Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1973-07-02
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Combined Opinion
                                          ORNEY           GENERAL
                                    AI[~~TIN, TEXAFS     78111
       JOHN    Ii.RILL

                                             July27, 1973

               Mr. Ivan Williams, Executive.Director
               Texas AmusementrMachine Commission
               1411 West -Avenue,.HichmondBuilding
               Austin, Texas 78711
                                             Opinion No. H- 73
                                                   Re:    The meaning~:of.Article~l3,1Z;
                                                          Taxation-General, V.A.T.C.S.,
                                                          governing taxation of coin-
                                                          operated machines-in lightof
                                                          Thompson v. Calvert.,.
                                                                               489 SW3d
                                                          95 (Tex:c:.-Sup.

               Dear Mr. Willia@.t-
                    Article~l3.17;~~Title>122A, Taxation-General, Vernon's
               Annotated Civil Statutes-(1969)',is a.'comprehensiveregula-
               tion of certain coin-operated machfnes.and.%n part is directed
               at.prev&nting.persons.fn,businesses dea,lingin those machines
               from hqving concurrentfinancial interests in certain alco-
               holic be,verage,businesses,lSection 8*(1.):
                            "No person shall"Gngage-in business to
                            manufacture$ own:;buy; se~l~l,.oor
                            lease, :trade*;lend,.or.furnish to an-
                            transport-within,the state;.'store,-.or
                                    a*music:coin-operated machine
                            or a &cil;l;-~~or.
                            machhe with-out. a :iicenseT

1              Section,23(1) .of thersame article in -part provides:
                             "It sha&l ]be unlawful ,for a:.personwho
                            has .a financi&~:iaterest~%n-.a.business
                            required:-%0;true,:regardlessof the number
of machines.:owned,by.She:..rindividual
                applied only with -respect to those who "merely
,own'!their -machines.

have to-be,.madewithfn the limits,.ofr-thecourt'sdecision
and-thisopinion.~ Nevertheless.,we consider the following
factors relevant-to'-de-terminkq~whetheran ABC ,permittee
                            p. 327
Honorable Ivan Williams, page 5    tHT73)

 who owns one or more vending machines is engaged in the "busi-
 ness of dealing in:coin-operated machines" or whether the
 ownership of the machine or machines is "purely incidental"
 to the primary business of serving alcoholic beverages on-
 premises, thereby exempting that business from Section 27(l):
  (1) The numberof machines in each place of business; the
 number of places of businesses owned by the ABC permittee;
 and the total number of machines owned by the ABC permittee
 at all of his.places of business .combined; (2) Whether such
 person is.engaging:in any .transactionsconcerning his machines
 beyond mere ownership of them; (3) Some comparison, if possi-
 ble, of revenues attributable to .salesof alcoholic.beverages
 and revenues attributable to coin-operated machines; (4) A
 comparison of-floor space attributable to ,the sale and con-
 sumption of alcoholic beverages,with the floor space attri-
 butable to the use of coin-operated machines;- (5) Whether
 the tavern containing the amusement machines was open during
 hours in which'it could not legally sell alcoholic beverages;
 and (6) A comparison of the ABC permittee's capital invest-
 ment in amusement machines with his total capital investment,
 We are not in a position to assess the'administrative'diffi-
 culties of establishing and enforcing any set of criteria,
'Of,course, the Commission may use other criteria which it feels
 are rea'sonablyrelevant to applying the rationale of the Thompson
      Turning to your seconc'question, it..is,ouropinion that
 the Cominissioii
                does have'the power to ‘regulate-thenumber of
machines .an'ABC permittee may ,own and use at his place of
 business. The purpose of Article 13,17 as expressed in Section
 1 thereof 'is:   "             :

          -"fT]oprovide comprehensive-regulation of
          music ahd skill'& pleasure -coin&operated
          machines and businesses dealing in these
          machines, and to prevent persons in these
          businesses from having certain‘concurrent
          financial interests in, or unauthorized
          financial dealings with, certain alcoholic
          beverage businesses,,'     '
     Where an agency is obligated by statute to effectuate the
express purpose of the act, authority reasonably necessary to

                      Article 13,17, Section 4 makes this grant
of power expressly:

                             PO 328
 Honorable Ivan Williams, page 6   (H-73)

              "In addition to its existing powers,
           the,. . ; Commission mayi-for the pur-
           pose of administerinq this Article,
              "(1) prescribe all necessary.regu-
           lations . . . ."
      Even if;the ABC permittee owns-vending machines -purely
 incidentally to:.his;business,-'
 his aJnership-:Qf..machine~;.is-:'prPger-;~.~e,
 plied,authority to.obaerYe:.*his:
                                 operation and -to.request re-
 ports. .Sin.cethe=Commissionl.is::duty-bound'to.regulate the
                   &t ,necessarkPy.has.*the.authority to deter-
 mine who should be licensed--under-Article.93.17.The li-
 censing power would:.bealmost,meaninglass %f the Commission
 did not'also havetheTauhority.-to determine whether a ta-
 vern operator-'sownershkp..aqd:-
                                use of<%cohn-operatedmachines
 is incidental-to--:hisbuainesis!:Ln
                                   orderlto implement the
T;g?      decision. .:Thus~,the,,regulations.envisioned by your
        qu+tion, would-;be':necessaryfor 'the,implementation of
 the Thompson.,decision.
   .r. The Commission may-not+',of,course;r*makeregulations which.
 are contraFy to,.or:beyond.the$r statutory ;authorization. All-
'state.Insurance..:Co4v;“.State Board.--of:
                                                        SW2d T‘JT-
 (Tex. Civ. App:,.-.:Austin
                          1966, writ ref'd n.r.e.f The-requla:',
 tions promulgated.by'the~~Commissfonmust'also be sufficiently
 explici-tto.inform those.bound:,by%hem what conduct will consti-
 tute a violatfon;-~'.RakIroad-Commi-ssion.-v;
                                             Ft. Worth and:.D.C.
                              Civ, 'App.,cAustin 1942, writ
 $ll:o,*;m;)-*. .-_
                          'violation'of,'-So&ion27(l) renders'the
 violator liable‘to-the!penal provisions'of Section 27(S), the
 rules promu&$atedtwith-respect-to Section->27(1)must.meet the
                                    applicable to Enal statutes.
          "No one'may"bs requ%redr.atthe.peril of
          life, liberty or property'to'speculate
          ---to: the.meanfng.
                       _'_ - of--penalstatutes.
          All are entitled_to be informed as to
          what, the>State commends.or forbids."
          Lanyetta v;New Jersey,;+386,U.S*451,
Lack ,of spe‘cE~d-~ty:~;wi-~l.render
                                %he.rules void: as violative of
theadue process clause .ofthe-Fourteenth Amendment of the U..S.
                                                      269 U. SI
385,,391 (&925).

                             p. 329
Honorable Ivan Williams, page 7 (H-73)

     Your third question asks how the.Commission would enforce
such a regulation. We noted,above that.the.Commission has the,
power to require .information'fromtavernowners who own coin?
operated machines. The Commission ,should consider sending
                 the rules.it.promulgates to ARC permittees.       ..
Through notification,,required reports'*,and, "spot checks" the
Commission could,determineywhether -any businesses were not com-
plying with Article 13.17. The Commission after such determina-
tion could..
           then notify the appropriate district.or~,countyattor-
neys for.prosecution under:.thestatute.
     Since.the -businesses,that:the,Thompson decision is con-
cerned with are all permittees..ofthe Alcoholic-Beverage Com-
mission, it might-be approprfaterto soliuit..the.assistanceof
that agency.in.some aspects-,ofcthe..enforcementof the Act.
Article 13.17, ,Seotion-6 provides:
                       .. Commission *in its.investiga-
         with the- . '-.
         tory.-functions-underthis Article, and shall
                 it access to-their relevant records
         and reports . . . ."
     Article 13.17, Section,3, provides that the Commission
may institute civil-proceedings through.the Attorney General
against.violators which-would include.5njunctive relief.

         While the criteria for determining.the applica-
    bility of Article 13.17, Section 27fl)kto owners of
    permits'to sell or.serve-alcoholic-beverages for on-
    premises consumption may not:be-*determinedwith exacti-
    tude, it wou,ldnot be,,approprfate.,tozwdefine
                                                 the term
    "incidental" in such,,awaythatwonld Lexclude only a
    very restrictive categoryof.‘tavern owners from the
    purview -of,Section.27(l). Such 'a-restrictiveinter-
    pretation,would not be-in .keepingwSth.-theintent of.
    Article 13.17, as expressed-,bythe Supreme Court, to
    "free the small tavern owner from the -hold of the
    machine industry" because,.suchan -interpretationwould
    result in many .tavernownersbeing:,forced to.lease
    machines from.jthe--vending-industry; Nonetheless, it
    is also inappropriate-.toconclude-that the.owners of
    such permits may"own>>an unlimitednumberof machines.

                            p. 330
 Honorable Ivan Williams, page 8        (H-73)

           The Amusement Machine,CommissionJpossesses the
     authorilzy,-to,promulgate,regu:lat$onsto regulate the
     number>of mach&nes an.owner:.of%a:per&it to sell or
                       .beveragesjfor on-premises consumption
     may ownathis     placeof: business.;::These -rules must not
     and-musk-be,sufficiently explicit.to,informthose~~
     persons affeotedrby them what conduct*:will:constitute
     a violation;=-- The Commissfon.~may~.de.termine
                                                   if any busi-
     nesses.are failing to comply-*withArticle 13.17. After
     s.ucha-determination, appropriate civil and criminal
     remedies,iireavailable-to the.-.Commission.

                              -Very      truly yours,

                         I/     Attorney General of Texas

DAVID MI.KENDALL; Chairman      -.      -
Opinion Committee    -  '.

                               p. 331