Hon. J. W. Edgar Opiinion No. M- 1051 Commissioner of Zducation Texas Education Agent} . RF?: W11etha.rretirecd em~~.ny- 201 East 11th Street. ees of the Texeis Educa- Austin. ‘i’oxas 78701 tion Agency, who ar ,~ot ireceivin9 ratir~merli. benefits as melrbers ,jf the Employees ;i' the System. YOU state in your letter that very few retired employees of the Texas Educatlor, Agency and its Special Schools are members of the Employees Pet 1rener,t :;yste:,i: , Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 2, (M -1052) We quote your first question as follows: “1.Are employees of this Agency who have retired from active service with the State, and who are nc,t receiving retirement benefits as members of the Employee Retirement System, eligible for payment of premiums on policies containing qroup life, health, accident, acci- dental death and dismemberment. disability in- come replacement and hospital, surgical and/or medical expense, equal to that of its regular employees?" Subdi.vi,sionA of Section 3, Article 6228a provides that persons who are covered by the Teacher Re,tirement Act shall not be eligible for participation in the Employees Retirement System of Texas as defined in Section 2 of Article 6228a. Therefore, any retired employees of your agency who are retired under the provisions of the Teacher Retirement System are specifically excluded from Article 6228a. Sub- division B of Sectj.on 9, Article 622Sa by its very specific terms applies only to "member retirees" of the Employees Retirement System of Texas. We must conclude that unless a person 1s a member retiree of the Employees Retirement System of Texas, the person would not be entitled to the provisions of that system. Section 10 of Article V of the Appropriation Bill of 1971 (S.B. 11, Acts 62nd tog.. R.S. 1971. p.V-313) is enti.ttled "Limltationa on Use 0f Other Expense Funds for Paying Salaries and Wages." This section has previously been construed by this office in Attorney General's Opinion M-919 (1971), in which it was concluded that the word "shall" in the fourth paragraph did not make State contributions mandatory. We held that "shall" was mandatory only in designatrnq the funds from which any con- tribution must be made. Sect.~,m 3 of Art'rc 1e V of the Appropria~trons Act (S. B. 11, Acts 62nd Leq., R.S. .S971. p,V-33) authorizes the re- sponsible officral to transfe,r into the operating fund of the agency from local funds and federal grants sufficient monres -5141- Hon. J. w. Edgar, page 3. (M-1052.) to pay the State's share of premiums for insurance for re- tired employees, We can not consirue Section 3, however, as enabling leqislarion to ,the Texas Education Agency to pay a portion of the premiums for the insurance of its retired em- ployees. Section 44 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas provides .t%at the Legislature shall not grant by abpro- priation or otherwise any amourrt of money out of the Treasury of the State to any individual on a claim, real or pretended, when ,the same shall not have been provided for by pre-existing law. This provision of the Constitution has been construed to mean that the Legislature has no power to make an appropriation unless at the very time the appropriation was made there existed some pre-existing law authorizing the same. Ft. Worth Cavalry _Club, Inc. vs. She'nyard, Controller, 835 S.W. 660 S.Ct. 1935. In Austin National Bank of Austin vs ,&eppard, 123 Tex. 272 71 S.W.Zd 242 (1934)--&r Supreme Court held that the Legislature cannot appropriate State money to any individual unless at the very time the appropriation is made there is al- ready in force some valid law constituting the claim the appro- priation is made to pay a legal and valid obligation of the State. Since Article 622&a specifically excludes retired em- ployees of the Texas Education Aqency from its provisions and there is no previous existing law similar to Subdivision B of Section 9 of Art:icle 62263, which would be applicable to the Texas Education Aqency; we must answer your question in the neq- ative. In view of the negative answer to your first question, it becomes unnecessary to answer your second and third questions. Subdivisi.on a of Section 9 of Article 622&l, v.cs.. does not include 'retired em- ployees of the 'Texas Education Agency in its -5142- c Hon. J. w. Edgar, page 4, \M~-105?) provisions unless those retired employees are members of ,theEmployees Retirement System of Texas as defined in Section 2 of Article 622Sa, V.C.S. The 1971.Appropriation Bill (s.13. 11, Acts 62nd Leg., R.S.) is legally insufficient to autho:riee the Texas Education Agency to participate separately in ,thepayment of prem- iums of insurance for its retired employees, there beiny no pre-existing law .to support it as required by Article III, Section 44, Consti- tution of Texas. /;;7 Vety' truly yours, Atto$kay General of Te%as Prepared by Robert W. Gauso Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMIITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W, E, Allen, Co-Chairman Houghton Brownlee Ronnie Driver John Grace Jim Swearingen SAN FcDANIEL Staff Legal Assistant ALFRED WALKER Executive Assistant NOLA WHITE First Assistant -5143-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion