ORNEY GENERAL OF%-EXAS AI[~~TIN, TEXAFS 78111 JOHN Ii.RILL ATTORNEY GENERAL July27, 1973 Mr. Ivan Williams, Executive.Director Texas AmusementrMachine Commission 1411 West -Avenue,.HichmondBuilding Suite--2‘d0 Austin, Texas 78711 Opinion No. H- 73 Re: The meaning~:of.Article~l3,1Z; Taxation-General, V.A.T.C.S., governing taxation of coin- operated machines-in lightof Thompson v. Calvert.,. 489 SW3d 95 (Tex:c:.-Sup. 1972) Dear Mr. Willia@.t- Article~l3.17;~~Title>122A, Taxation-General, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes-(1969)',is a.'comprehensiveregula- tion of certain coin-operated machfnes.and.%n part is directed at.prev&nting.persons.fn,businesses dea,lingin those machines from hqving concurrentfinancial interests in certain alco- holic be,verage,businesses,lSection 8*(1.): of,,Arti.cle 13.17 provides: "No person shall"Gngage-in business to manufacture$ own:;buy; se~l~l,.oor rent,. lease, :trade*;lend,.or.furnish to an- other,-.or-repefr~.maintain,service, transport-within,the state;.'store,-.or import-;‘ a*music:coin-operated machine or a &cil;l;-~~or. pl,ga,wrecoin-operated machhe with-out. a :iicenseT .$ssuedun- der.this-'article;" 1 Section,23(1) .of thersame article in -part provides: "It sha&l ]be unlawful ,for a:.personwho has .a financi&~:iaterest~%n-.a.business required:-%0;true,:regardlessof the number of machines.:owned,by.She:..rindividual sinoe:,the'*'incidental" .J.imdtation.~was applied only with -respect to those who "merely ,own'!their -machines. have to-be,.madewithfn the limits,.ofr-thecourt'sdecision and-thisopinion.~ Nevertheless.,we consider the following factors relevant-to'-de-terminkq~whetheran ABC ,permittee p. 327 Honorable Ivan Williams, page 5 tHT73) who owns one or more vending machines is engaged in the "busi- ness of dealing in:coin-operated machines" or whether the ownership of the machine or machines is "purely incidental" to the primary business of serving alcoholic beverages on- premises, thereby exempting that business from Section 27(l): (1) The numberof machines in each place of business; the number of places of businesses owned by the ABC permittee; and the total number of machines owned by the ABC permittee at all of his.places of business .combined; (2) Whether such person is.engaging:in any .transactionsconcerning his machines beyond mere ownership of them; (3) Some comparison, if possi- ble, of revenues attributable to .salesof alcoholic.beverages and revenues attributable to coin-operated machines; (4) A comparison of-floor space attributable to ,the sale and con- sumption of alcoholic beverages,with the floor space attri- butable to the use of coin-operated machines;- (5) Whether the tavern containing the amusement machines was open during hours in which'it could not legally sell alcoholic beverages; and (6) A comparison of the ABC permittee's capital invest- ment in amusement machines with his total capital investment, We are not in a position to assess the'administrative'diffi- culties of establishing and enforcing any set of criteria, 'Of,course, the Commission may use other criteria which it feels are rea'sonablyrelevant to applying the rationale of the Thompson decision, , Turning to your seconc'question, it..is,ouropinion that the Cominissioii does have'the power to ‘regulate-thenumber of machines .an'ABC permittee may ,own and use at his place of business. The purpose of Article 13,17 as expressed in Section 1 thereof 'is: " : -"fT]oprovide comprehensive-regulation of music ahd skill'& pleasure -coin&operated machines and businesses dealing in these machines, and to prevent persons in these businesses from having certain‘concurrent financial interests in, or unauthorized financial dealings with, certain alcoholic beverage businesses,,' ' Where an agency is obligated by statute to effectuate the express purpose of the act, authority reasonably necessary to Article 13,17, Section 4 makes this grant of power expressly: PO 328 Honorable Ivan Williams, page 6 (H-73) "In addition to its existing powers, the,. . ; Commission mayi-for the pur- pose of administerinq this Article, "(1) prescribe all necessary.regu- lations . . . ." Even if;the ABC permittee owns-vending machines -purely incidentally to:.his;business,-' in:order.to..:determinewhether. his aJnership-:Qf..machine~;.is-:'prPger-;~.~e, .Commi.s,sion ,hasI.ign- plied,authority to.obaerYe:.*his: operation and -to.request re- ports. .Sin.cethe=Commissionl.is::duty-bound'to.regulate the vending,industryl;: &t ,necessarkPy.has.*the.authority to deter- mine who should be licensed--under-Article.93.17.The li- censing power would:.bealmost,meaninglass %f the Commission did not'also havetheTauhority.