. 1, E IFTEXAS AGSTIN. TEXAS 78711 September 10, 1970 Honorable Bruce Gibson Commissioner Opinion No. M-688 Credit Union Department 900 Congress Avenue Re: Questions relative to Austin, Texas 78701 whether the duties set forth in Article 2461, Sec. 12(b), (17), Ver- non's Civil Statutes, are mandatory or per- missive. Dear Mr. Gibson: Reference is made to your letter in which you request an opinion from this office as to the captioned matter. We quote from your letter, in part, as follows: "Following the recodificationof the Credit Union Laws of Texas which became effectiveMay 13, 1969, various Credit Unions under this Department'ssupervisionhave expressed concern as to the legal intent of a particular duty of the B,oardof Direc- tors of their Credit Unions. You then request our opinion to the following questions: (1) Is the duty set out under Articles 2461-12(b) and 2461-17, V. C. S., permissive or mandatory? This is a new provision in the current Act and, if mandatory, could result in a distinct hardship on many of the smaller credit unions. (2) ;f,;Fe answer to (1) above is 'permis- then are any of the subsections of Article 2461-12(b) also permissive? (3) If the answer to (1) above is 'mandatory' then are any of the subsectionsof Article 2461-12(b) also mandatory? -3309- Honorable Bruce Gibson, Page 2, (M-688) It is noted that Article 2461-12, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Credit Union Act, pertains to the board of directors of credit union organizations. It is comprised of two subsections,with sub- section (a) providing as follows: "The board of directors shall have the general direction of the affairs, funds, and records of the Credit Union and shall meet as often as nece,ssary,but not less than once each month." Subsection (b) provides: "It shall be the special duty of the directors to:. . .' Following this introductorylanguage are the enumerated special duties of the board of directors,nineteen in number. Your questions as heretofore quoted relate to these nineteen special duties of the board of directors and can be thusly stated: Are these nineteen special duties of the board of directors as enumer- ated in Article 2461-12(b)mandatory or permissive? "There is no universal rule or absolute test by which directory provisions in a statute may in all circumstancesbe distinguishedfrom those which are mandatory. However, in the determinationof this question, as of every other question of statutory construction,the prime object is to ascertain the legislativeintent." 82 c,J.s. 869, Statutes, Section 376. The crucial test necessarily requires the proper construc- tion of the phrase9 "It shall be the special duty," and more speci- fically, the word "shall." The Supreme Court of Texas, in the case of Chisholm v. Bewle Mills, 287 S.W. 2d 943, (Tex. Sup. 1956), observed the owing w en confrontedwith our particular question. 357+-E "There is no absolute test by which it may be determinedwhether a statutoryprovision is mandatory or directory. The fundamental rule is to ascertain and give effect to the legislativeintent. Although the word 'shall' is generally construed to be mandatory, it may be and frequently fs held to be merely dfrec- tory. In determiningwhether the Legislature -3310- Honorable Bruce Gibson, Page 3, (M-688) intended the particularprovision to be manda- tory or merely directory, considerationshould be given to the entire act, its nature and ob- ject, and the consequencesthat would follow from each construction. Provisionswhich are not of the essence of the thing to be done, but which are included for the purpose of promoting the proper, orderly and prompt conduct of busi- ness, are not generally regarded as mandatory." Applying this fundamentalrule as laid down by the Supreme Court of Texas to the nineteen special duties of Article 2461-12(b), we reach the following conclusions: Article 2461-12(b), Subsections G&Q ~~)l;la;~~co$;)I (a), (lo), (12) ana (13) are deemed by this Article 2461-12(b), Subsections (6), (7), (9), (ll), (l~;%~:s~16~, (17b, (18) and (19) appear to be permissive or directoryprovis ens, ut could be considered mandatory under some particular facts and circumstances. The mandatory provisions read, in part, as follows: ”(1) act upon applicationsfor membership. . . ”(2) purchase a blanket fidelity bond. . . “(3) determine from time to time the rate(s) of interest which shall be charged on loans. . . ” (4) declare dividends (if any) in the w and manner as provided by the bZaiK . .- (parenthesisours) ” (5) determine the rate(s) of interest to be paid on deposits. . . 