,: 9 THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS September 30. 1975 The Honorable Jackie W. St. Clair Opinian’No. H- 700 Commissioner, Department ‘of Labor and Standards Re: Whether crew leaders, day P. 0. Box 12157 labor contractors and temporary Austin, Texas 78711 labor pool8 are “labor agents” under article 5221a-5, V. T. C. S. Dear Commissioner St. Clair: You have requeeted our opinion regarding whether crew leaders, day labor contractors and temporary labor pools should be deemed “labor agents” for purposes of article 5221a-5, V. T. C. S. You state that all three groups contract with a user employer to, supply a labor pool, for which they recruit members. Each of the three groups is paid in a lump aum by the user employer, and each in turn paya it6 laborers a lower aurn and retain8 the difference. You indicate that crew leaders and day labor contractors supply’ agricultural laborers, whom they pay on a piece rate basis. They generally do not operate out of a fixed office. Temporary labor pools, on the other hand, supply industrial laborers, pay them on an hourly basis, and operate out of a fixed office in an urban area. Section I(e) of article 5221a-5, as amended by Acts.1975:, 64th. Leg. , , ch. 182, at 409, defines “Labor Agent” as: . . . any person in this State who, for a fee, offers or attempts to procure, or procures employment for employeea, or without a fee offers or attempts to procure, or procures employment for common or agricultural workers; or any person who for a fee attempts to procure, or procures employees for Ann employer, or without a fee offerr or attempt8 to procure common or agricultural workerr for employ- p. 3032 - . I- . The Honorable Jackie W. St. Clair - page 2 (H-700) era, or any person, regardless whether a fee is received ,or due, offers or attempts to supply or supplies the services of common or agricultural workers to any person. The term ‘Labor Agent’ includes any person who, for a fee, employs workers to render personal services in connection with the production of any farm products to, for, or under the direction of a third person, or who recruits, solicits, supplies, or hires workers on behalf of an employer engaged in the growing or producing of farm products, and who, for a fee, provides in connection therewith one or more of the following services: furnishes board, lodging, or transporta- tion for such workers: supervises, times, checks, counts, weighs, or otherwise directs or measures. the work; or disburses wage payments to the workers. “Fee” is defined in sectioql(b) as: .‘. anything of value including money or other valuable consideration or services or the promise of any of the foregoing received by a Labor Agent or Agency from or on behalf of any person seeking employment, or employers seeking employees, in payment for any service, either directly or indirectly. The term ‘fee’ includes the difference between the amount received by a Labor Agent and the amount paid out by him to persons employed to render personal. services to, for, or under the direction of a third person. “Person” means : . . . an individual, partnership, association, corporation, legal representative, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, or receiver.. Article 5221a-5. section l(a). p. 3033 The Honorable Jackie W. St. Clair - page 3 (H-700) Crew leaders, day labor contractors and operators of temporary labor pools all may be said both to “procure employment for employees” and to “procure employees for an employer. ” The definition of “fee” to include “the difference between the amount received by a Labor Agent and the amount paid out by him to persons employed to render personal services to, for, or under the direction of a third person” appears to comprehend the’precise method by which you indicate that such laborers are compensated. Under the facts you state, it is our opinion that crew leaders, day labor contractors and temporary labor pools would be construed to be encompassed within the defin- ition of “Labor Agent” provided in section l(e). SUMMARY Crew leaders, day labor contractors and operators of temporary labor pools, as described, are “Labor Agents” for purposes of article 5221a-5, V. T. C. S. JOHN L. HILL Attorney General of Texas at Assistant C. ROBERT HEATH, Chairma% Chairman Opi.nion Committee jwb p. 3034
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion