Honorable Robert S. Calve& Opinion No. M- 722 Comptroller of Public Aocounte State Finance Building Re: Taxability of bank share8 Austin, Texas of stock for ad valorem tax pprposes under Articles 7165 or 7166, Vernon's Civil Statutes, where the bink Dear Mr. Calvert: 18 not doing business. The question presented in this requeet involves the taxability for the year 1970 of shares of 8tOok of a etate banking corporation which on January 1, 1970, wa8 not doing business in Texas. Wore epecifically the question atatesz "Whether shares of stock in a atate bank represented by instruments in writing issued on December 15, 1969, and contract8 forming an integral part thereof, are taxable for ad valorem tax purpose8 a8 shares of stook under Article8 7165,and 7166, Vernon Civil Statutes, Por the year 1970, when the bank wa8 not authorized to commence operations as a bank until (I) all con- ditions precedent of the State Department of Banking were met, and (ii) all agreement8 and contract8 among the principal organizer8 with ita conditional share- holder respeating whether the bank would commence were complied with, and whiqh bank in fact did not commence operation until January 3.9,1970, such conditions to operate not being fully 8ati8i’ied until such date." The etatutea dealing with ad valorem taxation of bank8 and bank etock are Articles 7165 and 7166, Title 122, Taxation, Vernon'8 Civil Statutee, which read in part: Article 7165: "Every bank, whether of,lissue' or depoalt,...shall at the tima,fixed by this chapter for listing personal property, make out and furnish the a88e88or of taxes a sworn state- ment ehowing: -3493- Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (M-722) . . . "4. All other banka, (other than national banks)... shall render their list In the following manner: ... '5. All other property belonging or appertaining to said bank or buslneaa, including both personal property and real eatate, shall be,,lleteda8 other personal property and real estate. (language in parenthesis oura) Article 7166: "Every banking corporation, State or national, doin brinesa In thl8 State ehall,...render its real+ e8 ate the tax a88e8aor at the time and In the manner required of IndIvIduala. At .the time of making euah rendition the president or Borneother officer of said bank shall file with said a8Be88or a sworn statement showing the number and amount of the share8 of said bank,... Every shareholder of said bank shall,... render at their actual value to the tax asse88or all 8har8S owned by him in such bank;... Each ahare in 8UCh bank ahall be taxed only for the difference between Its actual cash value ahd the proportionate amount per share at which its reti estate 18 aSSe88ed...." (emphasis added). Each of these two statutes, on their face, would 8eem to require the rendition of real estate and personal property. This, however, la not the case a8 the Court in City of IAar8hall v. State Bank of-Marshall. 127 S.W. 1083 (Tex.Civ.App. 1910, error refueedl, construed,these-itat&tes, taken together, %b m&an that Article 7166, supra, operates: II ...to except Incorporated state banks from the rovlslons of Article 5079, (now article 71657 1n 80 far a8 that article may be relied on a8 a ba8l8 Of a8Be8Si the personal property of such banka." (page 10"f6) (language In parenthesle ours). -3494- Hon. Robert 9. Calvert, page 3,(&b722) From the oonstruotion given to Artlole 7166, mpra, it i8 evident that said Artlole must b8 looked to alone, In dQte?minlng the taxability of share8 of 8tOak of a banking aorporation, This Article Is limited In it8 applioation to oorpQratiOnS In Texar. The banking corporation desarlbed in thir not comence its buSine88 operations until January 19, 1970. On January 1,.1970, when the 1970 ad val,orem taxer Were a88e888da the banking corporation wa8 not doing bu8ineS8 in Texas; therefore, Its share8 of stook outstanding were not required to be rindered by the shareholders of said bank under A&iole 7166,, supra. Where the ahareholder Is not required to rendar for taxation It allo fOllOW8 that he oannot be compelled to pay taxe8 upon the authority of Artiole 7166, supra. City or MarShall'v. State Bank of Marshall, supra. The banking corporation is not Pequlred to render It8 issued and outstanding sharer and ie thezVfoPDnot taxable on these sharea, The banking oor oration 18 not required to render such property under Artlale 716% , rup~a, and thr taxa- tlon 0r Lts pereonal property i8 exoepted rr0m the provlrlon8 of Artiole 7165, supra. !l& request limit8 its lnquirg to the taxability of .the bank share8 of stock under only Articles 7165, and 7166, rrupra. SUMMARY Shares of 8toak of a banking oorporation are not taxable for ad valorem tax purposes under Artlole '7165,Title 122, Nxatlon,V.C.S.* nor are they taxable ror 1970 under Article 71k6 of that Title where the corporation wan not doing buslners in TexaS_on January 1, 1970. C. MARTIN Oenwal 0r Texu -3495- Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 4 (M- 722) Prepared by Wardlow Lane Aesistant Attorney Qeneral APPROVED: OPINION COIMITTEB Kerns Taylor, Chairman Bill Allen, Co-Chairnlan Harriet Burke Max :+Iamllt on Bob Flowers Jack Qoodman MEADE 8. QRIFFIN Staff I&gal b8i8tWlt ALFREDWALKER Executive k38iStSBt NOLA WHITE First ASeietant -3496-