11(a) fix from time to time the maximum amount. . . which may be loaned to any member. . . “(10) authorize the employmentand compensation of such person. . .as may be necessary to carry on the business of the credit union; "(12) authorize the borrowing or lending of money to carry on the functions of the credit unions; ” (13) designate a depository or depositoriesfor the funds of the credit union." The permissive or directory provisions involving the exercise of judgment or discretion under the factual situation -3311- Honorable Bruce Gibson, Page 4, (M- 688) presented read.,in part, as follows: ”(6) limit the number of shares which may be owned by a member. . . "(7) fill vacancies occurring between annual meetings on a board of directors, credit committee, and audit committee. . . ”(9) authorize the investmentof funds of the credit union. . . "(11) authorize the conveyance of property; "(14) upon two-thirds approval, the board of directors may replace any or all members of the audit committee for failure to perform their duties until the next members' meeting. . . "(15) authorize and provide for the compensation of auditing assistance requested by the audit committee; "(16) suspend from his official position any officer or director who fails to attend regular meetings. . .or who otherwise fails to perform any of the duties re- quired of him as an official; "(17) appoint from its own number an executive committee to exercise such authority as may be delegated to it by the board of directors between meetings of the board of directors; yla) perform or authorize any action consistent with this Act not specificallyreserved. . . for the members, and perform such other duties as the members may time to time require; ” (19) appoint any committees deemed necessary. . .' Considering the purpose of each mandatory provision, it is our opinion these words when read with the prefatory language of the Article, "It shall be the special duty of the directors to", are an indication the Legislaturemeant such d ti fth B cl of Directors to be of an imperative nature. P%szkg to the';&- guage of Chisholm v. Bewley Mills, supra, these provisions are of the essence of the thing to be done. -3312- . . Honorable Bruce Gibson,,Page5, (M- 688) The permissive or directoryprovisions, i.e., Article 2461-12(b , subsections (6), (7), (g), (lo), (ll), (12), (14) (s), (16 I, (17), (18) ana (19) reflect a legislativeintent to confer upon the board of directors a measure of discretion as to when, where.and how such authority should be exercised; and depending upon the particular facts presented they % be considered either permissive or mandatory. See Chisholm v. Be;le; M;l;s, supra. Also, the case of Prosper Independent SC oo D s rict v. Collin County School Trustees, 51 w 2 (Tex. Civ. App. 1932 ff c A 9 s w 2d ;j;sh:uld be noted as to the follokzg ~bs~%at%~ l* If .Generally,the lodging of author- . ,. ity in any designatedboard or form carries with it the right of such board or form to determine whether a proper case has arisen for the exercise of such power. . .' %~Itis,noted that while in this case a writ of error was granted and the judgment of the Court of Civil Appeals was affirmed, the opinion did not discuss the point under consideration. It is important to observe that a statutoryprovision may be permissive as to some matters and mandatory as to others, as pointed out in 50 American Jurisprudence39, Statutes, Section 18: "There are even provisions which have been regarded as mandatory when involved in some proceedings, and directory when involved in others, or mandatory under some circumstances and directory under other circumstances." Since we have been presented no facts or'circumstences, our opinion cannot be construed as determiningthe proper charac- terization of the statutoryprovisions under any and all circum- stances or as applied to the facts of a particular case. The question of the constructionof statutory provisions as they may involved the "protection of third persons" must sometimes be considered;also, whether any "substantialrights depend on com- pliance with the particular provisions and no injury can result from ignoring them," and whether "the legislative intent can be accomplishedin a manner other thanthat prescribed with substan- tially the same results." Such factors are sometimes a necessary part of statutory constructionand must begapplied to the facts See State v. Frisby, lo8 N.W. 2d 769, 773 -3313- ._ ._ Honorable Bruce Gibson, Page 6, (N- 688) mandatory provisions on the board of directors of credit union organizations. Article 2461-12 b), Subsections (6 , (1 4 1, (16), (17)s (18 of the above Act, depending upon‘?%-facts presented may be mandatory or- permissive provisions on the board of direc- tors of credit union organizations. 3) A characterizationcannot be made under all facts and circumstances,and the facts and circumstanceswill sometlmes be determinativeof a particular statutory cons ruction. A s very truly, ey General of Texas Prepared by Ray McGregor Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman Jim Swearingen James Quick Jack Goodman Jack Sparks MEADE F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant AIFREDWAXER Executive Assistant NOLA WHITE First Assistant -3314-