Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . Hon. Grover E. Murray, President Opinion No. M-757 Texas Tech University School of Medicine Re: Whether, pursuant to P. 0. BOX 4349 Article 2919e-2, Vernon's Lubbock, Texas 79409 Civil Statutes, the Coordinating Board of the Texas College and University System may order the initiation of a degree program in vet- erinary medicine at Texas Tech University School of Medicine without passage of im- Dear Mr. Murray: plementing legislation. your recent letter requesting an opinion from this office concerning the referenced matter poses the following question: Whether the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, acting under the authority granted by the Higher Education Act of 1965, may, without passage of implementing legi- slation, order the initiation of degree programs in veterinary medicine at Texas Tech University School of Medicine at Lubbock upon an application duly made by the Board of Regents of the University for such programs?” your letter also states that, on September 26, 1970, the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University Medical School unanimously passed the following resolution: WBBREAB, the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University School of Medicine at Lubbock has ap- proved a request for the development of a veteri- nary medicine program; and -3697- I . Hon. Grover E. Murray, page 2 (M-757) "WBEEEAS, it shall be necessary that ap- plications be made to the appropriate authori- ties for the establishment of a veterinary medicine program; "THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the necessary applications be made by the Administration to the appropriate authorities for the establishment of said veterinary medicine program." The Texas Tech University Medical School was estab- lished in 1969 by Article 2632i, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Section 3 of that Article provides: "The board of (regents of Texas Tech Uni- versity, acting as the board of regents of the Medical School), or its successors, may orescribe courses leadins to customarv decrees and may make other rules and regulations for the direction, control, and management of the Texas (Tech University) School of Medicine as is necessary for the school to be a medical school of the first class." (emphasis added.) Section 8 of that Article providesr "The medical school is subject to the continuing supervision and the rules and regu- lations of the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, as provided by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Act of 1965 (Article 2919e-2, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes)." The powers of the Coordinating Board of the Texas College and University System are set forth in Article 2919e-2, Vernon's Civil Statutes, which is the Higher Education Coordina- ting Act of 1965 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). -3698- . Hon. Grover E. Murray, page 3 (M-757) Apposite portions of the Act are as follows: "Sec. 2. Wherever used in this Act the follow- ing words and phrases shall have the indicated meaning: "(a) 'Board' means the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System herein created. "(e) 'Medical and dental unit' means The Xniversi'ry u? Yesca-s 'IVUZ+LX.~L %r-h-n-dn . . . ~4tnlt ~)UL?L other medical or dental schools as may be estab- lished by statute or as provided in this Act. "(9) 'Institution of higher education' means any public junior college, public senior college or university, medical or dental unit or other agency of higher education as herein defined. II . . . "Sec. 3. . . . Functions vested in the governing boards of the respective institutions of higher edu- cation, not specifically delegated to the Board, shall be performed by such boards. The coordinating functions and other duties delegated to the Board in this Act shall apply to all public institutions of higher education. II . . . "Sec. 10. The Board shall represent the hiqhest authoritv in the State in matters of public hiqher education and shall II. . . "(3) Classifv, and nrescribe the role and scope for, each public institution of hiqher education in Texas and make such chanqes in classification or role and scope of such in- stitutions as it deems necessary. -3699- Hon, Grover E. Murray, page 4 (M-757) "(4) Hear applica,tionsfrom the institutions for changes in classification or role and scone. "(5) Review periodically all degree and certificate programs offered by the institutions of higher education to assure that they meet the present and future needs of the State, "'(6)Order the initiation, consolidation or elimination of aeqree or certificate programs where such action is in the best interests of the institutions themselves or the general re- quirements of the State of Texas, or when such action offers hope of achieving excellence by a concentration of available resources, No new de- partment D sch00~~ degree program, or certificate program shalP be added at any institution of higher education after the effective date of this Act, except with specific prior approval of the Board. u See, 11, DevePop and promote one or more deqree or certificate proqrx to the highest attainable quaPity at each in&j&ution of hiqher education for which the particular institution -iv suite-dand for which there is marked promise of excellence, "Sec. 12, Anv order of the Board affectinq the classification, role and scope and proqram of any institution of bioher education shall be entered only (1) after a written factual report and,recom- mendations from the Commissioner of Higher Education covering the matter to be acted upon has been received by the Board and distributed to the governing board and administrative head of the affected institution, -3700- . . Hon. Grover E. Murray, page 5 (M-757) (2) after the question has been placed upon the agenda for a regularly-scheduled quarterly meeting, and (3) after the governing board of the affected institution has had an opportunity to be heard. Notice of the Board's action shall be given in writing to the governing board concerned not later than four months preceding the fall term in which the change is to take effect. "Sec. 13. . . . No new department, school or decree or certificate procram approved by the Board or its predecessor . . . shall be initiated bv anv institution of hisher education after the effective date of this Act until the Board shall make a written findinc that the department, school or decree or certificate proaram is adequately financed bv leqislative aunropriation, bv funds allocated bv the Board. and/or by funds from other sources . . ." (emphasis added.) Those portions of Section 10 of the Act, quoted supra, confer broad, discretionary powers on the Coordinating Board to prescribe and classify the "role" and "scope" of the Texas Tech University Medical School, and to order the initiation of degree programs. Consequently, we are of the opinion that the Coordin- ating Board, after (1) receiving an application from the Texas Tech University Medical School requesting a change in its role and scope as required by Section lO(4) of the Act, and (2) after complying with the requirements of Section 12 of the Act quoted supra, may order the initiation of a degree program in veterinary medicine within the Texas Tech University Medical School, and thereby alter the traditional "role" and "scope" of that school. -3701- Bon. Grover E. Murray, page 6 (M-757) We now come to the question of the necessity of im- plementing legislation to effectuate the initiation of the vet- erinary degree program. We are of the opinion that this question has been conclusively settled by Attorney General's Opinion No. M-333 (1969), which held that the Board of Directors of Texas Tech- nological College had the power to create a medical school at that institution without the passage of implementing legislation. See also Attorney General's Opinion No. M-365 (1969).' In view of the foregoing, your question is answered in the affirmative. SUMMARY The Coordinating Board of the Texas College and University System, pursuant to Article 2919e-2, Vernon"s Civil Statutes, may alter the role and scope of the Texas Tech University Medical School, and thereby order the initiation of a degree program in veterinary medicine within that School. eneral of Texas Prepared by Austin C. Bray, Jr. Assistant Attorney General -3702- . ‘. Hon. Grover E. Murray, page 7 (M-757) APPROVED: OPINION CCbU4ITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman J. C. Davis Jim Broadhurst John Banks Roland Allen MEADE F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant ATZREDWALKER Executive Assistant NOLAWHITE First Assistant -3703-