-to determine whether a ta- vern operator-'sownershkp..aqd:- use of<%cohn-operatedmachines is incidental-to--:hisbuainesis!:Ln orderlto implement the T;g? decision. .:Thus~,the,,regulations.envisioned by your ,,_, qu+tion, would-;be':necessaryfor 'the,implementation of the Thompson.,decision. .r. The Commission may-not+',of,course;r*makeregulations which. are contraFy to,.or:beyond.the$r statutory ;authorization. All- 'state.Insurance..:Co4v;“.State Board.--of: Iasuaance.;:;.~~,Ol. SW2d T‘JT- (Tex. Civ. App:,.-.:Austin 1966, writ ref'd n.r.e.f The-requla:', tions promulgated.by'the~~Commissfonmust'also be sufficiently explici-tto.inform those.bound:,by%hem what conduct will consti- tute a violatfon;-~'.RakIroad-Commi-ssion.-v; Ft. Worth and:.D.C. 161.SHLd,:56a.1~(Tex.. Civ, 'App.,cAustin 1942, writ $ll:o,*;m;)-*. .-_ S%ntie-ti 'violation'of,'-So&ion27(l) renders'the violator liable‘to-the!penal provisions'of Section 27(S), the rules promu&$atedtwith-respect-to Section->27(1)must.meet the strict:s,tanda,rdqlo-fj.~de-f~niteness- applicable to Enal statutes. "No one'may"bs requ%redr.atthe.peril of life, liberty or property'to'speculate as ---to: the.meanfng. _'_ - of--penalstatutes. All are entitled_to be informed as to what, the>State commends.or forbids." Lanyetta v;New Jersey,;+386,U.S*451, (1939). Lack ,of spe‘cE~d-~ty:~;wi-~l.render %he.rules void: as violative of theadue process clause .ofthe-Fourteenth Amendment of the U..S. Constitution.&;Gonna~~~:v.;.-GenPr~l.=Construction:Go,; 269 U. SI 385,,391 (&925). p. 329 Honorable Ivan Williams, page 7 (H-73) Your third question asks how the.Commission would enforce such a regulation. We noted,above that.the.Commission has the, power to require .information'fromtavernowners who own coin? operated machines. The Commission ,should consider sending notifications.,of. the rules.it.promulgates to ARC permittees. .. Through notification,,required reports'*,and, "spot checks" the Commission could,determineywhether -any businesses were not com- plying with Article 13.17. The Commission after such determina- tion could.. then notify the appropriate district.or~,countyattor- neys for.prosecution under:.thestatute. Since.the -businesses,that:the,Thompson decision is con- cerned with are all permittees..ofthe Alcoholic-Beverage Com- mission, it might-be approprfaterto soliuit..the.assistanceof that agency.in.some aspects-,ofcthe..enforcementof the Act. Article 13.17, ,Seotion-6 provides: "All'state~agencies.are,directed-to'cooperate .. Commission *in its.investiga- with the- . '-. tory.-functions-underthis Article, and shall prov,ide, it access to-their relevant records and reports . . . ." Article 13.17, Section,3, provides that the Commission may institute civil-proceedings through.the Attorney General against.violators which-would include.5njunctive relief. SUMMARY While the criteria for determining.the applica- bility of Article 13.17, Section 27fl)kto owners of permits'to sell or.serve-alcoholic-beverages for on- premises consumption may not:be-*determinedwith exacti- tude, it wou,ldnot be,,approprfate.,tozwdefine the term "incidental" in such,,awaythatwonld Lexclude only a very restrictive categoryof.‘tavern owners from the purview -of,Section.27(l). Such 'a-restrictiveinter- pretation,would not be-in .keepingwSth.-theintent of. Article 13.17, as expressed-,bythe Supreme Court, to "free the small tavern owner from the -hold of the machine industry" because,.suchan -interpretationwould result in many .tavernownersbeing:,forced to.lease machines from.jthe--vending-industry; Nonetheless, it is also inappropriate-.toconclude-that the.owners of such permits may"own>>an unlimitednumberof machines. p. 330 Honorable Ivan Williams, page 8 (H-73) The Amusement Machine,CommissionJpossesses the authorilzy,-to,promulgate,regu:lat$onsto regulate the number>of mach&nes an.owner:.of%a:per&it to sell or serve,alcotro-l;itr. .beveragesjfor on-premises consumption may ownathis placeof: business.;::These -rules must not go.-beyond.the~~Commia.s~on..'s .s.tatuttary a,uthoriz&on and-musk-be,sufficiently explicit.to,informthose~~ persons affeotedrby them what conduct*:will:constitute a violation;=-- The Commissfon.~may~.de.termine if any busi- nesses.are failing to comply-*withArticle 13.17. After s.ucha-determination, appropriate civil and criminal remedies,iireavailable-to the.-.Commission. d. -Very truly yours, I/ Attorney General of Texas DAVID MI.KENDALL; Chairman -. - Opinion Committee - '. p. 331
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion