Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE A~TBECNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AunTIN.TEXAm 78711 CnAWFORD c. MARTlN .4T-rORNEY DENJCRAL July 11,1972 Honora.ble Ja,ck McLaughlin Opinion No. M-l 169 Commissioner Bureau of Labor Statistics Re: Whether the provisions of Performance Certification Board Section 6 of House Bill 956, for Mobile Homes being Article 52216 V. C. S., Box 12157, Capitol Station the Uniform Sta,ndards Code Austin. Texas 78711 for Mobile Homes, defer the enforcement of Section 4, subpara.graph (A-2) of the Act until more tha.n twelve months a,fter the a,doption of Dear Mr. McLaughlin: the Code7 You request our opinion concerning the current enforceability of Section 4 (a) (2) of Article 5221f, V. C. S., in light of the requirements of Section 6 thereof. Section 4 (a) (2) reads as follows: “(2) It is unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale within this State any mobile home manufactured after the effective da,te of this Act unless such mobile home meets the plumbing, hea,ting a.nd electrical insta,llation require- ments a.dopted by the board pursuant to this Act. [Empha: s&added. ] Section 6 rea,ds as follows: “Section 6. It is unlawful for a.ny dealer within or without this State to sell or offer for sa,le to dealers or to the public of this Sta,te any mobile home manu- factured more than twelve months a.fter the adoption -5706- . . Honorable Jack McLaughlin, page 2 ( M-l 169) or promulgation of the Code unless said mobile home complies with the Code, bears a seal of approval issued by the department, a,nd is the manufactured product of a, manufacturer possessing a current certi- ficate of acceptability issued by the department. ” [Empha.sis a.dded. ] The “Code” referred to in Section 6 is defined by Section 4 (j) as: “(j) The standards and requirements adopted or pro- mulgated by the boa.rd for the installation of plumbing, heating and electrica, systems in mobile homes a,nd for the body and frame design a,nd construction of mobile homes shall be known as the Uniform Standards Code for Mobile Homes (hereina.fter referred to a.s the ‘Code’). ” Section 4 (a) (l), (2) refers to requirements and standards for the installation of plumbing, heating and electrica. systems. Section 4 (b) (l), (2) refers to requirements and standards for body a~ndframe design a.nd construction. The former are effective and enforceable immediately upon adoption by the boa.rd as to all mobile homes man- ufa.ctured a,fter the effective da.te of the Act. The latter are effse twelve (12) months after adoption by the board as to a,!1 mobile homes manufactured after that effective date. both categories are part of The “Code. I1 Section 6 relates specifically to mobile homes manufactured more than twelve months after the a.doption or promulgation of the “Code. ” body a.nd frame and construction sta.ndards, a.s part of the ‘Code, I’ are not enforcea,ble against manufacturers until after twelve (12) months from the date of a.doption of standa,rds and requirements therefor. Section 4 (b) (2) and Section 5 (a). Section 6 prohibits sa,les by dealers of mobile homes made by a manufacturer who has not obtained a certi- ficate of acceptability from the board. The manufacturer ca.nnot be required to obta.in a certificate of acceptability until twelve (12) months a.fter the board has adopted requirements and standards for body and frame design and construction. Section 5 (a). To be consis- -5707- Honorable Jack McLaughlin, page 3 ( M- 1 i 69) tent with Sections 4 (b) (2) and 5 (a), Section 6 can be operative only a,fter twelve (12) months from the date the board a,dopts the code body and frame and construction requirements and standards, Therefore, to construe the Act so as to give effect to a,11pro- visions, we hold that the requirements of Section 4 (a) (1) and (2) are enforceable as of the date (December 15, 1971) the board adopted requirements and standards relating to the installation of heating, plumbing and electrical systems. SUMMAR.Y Section 4 (a) (2),, Article 5221f, V. C. S., relating to requirements and standards for the installation of heating, plumbing and electrica,l systems in mobile homes, was enforceable immediately upon adoption by the Performance Certification Board of regulations pertaining thereto on December 15, 1971. Yo r very truly, /JGJ Prepared by Rex H. White, Jr. Assistant Attorney General APPROVED. OPINION COMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman -5708- Honorable Jack McLaughlin, page 4 ( M-1169) Roger Tyler Ha,rriet Burke Austin Bray Ben Harrison SAMUEL D, MCDANIEL Staff Legal Assistant ALFRED WALKER Executive Assistant NOLA WHITE First Assistant -5709-