IE: GENERAL Honorable John W. Warner Opinion No. M-654 County Attorney Gray County Re: Whether a county is required P. O.'BOX 635 to furnish office space for Pampa, Texas the Home Demonstration Agent and the County Farm Agent. Dear Mr. Warner: Your request for an opinion asks whether r3rayCounty Is required to furnish office space for the Home Demonstration Agent and the County Farm Agent. We have not been cited to any statute nor have we found any statute which requires the county commissioners court to furnish office space for the above named agents. The statutes which control the answer to your question are Article 164, Vernon's Civil Statutes, and Section 1 of Article 2372e-2, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Article 164 provides: "The Commissioner's Court of any county of this State Is authorized to establish and con- duct co-operative demonstration work in agrlcul- ture and home economics In co-operation with the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the Commissioners' Court and the agents of the Aaricultural and Mechanical College of Texas; and may employ such means, and may ap- roprlate and expend such sums of money as ma !; ;;;;s;ary to effectively establish and carzy emonstratlon work In Agriculture and Home Economics in their respective counties." (Emphasis added.) Section 1 of Article 2372e-2, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides: "The County Commissioners Courts and the City Commission of any incorporated town or -3133- . . Hon. John W. Warner, page 2 (M-654) city of this State are hereby authorized to lease, rent, or nrovide office space for the purpose of aiding and co-operating with the agencies of the State and Federal Governments engaged in the administration of relief to the unemployed or needy people of the State of Texas, and to pay the regular monthly utility bills for such offices. such as llahts, and water; the County’s O&era1 Fund by warrants as In the payment of such other’obligatlons of the county.” (Emphasis added,) In construing the provisions of Article 2372e-2, this’ office concluded In Attorney General's Opinion O-1928 (1940) that: “It Is our opinion that such article fully authorizes the commissioners’ court to make the expenditures inquired about, if a majority of the membership thereof has concluded the neces- sity therefor, even though the office space so furnished, miaht result in benefits to be derived to the needy of adjoining counties.’ (Emphasis added.) Furthermore, this office concluded In Attorney Qeneral's Opinion V-1272 (1951) that the question of "necessity" of expen- diture of county funds for the purpose of providing telephone service, office supplies and equipment and long distance tele- phone tolls for offices of the County Agricultural Agent and the County Home Demonstration Agent was left to the discretion of the commissioners court. We quote the following from Attorney Gen- era1 ‘s Opinion V-1272 (1951): “This office has held that Article 164 pro- vides authority for the expenditure of county funds for the erection of a building to house the County Agricultural Agent and the Home Demonstration Agent. Att'y. Gen.Op. 0-251.6 (1940). We have also held that the same statute authorizes the expenditure of county -3134- . . Hon. John W. Warner, Page 3 (M-654) funds for the purchase of kitchen equipment to be used by the-home demonstration agent. Att'y Gen. Op. O-b20 (1939). In view of the foregoing, It Is our opinion that authority exists for the payment of telephone service, office supplies and equipment, and long dis- tance tolls for the offices of the County Ag- ricultural Agent and the County Home Demon- stration Agent. However, the expenditure of County funds for such purpose and the necessity therefor is left to the discretion of the Corn-, mlsslonersQ It;aur% 7~7Z~L?I.~ ?7~un%-y.ti%'~-y %=I. Op. O-b20 (1939)." (Emphasis added.) In view of the foregoing we conclude that whether office space is furnished by the county for the Home Demonstration Agent and the County Farm Agent is left to the discretion of the commissioners court. Therefore, in answer to your question you are advised that the commissioners court is authorized, but not required, to furnish office space for the Home Demonstration Agent and the County Farm Agent. This opinion assumes that Gray County has not entered into outstanding contractual obligations pursuant to the above quoted statutes, whereby Gray County has agreed to furnish office space for such agents. SUMMARY The Legislature has left to the commissioners court to determine whether office space should be furnished by the county for the Home Demonstration Agent and the County Farm Agent. In the absence of outstanding contractual obligations the commissioners court is not required to furnish office space for such agencies, but the commissioners court Is au- thorized to furnish such office space under the pro- visions of Article 164 and Article 2372e-2, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Vef(truly young, Prepared by John Reeves Assistant Attorney General -3135- Hon. John W. Warner, page 4 (M-654) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Co-Chairman Glenn Brown W. 0. Shultz Gordon Cass MEADE F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant ALFRED WALKER Executive Assistant NOLA WHITE First Assistant -3136-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion