo. R-1042 Dallas County District Attorney Sixth Floor, Records Building Re: Payment of premiuma for Dallaa, Texas 75202 county clerk's ltatutorily required errors and aada- aiona policy. Dear Mr. Wader You have aaked whether Dallaa County may legally pay pre- miuma for insurance which article 1937, V.T.C.S., reguirea the Dallaa County Clerk to obtain. In addition to reguiring that county clerka give faithful performancebonda to the counties in which they are elected, and bond their de utiea, the ltatute reguirea them to 'obtain an errora and omiaafon8 inwrance 'policy, covering the county clerk and [hia] deputier. . . against liabilities incurred throu h errors and airaiona in the performance of [their] officia f duties. . . .. Sec. 4. The minimum amount of the insurance coverage 18 made dependent upon the fee-collectinghistory of the office. Section 5 of article 1931 atates: The premiuma for the bonda and the errora and omissions policies required by thia Act to be given, or to be obtained, by the county clerk of each county shall be paid by tbe Coaxni88ionerrCourt of the county out of the general fund of the county aa additional compensation for the lervicz of the county clerk and which additional compeneation rhall be cumulative of and to all other compensation presently or here- after authorlred for said county clerk. (Rmphaaimadded). An errors and omimaions policy la profearional liability (malpractice)inaarance providing a lpecialired and limited type p. 4299 . Honorable Benry Wade - Page 2 (~-1042) . of coverage coqsared to general comprekenaiveinsurance. It is designed to insure m&ra of a puticular professional group from liability arising out of the special rick luch as negligence,omiaaiona, mistaker and errors inherent in the practice of the profession. Grieb v. Citirena Ceaualty Co. of Uew York, 148 #.W.Zd 103 (f&a. 1967) 13 Couch on Insurance 2d S 49:161 at 605, Errors and Omiaaion~. In 1965 when the errors and omiaaiona policy requirement was first added to the law, the statute stated merely that '[tlbe premiums for said insurance shall be paid out of the funds of the county by the ConnniaaioneraCourt. . . .. It did not charac- terize the payment as constituting additionalcarpaneetion for the county clerk, and Attorney General Opinion C-506 (1965) concluded that payment of the premium could not bene- fit the county inaemuch as governmental.irnaunityapplied to the official acts of the clerk and his deputies. Tbe provision war said to violate sections 51 and 52 of article 3 of the Texas constitutionprohibiting gifts of public funds. Attor- ney General Opinion C-607 (1966) followed,deciding on the same grounds that a county could not pay the short-rate can- cellation premium for a clerk's policy cancelled in reeponae to Attorney General Opinion C-506. In 1969, the Legislature amended article 1937 to read as it does today, but Attorney General Opinion H-441 (1969) ruled that new language expressly constitutingthe payment "additional compensation"made no difference, obaeroingt This recitation doer not alter the fact that public moneys are being used to ac- complish an unauthorioed purpoaer that 18, to discharge a liability that la not the reaponaibilityof the county. Thoaii pur- pores which the Legislature is prohibited fr ol m ccompliehing directly may not be accomplished indirectly. Id. at 3. - We do not agree with Attorney General Opinion l4-441that the 'additionalcompensation" language maker no difference. In our view, the present premium payment provieion of article 1937. V.T.C.S., la valid. ,;p. 429a . w ’ ,~ i .c Uonorable Benxy Wede - ?aGe 3 (B-1042) ,,r- One of tba questions lddre8aed in Attorney Genus1 Gpiniotr n-989 (1973) wee whether a 8chool dirtrictright purchare with public funds an Sll-rirka lutmbile liabilityinsurance policy protecting it8 officers and aployers (as distinct from the district itself) lg a inrtort t claims uiaing from their official dutie8, even though the 9wumeatal imunity of the district protected them from liability for mo8t of the risk8 insured against. The opinion approved tba p ur c h a 8e, ltatingt [T)heee units of government have the autho- rity to set rrployee pay levels ud . . . the purchame of inarrrancacovuage by m- ployerr 18 a univeraallyyacceptedllament of employee lalarie8. Viewing the purchase of inauranoe as an elment of rployee cam- penaation, on the same baa18 a8 pea8ion plane, 9rou life and group health end accident poP iciea, we find no violation of Article III, Faction 51, Texas Con8titution. Id. at 4. - Unless there la a specific con8titutiorulexception prb- vided, it is unconstitutional to make payments of public -nay c- for the benefit of private,indivi&ualaexcept as en incident to the direct accomplishmentof a proper public purpose or in return for aervicea rendered the public. Tex. Conlt. art. 3, ss 44, 51, 52. If author,iSedby law, insurancecowrage say be provided public servant8 as a form of c~naation. Attor- ney General Gpini?n MI-731 (19S9). When that 18 done, the conatitu~ionalityof the purchase does not +pend upon the breadth of the coverage extended. ft la purchSaed to cmpen- sate the servant for services which he has-alreadyrendered the public.,and the use of the insurance IS of no con8titutional consequence, just as the use of an amployee'asalary is of no constitutionalconsequence to the state after he receives it. However, when the state provides employee benefits for some rea- son other than compensation, the provision of henefitr must be for a public purpose to escape articla 3, section 51 and section 52 condemnation. Then, the benefioiary (in the broad sense) of insurance purchased by tha state or one of its sub- diviaiona la all-importantbecause if public interest8 are not being protected, the purcha8e 18 illegal. &e Attorney General Opinion E-950 (1977)s see lL8o Attorney GenGl Opinion8 H-742 (1975); H-602 (197511 iirfOm73). Language in Attorney General Opinion B-70 (1973) has been brought to our attention which seems to conflict with the con- clueion of Attorney General Opinion M-999 (1971). In H-70 we p. 4291 . Xonorabae Benry We&8- Page 4 (B-1042) w&e addressing the proposed purchase of insurance to protect independent school district trustees frola coats of litigation growing out of the discharge of their official duties. We said8 School districts are not authorized to pur- chase insurancecoverage for their officara and employees 'as an element of emplo le compenaation~ . If purchased at all, 1naur- ante must be purchased for the purpose of protectinga public interest, not a private one -- though private interaatamay be - in- cidentallybenefited. . Id. at 5. In context, the statement was r(correct one, for the trustees of independentlchool.diatrictamust serve without compensation. Education Code 6 23.19. Bowever, the language ahould~not be applied to trustees or employees for which the law authorizes that form of ccnapenaation, This distinctionwar observed in Attorney General Opinion X-958 (1977). Another opinion, Attorney General Opinion H-602 (19751, applied the distinction but did not articulate it. There, an independentschool district wished to buy no-fault mperaonal injury protection.coverage and Qninaured motorist coverage. with public funds -- not as insurance for the employees as part of their compenration,but as a part.of an insurance package protecting the district itself. Legally, a school district could not have been held liable for the claims the insurance would have covered. The opinion ruled against tbc plan on the . same grounds Attorney General Cpiniona C-506 and C-607 originally ruled against the papent of premirnaafor a county clerk's errors and omissions coverage, aside from compensatingits servants, no public purpose of the district could have been served by such expenditures. Such aituati~naare to be diatinguiahedfrom the one here. The payment of the premium here is legialativelydi- rected and la authorized specificaLly as additionalcaplpen- sation for the county clerk. We’know of no constitutional restriction on such legialative action. Tex. Conat. art. 3, 9 44~ art. 5, 9 201 art. 16, S 61. See Byrd v. City of Dallas, 6 S.W.ld 738 (Tex. Coaat*nApp. m8, opinion adopted)8 wey general Opinion WW-1101 (19611; see also Wichita County v. Robinson, 276 S.W.2d 509 (Tex. m4r.n our opinion, Dallas County may legally pay, and la repuired to pay, the pre- mlum for the errors and omissions policy which article 1937, V.T.C.S., requires the Dallas county clerk to obtain. Attorney General Opinion M-441 (1969) la overruled. p. 4292 . . I ‘! Bonorable Henry Wade - Page 5 (a-1042) ('- t SUUNARY Dallas County must pay the premium for the errors and omiaaiona policy which article 1937, V.T.C.S., requires the Dallas county clerk to obtain. Very truly yours, - .x q&l P OXU L. BILL Attorney General of Texas -J4PPROVRD: DAVID &l$plDN.L, ?irat Aaaiatant e RORBRT HEATH, Chairman &inion Committee jet i.’ p. 4293