Ron. &vinqton Reed, Cmmis8ionet QpiniOttU0. N-12i4 Coordinating Board Tuam College 8nd Univor8ity Syetem Ro: Whether, pursuant P. 0, Eaox 12788, Capitol Station to Section 61.025, Austin, Team8 78711 Texas Education Code, the Coordin- ating-Board may hold special emu- gency mectinga dealing solely with administrative m+t- terr without circu- lation of aa agenda , at leut 30 daya mar Dr. Rood: prior to the meeting your recent latter requeatin(i the opinhb ti lh&o 1 ottice concerning the referwed matter pores the lollOWing queationi 'Tan the Coordinating Bo.iird(Tcxa8,College and Univereity Syntem) hbld ~paoial emergency meetings dealing solely with administrative matters, provided regul8tions of the general laws of Texan are met, without circulation of an agenda 30 dap prior to ruch meeting?" Section 61.025, Texar Education Code (formerly Scctioa 6 of Article 29190-2, Vmrnon'a Civil Statutes), provides ae follows: -S956- . ; mn. Bevington Reed, page 2, (M-1214) majority of the ae&erohip of the baud “A constitute8 a quorum. The board mhall hold requ- lar quarterly lwetinga in the city of Aumtin, and other moetintaqat place8 and time8 scheduled by it in formal aeaaionm and called by the chairman. An agenda for the meetinqm in sufficient de&ail tQ ~ndicmte the itema Gn which final action ir m- 3~gg,led to the chairman of la c $ gwerning board and to the chief adrainirtrative 'officer of each atate institution of higher educa- tion lt leaat 30 day8 prior to the meeting." . (rpCusi8 added.) Section 61.021,,Toxaa Education Oode, providem,in prtinent put, that 'The Coordinating Board . . . ehall perform only the function8 which are enumerate+ in this chapter and which the legimlature may laeiqn to it. . . ," Set alao, Attorney General's Opinion No.'M-652 (19701, holding that purruant to Section 61.021, @he meru and function8 of the Coordinating Borrd art limited to thcs et eeo. specifically enumerated in Sactiono 61.021, -- Section 61.025 speak6 in term8 of "regular quarterly meetinga" and “other meetinga". It then goea on to require w that an agenda for "the meetings" shall be circulated at leas+ 30 days in advance. The agenda time requirement thun applies to && meeting8 of the board, regardlees of thtrr nature. -5957- Ron. Bevington Reed, page 3, (M-1214) We have cowidered all provirionm of Sections 61.02L, 2s as*, Toxaa Education Code, aid a;e unable to find within the enumerated powus and function8 of the Coordinating BorrZ any authority whereby the Board would be luth o r iwdto hold any regular, rpecial, o r lmugency meeting, dealing tither with admini8trative, coordinating, or any matterm, withou'tthe necmaity of circulating an agenda of such aeeting at ltaiic 30 days-prior to the meting. Accordingly, you are advised th8t your QAeation in umwerod in tho noqativo. BY4BhEX Purmmnt to Bwtion 61.025, Texar Education . Code, the Coordinating Board, TeXaS College and Vnivereity Syrtem. has no authority to hold an official meeting without:cikculatiod of,the aqenda for such meeting at least 30 day8 prior to the meeting. w ney iIener81of TtXaS Eon. Bevington Reed, page 4, (M-l'Li4) Prepared by Auntin C. Bray, Jr. A88i8tant Attorney General APPROVED8 OPIuIOrlcomITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman Lewi8 Jone8 Jamer M8xwell Jim Swearingen Fisher Tyler SAMUBL D. MCDANIEL Staff Legal A88i8tant ALFRND WAIKBR IkeCUtiVe A88i8tant NOM WNITB Fir8t A88i8tant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion